Publications of City of London (England). Corporation.


  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The ansvver of the right honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and Common-council of the the city of London, to his Majesties gracious letter and declaration, sent by the Lord Mordant; and a present of ten thousand pounds from the city to the King; with their declaration to sumbit to his Majesties government, and an order for taking down the States Arms, and setting up of the Kings. The names of the Earls, Lords, and gentlemen, appointed to go to the King; the rich and glorious crown and scepter, preparing for the day-tryumphant of his Royal Majesties coronation; and one humdred thousand pound a year to be setled upon the King, in lieu of the Court of Wards and Liveries, to the great joy of all loyal subjects. London : printed for Samuel Styles, living in Fleet-street, [1660]. ESTC No. R208527. Grub Street ID 84773.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. To the right honourable the Council of State. The report of all the births, baptizings, and burials, within the City of London, and liberties thereof: together with the out-parishes thereunto adjoyning: and the city of Westminster; with the parishes of Lambeth, &c. From th [blank] day of [blank] to the [blank] day of [blank] 16 [blank]. London? : s.n., 1660. ESTC No. R207826. Grub Street ID 369626.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Seasonable orders for the city of London, Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark; to be carefully observed and duly kept by all tradesmen, house-keepers, and others; for the reformation of all sorts of habit and apparel, worn by their apprentices, during the time of their apprentiships. And an order for points, ribbons, &c. and all other commodities, appertaining to the garnishing or setting forth the habit worn by any apprentice, during the time of his indenture, &c. Published by authority, for satisfaction to all people. London : printed for Geo: Sanders, 1662. ESTC No. R233325. Grub Street ID 104887.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. London. ss. VVhereas by the laws of this land (for very good reasons therein set forth) all private meetings and unlawfull assemblies are prohibited under divers peins and penalties in the same expressed, . London : s.n., 1662. ESTC No. R213367. Grub Street ID 369627.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The lawes, orders, and statutes, authorised and appointed for the citizens of London, concerning the price of all kind of provisions, both for meal, butter, cheese, flesh, poultery, and other kinds of victuals; to be observed and kept in all publick markets, throughout the cities of London, and Westminster; borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent. With the several rules and orders, touching butchers, victuallers, and inn-keepers; and the fines, and penaltyes, that are to be inflicted upon all persons, that shall act contrary to the laws of the market herein prescribed. Published by special authority. London : printed for G. Horton, 1662. ESTC No. R16360. Grub Street ID 64221.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guild-hall civitas London, vicesimo tertio die Maii, anno Domini Christi 1663 ... an Act of Common-Council for the Translation of all Persons that Keep Inns, Osteries [sic], or Livery-Stables within this City and Liberties, into the Company of Innholders. London : s.n., 1663. ESTC No. R39342. Grub Street ID 369628.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and Aldermen of the city of London, concerning the infection of the plague. London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable city of London, [1665. ESTC No. R39821. Grub Street ID 121683.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. London's dreadful visitation: or, A collection of all the bills of mortality for this present year: beginning the 27th. of December 1664. and ending the 19th. of December following: as also, The general or whole years bill.: According to the report made to the King's most excellent Majesty, by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London, &c. London : Printed and are to be sold by E. Cotes living in Aldersgate-street, printer to the said Company, 1665. ESTC No. R233540. Grub Street ID 105052.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guildhall civitas London, vicesimo primo die Junii, anno Domini, 1665. London : Printed by William Godbid .., [1665]. ESTC No. R39343. Grub Street ID 121242.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guild-hall civitatis London, die Martis, quarto die Julii anno Dom' 1665. London] : Printed by James Flesher ..., 1665. ESTC No. R42140. Grub Street ID 123575.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. London's dreadful visitation: or, A collection of all the bills of mortality for this present year: beginning the 20th. of December 1664. and ending the 19th. of December following: as also, The general or whole years bill: according to the report made to the King's most excellent Majesty, by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London, &c. London : Printed and are to be sold by E. Cotes living in Aldersgate-street, printer to the said Company, 1665. ESTC No. R12998. Grub Street ID 61129.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A Table of the severall scantlings & sorts of tymber that shall bee vsed in ye future buildings of all edifices within the citty of London and liberties thereof agreed upon by the lord maior, aldermen, & co~mons of the said citty in co~mon councell assembled as a rul for those that are to build, and a direction for those that are minded to furnish tymber for that service. London] : Sold by Nathanael Brooke ..., [1666. ESTC No. R42587. Grub Street ID 123863.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An act for preventing and suppressing of fires within the city of London, and liberties thereof. London : printed for Nath: Brook stationer, at the sign of the Angel in Gresham College, M.DC.LXVIII. [1668]. ESTC No. R20185. Grub Street ID 79155.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The laws of the market. London] : Printed by James Flesher .., 1668. ESTC No. R39365. Grub Street ID 121264.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. This day the president and governours of Christs-Hospital, London, to whom the rule, oversight and government of carrs, carts, carr-rooms, carters and carmen, within the city of London and liberties thereof, is committed by act of Common-Council . London : s.n., 1668. ESTC No. R39822. Grub Street ID 369630.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guihald' civitas London die Jovis, vicesimo quarto die Martii, anno Dom' millesimo sexcentesimo sexagesimo nono ... an Act Appointing the Exchange-Hours. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., [1669. ESTC No. R39345. Grub Street ID 121243.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An act of Common Council for the better regulation of the courts of law in the Guild-Hall London. London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable city of London, 1669. ESTC No. R27930. Grub Street ID 111065.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Instructions for the apprentices in the city of London. London] : Printed by J. Flesher, printer to this Honourable City, [1670. ESTC No. R232131. Grub Street ID 103996.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Whereas the fish-market at Billingsgate, by reason of the dismal fire and other accidents, hath for some late years been in much disorder, and yet continues without that due regulation . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., [1671. ESTC No. R39823. Grub Street ID 121684.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guildhall civitatis London, die Jovis, quinto die Septembris, anno Dom. 1672. Annoq; regni Domini nostri Caroli Secundi, ... An Act for the Settlement and Well Ordering of Several Publick Markets within the City of London. London : Printed by Andrew Clark ..., 1672. ESTC No. R39347. Grub Street ID 121245.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An Act of Common Council: together with certain orders, rules, and directions touching the paving and cleansing the streets, lanes and common passages within the city of London, and liberties thereof: and other things relating thereunto. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable city of London, at his house in Aldersgatestreet, 1671. [i.e. 1672. ESTC No. R39346. Grub Street ID 121244.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guildhall civitas London, die Mercurii, vicesimo tertio die Octobris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo secundo ... an Act for the Weighing of Goods at the King's Beam. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., MDCLXXII [1672. ESTC No. R39348. Grub Street ID 121246.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Whereas in and by the additional act of Parliament for rebuilding the city of London, it is enacted, that the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen shall be and are thereby impowered and required to cause all and every the sheds, shops and other buildings ... to be taken down and removed . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., [1673. ESTC No. R39824. Grub Street ID 121685.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. This court taking into their consideration, that the utmost time appointed for taking down and removing all such sheds, shops, and other like buildings, which have been erected since the late dismal fire . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., [1674. ESTC No. R39833. Grub Street ID 121694.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An Act for Preventing and Suppressing of Fires within the City of London, and Liberties Thereof. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., M.DC.LXXVI. [1676. ESTC No. R39349. Grub Street ID 121247.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An Act for Preventing and Suppressing of Fires within the City of London. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., M.DC.LXXVII [1677. ESTC No. R39350. Grub Street ID 121249.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The laws of the market. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable City of London, 1677. ESTC No. R218145. Grub Street ID 92853.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. This court now considering the frequent neglects of divers of the head officers of this city, to perform their duty in walking before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1680. ESTC No. R39826. Grub Street ID 121687.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The royal charter of confirmation granted by King Charles II. to the city of London. Wherein are recited verbatim, all the charters to the said city, granted by His Majesties royal predecessors, kings and queens of England. Taken out of the records, and exactly translate into English by S.G. GentDT Together with an index or alphabetical table, and a table explaining all the obsolete and difficult words in the said charter. London : printed for Samuel Lee and Benjamin Alsop, at the Feathers in Lombard-street, near the Post-Office, and at the Angel in the Poultrey over against the Stocks-market, [1680]. ESTC No. R6880. Grub Street ID 127178.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The abridgement of the charter of the city of London; being every free-man's privilege. Exactly translated from the original record, and rendred faithfully into English according to the said record it self, from the time of William the Conquerour, and other kings and queens of England, to the time of our now sovereign lord King Charles the Second: comprehending the whole charter, only the words of form left out. Of great use and benefit to all citizens of the said city in general, and other persons, being foreign merchants. London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1680. ESTC No. R28074. Grub Street ID 369624.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A true narrative of the proceedings at Guild-Hall, London, the fourth of this instant February, in their unanimous election of their four members to serve in Parliament. With their thanks to them, and to the petitioning-Lords. London : printed for Francis Smith at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1681. ESTC No. R34087. Grub Street ID 116626.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The book of subscriptions, for insuring of houses (by the City of London) in case of fire, is now open, . London] : Printed by S. Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1681?. ESTC No. R213586. Grub Street ID 89004.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Advertisement. Proposalls made and approved by the City of London, for a yearly increase of wealth, by subscriptions, to advance money at interest . London : s.n., 1681?. ESTC No. R206035. Grub Street ID 369625.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. For prevention of many incumbrances and annoyances which daily happen to the streets and passengers, by the irregular and disorderly standing of carrs . London : s.n., 1681. ESTC No. R39827. Grub Street ID 369631.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The priviledges of the citizens of London: contained in the charters, granted to them by the several kings of this realm, and confirmed by sundry Parliaments. Comprehending the whole Charter, only words of form left out. Now seasonably publisht for general information, upon the occasion of the quo warranto brought against the said City. London : printed for the translator of it, and published by Langley Curtiss at the sign of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey, near Fleet-Bridge, M.DC.LXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R5538. Grub Street ID 125970.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The City of London's plea to the quo warranto, (an information) brought against their charter in Michaelmas term, 1681. Wherein it will appear, that the liberties, priviledges, and customs of the said city cannot be forfeited, or lost by the misdemeanor of any officer or magistrate thereof. Nor their charter be seized into the King's hands for any mis-usage or abusage of their liberties and priviledges, they being confirmed by divers ancient records and Acts of Parliament made before and since Magna Charta. Also, how far the commons of the said city have power of chusing and removing their sheriffs. Published both in English and Latin. London : printed in the year 1682. And published by Randal Taylor, [1682]. ESTC No. R15339. Grub Street ID 63282.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Whereas this city and liberties thereof, and especially the street of Cornhill and passages about the Royal Exchange, and coffee-houses, are much pestered with a sort of loose and idle people called hawkers . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1682. ESTC No. R39828. Grub Street ID 121688.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Short instructions for the executors and administrators of free-men in exhibiting an inventory, securing orphans portions, &c. : with several orders of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen relating thereunto. London : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1682. ESTC No. R39829. Grub Street ID 121689.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Cur' special' tent' die Lunae xxix:Januarij 1682 annoque regni Regis Caroli Secundi, Angl', &c. xxxiiij:. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., [1683. ESTC No. R39352. Grub Street ID 121250.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The presentment of the grand jury, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly. London ss. ad general' session' pacis, Domini regis tent' pro civitat' London, necnon ad session' oyer & terminer, & del' goal' dicti Domini regis de Newgate, tent' pro civitat' praed' apud Justice-Hall in le Old-Bayly, London, die Jovis, quinto decimo die maij, Anno Reg. Caroli Secundi nunc Angl' & trecesimo sexto. London : printed by George Croom, at the Blue-Ball in Thames-Street, over against Baynard's Castle, 1684. ESTC No. R226512. Grub Street ID 99518.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. By the maior. To the aldermen of the ward of [blank] Whereas divers good laws have formerly been made, and are still in force against several wicked and disorderly practices, . London : printed by S. Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City, 1687. ESTC No. R39662. Grub Street ID 121538.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Whereas the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor hath this morning signified to this court, that His Majesty takes notice and is displeased, that the streets of this city are no better kept in paving and cleansing . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., [1688. ESTC No. R39830. Grub Street ID 121691.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The Oath of every free-man of the city of London. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, [between 1689 and 1702. ESTC No. R39797. Grub Street ID 121662.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the names of the Court of Aldermen, deputies, Common Council, and new lieutenancy, of the City of London, with the name of every ward the Common-councilmen belong to, for the remaining part of this year, 1690. and the year ensuing. London : printed for Richard Baldwin in the Old Bayly, 1690. ESTC No. R215512. Grub Street ID 90535.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the names of the Court of Aldermen, deputies, Common-Council, and new lieutenancy, of the City of London, with the name of every ward the Common-councilmen belong to, for the year, 1690. London : printed by G.C. for Joseph Harrison, 1690. ESTC No. R231585. Grub Street ID 103606.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The royal charter of confirmation granted by their Majesties to the city of London. Wherein are recited verbatim, all the charters to the said city, granted by their Majesties royal predecessors, kings and queens of England. Taken out of the records, and exactly translated into English. By S.G. Gent. Together with an index or alphabetical table, and a table explaining all the obsolete and difficult words in the said charter. London : printed for Samuel Lee, and are to be sold at the Harrow in Cornhill, 1690. ESTC No. R233390. Grub Street ID 104934.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. This court considering the frequent and continued neglects of several of the principal officers of this city hereunder named, to perform their duty in attending upon and walking before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of this city . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1692. ESTC No. R39832. Grub Street ID 121693.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Jovis primo die Decembr', 1692, annoque regni Regis & Reginae, Willielmi & Mariae ... this court this day taking that divers tradesmen and others have taken upon them an evil practice upon the public exchange. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1692. ESTC No. R39642. Grub Street ID 121519.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Com' Concil' tent' in Cam'a Gui'hald civit' London' die Veneris decimo quinto die Junij 1694. Anno[que] regni Dom' Will' & Dom' Mariae nunc Regis & Reginae Angl', &c. sexto; coram Will' Ashhurst, Mil' major' dictae civit'; Roberto Clayton, Mil'; Patienc' Ward, Mil'; Will' Pritchard, Mil'; Roberto Jeffryes, Mil'; Thoma Lane, Mil'; Edr'o Clark, Mil'; Franc'o Child, Mil'; Ric'o Levitt, Mil'; Thoma Cook, Mil' alderman' & Thoma Abney, Mil' & Will' Hedges Mil', Vic' & alderman' dictae civit' nec non major parte coi'ar' dictae civitat', in eod' coi' Concil' tunc & ibm' assemblat'. This day the following act past into an act of this Court. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1694. ESTC No. R39356. Grub Street ID 121254.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Com' Concil' tent' in camera Guihald' civitat' London, die Martis undecimo die Septembris, anno regni domini & dominae nostrorum, Willielmi & Mariae, nunc Regis & Reginae, Angliae, &c. sexto: coram Willielmo Ashhurst milite, major' dictae civitatis, Johanne Moore milite, Roberto Jeoffreys mil', Johanne Fleet mil', Salathiel Lovell mil', servien' ad legem ac recordat' dictae civitat', Petro Daniell mil', Richardo Levit mil', Thoma Cooke mil', alderman', & Thoma Abney mil' & Willielmo Hedges vic' & alderman' dictae civitats; necnon major' parte communiar' dictae civitat' in eodem Com' Concil' tunc & ibidem assemblat'. An act of Common Council for regulating the Company of Masons, London. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1694]. ESTC No. R39357. Grub Street ID 121255.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Com' Concil' tent' in Camera Guihald' civitat' London, die Veneris decimo nono die Octobr', anno regni domini & dominae nostrorum, Willielmi & Mariae, nunc Regis & Reginae, Angliae, &c. sexto: Coram Willielmo Ashhurst Mil', major' dictae civitat'; Salathiel Lovell Mil', servien' ad legem ac recordat' eiusdem civitat'; Humphrido Edwyn Mil', Richardo Levit Mil', & Willielmo Hedges Mil' & alderman'; necnon major' parte communiar' dictae civitat' in eodem Com' Concil' tunc & ibidem assemblat'. An act of Common Council for regulating the Company of Plaisteerers, London. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1694. ESTC No. R39358. Grub Street ID 121256.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Com' Concil' tent' in Camera Guihald' civitat' London, die Veneris decimo nono die Octobr', anno regni Domini & Dominae nostrorum, Willielmi & Mariae ... an Act of Common Council for regulating the Company of Joyners and Ceilers, London. London] : Printed by S[a]muel Roycroft .., 1694. ESTC No. R39359. Grub Street ID 121257.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Com' Concil' tent' in Camera Guihald' civitat' London, die Veneris vicesimo primo die Junii, anno regni Domini Willielmi Tertii ... an Act of Common Council for Setling the Methods of Calling, Adjourning and Dissolving the Common-Halls, upon the Several Elections of the Mayor, Sheriffs, Chamberlain, and other Officers usually there Chosen. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1695. ESTC No. R39360. Grub Street ID 121259.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Wednesday, the 5th day of August, 1696, at a committee of Common Council, held for the publick markets of the city of London. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1696. ESTC No. R39361. Grub Street ID 121260.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An Act of Common Council for the Better Regulation of Weighing of Goods and Merchandizes at the King's Beam. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1698. ESTC No. R39362. Grub Street ID 121261.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Jovis duodecimo die Maii 1698, annoque regni Regis Willielmi ... this day an order and report made by the Committee for Letting the Cities Lands, touching several duties taken by several officers and others at Billingsgate. London : s.n., 1698. ESTC No. R39643. Grub Street ID 369629.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Jovis decimo quinto die Junij, 1699, annoque regni Regis Willielmi Tertij ... whereas by the ancient laws and statutes of this realm, there ought to be but one weight and measure used throughout this kingdom. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft .., 1699. ESTC No. R39645. Grub Street ID 121521.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Levett mayor. Jovis decimo quarto die Decembris, 1699, annoque regni Regis Willielmi Tertij, Angliae, &c. Undecimo. Whereas notwithstanding several good and wholsom orders of this court heretofore made for the prevention of forestalling, regrating and other abuses in the fish-market of Billingsgate,. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the honourable city of London, 1699. ESTC No. R39646. Grub Street ID 121522.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Levett mayor. Martis vicesimo quinto die Junij 1700. annoq; regni Regis Williemi Tertij. Angliae, &c. Duodecimo. The King's Most Excellent Majesty, and His late religious and gracious Queen, as also the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, having frequently express'd their great sense of the deplorable increase of prophaneness, vice and debauchery in this kingdom,. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the honourable city of London, 1700. ESTC No. R39647. Grub Street ID 121523.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Levett mayor. Jovis decimo die Octobris, 1700. annoq; regni Regis Willielmi Tertii Angliae, &c. Duodecimo. Upon reading the humble petition of the inhabitants and shopkeepers in and about Exchange-Alley in Cornhill,. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the honourable city of London, 1700. ESTC No. R39648. Grub Street ID 121524.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Statutes, ordinances, and rules, devised and made by the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, governors of Emanuel Hospital in or near Westminster, founded by the Right Honourable the Lady Ann Dacres, for the good government of the said hospital and the poor thereof, consisting of twenty aged people and twenty children. London] : [s.n.], [1700?. ESTC No. R184612. Grub Street ID 369632.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Instructions for the apprentices in the City of London. London : s.n., 1710?. ESTC No. N68719. Grub Street ID 369623.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. In The House of Lords. The Case of the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, Trustees for the Orphans and other Creditors of the said City, Respondents To the Appeal of Richard Richmond, and Peter Delanoy, Appellants,. London? : s.n., 1703. ESTC No. T25160. Grub Street ID 369634.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The oath of every free-man of the City of London. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, [1705?. ESTC No. T176704. Grub Street ID 213719.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. To the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. The humble address of the Lord Mayor, and the rest of Your Majesty's Commissioners of Lieutenancy, for your city of London. London] : Printed by J. Tonson at Grays-Inn Gate, [1708. ESTC No. N493052. Grub Street ID 369664.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The defendants case. James Markwick Junior, Plaintiff. The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, Defendants. Upon a Writ of Error brought by the Plaintiff to reverse a Judgment given in the Court of Queen's Bench, in affirmance of a Judgment given in the Court of Common Pleas. London : s.n., 1708. ESTC No. T25109. Grub Street ID 369633.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of all the mayors and lord mayors, that governed this honourable city of London, from the year, 1191. to the seventh year of Her Majesties reign, 1709. London : printed and sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1709. ESTC No. T221189. Grub Street ID 244592.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The case of the City of London, in relation to the bill for a general naturalization of all foreign Protestants, now depending in the Honourable the House of Commons. London, 1709. ESTC No. T202935. Grub Street ID 369653.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty: the humble address of the Lord-Mayor, and the rest of your Majesty's commissioners of lieutenancy, for the City of London. London : printed for John Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, 1710. ESTC No. N505287. Grub Street ID 369665.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The poll of the livery-men of the City of London, at the election for Members of Parliament: Begun Munday, October 9th, 1710. and ended the Saturday following. Shewing Who each Person Poll'd for. The Names of those that did not Poll. And the Objections made at the Scrutiny. Compar'd with the Clerks Lists of the several Companies deliver'd on Oath to the Right Honourable Sir Samuel Garrard, Bart. Lord-Mayor The Whole being a Compleat List of the Livery. London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1710. ESTC No. T1853. Grub Street ID 221510.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty: the humble address of the Lord-Mayor, and the rest of your Majesty's commissioners of lieutenancy, for the City of London. London : printed for John Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, 1710. ESTC No. T226639. Grub Street ID 248150.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Mineralia adjuvanda, or a case shewing who, and what the most ancient and honourable Societies and Corporations of the City of London, (of and for the Mines the Mineral, and Battery Works) are, with their institution, and constitution, &c. and that the said societies were founded by Queen Elizabeth, above 140 years before Sir Humphery Mackworth, and William Waller became tenents to their silver mills in Cardiganshire, and the mines of Consumlock, Cocignan, &c. or the upstart Company of Mine Adventurers imposed on Her Majesty and people and discouraged mining and mineral works by their base and scandalous stock-jobbings and dealings. London, s.n., 1710?. ESTC No. N22107. Grub Street ID 369619.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The names of the aldermen, deputies, and common-council-men of the City of London, as they stand in the several wards whereto they belong. London, 1711. ESTC No. N61127. Grub Street ID 369622.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the poll for John Ward, Esq; Thomas Scawen, Esq; aldermen, Robert Heysham, Esq; Peter Godfrey, Esq; commoners, for Members of Parliament for the City of London; ... October, 1713. London, 1713. ESTC No. T41062. Grub Street ID 369636.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the poll for John Ward, Esq; Thomas Scawen, Esq; aldermen, Robert Heysham, Esq; Peter Godfrey, Esq; commoners, (the four new candidates) For members of Parliament for the city of London; begun the 12th, and ended the 24th of October, 1713. London : s.n., 1713. ESTC No. T197998. Grub Street ID 369650.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the poll for the Rt Honble Sr Rich. Hoare, kt Ld Mayor. Sir William Withers, Sir John Cass, kts & aldermen. Sir George Newland, kt. commoner. For Members of Parliament for the City of London. Begun the 12th, and ended the 24th of October, 1713. London, 1713. ESTC No. T225595. Grub Street ID 369655.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. An abstract of the by-laws and ordinances relating to hackney coaches. London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1717. ESTC No. T153010. Grub Street ID 197546.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. John Stafford, John Adams, and Bartholomew Soames, appellants. The Mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London, respondents. The respondents case. London] : [s.n.], [1720. ESTC No. T25695. Grub Street ID 369635.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the names of the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and Common Council for the City of London. London, 1721?. ESTC No. N40519. Grub Street ID 369620.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The oath of every free-man of the City of London. London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to this Honourable City, [1722?. ESTC No. N40531. Grub Street ID 27502.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The poll of the livery-men of the City of London, at the Election for Members of Parliament, Begun Tuesday, April the 10th, 1722, and ended the Saturday following. Shewing Who each Person poll'd for; and the Names of those who appear'd to be bad Pollers at the Scrutiny. Compar'd with the Clerks Lists of the several Companies, deliver'd on Oath to the Right Honourable Sir William Stuart Kt. Lord-Mayor. London : printed for T. Payne at the Crown in Paternoster-Row, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T1840. Grub Street ID 220361.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The report of a committee of aldermen, in affirmance of the right of the Mayor and aldermen, to put a negative to bills or acts depending in the common-council of London. Confirmed By the Court of Lord-Mayor and Aldermen, and Published by their Authority. London : printed for Edward Symon in Cornhill, 1724. ESTC No. T131166. Grub Street ID 180207.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The humble petition of the aldermen, and Court of Common Council men, and freemen of the City of London. To the Lords spiritual and tomporal [sic] assembled in Parliament. London : printed by J. Thompson, [1725?]. ESTC No. N38247. Grub Street ID 26016.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the names of the Lord-Mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs of the City of London: . London : printed for Samuel Passer, 1733. ESTC No. T90968. Grub Street ID 310808.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The case of the Mayor and commonalty, and citizens of the City of London, appellants. Thomas Perkins, and others respondents. In the House of Lords. London, 1734. ESTC No. T122735. Grub Street ID 369658.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The covenants of an indenture of apprenticeship familiarly explained and enforced by scripture, for the use of the apprentices of the City of London. London : printed in the year, 1736. ESTC No. N68075. Grub Street ID 49571.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Barnard, Mayor. At a meeting of the Right Honourable Sir John Barnard, Knight, Lord Mayor, and others His Majesty's justices of the peace for this city of London ... on Thursday the 23d day of March, 1737-8,. London] : Printed by Eliz. James, [1738. ESTC No. T188992. Grub Street ID 224638.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The charters of the City of London, which have been granted by the Kings and Queens of England, since the Conquest. Taken verbatim out of the records, exactly translated into English, with Notes explaining ancient Words and Terms. And The Parliamentary Confirmation, by K. William and Q. Mary. To which is annexed, an Abstract of the Arguings in the case of the Quo Warranto. By J. E. London : printed for D. Farmer, at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T161290. Grub Street ID 200425.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The proceedings of the Court of Hustings and Common Hall of the liverymen of the City of London, at the late election for Lord-Mayor. With the speeches of the Right Honourable Micajah Perry, Esq; Alderman Heathcote, and Mr. Glover, on very important Subjects. To which is added, A Speech intended to be spoke on the Conclusion of Alderman Heathcote's Speech relating to an Affair which very much concerns the Honour and Good of this City. By a liveryman who was present. London : printed for C. Corbet, at Addison's Head, against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, 1739. ESTC No. N20149. Grub Street ID 9557.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The charters of the City of London, which have been granted by the Kings and Queens of England, since the Conquest. Taken verbatim out of the records, exactly translated into English, with Notes explaining ancient Words and Terms. And The Parliamentary Confirmation, by K. William and Q. Mary. To which is annexed, the Charter of the Fifteenth of his present Majesty, and Abstract of the Arguings in the Case of the Quo Warranto. By J. E. London : printed for J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T153841. Grub Street ID 198052.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The City's method of renewing the tenants leases of their estate called Conduit Mead. London, 1750. ESTC No. T166546. Grub Street ID 369638.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The privileges of the free-artificers of the city of London, defended; In an appeal to the committee appointed to receive the complaints of the masters of the several manufactures in this city, against their journeymen. London : Printed for T. Howard, under St. Dunstan's Church, and sold at all the Pamphlet-Shops of London and Westminster, [1750]. ESTC No. T193419. Grub Street ID 227569.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The case of the City of London, in relation to a new bridge. London, 1754. ESTC No. T189107. Grub Street ID 369641.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Sir, by virtue of a precept from my Lord-Mayor, in order to prevent any tumults and riots that may happen on the next ensuing Lord-Mayor's-Day, . London, 1758. ESTC No. T142734. Grub Street ID 369660.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The laws and customs, rights, liberties, and privileges, of the City of London: containing. [sic] The several charters granted to the said City, from William the Conqueror to the present time; . London : printed for R. Withy, and W. Griffin, 1765. ESTC No. T106481. Grub Street ID 159637.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The case of the city of London, with respect to the goal of Newgate. London] : [s.n.], [1765?. ESTC No. T108379. Grub Street ID 369657.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. This afternoon at four o'clock ended at Guildhall, the poll for representatives in Parliament; when the numbers stood thus: . London : s.n., 1768. ESTC No. T198943. Grub Street ID 369651.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The poll of the Livery of London for four citizens to represent the said city in Parliament, taken at Guildhall, March 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 1768. Digested in alphabetical order. With the companies repeatedly prefixed to the pollers in each different company. Carefully examined by the original poll books. Candidates: The Right Hon. Thomas Harley, lord mayor, Sir Robert Ladbroke, knt. and alderman, Sir Richard Glyn, bart. and alderman, William Beckford, Esq; and alderman, Barlow Trecothick, Esq; and alderman, John Paterson, Esq; citizen and barber, John Wilkes, Esq; citizen and joiner. Sheriffs, Richard Peers and William Nash, Esquires. Published at the request of the four representatives. London : Printed for John Rivington, at (No. 62) the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCCLXVIII. [1768]. ESTC No. T198077. Grub Street ID 230903.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The covenants of an indenture of apprenticeship. b Familiarly explained and enforced by scripture, for the use of the apprentices of the city of London. London : printed, Anno Dom, MDCCLXVIII. [1768]. ESTC No. N477187. Grub Street ID 369663.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The oath of every freeman of the City of London. London] : Printed by Charles Rivington, printer to the honourable city of London, [1770?. ESTC No. N67868. Grub Street ID 49402.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Case of the City of London, relating to the encroachment upon the River Thames near Durham-Yard. London, 1771?. ESTC No. T106126. Grub Street ID 369656.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The laws and customs, rights, liberties, and privileges, of the City of London: containing. The several charters granted to the said City from William the Conqueror to the present time; the magistrates and officers thereof, and their respective creations, elections, rights, duties, and authorities; the laws and customs of the City, as the same relates to the persons or estates of the citizens; the nature, jurisdiction, practice and proceedings of the several courts in London; and the Acts of Parliament concerning the cities of London and Westminster, alphabetically digested under the following titles, viz. Administration, aldermen, aliens, annoyance, apothecaries, appeals, ashes, attaints, ballast, barbers, bawdy-houseb, Billingsgate, Black-Well-Hall, brass, brokers and stock-jobbers, buildings, butchers, butter and cheese, carts, chairs, churches, coaches, coals, conduits, constables, coopers, cordwainers, corn, debts, drapery, election, fish, fuel, garbling and gauging, gold and goldsmi. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Williams, at No. 39, in Fleet-Street, M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T130521. Grub Street ID 179618.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The oath of every freeman of the City of London. London] : Printed by H. Fenwick, printer to the honourable City of London, [1775?. ESTC No. T225638. Grub Street ID 247458.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The laws and customs, rights, liberties, and privileges, of the City of London: containing. The several charters granted to the said city, from William the Conqueror to the present time; the Magistrates and Officers thereof, and their respective Creations, Elections, Rights, Duties, and Authorities; the Laws and Customs of the City, as the same relate to the Persons or Estates of the Citizens; the Nature, Jurisdiction, Practice and Proceedings of the several Courts in London; and the Acts of Parliament concerning the Cities of London and Westminster, alphabetically digested under the following Titles, viz. Administration, Aldermen, Aliens, Annoyance, Apothccaries, Appeals, Ashes, Attaines, Ballast, Barhers, Bawdy-House, Billingsgate, Black-Well-Hall, Brass, Brokers and Stockjobbers, Buildings, Butchers, Butter and Cheese, Carts, Chairs, Churches, Coaches, Coals, Conduits, Constables, Coopers, Cordwainers, Corn, Debts, Drapery, Election, Fish, Fuel, Garbling and Gauging, Gold and Goldsmith. London : sold by the Constable of Cornhill, MDCCLXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. N12285. Grub Street ID 2294.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the names of the Lord-Mayor, aldermen, recorder and sheriffs, of the City of London. Together with the deputies and common-council men of the several wards, for the year 1780,. London] : Printed by Henry Fenwick, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1780. ESTC No. N45318. Grub Street ID 30312.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The following plan is recommended to the general meeting of the housekeepers and persons of note to be held this evening. London, 1780. ESTC No. N45391. Grub Street ID 369621.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The committee for letting the lands and tenements of the City of London, in the account of the Chamberlain of the said City, do hereby give notice, that they will sit ... on Wednesday, the 30th day of May, 1781, ... to lett by public auction, in one lot, upon one or more lease or leases, ... for twenty-one years, ... from the 10th day of October next, several messuages ... of the City Road; ... Old Street; ... Bunhill Row and Brown Street; ... Fetherstone Street; and ... James Street, in the parish of Saint Luke, in the county of Middlesex, and part of the manor o Finsbury,. London, 1781. ESTC No. T166545. Grub Street ID 369637.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the liverymen of London, Who voted for Mr. Alderman Sawbridge, and Richard Atkinson, Esq. at the late election for members of Parliament for the city of London, carefully corrected from the sheriff's attested copies of the Poll. London : Printed and sold by W. Lane, Leadenhall-Street; T. Axtell, Royal-Exchange; and Scatchard and Whitaker, Ave-Maria-Lane; and all booksellers and stationers in town and country, [1782]. ESTC No. T198099. Grub Street ID 230914.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the persons who have polled for Richard Atkinson, Esq. which the liverymen of the City of London are desired speedily and carefully to examine, and to send as early an account as possible to the scrutineers of Mr. Alderman Sawbridge, . London, 1782. ESTC No. T200327. Grub Street ID 369652.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A list of the names and places of abode of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, of the City of London, for the year 1785. London, s.n., 1784. ESTC No. T130711. Grub Street ID 369659.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The oath of every freeman of the City of London. London] : Printed by Henry Fenwick, [1785?. ESTC No. T176705. Grub Street ID 213720.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Lists of the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, Recorder and Sheriffs, of the City of London. Together with the Deputies and Common-Councilmen of the several Wards, for the year 1788, And of the Members of the Committees of the Court of Common Council. London] : Printed by Henry Fenwick, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1788. ESTC No. T130539. Grub Street ID 179632.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Rules and ordinances for the regulation of carmen; made by the Lord-Mayor, and Justices of the Peace, of the City of London. London] : Printed by Richard & Henry Causton, No. 21, Finch-Lane, Cornhill, [1788?. ESTC No. T115950. Grub Street ID 167634.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the city's estate, and how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending the 31st of December, 1784. The outgoings and expenditure thereof distinguished in such a manner that the Court of Common Council may be informed what is the amount of stated rents, quitrents, and taxes, and the particulars of all the other disbursements, shewing to whom such payments have been made, and by whose order. To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, the 31st of December, 1784, of all the several accounts of cash kept in the Chamber of London. London : s.n., 1788?. ESTC No. T197714. Grub Street ID 369642.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The names and address of the several officers of the City of London; the dates of their appointments, and an abstract of their respective duties; and also a state of the customs on elections, and other public occasions. Prepared by the direction of the Court of Common Council. London] : Printed in the year, M,DCC,LXXXIX. [1789. ESTC No. T194914. Grub Street ID 228730.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the City's estate, and how the same has been disposed of, for the last six years, ending the 31st of December, 1789, distinguishing each year. Also the balance then in the Chamberlain's hands, of all the several accounts of cash kept in the Chamber of London. London] : [s.n.], [1790?. ESTC No. N510143. Grub Street ID 369666.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. [A brief state of the produce of the Bridgehouse estate, and how the same has been disposed of from Lady Day, 1783, to Christmas, 1789 delivered into this Court the 21st day of May last, by the Wardens or Keepers of London Bridge.]. London] : [s.n.], [1790?. ESTC No. N510148. Grub Street ID 369667.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the City's estate, and how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending Christmas, 1790, the outgoings and expenditure thereof distinguished ... the amount of stated-rents, quit-rents and taxes, ... To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, at Christmas, 1790,. London, 1791?. ESTC No. T197715. Grub Street ID 369643.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the City's estate, and how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending Christmas, 1791, the outgoings and expenditure thereof distinguished ... the amount of stated-rents, quit-rents, and taxes, ... To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, at Christmas, 1791. London, 1792?. ESTC No. T197716. Grub Street ID 369644.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The covenants of an indenture of apprenticeship, familiarly explained and enforced by scripture; for the use of the apprentices of the City of London. London : printed in the year, 1793. ESTC No. T192193. Grub Street ID 226750.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the city's estate, And how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending 31st December, 1792, the outgoings and expenditure thereof distinguished in such a manner that the Court of Common Council may be informed what is the amount of stated-rents, quit-rents and taxes, and the particulars of all other disbursements, shewing to whom such payments have been made, and by whose order. To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, the 31st December, 1792. Of all the several accounts of cash kept in the Chamber of London. London : s.n., 1793. ESTC No. T197717. Grub Street ID 369645.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. The covenants of an indenture of apprenticeship, familiarly explained and enforced by scripture, for the use of the apprentices of the City of London:. London : printed by Henry Fenwick, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1794?]. ESTC No. T192190. Grub Street ID 226748.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the city's estate, And how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending the 31st December 1793. To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, the 31st December, 1793. Of all the several accounts kept in the Chamber of London. London : s.n., 1794?. ESTC No. T197718. Grub Street ID 369646.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A biref state of the produce of the city's estate, And how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending the 31st December 1794. To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, the 31st December 1794. Of all the several accounts kept in the Chamber of London. London : s.n., 1795?. ESTC No. T197720. Grub Street ID 369647.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Lists of the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, Recorder, Sheriffs, and Common-Council-Men of the City of London: together with the committees Of The Court of Common Council, for the year 1796. London] : Printed by Henry Fenwick, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1796. ESTC No. T130710. Grub Street ID 179796.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the city's estate, And how the same has been disposed of, for the year ending the 31st December 1795. To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, the 31st December 1795. Of all the several accounts kept in the Chamber of London. London : s.n., 1796?. ESTC No. T197722. Grub Street ID 369648.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. In the House of Lords. Between the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the City of London, plaintiffs in error; and the mayor and burgesses of the borough of Lynn Regis, commonly called King's Lynn, in the county of Norfolk, defendants in error. Case of the plaintiffs in error. London, 1796?. ESTC No. T214574. Grub Street ID 369654.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. To the overseers of the parish of [blank] You are hereby informed, that the men, now raising by your parish under the late act of Parliament, are to be taken to be examined before Captain Drummond, the regulating-officer, at the sign of the Red Lion, ... in the parish of Lambeth, Surrey; . London, 1797. ESTC No. T178773. Grub Street ID 369639.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. London. To the overseers of the poor of the parish [blank] of [blank] Whereas the returns of the whole number of men appointed to be raised by the above-named parish [blank] under and by virtue of an act, intituled, "An act for raising a certain number of men in the several counties "of [sic] England for the service of His Majesty's army and navy," have not been made within the time limited for your so doing: and it appearing to us, Brook Watson, ... Mayor of the City of London, and Sir John William Ross, ... Serjeant at Law, Recorder of the said City, ... that such default was unavoidable; . London, 1797. ESTC No. T178776. Grub Street ID 369640.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. A brief state of the produce of the city's estate, and how the same has been disposed of, for the year eding the 31st December 1796. To which is subjoined the balance remaining in Mr. Chamberlain's hands, the 31st December 1796. Of all the several accounts kept in the Chamber of London. London : s.n., 1797?. ESTC No. T197723. Grub Street ID 369649.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Procession to St. Paul's. Mansion-House, Friday, 15th December 1797. Anderson, Mayor. Ordered, that the following regulations be adopted for the accommodation of their Majesties and the royal family,. London] : Printed by Henry Fenwick, printer to the honourable city of London, [1797. ESTC No. T482917. Grub Street ID 369661.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Lists of the Lord-Mayor, aldermen, recorder, sheriffs, and Common-Council-men, of the City of London: together with the committees and standing orders of the Court of Common-Council, for the year 1798. To which is prefixed, a diary, for the use of the members and officers of the Corporation. London : s.n., printed in the year MDCCXCVIII [1798]. ESTC No. T472628. Grub Street ID 369662.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. To all to whom these presents shall come, we, [blank] Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the aldermen of the same City, send greeting. Know ye, that amongst other the liberties, free customs and privileges by the charters of the late Kings, Henry the Second, Henry the Third, Edward the Third, and other Kings of England, ... all the citizens of London and their goods, are and ought to be quit and free from all toll, lastage, passage, pickage, ... through the whole realm of England, . London] : Printed by Henry Fenwick, London, [1799?. ESTC No. T199933. Grub Street ID 231810.
  • City of London (England). Corporation.. Whereas several wicked and inflammatory hand bills have been lately posted up and dispersed in different parts of the metropolis; . London] : Downes, printer, 240, Strand, [1800. ESTC No. N45384. Grub Street ID 30337.