Publications of England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A Proclamation. Of both houses of Parliament, for proclaiming of his Majesty King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R225720.Grub Street ID 98848.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A proclamation, of both houses of Parliament, for proclaiming of his Majesty King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R211888.Grub Street ID 87620.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurii 9. Maii, 1660. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled that the Armes of this common-wealth where ever they are standing, be forthwith taken down, and that the Kings majesties armes be sent up in stead thereof.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R211894.Grub Street ID 87625.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurii 9. Maii, 1660. Upon report this day made to the house from the committee of priviledges, it is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that according to the ancient and undoubted rights of peeridge, no Lord of Parliament, or peer of this realm be or shall b charged, or set at any arms whatsoever,.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R211895.Grub Street ID 87626.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris, 18 Maii, 1660. Upon complaint this day made by the Commons in Parliament, it is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that all these persons, viz.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R211912.Grub Street ID 87642.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Sabbathi, 12. May 1660. It is this day ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that all such person or persons as have in their custody, or in the possession of any other in trust to their use, any jewels, plate, pictures, or any other goods or household-stuff, belonging to his Majesty, do bring them to the Lords Committees.
London : printed by John Macock and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R211919.Grub Street ID 87648.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurii, Iunii 13. 1660. Upon report of the Lords committees for petitions concerning the titles of the master, wardens, and assistants of the Trinity-House at Deptford-Strand, and of the executors and assigns of William Montjoy Esquire, deceased, to the office of lastag and ballastage,.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R214457.Grub Street ID 89713.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble answer of the House of Peers to His Majesties gracious lettter and declaration. Die Mercurii, 23]0] Maii, 1660. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the humble answer of the House of Peers to His Majesties most gracious letter and declaration be forthwith printed and published. Jo. Browne Cleric, Parliamentorum.
London : printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660.
ESTC No. R208705.Grub Street ID 84934.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunæ, 17. die Decembris, 1660. Upon report of the Lords committees appointed to consider of the priviledges of the peers of this realm, it is ordered and declared by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that it is the undoubted right of the peers of this realm, not to be charged with any horse, armes, or other martial charge whatsoever,.
London : printed by John Bill, printer to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1660.
ESTC No. R36456.Grub Street ID 118734.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Sabbati, 30DG Junii, 1660. Whereas the House was this day informed, that some person or persons have printed and published some things that have been agitated before the Lords in Parliament, without any order of the House,.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1660.
ESTC No. R36459.Grub Street ID 118737.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Monday, June 18. 1660. Two votes concerning the King, and Queenes houses and lands.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1660.
ESTC No. R212432.Grub Street ID 88032.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Sabbathi, 18]0] Maij. 1661. Upon reading the petition of William Earl of Bedford, participants and adventurers for dreyning of the Great Levell of the Fenns, shewing that the said Levell having been drained at the petitioners charge, for the recompence of 95000 acres.
London : printed by Iohn Bill, and Christopher Barker, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1661. At the King's printing-house in Black-friers, [1661].
ESTC No. R172068.Grub Street ID 66071.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunæ 20: Maii 1661. The Lords in Parliament assembled, having considered of a paper sent unto them.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1661.
ESTC No. R222895.Grub Street ID 96821.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris, 26. Iulii, 1661. The Lords in Parliament taking notice, that the streets, lanes, and other publick passages in or near the citie of London and Westminster, and the liberties thereof, and especially in Holborn and the Lane commonly called St. Margarets Lane, leading to the Parliament-House as also the high-wayes about the said liberties of London and Westminster are very much out of repair:, It is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the justices of peace ... take effectual care that the said streets, lanes, and high-ways,... be speedily repaired according to law.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1661.
ESTC No. R232551.Grub Street ID 104308.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris, 13 Decemb. 1661. Forasmuch as upon writs of error retornable [sic] into this High Court of Parliament, the plaintiffs therein often desire to delay justice, rather then to come to the determination of the right of the cause;.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1661.
ESTC No. R36446.Grub Street ID 118725.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Martis 3]0] Decemb. 1661. Upon report from the Lords committees appointed to consider of the priviledges of the peers of Parliament, it is ordered and declared by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all protections that have been granted to any persons who are not now their lordships menial servants, or persons necessarily employed about their estates, are void and of none effect;.
London : printed by John Bill and Christoper Barker, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1661.
ESTC No. R36453.Grub Street ID 118731.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris, Feb. 20. 1662. The Lords spiritual and temporal in the high court of Parliament assembled, do hereby require every member of this house not to grant any protection or protections (during this present section of Parliament) to any person or persons, that are not, or shall not be their Lordships menial servants.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1662.
ESTC No. R232552.Grub Street ID 104309.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The several judgements of the Supreame Court of Parliament, against Alexander Fitton, Edward Loyd, John Cade, and John Wright: and against the libel contrived, signed, and published by them and others, against the Right Honourable Charles Lord Gerard, Baron of Brandon.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1663.
ESTC No. R232065.Grub Street ID 103943.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Jovis 24]0] Martii 1663. The Lords spiritual and temporal in the High Court of Parliament assembled, do hereby require every member of this house, not to grant any protection or protections (during this present session of Parliament) to any person or persons that are not, or shall not be their lordships menial servants,.
London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1663.
ESTC No. R36449.Grub Street ID 118726.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die veneris 25. die Novemb. 1664. The Lords spiritual and temporal in the High Court of Parliament assembled, do hereby require every member of this house not to grant any protection or protections (during this present session of Parliament) to any person or persons that are not, or shall not be their lordships menial servants,.
London : printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1664.
ESTC No. R215598.Grub Street ID 90598.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Sabathi 13]0] Julii, 1678. An order of the House of Peers, limiting the time of bringing writs of error and appeals into that House.
London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1678.
ESTC No. R39497.Grub Street ID 121385.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lune 5 Maii 1679. It is this day ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all licences granted by this House to any papist, or reputed papist, to come to, and stay in town, be, and are hereby declared to be void:.
London : printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty 1679.
ESTC No. R25385.Grub Street ID 375106.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurii 23 Aprilis 1679. It is this day ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all such persons who have obtained leave, either from His Majesties Privy Council, or from this House, to come to, and stay in the Cities of London and Westminster,.
London : printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1679.
ESTC No. R213645.Grub Street ID 89056.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunae 22]0] Novembris 1680. Ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all persons who shall have any petitions of appeal from any court of equity,.
London : Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1680.
ESTC No. R39498.Grub Street ID 121386.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die veneris 3]0] Decembris 1680. Ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all persons, as well peers as others, that are papists, and now in or about the cities of London or Westminster, be, and are hereby required forthwith to depart from the same,.
London : printed by the assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1680.
ESTC No. R29790.Grub Street ID 112722.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A list of the House of Lords, together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the cinque-ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England to be assembled at Oxford the 21st. of March 1681. (Note, that those that have this mark * after them, were not Members of the last Parliament.).
London : printed for Nathaniel Ponder at the Pecock [sic] in the Poultrey near the Church, 1681.
ESTC No. R226253.Grub Street ID 99342.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A new and true list of the House of Lords, together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque-Ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England assembled at Oxford this 21st. of March 1681.
London : printed for Richard Davis in Oxford, 1681.
ESTC No. R1114.Grub Street ID 59453.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A list of the House of Lords, together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque-ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England to be assembled at Oxford the 21st. of March 1681. (Note, that those that have these marks (*+) after them, were not members of the last Parliament.).
London : printed for Nathaniel Ponder at the Pecock [sic] in the Poultrey near the church, and Richard Davis in Oxford, 1681.
ESTC No. R175267.Grub Street ID 68204.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A new and true list of the House of Lords, together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the cinque-ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England assembled at Oxford this 21st. of March 1681. (Note, that those that have either of these marks (* [dagger]) after them, were not Members of the last Parliament.).
London : printed for Richard Baldwin in Ball-Court in the Old-Bayly, 1680 [i.e. 1681].
ESTC No. R217823.Grub Street ID 92564.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A list of the dukes, marquisses, earls, viscounts, barons, bishops, and judges, summoned by writ to the Parliament to be held at Oxford the one and twentieth day of March, 1680/1.
London : printed for John Starkey at the Miter in Fleet-street, near Temple-Bar, 1681.
ESTC No. R719.Grub Street ID 127470.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Whereas it hath pleased almighty God to call to his mercy our late soveraign Lord King Charles the Second of blessed memory, by whose decease, the imperial crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, are solely and rightfully come to the high and mighty Prince James, Duke of York and Albany, .
London : printed by the assigns of John Bill deceas'd: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1684 [i.e. 1685].
ESTC No. R36550.Grub Street ID 118817.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Whereas it hath pleased almighty God to call to his mercy our late soveraign Lord King Charles the Second of blessed memory, by whose decease, the imperial crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, are solely and rightfully come to the high and mighty Prince James, Duk of York and Albany, Duke of York and Albany, his said late Majesties only brother and heir. ... God save King James the Second.
London : printed by the assigns of John Bill deceas'd: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1684 [i.e. 1685].
ESTC No. R507494.Grub Street ID 375136.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Whereas it hath pleased almighty God to call to his mercy our late soveraign Lord King Charles the Second of blessed memory, by whose decease, the imperial crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, are solely and rightfully come to the high and mighty Prince James, Duk of York and Albany, .
London : printed by the assigns of John Bill deceas'd: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1684 [i.e. 1685].
ESTC No. R223016.Grub Street ID 96926.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Wee the peers of the realm, being assembled with some of the Lords of the Privy Council, do hereby require all persons whatsoever, to keep and preserve the peace .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R235389.Grub Street ID 106500.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
[By] the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, assembled at the House of Lords, Westminster, December 25. 1688. We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled in this conjuncture, do desire Your Highness to take upon you the administration of publick affairs, both civil and military, and the disposal of the publick revenue,.
London : printed for Awnsham and William Churchill, near Amen-Corner, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R172060.Grub Street ID 66065.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An order of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, assembled at Westminster, in the House of Lords, December 22. 1688.
London : printed for Awnsham and William Churchill, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R213737.Grub Street ID 89116.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The petition of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal for the calling of a free Parliament: together, with his Majesty's gracious answer to their Lordships.
London : printed for Thomas Pyke in Pall-Mall, 1688.
ESTC No. R226308.Grub Street ID 99364.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The Lords spiritual and temporal, assembled at the House of Lords, Westminster, December 25. 1688.
London : printed by John Starkey, and Awnsham and William Churchill, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R39493.Grub Street ID 121381.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the Lords spiritual and temporal. Whose names are subscribed.
London : printed for H. Jones, 1688.
ESTC No. R39500.Grub Street ID 121389.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in and about the cities of London and Westminster, assembled at Guildhal, 11 Dec. 1688.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R234169.Grub Street ID 105523.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The petition of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal for the calling of a free Parliament: together, with his Majesty's gracious answer to their Lordships.
London : printed for T. Pyke in Pall-Mall, [1688].
ESTC No. R235795.Grub Street ID 106817.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Wee the peers of the realm, being assembled with some of the Lords of the Privy Council, do hereby require all persons whatsoever, to keep and preserve the peace .
London] : In the Savoy, printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R29791.Grub Street ID 112723.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
[By] the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, assembled at the House of Lords, Westminster, December 25. 1688. We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled in this conjuncture, do desire Your Highness to take upon you the administration of publick affairs, both civil and military, and the disposal of the publick revenue,.
London : printed for Awnsham and William Churchill, near Amen-Corner, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R42015.Grub Street ID 123482.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in and about the cities of London and Westminster, assembled at Guildhal, 11 Dec. 1688.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R220451.Grub Street ID 94817.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The Lords spiritual and temporal, assembled at the House of Lords, Westminster, December 25. 1688.
London : printed by John Starkey, and Awnsham and William Churchill, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R510825.Grub Street ID 375138.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the Lords spiritual and temporal, whose names are subscribed.
London : printed for H. Jones, 1688.
ESTC No. R220132.Grub Street ID 94575.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in and about the cities of London and VVestminster, assembled at Guildhal, 11 Dec. 1688.
In the Savoy [i.e. London] : printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R4470.Grub Street ID 124840.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An order of the Lords spiritual & temporal assembled at Westminster, for the not-observing the sixth day of February.
In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Edward Jones, and for James Partridge, Matthew Gyllyflower, and Samuel Meyrick, 1688.
ESTC No. R40507.Grub Street ID 122289.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
We, peers of this realm, assembled with some of the lords of the Privy Council, do hereby require all Irish officers and soldiers to repair forthwith to the respective bodies to which they do, or did lately belong; .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R37806.Grub Street ID 119999.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the Lords spiritual and temporal. Whose names are subscribed.
London : printed for H. Jones, 1688.
ESTC No. R219935.Grub Street ID 94402.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in and about the cities of London and Westminster, assembled at Guildhal, 11 Dec. 1688.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R235285.Grub Street ID 106435.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
We, peers of this realm, assembled with some of the lords of the Privy Council, do hereby require all Irish officers and soldiers to repair forthwith to the respective bodies to which they do, or did lately belong; .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R225305.Grub Street ID 98516.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A true copy of the petition of the Lords Spiritual and temporal, for the calling of a free Parliament. Together with His Majesties Gracious answer to their Lordships. To the King's most Excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the lords spiritual and temporal; vvhose names are subscribed.
London] : Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1688.
ESTC No. R176187.Grub Street ID 68824.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the Lords spiritual and temporal. Whose names are subscribed.
London : printed for H. Jones, 1688.
ESTC No. R225627.Grub Street ID 98778.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
We, peers of this realm, assembled with some of the lords of the Privy Council, do hereby require all Irish officers and soldiers to repair forthwith to the respective bodies to which they do, or did lately belong; .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R204100.Grub Street ID 81121.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the Lords spiritual and temporal. Whose names are subscribed.
London : printed for H. Jones, 1688.
ESTC No. R219094.Grub Street ID 93677.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An order of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled at Westminster, for the not observing the sixth day of February. Dies Sabbati Febr. 2d. 1788[/]9. [sic].
London : printed for Abel Roper, at the Bell in Fleet street, 1689.
ESTC No. R172064.Grub Street ID 66068.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The agreement of the House of Lords, during this session, with the concurrence of the House of Commons, to this present eleventh of February, in the great affair of these nations.
London : s.n., 1689.
ESTC No. R212843.Grub Street ID 375108.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The agreement of the House of Lords, during this session, with the concurrence of the House of Commons, to this present eleventh. of February, in the great affair of these nations.
London : s.n., 1689.
ESTC No. R212871.Grub Street ID 375109.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The names of the Lords spiritual and temporal who deserted, not protested against the vote in the House of Peers, the sixth instant, against the word abducated [sic], and the throne vacant, in the same method as they entred their names in the journal book.
London : printed for J. Newton, 1688/9.
ESTC No. R3401.Grub Street ID 116562.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The agreement of the House of Lords, during this session, with the concurrence of the House of Commons, to this present eleventh of February, in the great affair of these nations.
London : s.n., 1689.
ESTC No. R504878.Grub Street ID 375132.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Sabbathi 15]0] Junij 1689. Ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that no papist, or reputed papist, do presume to come into the Lobby,.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the King and Queens most excellent Majesties, 1689.
ESTC No. R36450.Grub Street ID 118728.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The concluding vote; with the names of the Lords spiritual and temporal who deserted, not protested against the vote in the House of Peers, the sixth instant, against the word abdicated, and the throne vacant, in the same method as they entred their names in the journal book.
London : printed for J. Newton, 1689.
ESTC No. R215569.Grub Street ID 90575.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Two several addresses from the House of Peers, presented to Their Majesties, on Thursday the 9th of October, 1690. With Their Majesties most gracious ansvvers.
London : printed for Tim. Goodwin at the Maiden-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1690.
ESTC No. R7031.Grub Street ID 127325.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunæ 13º die Octobris, 1690. Upon reading the order of this House made the twenty eighth of March last, concerning protections and inspecting the several protections, and the number of them entred in the Parliament-Office at Westminster; it is this day ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, that all protections given by any Peer or Peers, or Members of this House, and entred in the Parliament-Office at Westminster of the last session .. hereby declared to be discontinued, null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever ... John Browne, Cleric' Parliamentor'.
London : printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, 1690.
ESTC No. R41349.Grub Street ID 122993.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris 28DG Martij, 1690. Upon reading this day in the House the several lists delivered in by the sheriffs of London and Middlesex, the bayliff of the borough of Southwark, the marshal of the Marshalsea, and the steward of Westminster, and their officers to whom it di belong, pursuant to an order of the twenty fourth instant, of the protections entred in their offices, in the names of any Peers, or Members of this House, and to whom they were granted;.
London : printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, M.DC.XC. [1690].
ESTC No. R216377.Grub Street ID 91287.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunæ 13]0] Octobris, 1690. Upon reading the order of this House made the twenty eighth of March last, concerning protections,.
London : printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, 1690.
ESTC No. R223084.Grub Street ID 96987.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The address of the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled. Presented to his Majesty the 9th of this instant March, 1692. With his Majesties gracious answer.
London] : Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1692[/]3] [i.e. 1693.
ESTC No. R231867.Grub Street ID 103796.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty the one and thirtieth of December, 1694. And His Majesties gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1694 [i.e. 1695].
ESTC No. R175261.Grub Street ID 68201.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty the seventh day of March, 1694. And His Majesties gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1694 [i.e. 1695].
ESTC No. R235183.Grub Street ID 106350.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourablehe [sic] Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty the seventh day of March, 1694. An His Majesties gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1694 [i.e. 1695].
ESTC No. R232052.Grub Street ID 103930.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on the sixteenth of December, 1695. And His Majesties gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1695.
ESTC No. R228435.Grub Street ID 101117.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Wednesday the twenty eighth day of October, 1696. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1696.
ESTC No. R235724.Grub Street ID 106755.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Wednesday the twenty eighth day of October, 1696. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1696.
ESTC No. R7071.Grub Street ID 127360.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Wednesday the eighth day of December, 1697. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1697.
ESTC No. R208116.Grub Street ID 84407.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1697 [i.e. 1698].
ESTC No. R235723.Grub Street ID 106754.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A true list of the Lords spiritual and temporal, together with the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the Parliament, which met at Westminster the 24th of August, 1698. and was prorogued to the 27th of September, and from thence to the 27th of October instant; as they are returned in to the office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery.
London] : Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, and sold by Jacob Tonson in Fleet-Street, and John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1698.
ESTC No. R12508.Grub Street ID 60680.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd; printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1697 [i.e. 1698].
ESTC No. R231870.Grub Street ID 103798.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurij 27]0] Januarij, 1696.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1698.
ESTC No. R223013.Grub Street ID 96923.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Friday the tenth day of June, 1698. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1698.
ESTC No. R220951.Grub Street ID 95181.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd; printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1697 [i.e. 1698].
ESTC No. R208145.Grub Street ID 84435.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Munday the sixth day of February, 1698. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1698 [i.e. 1699].
ESTC No. R232059.Grub Street ID 103936.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Lords spiritual and temporal to His Majesty, in relation to the petition of Charles Desborow, late captain of His Majesty's ship Mary Gally, employ'd in the expedition to Newfoundland, in the year 1697, under the command of Captain John Norris. And His Majesty's most gracious answer thereto.
London] : Printed for Charles Desborow, 1699.
ESTC No. R29789.Grub Street ID 112720.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the third day of January, 1698. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1698 [i.e. 1699].
ESTC No. R231871.Grub Street ID 103799.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Munday the twelfth day of February, 1699. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1699 [i.e. 1700].
ESTC No. R232062.Grub Street ID 103940.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The several proceedings and resolutions of the House of Peers, in relation to the lords impeached or charged.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1701.
ESTC No. T48002.Grub Street ID 275973.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
A true list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, together with the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the Parliament, which met at Westminster the 30th of December, 1701. as they are returned into the office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery.
London] : Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, and sold by Timothy Goodwin at the Queen's-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1701.
ESTC No. T81578.Grub Street ID 302347.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Tempora In Parliament Assembled, presented to His Majesty on Munday the twenty fourth day of March, 1700. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1701.
ESTC No. T138013.Grub Street ID 185891.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the eighteenth day of February, 1700. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1700. [i.e. 1701].
ESTC No. T138014.Grub Street ID 185892.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to His Majesty on Wednesday the fourteenth day of May, 1701. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1701.
ESTC No. T138015.Grub Street ID 185893.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris 9(` Maij. It is ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, that the translation of the States General Letter to His Majesty, the 13th of May, 1701. Read this day in the house, shall be forthwith printed and published. Matth Johnson, Cleric' Parliamentor' the translation of th States General letter to His Majesty, the thirteenth of May, 1701.
London : s.n., 1701.
ESTC No. T217253.Grub Street ID 375129.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled. Die lunæ 17]0!a. Februarii, 1700.
London, s.n., 1701.
ESTC No. T137182.Grub Street ID 375130.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the eighteenth day of February, 1700. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1700. [i.e. 1701].
ESTC No. R175264.Grub Street ID 68202.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The several proceedings and resolutions of the House of Peers, in relation to the lords impeached or charged.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1701.
ESTC No. N55608.Grub Street ID 39061.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Wednesday the fourteenth day of May, 1701. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, 1701.
ESTC No. T142479.Grub Street ID 189846.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings and resolution of the ... Lords ... on Saturday the ninth of May, 1702, upon part of the preface to the book, initituled, The history of the last parliament, began at Westminster the tenth day of February ... 1700.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T44490.Grub Street ID 272913.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings and resolution of the ... Lords ... on Tuesday the twelfth of May, 1702, upon the paragraphs contained in parg.89 and 90, of the book, intituled, Tom Double return'd out of the country: or, the true picture of a modern whig,.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T44491.Grub Street ID 272914.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The resolution and proceeding of the ... Lords ... on Munday the fourth of May, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T44820.Grub Street ID 273179.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The resolution and proceedings of the ... Lords ... on Saturday the sixteenth of May, 1702, upon two passages in the pamphlet, intituled, I. Reasons for addressing His Majesty to invite into England ... the Electress Dowager and the Electoral Prince of Hanover, and ... II. Reasons for attainting and abjuring the pretended Prince of Wales,.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T44821.Grub Street ID 273180.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The resolution and proceedings of the ... Lords ... on Saturday the sixteenth of May, 1702. Upon a pamphlet, intituled, Animadversions upon the two last thirtieth of January sermons; one preached to the Honourable House of Commons: the other to the Lower House of Convocation: in a letter. As also upon a book, intituled, A sermon preach'd on January the thirtieth, 1701/2. ... before the ... Lower House of Convocation. By W. Binckes,.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T44822.Grub Street ID 273181.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in relation to the Bill for taking, examining, and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom; together with the Amendments made to the said bill, which were rejected by the House of Commons the last Session of Parliament, made publick, in order to vindicate John Parkhurst, and John Paschal, Esquires: with some remarks in justification of Mr Whitaker's fidelity, in his Place of being Solicitor to the Admiralty, from the Reflections of a late Author in his Book, Entituled, The True Picture of a Modern Whig. In a letter to a person of quality.
London : printed in the year, [1702].
ESTC No. T44519.Grub Street ID 272932.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Munday the ninth day of March, 1701. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1701. [i.e. 1702].
ESTC No. N507913.Grub Street ID 375137.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The matters of fact, resolution and proceeding of the ... Lords ... on Munday the fourth of May, 1702.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T39054.Grub Street ID 268415.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The matters of fact, resolution, and proceeding Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, On Munday the Fourth of May, 1702.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1702.
ESTC No. T39055.Grub Street ID 268416.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to His Majesty On Thursday the First Day of January, 1701. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1701 [1702].
ESTC No. T36756.Grub Street ID 266641.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to His Majesty On Tuesday the Sixth Day of January, 1701. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, MDCCI. [1701] [i.e.1702].
ESTC No. T36757.Grub Street ID 266642.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to Her Majesty On Monday the Ninth Day of March, 1701. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCI. [1701] [1702].
ESTC No. T36759.Grub Street ID 266644.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled. Presented to Her Majesty On Friday the Thirteenth Day of March, 1701. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCI. [1701] [1702].
ESTC No. T36761.Grub Street ID 266646.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled. Presented to Her Majesty On Wednesday the First Day of April, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1702.
ESTC No. T36762.Grub Street ID 266647.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled; Presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Fifth Day of May, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T36763.Grub Street ID 266648.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty on Saturday the three and twentieth of May, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T36764.Grub Street ID 266649.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to Her Majesty On Friday the Twenty third of October, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T36765.Grub Street ID 266650.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the Nineteenth of November, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto. Together with the Resolution of this House, Made on Friday the Twentieth of November, 1702.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1702.
ESTC No. T36766.Grub Street ID 266651.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the sixth day of January, 1701. And His Majesties ... answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1701 [i.e. 1702].
ESTC No. T204036.Grub Street ID 234409.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Friday the thirteenth day of March, 1701. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1701 [i.e. 1702].
ESTC No. T214412.Grub Street ID 240812.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the sixth day of January, 1701. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1701 [i.e. 1702].
ESTC No. N17362.Grub Street ID 6829.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal and Commons In Parliament Assembled, Presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the One and twentieth of May, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T36789.Grub Street ID 266673.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, upon the observations of the Commissioners for taking, examining, and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom, delivered into the House of Peers.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702.
ESTC No. T177258.Grub Street ID 214206.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The vote or resolution and orders made by the Lords ... relating to William Fuller, and the books published by him.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1701 [i.e.1702].
ESTC No. T50993.Grub Street ID 278524.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, upon the observations of the Commissioners for taking, examining and stating the Publick Accounts of the Kingdom: delivered into the House of Peers.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702][i.e.1703].
ESTC No. T44522.Grub Street ID 272934.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Munday the twentieth day of December, 1703. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1703.
ESTC No. T85385.Grub Street ID 305707.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Friday the twelfth day of November, 1703. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1703.
ESTC No. N17493.Grub Street ID 6962.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An account of the proceedings of the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in relation to the bill, intituled, an Act for preventing occasional comformity [sic].
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1703.
ESTC No. N14650.Grub Street ID 4441.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to Her Majesty On Wednesday the Thirteenth of January, 1702. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1702 [1703].
ESTC No. T36767.Grub Street ID 266652.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An account of the proceedings of the House of Peers, upon the observations of the commissioners for taking, examining and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom, with their address to Her Majesty; and Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto: together with the papers referred to in these proceedings.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702 i.e. 1703].
ESTC No. T18742.Grub Street ID 223396.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An account of the proceedings of the House of Peers, upon the observations of the commissioners for taking, examining and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom: with their address to Her Majesty; and Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto: together with the papers referred to in these proceedings.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702 i.e. 1703].
ESTC No. T18743.Grub Street ID 223402.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Friday the twelfth day of November, 1703. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd ; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCIII. [1703].
ESTC No. N17365.Grub Street ID 6832.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, upon the observation of the commissioners for taking, examining and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom, delivered into the House of Peers. Die Veneris 15]0] Januarii, 1702.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702 [i.e. 1703].
ESTC No. N63280.Grub Street ID 45488.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An account of the proceedings of the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, in relation to the bill, intituled, An act for preventing occasional conformity.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, MDCCII. [1702, i.e. 1703].
ESTC No. T18744.Grub Street ID 223409.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An account of the proceedings of the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, in Relation to the Bill, Intituled, An Act for Preventing Occasional Conformity.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1702 [i.e. 1703].
ESTC No. T18745.Grub Street ID 223415.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
An account of the proceedings of the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, in relation to the bill, intituled, An act for preventing occasional conformity.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1703.
ESTC No. N16141.Grub Street ID 5823.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Friday the twelfth day of November, 1703. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, 1703.
ESTC No. T201720.Grub Street ID 232920.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the proceedings of the House of Peers, upon the observations of the Commissioners for taking, examining and stating the Publick Accounts of the Kingdom: with their address to Her Majesty, and Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1702[i.e. 1703].
ESTC No. T44740.Grub Street ID 273117.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Tuesday the eighteenth day of January, 1703. And Her Majesty's most gracious answer thereunto. Die Lunæ 17. Januarii, 1703.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty, 1703.
ESTC No. N70261.Grub Street ID 50937.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords Committees appointed to draw up the state of the case upon the writ of error, lately depending in the House of Peers; wherein Matthew Ashby was plaintiff, and William White and others defendants. With resolutions of the House of Peers relating thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd; printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T222321.Grub Street ID 245261.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords Committees appointed to take into consideration the report of the commissioners ... for taking, examining, and stating the publick accompts of the kingdom; so far as relates to the accompts of ... Edward Earl of Orford, late treasurer of the Navy.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1704.
ESTC No. T143145.Grub Street ID 190234.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords committees appointed to draw up the state of the case upon the writ of error, lately depending in the House of Peers; wherein Matthew Ashby was plaintiff, and William White and others defendants. With the resolutions of the House of peers relating thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T143147.Grub Street ID 190236.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The proceedings of the House of Lords, concerning the Scottish conspiracy, and the papers laid before that house, by Her Majesties command, relating thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T44518.Grub Street ID 272931.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty on Tuesday the eighteenth day of January, 1703. And Her Majesties ... answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1703 [i.e.1704].
ESTC No. N6254.Grub Street ID 44873.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurii 25 Octobris, 1704.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. N505131.Grub Street ID 375133.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Mercurii 25 Octobris, 1704.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. N505132.Grub Street ID 375134.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation, or address, of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty, on Friday the thirty first day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. N54502.Grub Street ID 38240.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords-committees appointed to draw up the state of the case upon the writ of error, ... wherein Matthew Ashby was plaintiff, and William White and others defendants. With the resolutions of the house of peers relating thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, [deceas'd.] Printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. N47991.Grub Street ID 32609.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation, or address, of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled; presented to Her Majesty, on Friday the 31st day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, 1704.
ESTC No. T5990.Grub Street ID 285853.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty on Friday the third day of March, 1703. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1703 [1704].
ESTC No. T36769.Grub Street ID 266654.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Friday the Thirty first Day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36770.Grub Street ID 266655.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords committees appointed to take into consideration the report of the Commissioners Appointed by Act of Parliament, Anno 1 Annae Reginae, for taking, examining, and stating the Publick Accompts of the Kingdom; so far as relates to the accompts of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Orford, late Treasurer of the Navy.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd ; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. N49799.Grub Street ID 33952.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Wednesday the Twenty fifth Day of October, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36772.Grub Street ID 266657.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Friday the Twenty second Day of December, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36773.Grub Street ID 266658.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Friday the twenty second day of December, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36774.Grub Street ID 266659.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Friday the thirty first day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T103212.Grub Street ID 156865.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of January, 1703. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1703 [1704].
ESTC No. T36820.Grub Street ID 266698.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation, or address, Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Friday the Thirty first Day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36821.Grub Street ID 266699.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunæ 27 Martii, 1704.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. N8288.Grub Street ID 53195.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representations, or addresses, Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Friday the Thirty first Day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36822.Grub Street ID 266700.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords committees appointed to draw up the state of the case upon the writ of error, Lately Depending in the House of Peers; wherein Matthew Ashby was plaintiff, and William White and others defendants. With the resolutions of the House of peers Relating thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T44733.Grub Street ID 273109.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords committees appointed to take into consideration the report of the Commissioners ... for taking, examining, and stating the Publick Accompts of the Kingdom; so far as relates to the accompts of ... Edward Earl of Orford, late Treasurer of the Navy.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1704.
ESTC No. T44734.Grub Street ID 273110.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords Committees appointed to take into consideration the report of the Commissioners Appointed by Act of Parliament, Anno 1 Annae Reginae, for taking, examining, and stating the Publick Accompts of the Kingdom; so far as relates to the accompts of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Orford, late Treasurer of the Navy.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T44735.Grub Street ID 273111.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Lunæ 27 Martii, 1704. It is resolved and declared by the lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that the House of Commons taking upon them by their votes to condemn a judgement of the House of Lords,.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty 1704.
ESTC No. T31843.Grub Street ID 262617.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the ... Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Munday [sic] the fifth day of February, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1704.
ESTC No. T202562.Grub Street ID 233433.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The report of the Lords Committees appointed to take into consideration the report of the Commissioners appointed by act of parliament, Anno. I. Annæ Reginæ, for taking, examining, and stating the publick accompts of the kingdom.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1704.
ESTC No. N49082.Grub Street ID 33534.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Jovis 1DG Novembris, 1705.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1705.
ESTC No. N505150.Grub Street ID 375135.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Munday the fifth day of February, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, 1704.
ESTC No. T36775.Grub Street ID 266660.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the First Day of November, 1705. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1705.
ESTC No. T36776.Grub Street ID 266661.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble representation, and address, of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty the fourteenth day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto: with their lordships thanks for the same. Together with the papers annexed to the said address, and laid before Her Majesty.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1704 [i.e. 1705].
ESTC No. T36814.Grub Street ID 266694.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Veneris 2]0] Martii, 1704.
London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty, 1705.
ESTC No. T31845.Grub Street ID 262619.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled: presented to Her Majesty. With Her Majesties most gracious answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1705[i.e.1706].
ESTC No. N6253.Grub Street ID 44865.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled: presented to Her Majesty. With Her Majesties most gracious answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1705[i.e.1706].
ESTC No. N6711.Grub Street ID 48731.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty on Wednesday the thirteenth day of March, 1705. Relating to the Province of Carolina, and the petition therein mentioned. With Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1705 [1706].
ESTC No. T36777.Grub Street ID 266662.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Sprirtual and Temporal, In Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Wednesday the thirteenth day of March, 1705, relating to the Province of Carolina, and the petition therein mentioned. With Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1705 [1706].
ESTC No. T36778.Grub Street ID 266663.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled: presented to Her Majesty. With Her Majesties most gracious answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1705 [1706].
ESTC No. T36779.Grub Street ID 266664.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty on Tuesday the nineteenth day of March, 1705. With Her Majesties most gracious answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1705 [1706].
ESTC No. T36780.Grub Street ID 266665.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the ... Lords ... presented to Her Majesty on Tuesday the nineteenth day of March, 1705. With Her Majesties most gracious answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, 1705 [1706].
ESTC No. T36781.Grub Street ID 266666.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the Fifth Day of December, 1706. With Her Majesties most gracious answer.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1706.
ESTC No. T36782.Grub Street ID 266667.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of December, 1706. With Her Majesty's most Gracious answer: And what was said by His Grace the Duke of Marlborough on that Occasion.
London : printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1706.
ESTC No. T36783.Grub Street ID 266668.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
The Parliament's humble address to Queen Elizabeth, to induce her to marriage. And her Majesty's most gracious answer. Anno regni secundo Elizabethæ. .
London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge, 1709.
ESTC No. T189621.Grub Street ID 225030.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords..
Die Jovis 24 Martii, 1725. Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, that no petition of appeal from any decree or sentence of any court of equity in England or Ireland, or of any court in Scotland, before this time signed and inrolled, or extracted shall be received by this house after five years,.
London : printed by John Baskett, 1726.
ESTC No. N66447.Grub Street ID 48177.