Publications of South Sea Company.


  • South Sea Company.. Abstract of the charter of the Governour and Company of Merchants of Great Britain, trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery. London] : Printed by John Barber, 1711. ESTC No. T148547. Grub Street ID 194843.
  • South Sea Company.. Abstract of the commission, dated the twenty seventh day of June, one thousand seven hundred and eleven, for taking subscriptions until the seventh day of July 1711. to the joint or capital stock of the corporation, to be erected in pursuance of an act of Parliament pass'd last session, for carrying on a trade to the south seas, &c. London, 1711?. ESTC No. N43997. Grub Street ID 410400.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery; Who are qualified to vote at the ensuing election for governor, sub-governor, and deputy-governor, to be made on Tuesday the 5th of August next; and of directors on Thursday the 7th of August next; together with part of the 7th by-law concerning elections. London : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honorable South-Sea Company, 1712. ESTC No. N70328. Grub Street ID 50971.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the governour, sub-governour, deputy-governour, and directors of the Governour and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery, chosen the 5th and 7th of August, 1712. London, 1712. ESTC No. T154662. Grub Street ID 410407.
  • South Sea Company.. By-laws, orders and rules, for the good government of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain, trading to the south seas and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery, and for the better carrying on and managing the trade of the said company. London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honourable the South-Sea Company, 1712. ESTC No. T230789. Grub Street ID 250281.
  • South Sea Company.. A copy of the papers which were prepared by the Court of Directors, and read in a General Court of the South Sea Company, on Wednesday the 17th day of February, 1713. London : printed by John Barber, 1714. ESTC No. T12342. Grub Street ID 173892.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the corporation of the governor and company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery; . London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honourable South-Sea Company, [1714. ESTC No. T123487. Grub Street ID 173932.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the governor, sub-governor, deputy-governor, and directors of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great-Britain, trading to the South-Seas,... chosen the 1st and 3d of February, 1714. London : s.n., 1715. ESTC No. T85065. Grub Street ID 410410.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, ... who are qualified to vote ... the 3d of February next; ... Decemb. 25. 1717. London : printed by John Barber, 1717. ESTC No. N34107. Grub Street ID 22526.
  • South Sea Company.. At a general meeting of a great number of the proprietors in the South-Sea Company, it was their unanimous opinion, that the continuing the present sub-governor, and deputy-governor ... will be prejudicial to the interest of the company, ... and therefore it was unanimousl agreed to put up the following persons; the King's most excellent Majesty, for governor; . London?, 1718. ESTC No. N69431. Grub Street ID 410402.
  • South Sea Company.. The schemes of the South-Sea Company and the Bank of England, as propos'd to the Parliament for the reducing of the national debts. London : printed for W. Castle, at the Royal Exchange, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T12335. Grub Street ID 173836.
  • South Sea Company.. By virtue and in pursuance of a late Act of Parliament, entituled, An Act for enabling the South-Sea Company to increase their present capital stock and fund, by redeeming such publick debts and incumbrances as are therein mentioned, [blank] having subscribed into the capital stock . London, 1720. ESTC No. N43829. Grub Street ID 410399.
  • South Sea Company.. The south-Sea company and bank proposals, as they were delivered to the Honourable the House of Commons, stated and compared. London : s.n., 1720?. ESTC No. T17269. Grub Street ID 410406.
  • South Sea Company.. By virtue and in pursuance of a constitution or appointment under the hands of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, dated the sixth day of May 1720, founded on a late act of Parliament for enabling the South-Sea Company to increase their present capital stock and fund, by redeeming such publick debts and incumburances as are therein mentioned. Receiv'd the 23d day of June 1720 of [blank] the following annuity[blank] granted anno 1708, for 99 years, out of surplusses and duties on low wines, hawkers, &c. London] : [s.n.], [1720. ESTC No. N510560. Grub Street ID 410412.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, ... who are qualified to vote ... Decemb. 25, 1720. London] : [Printed in the year, 1720. ESTC No. T169602. Grub Street ID 207434.
  • South Sea Company.. The schemes of the South-Sea Company and the Bank of England, as propos'd to the Parliament for the reducing of the national debts. The second edition.. London : Printed for W. Castle, at the Royal Exchange, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. N36444. Grub Street ID 24422.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, ... who are qualified to vote ... on the thirty first of January ... and the second day of February next . London] : Printed in the year, 1720. ESTC No. T217862. Grub Street ID 242644.
  • South Sea Company.. Whereas by an act pass'd the last session of Parliament, entitled, An act for making several provisions to restore the publick credit, which suffers by the frauds and mismanagements of the late directors of the South Sea Company, . London, 1721?. ESTC No. N38113. Grub Street ID 410396.
  • South Sea Company.. The proceedings of the directors of the South-Sea Company, from the first proposal of that company, for taking in the publick debts, February 1, 1719. to the choice of new directors, February 2, 1720. ... To these are added the by-laws of the South-Sea Company. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1721. ESTC No. T44513. Grub Street ID 272927.
  • South Sea Company.. Some reasons for the question proposed At the Last General Court against the Ingraftment; with an Answer to some Reasons given against it. London : s.n., 1721. ESTC No. T12338. Grub Street ID 410404.
  • South Sea Company.. Whereas it has been insinuated by the sellers of the third and fourth money subscriptions, and the secret agents of the late South-Sea directors, that it was the opinion of the present directors at the last General Court, that the words (to such persons who desire the same) should stand part of the question relating to the said third and fourth subscription. This is to give notice to the incautious, that the said insinuations are false and groundless; the Sub-Governour, not without resentment, having declared (when the same insinuations were offered in the said courts by a monopolizer of the said subscriptions) that the directors had not agreed in any opinion therein, as every person may be informed by application to the said Sub-Governour, or any of the directors, before he ballots for the question. London : s.n., 1721. ESTC No. T218983. Grub Street ID 410408.
  • South Sea Company.. The trade of South-Sea stock. London : s.n., 1721?. ESTC No. T230385. Grub Street ID 410411.
  • South Sea Company.. The proceedings of the late directors of the South-Sea Company, from their proposal for taking in the publick debts, to the choice of new directors; containing a particular account of the debates in the General-Courts of the said company, during that Time, as likewise in those of the Bank of England, and East-India Company; including among others the celebrated Speeches of the following Lords and Gentlemen, viz. Duke of Portland Earl of Ilay Lord Lumley Lord Morpeth Mr. Craggs Sir John Blunt Sir John Eyles Sir John Fellows Sir Matthew Decker Sir Robert Child Sir Gils. Heathcote Sir Harcourt Master Sir Theodore Jansen Sir George Caswall Dr. Cotesworth Mr. Budgell Mr. Ecclestone Mr. Young Mr. Hungerford Mr. Hopkins Mr. Pendock, &c. Together with divers other matters and Occurrences, which either result from or serve to explain those proceedings. To these are added the by-laws of the South-Sea Company. The second edition, with additions.. London : printed for A. Dodd, at the Peacock, without Temple-Bar; and J. Billingsley, at the Printing-Press, under the Royal-Exchange, [1721]. ESTC No. T178782. Grub Street ID 215658.
  • South Sea Company.. Proposals for an agreement between the South-Sea Company and the Bank of England, as settled by the courts of directors of each company. London, 1722?. ESTC No. N43101. Grub Street ID 410397.
  • South Sea Company.. A particular of 14 lots of hops of the growth of the year 1721. on the estate purchased of Morgan Randyll Esq: in Surry, by Richard Houlditch, Esq; one of the late directors of the South Sea Company, which are to be sold by order of the trustees for raising money on the estates of the late directors of the said company, &c. by cant or auction to the best bidder, at their office in the South-Sea-House, on Wednesday the 30th of May 1722. at 10 of the clock in the forenoon. London : s.n., 1722. ESTC No. N72033. Grub Street ID 410401.
  • South Sea Company.. The following question is to be ballotted for at the South-Sea-House this day, Viz. That this Court doth agree to ... an agreement with the governour and Company of the Bank of England, . London, 1722. ESTC No. T12331. Grub Street ID 410403.
  • South Sea Company.. The Governor and company of Merchants of Great Britain Trading to the South-seas ... Appellants. Eleanor Curzon, respondent. The appellant's case. London?, 1723. ESTC No. T16677. Grub Street ID 410405.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the corporation of the governor and company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery; . London : Printed by Edward Symon, 1723. ESTC No. T122931. Grub Street ID 173462.
  • South Sea Company.. By-Laws, orders and rules, for the good government of the corporation of The Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas, and other Parts of America, and for Encouraging the Fishery; and for the better carrying on and managing the trade of the said company. London : printed by Edward Symon, 1726. ESTC No. N32248. Grub Street ID 20981.
  • South Sea Company.. South-Sea House, 20th April, 1732. London, 1732. ESTC No. T55454. Grub Street ID 410409.
  • South Sea Company.. To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled. In obedience to the order of this Honourable House of the 24th instant, the directors of the South Sea Company do humbly lay before your Lordships the following accounts,. London, 1733. ESTC No. N64290. Grub Street ID 410394.
  • South Sea Company.. An account of what South Sea stock and South Sea annuities have been received from the trustees for sale of the estates of the late directors, and others, in pursuance of the Act of Parliament of the 13th year of His late Majesty,. London?, 1733?. ESTC No. N30430. Grub Street ID 410395.
  • South Sea Company.. The report of the committee appointed to inspect and examine the several accompts of the South-Sea Company, laid before the general court of the said company the 16th of June, 1732; And added to The Special Committee for Law-Suits, for the Prosecution of Mr. James Dolliffe, and Captain William Cleland. Made to a General Court held the 9th of May, 1733. London : printed by W. Wilkins in Lombard-Street, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T44714. Grub Street ID 273094.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of merchants of Great Britain, trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery ; Who are Qualified to Vote at the ensuing Election for Governor, ... Governor, and Deputy-Governor, to be made on Tuesday the 3d. and of Direct on Thursday the 5th Day of February next: Together with Part of the 7th By concerning Elections. Note, Those marked **** have four Votes, and are capable of being chosen Gövernor, Sub-Gövernor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors. [+]** have three Votes, and are capable of being chosen Sub-Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors. *** have three Votes, and are capable of being chosen Deputy-Governor, or Directors. ** have two Votes, and are capable of being chosen Directors. * have one Vote. December 25, 1735. London : printed by Edward Symon, Printer to the Honourable South-Sea Company, M,DCC,XXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T123818. Grub Street ID 174143.
  • South Sea Company.. A list of the names of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great-Britain, trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery. Who are qualified to vote at the ensuing election for Governor, Sub-governor, and Deputy-governor, to be made on Tuesday the second, and of directors on Thursday the fourth day of February next: together with part of the seventh by-law concerning elections. London : [printed by the honourable] South-Sea Company, M.DCC.XLVII.] [1747. ESTC No. N71249. Grub Street ID 51550.
  • South Sea Company.. The proposal laid before the General-Court of the South-Sea Company, the 10th of January, 1750. London, 1750. ESTC No. N43340. Grub Street ID 410398.
  • South Sea Company.. The names and descriptions of the proprietors of unclaimed dividends on South-Sea stock; which became due before the 31st December 1780, and remained unpaid the 31st December 1790. With the dates when the first dividends respectively became payable, and the number of dividends due thereon. Published by order of the court of directors of the South Sea Company. London : printed for John Tipp, their accountant; and sold by Hughes and Walsh, stationers, Inner-Temple-Lane: Wells, Grosvenor and Chater, Cornhill; H. D. Symonds, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Edwards, No. 17, Conduit-street, Hanover-Square; and J. Blackbourn, at the Stock-Exchange, 1791. ESTC No. N70450. Grub Street ID 51038.
  • South Sea Company.. The names and descriptions of the proprietors of unclaimed dividends on the publick Funds, transferrable at the South-Sea House; which became due before the 31st December 1780, and remained unpaid the 31st December 1790. With The Dates When The First Dividends Respectively Became Payable, And The Number Of Dividends Due. Published by order of the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company. London : printed for John Tipp, their accountant; and sold by Hughes and Walsh, Stationers, Inner-Temple-Lane; H.D. Symonds, Pater-Noster-Row; William Deane, Royal Exchange; J. Blackbourn, at the Stock Exchange; and John Edwards, No 17, Conduit-Street, Hanover-Square, [1791]. ESTC No. T131126. Grub Street ID 180171.