Moravian Church..
The watch-words of the covenant in the blood of Jesus, for the year 1743.
London : printed for James Hutton, at the Bible and Sun in Little-Wyldstreet, near Lincolns-Inn-Fields, 1742.
ESTC No. N504174.Grub Street ID 402359.
Moravian Church..
The Word for the disciples of the God with us, for the year 1744. Translated from the German.
London : printed for James Hutton, at the Bible and Sun in Little Wild-Street, near Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, [1743].
ESTC No. N492042.Grub Street ID 402357.
Moravian Church..
The watch-words for the year 1746.
London : printed for James Hutton, near the Golden-Lion in Fetter-Lane, [1745].
ESTC No. N504179.Grub Street ID 402364.
Moravian Church..
Acta Fratrum Unitatis in Anglia.
London : printed by S. Richardson], MDCCXLIX. [1749.
ESTC No. T19077.Grub Street ID 225883.
Moravian Church..
The case of the deputies of the Moravian Brethren.
London, 1749?.
ESTC No. T69444.Grub Street ID 402351.
Moravian Church..
An account of the doctrine, manners, liturgy, and idiom of the Unitas Fratrum. Taken from, and comprising the supplement (dedicated to the Church of England) of the vouchers to the Report of the Committee of the Honourable the House of Commons concerning the Church of the Unitas Fratrum; lately printed in folio.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year MDCCXLIX. [1749].
ESTC No. T102516.Grub Street ID 402352.
Moravian Church..
Some other hymns and poems. Consisting chiefly of translations from the German.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T123979.Grub Street ID 402353.
Moravian Church..
Etwas vom Liede Mosis, des Knechts Gottes, und dem Liede des Lammes, das ist: alt- und neuer Br"uder-Gesang von den Tagen Henochs bisher, .
London : mit Haberkorn- und Gussischen Schriften, 1753.
ESTC No. T124016.Grub Street ID 174296.
Moravian Church..
A collection of hymns of the children of God in all ages, from the beginning till now. In two parts. Designed chiefly for the use of the congregations in union with the Brethren's church.
London : printed; and to be had at all the Brethren's chapels, MDCCLIV. [1754].
ESTC No. T53156.Grub Street ID 280141.
Moravian Church..
The plain case of the representatives of the people known by the name of the Unitas Fratrum, from the year 1727, till these times, with regard to their conduct in this country, under misrepresentation.
London : printed for John Beecroft, in Lombard-Street, M.DCC.LIV. [1754].
ESTC No. T103120.Grub Street ID 156777.
Moravian Church..
Erster und noch sehr unvollkommener Versuch einer harmonischen Sammlung von kurzen Liedern, Sprüchen, Gebeten und Seufzern wie sie in denen Brüder=Versammlungen von den Cantoribus mutat. mutandis vor= und von der Gemeine ohne Buch pflegen mit=gesungen zu werden, zu näherer Consideration dargelegt.
London : drukts [sic], im Brüder=Hofe, Joh. Jacob Würz, 1754.
ESTC No. N2914.Grub Street ID 18328.
Moravian Church..
The representation of the committee of the English congregations in union with the Moravian church.
London : s.n., 1754.
ESTC No. T2021.Grub Street ID 402342.
Moravian Church..
The representation of the committee of the English Congregations in Union with the Moravian Church.
London, 1754.
ESTC No. T68513.Grub Street ID 402350.
Moravian Church..
Des Evangelischen Lieder-Buchs unter dem Titel Br"uder-Gesang von den Tagen Henochs bisher Zweyter Band, Enthaltend "uber Tausend Lieder zum Achtzehnden Seculo aus der Evangelischen Br"uder-Kirche.
London : mit Haberkornischen Schriften, 1754.
ESTC No. N479056.Grub Street ID 402354.
Moravian Church..
Das Kinder-B"uchlein in den Br"uder-Gemeinen.
London : Gedrukt zu London, in der Br"uder-Officin, [1754].
ESTC No. T124034.Grub Street ID 174311.
Moravian Church..
Das Liturgien-Büchlein nach der bey den Brüdern dermalen hauptsächlich gewöhnlichen Singe-Weise von neuem revidirt, und ... ausgegeben von dem Cantore Fratrum Ordinario nebst einigen Voranmerkungen zu einer künftigen Edition, .
London [i.e. Barby?] : gedrukt in der Brüder-Officin, 1755.
ESTC No. T213377.Grub Street ID 240250.
Moravian Church..
Nothdürftige Betrachtung über den ersten und noch sehr unvollkommenen Versuch zu einer kurzen Lieder-Predigt und Liturgie, mit aneinander hängenden Sprüchen, Gebeten und Seufzern, wie sie in den Brüder-Versammlungen von den Cantoribus Muttis mutandis vor- und von der Gemeine, ohne Buch können und pflegen mit-gesungen zu werden, und jüngsthin unter dem gedoppelten Titel der Hirten-Lieder von Bethlehem und des Gesang des Reigens zu Saron zum erstenmal edirt werden.
London : drukts in der Brüder-Hofe, Joh. Jacob Würz, 1755.
ESTC No. N504236.Grub Street ID 402365.
Moravian Church..
A hymn-Book for the children belonging to the Brethren's congregations: taken chiefly out of the German little book. In three books.
London?] : [s.n.], In the year, 1756.
ESTC No. T189669.Grub Street ID 402347.
Moravian Church..
The litany-Book, According to the Manner of Singing At present mostly in Use among the Brethren, Again revised, And in this convenient Form set forth by the Brethren's chantor. Translated from the fourth German Edition.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year MDCCLIX. [1759].
ESTC No. T171538.Grub Street ID 402346.
Moravian Church..
The daily words of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1764.
London : printed in the year, 1763.
ESTC No. T6009.Grub Street ID 286037.
Moravian Church..
The daily words of the Brethren's congregation, For the Year 1766.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1765.
ESTC No. T190548.Grub Street ID 402348.
Moravian Church..
A candid declaration of the church known by the name of the Unitas Fratrum, relative to their labour among the heathen.
London?, 1768?.
ESTC No. N26629.Grub Street ID 402339.
Moravian Church..
Stated rules of the Brethren's Society, for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen.
London?, 1769?.
ESTC No. T28237.Grub Street ID 402343.
Moravian Church..
A candid declaration of the church known by the name of the Unitas Fratrum, relative to their labour among the heathen.
London?, 1769?.
ESTC No. T28238.Grub Street ID 402344.
Moravian Church..
The daily words of the Brethren's congregation, For the Year 1772.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1771.
ESTC No. T6010.Grub Street ID 402345.
Moravian Church..
Liturgic hymns of the Brethren's congregations. Revised and corrected. Translated from the German.
London : printed by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster Row. MDCCLXXII, [1772].
ESTC No. T171544.Grub Street ID 209160.
Moravian Church..
A brief account of the mission established among the Esquimaux Indians, on the coast of Labrador, by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum,.
London : printed by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel: and sold by M. Lewis, and at all the Brethren's chapels MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T4901.Grub Street ID 276843.
Moravian Church..
The daily words of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1774.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1774.
ESTC No. N71116.Grub Street ID 402341.
Moravian Church..
Manual for the use of the children in the Brethrens' congregations, for the year, 1777.
London?, 1777.
ESTC No. T205746.Grub Street ID 402349.
Moravian Church..
The daily words of the Brethrens' congregation, for the year 1778.
London : printed in the year, 1777.
ESTC No. T198985.Grub Street ID 231343.
Moravian Church..
The daily words of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1780.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1779.
ESTC No. N504175.Grub Street ID 402360.
Moravian Church..
[Ychydig hymnau allan o Lyfr hymnau Cynnulleidfaoedd y Brodyr].
Llundain : argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn, 1770.
ESTC No. N479258.Grub Street ID 402355.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1782.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1781.
ESTC No. N504176.Grub Street ID 402361.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1784.
London : printed in the year, 1783.
ESTC No. N28389.Grub Street ID 17623.
Moravian Church..
Instructions for the members of the Unitas Fratrum, who minister in the Gospel among the heathen.
London : printed for the Brethren's Society, for the furtherance of the Gospel among the heathen, [1784].
ESTC No. T107809.Grub Street ID 160818.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1785.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1784.
ESTC No. N504177.Grub Street ID 402362.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1786.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1785.
ESTC No. N504178.Grub Street ID 402363.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1788.
London : printed in the year, 1787.
ESTC No. T230611.Grub Street ID 250166.
Moravian Church..
A collection of hymns, for the use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren.
London : printed: and sold at the brethren's chapels in Great-Britain and Ireland, M.DCC.LXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T124259.Grub Street ID 174489.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1791.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1790.
ESTC No. N498340.Grub Street ID 402358.
Moravian Church..
Litanies for the choirs in the congregations of the United Brethren, revised and enlarged.
London : printed [by J. Drew] in the year, 1793.
ESTC No. T123866.Grub Street ID 174181.
Moravian Church..
Liturgic hymns of the United Brethren, revised and enlarged. Translated from the German.
London : printed in the year, 1793.
ESTC No. T123867.Grub Street ID 174182.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1796.
London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1795.
ESTC No. N71114.Grub Street ID 402340.
Moravian Church..
Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren, established among the heathen.
London : printed for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, No. 10, Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane, 1790 [1796].
ESTC No. T6012.Grub Street ID 286042.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregation, for the year 1800.
London : printed by A. Paris, 1799.
ESTC No. N51871.Grub Street ID 35863.
Moravian Church..
Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the church of the United Brethren, established among the heathen. Vol. II.
London : printed [by J. Marshall] for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, No. 10 Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane, 1797 [1800].
ESTC No. T6011.Grub Street ID 286041.
Moravian Church..
The daily words and doctrinal texts of the Brethren's congregations, for the year 1801.
London : printed by A. Paris, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, 1800.
ESTC No. N491821.Grub Street ID 402356.