Publications of Royal African Company.


  • Royal African Company.. A list of the Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa. London : s.n., 1663?. ESTC No. R206447. Grub Street ID 407552.
  • Royal African Company.. Sir, his Royal Highnesse hath appointed a generall court of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England, trading into Africa, to be holden at Whitehall, on the eighteenth of this instant January, being Monday, at 8. of the clock in the morning, for the election of seven to be a committee for the next ensuing year, to act under the court of assistants, and to follow such instructions as they shall receive from the court of assistants. London : s.n., 1664. ESTC No. R175816. Grub Street ID 407568.
  • Royal African Company.. Alotments of goods to be sold by the Company of Royal Adventurers of England Trading into Africa, at the African house in Broadstreet: by the candle, on Thursday the 18th of January 1665. at eight of the clock in the morning, the buyer to have the impost of what he exports. London : s.n., 1665. ESTC No. R224327. Grub Street ID 407560.
  • Royal African Company.. These are to advertise you, that there is a general court of the Royal Adventurers of England Trading into Africa, to be holden at Whitehall on Thursday next (being the 10th. of this instant January). London : s.n., 1667?. ESTC No. R208211. Grub Street ID 407556.
  • Royal African Company.. The several declarations of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa, inviting all his Majesties native subjects in gen[e]ral to subscribe, and become sharers in their joynt-stock. Together with his royal highness James Duke of Yo[rk] and Albany, &c. and the rest of the said Royal Compa[ ] letter to the right honourable Francis Lord Willoug[ ] of Parham, &c. Intimating the said companies res[olu]tions to furnish his Majesties American plantations [ ] negroes at certain and moderate rates. As also a list of the Royal Adventurers of England [tra]ding into Africa. London : s.n.], Anno Dom. 1667. ESTC No. R229949. Grub Street ID 407564.
  • Royal African Company.. An answer of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa, to the petition and paper of certain heads and particulars thereunto relating and annexed, exhibited to the Honourable House of Commons by Sir Paul Painter, Ferdinando Gorges, Henry Batson, Benjamin Skutt, and Thomas Knights, on the behalf of themselves and others concerned in His Majesties plantations in America. London : s.n.], Anno Dom. 1667. ESTC No. R15306. Grub Street ID 407551.
  • Royal African Company.. The [blank] January 1669/70. These are to give you notice, that there is a general court of the Royal Company appointed at Whitehall on [blank] next, being the [blank] of this instant January 1669/70. at nine of the clock in the morning, for the chusing of a governour, sub-governour, deputy governour, and six and thirty assistants for the mannagement of the Royal Companies affairs for the year ensuing; and you are desired to bring in your votes, with your shares endorsed on the same, for those you desire to be chosen, before twelve of the clock in the forenoon, the scrutiny being to be made at that time. London : s.n., 1670. ESTC No. R234926. Grub Street ID 407562.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the Royal Adventurers of England, trading into Africa. London : s.n., 1671?. ESTC No. R206959. Grub Street ID 407554.
  • Royal African Company.. At a generall meeting of all the subscribers to the stock of the Royal Company, holden at Drapers-Hall the 19th of December 1671 His Royal Highness present with the Sub-governour and Deputy-governour. London : s.n., 1671. ESTC No. R213325. Grub Street ID 407557.
  • Royal African Company.. At a general court of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa, holden White-Hall, this 10th. of November, 1671. It is ordered, that the following preamble for a subscription of a new joynt-stock in the trade of Africa, which was approved of at a former court holden the 27th. of October, and this day begun to be subscribed unto, should be forthwith printed and published,. London : s.n., 1671. ESTC No. R229094. Grub Street ID 407563.
  • Royal African Company.. These are to give notice, that there is a general court of the Royal Company appointed at the African-House in Throgmorton-street, on Wednesday next being the seventeenth of this instant January 1671/2. London : s.n., 1672. ESTC No. R206954. Grub Street ID 407553.
  • Royal African Company.. A general court of the Royal Affrican Company of England, to be held at the Affrican-House on Saturday the 16th. of January 1674. London : s.n., 1672. ESTC No. R215110. Grub Street ID 407558.
  • Royal African Company.. Whereas the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa, suddenly after their establishment by His Majesties Royal Charter, by which the whole trade of the coast of Africa from Sally to Cape buon Esperanza, was vested in the said company solely, . London : s.n., 1672. ESTC No. R228955. Grub Street ID 407561.
  • Royal African Company.. A general court of the Royal Affrican Company of England, to be held at the Affrican-House on Friday the 14th. of January 1675,. London : s.n., 1676. ESTC No. R234568. Grub Street ID 407569.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the names of all the adventurers of the Royal Affrican Company of England whereof those marked thus * are not capable (by their adventurers) of being chosen assistants. His Royal Highness the Duke of York. His Highness Prince Rupert. London : s.n., 1677 or 1678. ESTC No. R179838. Grub Street ID 407566.
  • Royal African Company.. A general court of the Royal African Company of England, to be held at Drapers Hall on Friday the 11th of January, 1677. at three of the clock in the afternoon, for election of governour, sub-governour, and deputy governour, for the year ensuing. London s.n. 1678. ESTC No. R177368. Grub Street ID 407567.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the names of all the adventurers of the Royal African Company of England whereof those marked thus * are not capable (by their adventures) of being chosen assistants. London : s.n., 1679. ESTC No. R208202. Grub Street ID 407555.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the names of all the adventurers of the Royal African Company of England whereof those marked thus * are not capable (by their adventures) of being chosen assistants. London] : [s.n.], [1679. ESTC No. R506674. Grub Street ID 407598.
  • Royal African Company.. Please to take notice that Tuesday the 4th. of February, 1689 between eleven and twelve a clock, is appointed a general court. London? : s.n., 1690. ESTC No. R222743. Grub Street ID 407559.
  • Royal African Company.. Please to take notice . . . a General Court for to declare the choice of officers . London? : s.n. 1689 [i.e. 1690. ESTC No. R182922. Grub Street ID 407565.
  • Royal African Company.. African-house. At a general court of the adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held the first day of August, 1699. London : s.n., 1699. ESTC No. R187622. Grub Street ID 407524.
  • Royal African Company.. African-House. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held the 27th. day of March, 1701. London : s.n., 1701. ESTC No. T21099. Grub Street ID 407579.
  • Royal African Company.. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African-Company of England, held at their house ... the 15th day of December, 1702. London, 1702. ESTC No. T22589. Grub Street ID 407582.
  • Royal African Company.. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held at their house ... the 1st day of June, 1704. London, 1704. ESTC No. T22588. Grub Street ID 407581.
  • Royal African Company.. The Royal African Company of England, appellants. William Dockwra, and Roger Langdon and Phillis his wife, administratix of Richard Dickenson, respondents. The case of the appellants the Royal African Company. London, 1704. ESTC No. T45252. Grub Street ID 407593.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the names of all the adventurers of the Royal African-Company of England, whereof those marked thus * have not adventure sufficient, in the stock, to make them capable of being chosen sub-governour, deputy-governour, or assistants. London, 1794. ESTC No. N45451. Grub Street ID 407537.
  • Royal African Company.. All such persons that are desirous to serve the Royal African-Company as souldiers [sic] in Guyne upon the following terms, May repair to the African House in Leaden-Hall-Street, London, and find Entertainment, Viz. Each Souldier shall receive as a free Gift (before he proceeds the Voyage,) Forty Shillings, also a Bed, Rugg, and Pillow; the Company pay his Passage over to Guyne, upon his arrival there to enter into pay, at Twenty Shillings per Month, the Company finding Diet and Lodging. His Wages to be duly paid every Month. London : s.n., 1705?. ESTC No. T21243. Grub Street ID 407580.
  • Royal African Company.. African House. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held the 26th. Day of June, 1706. London : s.n., 1706. ESTC No. T21098. Grub Street ID 407578.
  • Royal African Company.. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held the 18th day of September, 1706. London, 1706. ESTC No. T22590. Grub Street ID 407583.
  • Royal African Company.. The falsities of private traders to Africa discover'd, and the Mischiefs they Occasion demonstrated: And an Account of the Settlements on that Coast purchased, built, and now possest, by the Company. London : s.n., 1708. ESTC No. T35286. Grub Street ID 407584.
  • Royal African Company.. The case between the African Company and the people of England. London? : s.n., 1708?. ESTC No. N68763. Grub Street ID 407547.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African Company. London, 1709?. ESTC No. T12398. Grub Street ID 407573.
  • Royal African Company.. A memorial on behalf of the Royal-African-Company, relating to their proposal lately given in to the Honourable House of Commons; for the better establishment of that trade: Together With their said proposal Subjoin'd. London : s.n., 1710. ESTC No. T11397. Grub Street ID 407570.
  • Royal African Company.. A brief narrative of the Royal-African-Company's proceedings, with their creditors the last year; with some rules and restrictions, they are willing to submit to, by a bill in Parliament. London, 1710. ESTC No. T12394. Grub Street ID 407571.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal-African Company. London? : s.n., 1710. ESTC No. T20273. Grub Street ID 407577.
  • Royal African Company.. The anatomy of the African Company's scheme for carrying on that trade in a joint-stock exclusive, on the foot of new subscriptions. London?, 1710?. ESTC No. N66985. Grub Street ID 407544.
  • Royal African Company.. Short remarks on the bill for a free trade to Africa. London, 1710?. ESTC No. N69098. Grub Street ID 407550.
  • Royal African Company.. Reasons humbly offered, for confirming the Royal-African-Company's charter by Parliament, to such persons who are willing to become adventurers in that trade. London : s.n., 1711?. ESTC No. T46446. Grub Street ID 407594.
  • Royal African Company.. Some queries relating to the present dispute about the trade to Africa. London, s.n., 1711?. ESTC No. T49346. Grub Street ID 407595.
  • Royal African Company.. Some queries relating to the present dispute about the trade to Africa. London : s.n., 1711?. ESTC No. T49347. Grub Street ID 407596.
  • Royal African Company.. A true account of eight years exports of the Royal African Company, and eight years exports of the separate traders. London, s.n., 1711. ESTC No. T51774. Grub Street ID 407597.
  • Royal African Company.. The present state of the Royal African Company. London?, 1711?. ESTC No. N65032. Grub Street ID 407542.
  • Royal African Company.. A scheme, by which 'tis humbly conceived the trade to Africa will be most effectually preserved, carried on to the utmost extent, and secured for after ages, to the great benefit of this kingdom, and the plantations and colonies thereunto belonging, . London, 1711?. ESTC No. N65302. Grub Street ID 407543.
  • Royal African Company.. An account of the ballance of the African Company's books, given in to the Lords Commissioners of Trade, by the said Company and by that Board reported to the House of Commons in the year 1709. London : s.n., 1712. ESTC No. T12408. Grub Street ID 407574.
  • Royal African Company.. Between the African Company the Queen, upon a writ of error. London : s.n., 1712?. ESTC No. T214367. Grub Street ID 407590.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the creditors of the Royal African-Company, now incorporated with the said company, humbly represented to ... the House of Commons. London, 1712?. ESTC No. N13374. Grub Street ID 407526.
  • Royal African Company.. I [blank] do hereby acknowledge and declare, to have agreed, and do hereby agree to and with the Royal African Company of England, for the consideration of the sum of [blank] per annum, . London?, 1712?. ESTC No. N44360. Grub Street ID 407536.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the creditors of the African Company, and of the company united with them. London?, 1713. ESTC No. T188784. Grub Street ID 407589.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the African Company's property to the trade and settlements in Africa, justly distinguished. With Some reasons for the Bill now before this House for Establishing that Trade Free and Open. London? : s.n., 1713?. ESTC No. T59705. Grub Street ID 407591.
  • Royal African Company.. Copy of the propositions for settling the trade to Africa, signed by the Court of Assistants of the Royal African Company of England, and given in to a committee of the House of Lords, the 26th of June, 1713. London] : [s.n.], [1713. ESTC No. N510559. Grub Street ID 407600.
  • Royal African Company.. Resolutions of a general court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company, held on Thursday the 26th of February 1712/13. London, 1713. ESTC No. N13373. Grub Street ID 407525.
  • Royal African Company.. By the Royal African-Company, an account of what money has been received for the exports, of the several out-ports to Africa in fourteen years time. London, 1713?. ESTC No. N14696. Grub Street ID 407527.
  • Royal African Company.. Copy of the Royal African-Company's letter to the mayor, aldermen and common-council of the City of Bristol, dated London, the 26th of February, 1712/13. London, 1713. ESTC No. N14959. Grub Street ID 407528.
  • Royal African Company.. A particular of the Royal African Company's forts and castles in Africa. London?, 1713?. ESTC No. N41391. Grub Street ID 407535.
  • Royal African Company.. A defence of the African Company's creditors. London, 1713?. ESTC No. N499. Grub Street ID 407539.
  • Royal African Company.. At a General Court of the Adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, held at their house in Leadenhall-Street, London, the 18th of February 1713/14. Where were present a great number of the adventurers, this following scheme for an additional stock was twice read, debated, and unanimously agreed to. viz. London : s.n., 1714. ESTC No. T12397. Grub Street ID 407572.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African-Company and of the plantations. London], [s.n.], 1714. ESTC No. T13061. Grub Street ID 407575.
  • Royal African Company.. Captain [blank] Commander of the [blank] 1. Upon receipt hereof, having signed bills of lading for the goods, merchandize, stores, and provisions put on board your ship, ... 2. And that God may bless you with good success, ... 3. We strictly require you to stow your gun-powder securely,. London, 1719?. ESTC No. N68532. Grub Street ID 407546.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the names of the adventurers of the Royal African-Company of England. Whereof those marked , are qualified by their adventure, to be elected governor, ... 9. May 1720. London?, 1720. ESTC No. N55412. Grub Street ID 407540.
  • Royal African Company.. An abstract of the case of the Royal African Company of England. London : s.n., 1729?. ESTC No. T18994. Grub Street ID 407576.
  • Royal African Company.. A supplement to the case of the Royal African Company of England. London : printed by Sam. Aris, Printer to the Royal African Company of England, M.DCC.XXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T48942. Grub Street ID 276777.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African Company of England. To which is added, a supplement in answer to a paper intitled, the state of the British trade to the coast of Africa consider'd. London : Printed and sold by T. Warner, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, 1730. ESTC No. N43872. Grub Street ID 29493.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African Company of England. London : printed by Sam. Aris, in Creed-Lane, M.DCC.XXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T20274. Grub Street ID 233554.
  • Royal African Company.. An account of the number of forts and castles, necessary to be kept up and maintained on the coast of Africa, for preserving and securing to Great Britain the trade to those parts; . London?, 1730?. ESTC No. N26575. Grub Street ID 407529.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the names of the adventurers of the Royal African Company of England, whereof those marked thus * are not capable (by their adventures) of being chosen assistants. The Kings Most Excellent Majesty. London, 1730?. ESTC No. N67829. Grub Street ID 407545.
  • Royal African Company.. A particular of the Royal African Company's forts and castles in Africa. As the same was printed in 1713. London? : s.n., 1730?. ESTC No. N71143. Grub Street ID 407548.
  • Royal African Company.. A particular valuation of the company's forts, castles, and factories, in Africa. As the same was made out in the year 1713. London? : s.n., 1730?. ESTC No. N71146. Grub Street ID 407549.
  • Royal African Company.. Reasons in support of the Proposals for preserving, extending, and protecting, the British trade in Africa. London?, 1744?. ESTC No. T149650. Grub Street ID 407585.
  • Royal African Company.. An account of the several forts and settlements on the Gold Coast, and at Whydah, in Africa; shewing to whom they belong, . London?, 1744?. ESTC No. T150541. Grub Street ID 407586.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African Company of England, on behalf of themselves, and all others his Majesty's subjects trading to Africa and the British colonies and plantations in America. London?, 1744?. ESTC No. T150799. Grub Street ID 407587.
  • Royal African Company.. Proposals for preserving, extending, and protecting, the British trade in Africa. London?, 1744?. ESTC No. T154931. Grub Street ID 407588.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African Company of England. London] : [s.n.], [1747. ESTC No. N509613. Grub Street ID 407599.
  • Royal African Company.. The case of the Royal African Company of England and their creditors. London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T70435. Grub Street ID 407592.
  • Royal African Company.. Reasons in support of the planters proposals for preserving and extending the trade to those parts of Africa called the Gold-Coast and Whydah, against the powerful rivalship of foreign nations. London?, 1749?. ESTC No. N48390. Grub Street ID 407538.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the company of merchants trading to Africa, (established by an act of Parliament, passed in the 23d year of His present Majesty, intituled, An act for extending and improving the trade to Africa) distinguishing their places of abode. London, 1756. ESTC No. N41081. Grub Street ID 407533.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the company of merchants trading to Africa, (established by an act of Parliament, passed in the 23d year of His present Majesty, intituled, An act for extending and improving the trade to Africa) distinguishing their places of abode. London, 1758. ESTC No. N41082. Grub Street ID 407534.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the company of merchants trading to Africa, (established by an act of Parliament, passed in the 23d year of His present Majesty, intituled, An act for extending and improving the trade to Africa) distinguishing their places of abode. London, 1759. ESTC No. N41078. Grub Street ID 407532.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the company of merchants trading to Africa. Established by an act the 23d. year of George II. intitled "An act for extending and improving the trade to Africa.". London] : Printed in June, 1778. ESTC No. N44803. Grub Street ID 30110.
  • Royal African Company.. By the committee of the company of merchants trading to Africa. London, 1779. ESTC No. N56365. Grub Street ID 407541.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the company of merchants trading to Africa, established by an act the 23d. year of George II. intitled "An act for extending and improving the trade to Africa.". London, 1787. ESTC No. N41074. Grub Street ID 407530.
  • Royal African Company.. A list of the company of merchants trading to Africa, established by an act the 23d. year of George II. intitled "An act for extending and improving the trade to Africa.". London, 1787. ESTC No. N41077. Grub Street ID 407531.