Publications of Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.


  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A representation made by the Lower House of Convocation to the Archbishop and Bishops, Anno 1703. London : printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704. ESTC No. T127519. Grub Street ID 177210.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A representation made by the Lower House of Convocation to the Arc-Hbishops [sic] and bishops: (the greater part of whom, are of K. W-----'s Creating; and Voted against the Bill of Occasional Conformity. Shewing The Diligence of the Lower, and Remissness of the Upper-House, in suppressing Books published against the Truth of Christianity. As also Their Difficulty in Administring the Holy Sacrament, to those who demand it, as a Qualification for Publick Offices. London : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1705. ESTC No. T32988. Grub Street ID 369518.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. The humble representation and complaint of the Lower House of Convocation, against the Right Reverend the Bishop of Sarum. The second edition.. London : printed for George Sawbridge at the Three Flower de Luces in Little Britain, and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. N504195. Grub Street ID 369519.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A representation made by the Lower House of Convocation, to the arch-bishops and bishops, December. 1704. London : printed for George Sawbridge, sold by J. Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. N23330. Grub Street ID 12690.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A collection of papers, concerning What hath been Transacted in the Convocation, Summon'd A. D. 1702. And Dissolv'd 1705. London : printed, and sold by J. Nut near Stationer's-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T56. Grub Street ID 282560.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A representation made by the Lower House of Convocation, to the Arch-bishops and Bishops, December, 1704. The second edition.. London : printed for George Sawbridge, sold by J. Nutt, 1705. ESTC No. N66325. Grub Street ID 48065.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. The humble representation and complaint of the Lower House of Convocation, Against the Right Reverend the Bishop of Sarum. The third edition.. London : printed for George Sawbridge at the Three Flower de Luces in Little Britain, and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T36815. Grub Street ID 266695.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. The humble representation and complaint of the Lower House of Convocation, against the Right Reverend the Bishop of Sarum. London : printed for George Sawbridge, and sold by J. Nutt, 1705. ESTC No. N17417. Grub Street ID 6886.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A representation of the present state of religion, with regard to the late excessive growth of infidelity, heresy and profaneness: as it passed the Lower House of Convocation of the province of Canterbury. ... To which is added, The representation, as drawn up by the Upper House. London : printed in the year, 1711. ESTC No. N13207. Grub Street ID 3146.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A message from the Lower-House of Convocation, to Their Graces and Lordships of the Upper-House. Deliver'd by the prolocutor, attended by his assessors, and the rest of the House, July the 14th, 1711. London, 1711. ESTC No. N4237. Grub Street ID 369517.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. The proceedings of the Lower House of Convocation, upon Her Majesty's gracious messages and letters, sent to the Convocation. Being the substance of a report drawn up by a Committee of the Lower House brought into it, and received by it, July 1. 1713. London : Printed, and sold by J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1713. ESTC No. T44523. Grub Street ID 272935.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A report of the committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a representation To be Laid before the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the Province of Canterbury, concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines contained in the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, and his sermon preach'd March 31. 1717. Read in the lower-house May 10, 1717. and Voted, Nemine Contradicente, to be Receiv'd and Entred upon the Books of the said House. Publish'd from the Original Report. The fourth edition.. London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1717]. ESTC No. T145815. Grub Street ID 192532.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A report of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a representation to be laid before the Arch-Bishop and bishops of the Province of Canterbury; concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines, contained in the Bishop of Bangor's preservative, and his sermon preach'd March 31. 1717. Read in the Lower-House, May 10, 1717. and voted, nemine contradicente, to be receiv'd and entred upon the books of the said house. Publish'd from the original report. The third edition.. London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers Hall, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T145024. Grub Street ID 191818.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A report of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a representation to be laid before the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the Province of Canterbury; Concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines, contained in the Bishop of Bangor's preservative, and his sermon preach'd March 31, 1717. Read in the Lower-House, May 10, 1717. and voted, nemine contradicente, to be receiv'd and entred upon the books of the said house. Publish'd from the original report. London : Printed for John Morphew, near Stationers Hall, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. N26393. Grub Street ID 15763.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A report of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a representation To be laid before the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the Province of Canterbury; concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines, contained in the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, and his sermon preach'd March 31, 1717. Read in the Lower-House, May 10, 1717. and Voted, Nemine Contradicente, to be Receiv'd and Entred upon the Books of the said House. Publish'd from the original report. The second edition.. London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers Hall, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T125677. Grub Street ID 175780.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A report of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a representation to be laid before the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the Province of Canterbury; concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines contained in the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, and his sermon preach'd March 31. 1717. Read in the lower-house May 10, 1717. and Voted, Nemine Contradicente, to be Receiv'd and Entred upon the Books of the said House. Publish'd from the Original Report. The fifth edition.. London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1717]. ESTC No. T44723. Grub Street ID 273101.
  • Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation. Lower House.. A report of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a representation to be laid before the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the Province of Canterbury; concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines contained in the Bishop of Bangor's preservative, and his sermon preach'd March 31. 1717. The sixth edition.. London : printed for John Morphew, 1717. ESTC No. T170387. Grub Street ID 208094.