Middlesex (England)..
Midd.ss. Ad generalem sessionem pacis domini regis tantam pro comitat. Midd. apud Hick's-hall in St. John-Street in comitat. prædict. die Lunæscilicet octavo die Decembris anno regni nostri Caroli secundi Dei gratia Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ regis fidei defensoris &c.
London : s.n., 1673.
ESTC No. R232557.Grub Street ID 401815.
Middlesex (England)..
Midd. ss. By their Majesties commissioners for putting in execution in the county aforesaid, an act of Parliament, intituled an act for raising money by a poll, payable quarterly for one year, for the carrying on a vigorous war against France.
London : s.n., 169-?.
ESTC No. R180582.Grub Street ID 401816.
Middlesex (England)..
Midd' ss. Ad general' quarteral' session' pacis dom' regis & dom' reginæ, tent' pro com' præd' apud Hick's-Hall in St. John's-street, in com' præd' per adjornament' die veneris, scilicet decimo die Julii, .
London : printed by Tho. Braddyll, 1691.
ESTC No. R225354.Grub Street ID 98544.
Middlesex (England)..
Middlesex. ss. By the commissioners of the county of Middlesex for putting in execution an act of Parliament, intituled, An act for raising money by a poll, payable quarterly, for one year, for the carrying on a vigorous war against France.
London : s.n., 1692?.
ESTC No. R475969.Grub Street ID 401822.
Middlesex (England)..
Middl'ss. Ad generalem quarterialem sessionem pacis dom' Regis & dom Regine temper adjornament apud Hicks-Hall in St. John-street in com' Midd die Martis .
London : s.n., 1694.
ESTC No. R180583.Grub Street ID 401823.
Middlesex (England)..
An exact list of the poll, At the Chusing of Knights of the Shire for the County of Middlesex, Taken at New-Brentford, on Monday the 28th of May, 1705. The candidates were, Sir John Wolstenholme, Bart and Scorie Barker, Esq; Warwick Lake, Esq; and Hugh Smithson, Esq;.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1705.
ESTC No. T196783.Grub Street ID 401818.
Middlesex (England)..
An exact copy of the poll, At the chusing of Knights of the Shire For the County of Middlesex; Taken at New-Brentford, on Monday the 28th of May, 1705. The candidates were, Sir John Wolstenholme, Bart. and Scorie Barker, Esq; Warwick Lake, Esq; and Hugh Smithson, Esq;.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1705.
ESTC No. T200087.Grub Street ID 401819.
Middlesex (England)..
The poll for members to serve in the ensuing Parliament, for the county of Middlesex. Taken at Brentford the 28. day of May 1705. Publish'd by the order and directions of Sir John Wolstenholm, Bar. and Scorie Barker, Esq; members elected for the said county.
London : Printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, 1705.
ESTC No. N62996.Grub Street ID 45229.
Middlesex (England)..
Freeholders names, and the parishes, towns, and places where their freeholds lye who in the last controverted election voted for Mr. Bertie and Mr. Smithson.
London? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1714.
ESTC No. T199758.Grub Street ID 231722.
Middlesex (England)..
By the lieutenancy of Middlesex and Westminster. These are to give notice, that, in pursuance of the acts of Parliament for ordering the forces in the several counties, and raising the militia of this kingdom, you, in respect of [blank] your [blank] estates [blank] are charged, ... with the finding and providing, on or before the [blank]d day of October, a sufficient foot soldier, and arms in the Drury-Lane company of foot militia, whereof John Baker is captain, in the Blue regiment of the county, .
London, 1745.
ESTC No. N54169.Grub Street ID 401814.
Middlesex (England)..
The case of the county of Middlesex, with respect to the gaol of Newgate.
London] : [s.n.], [1765?.
ESTC No. T128228.Grub Street ID 401821.
Middlesex (England)..
The polls at, and since, the last general election of Knights of the Shire for the county of Middlesex; Faithfully and exactly taken from the poll books, and carefully compared with the same. With a general index of all the freeholders names, places of abode, and where their freeholds lie.
London : Printed and sold by J. Swan, opposite Norfolk-Street, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXII. [1772].
ESTC No. T44026.Grub Street ID 272511.
Middlesex (England)..
The committee appointed on the 13th instant, by the general meeting of His Majesty's lieutenancy and justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex, and city and liberty of Westminster, do recommend to the ministers,.
London, 1779.
ESTC No. N45373.Grub Street ID 401812.
Middlesex (England)..
My Lord, The inclosed letter from the Secretary at War having this day been laid before the committee by his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, .
London, 1779.
ESTC No. N45374.Grub Street ID 401813.
Middlesex (England)..
Copy of the poll for the election of two Knights of the Shire to serve in the present Parliament, for the County of Middlesex; Begun at Brentford, on Thursday, April, 22, and ended On Friday, April, 23, 1784. Sir Barnard Turner, Knt. Thomas Skinner, Esq. Sheriff. Candidates. William Mainwaring, Esq. 2117 John Wilkes, Esq. 1858 George Byng, Esq. 1787.
London?], [s.n.], 1784.
ESTC No. T34146.Grub Street ID 401817.
Middlesex (England)..
United parishes of Saint Andrew, Holborn, above the bars, and Saint George the Martyr, Middlesex. At a petit session of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex, residing and acting within the said united parishes, held at the workhouse in Gray's Inn-Lane, on Wednesday the 30th day of April, 1794,.
London?, 1794.
ESTC No. N45030.Grub Street ID 401811.
Middlesex (England)..
Middlesex. At a special general meeting of the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants of the said county, ... on Tuesday, the 24th day of April, 1798. ... for the purpose of taking into consideration, an act ... to enable His Majesty, more effectually to provide for the defence and security of the realm duirng [sic] the present war,.
London, 1798.
ESTC No. T227267.Grub Street ID 401820.