Publications of England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.


  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Sr Henry Yelverton Chevalier et Barrt. Iades un des justices del Court de Common Bank. De divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy: cy bien en le darrein temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth, come en le premier dix ans del Roy Jaques. Ovesq; deux tables persaicts, de matieres notables, et nosmes del cases contenues en yceaux. Colligees par luy mesme, et imprimee per l'original south son maine propre en Fran,cois remanent les maines de Sir Tho. Twisden chevalier, un des Justices del Bank le Roy. Et ore publie en mesme le langage, par Sir William Wylde Knt et Barrt. Serjeant de la ley a Sa Majestie, et recorder del City de Londres. London : printed by William Godbid for Edward Powell at the White Swan in Little Britain, M. DC. LXI. [1661]. ESTC No. R217388. Grub Street ID 92175.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports du treserudite Edmund Anderson Chivalier, Nadgairs, Seigniour Chief Justice del Common-Bank. Des mults principals cases argues & adjuges en le temps del jadis Roign Elizabeth cibien en le Common-Bank come devant touts les juges de cest roialme, colligees & escries per luy mesme & imprimees per l'original ore remaneant en les maines del imprimeur. Ove deux tables des nosmes des cases & des principal matters conteinus en yceux. London : printed by T[homas]. R[oycroft]. for Andrew Crook, Henry Twyford, Gabriel Bedell, Thomas Dring, and John Place, and are to be sold at their shops, 1664. ESTC No. R19086. Grub Street ID 76885.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. La second part des reports du treserudite Edmund Anderson Chivalier, Nadgairs, Seigniour Chief Justice del Common-Bank. Des mults principals cases argues & adjuges en le temps del jadis Roign Elizabeth cibien en le Common-Bank come devant touts les juges de cest roialm, colligees & escries per luy mesme, & imprimees per l'original, ore remaneant en les maines del imprimeur. Ove deux tables; un des nosmes des cases; & auter des principal matters contenus en yceux. London : printed by T[homas]. R[oycroft]. for Andrew Crook, Henry Twyford, Gabriel Bedell, Thomas Dring, and John Place, and are to be sold at their shops, 1665. ESTC No. R203755. Grub Street ID 80842.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Sr Henry Yelverton Chevalier et Barrt. Jades un des justices del Court de Common Bank. De divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy: cy bien en le darrein temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth, come en le premier dix ans del Roy Jaques. Colligees par luy mesme, et imprimee per l'original south son maine propre en Fran,cois remanent les maines de Sir Tho. Twisden chevalier, un des Justices del Bank le Roy. Et ore publie en mesme le langage, ovesq. deux tables perfaicts, de matieres notables, et nosmes del cases contenues en yceaux; par Sir William Wylde Chevalier et Barrt. Jades serjeant de la ley a Sa Majestie, et recorder del City de Londres; et ore des justices del dit Bank le Roy. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by William Godbid for Edward Powell at the White Swan in Little Britain, 1674. ESTC No. R22336. Grub Street ID 97174.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Sr Henry Yelverton Chevalier et Barrt. Jades un des justices del Court de Common Bank. De divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy: cy bien en le darrein temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth, come en le premier dix ans del Roy Jaques. Colligees par luy mesme, et imprimee per l'original south son maine propre en Fran,cois remanent les maines de Sir Tho. Twisden chevalier, un des Justices del Bank le Roy. Et ore publie en mesme le langage, ovesq. deux tables perfaicts, de matieres notables, et nosmes del cases contenues en yceaux; par Sir William Wylde Chevalier et Barrt. Jades serjeant de la ley a Sa Majestie, et recorder del City de Londres; et ore des justices del dit Bank le Roy. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by H. Twyford, G. Sawbridge, J. Bellinger, W. Place, T. Basset, R. Pawlet, C. Wilkinson, T. Dring, W. Jacob, C. Harper, J. Amery, J. Leigh, J. Williams, J. Place, and J. Pool, booksellers, in Fleetstreet and Holborn, 1674. ESTC No. R222185. Grub Street ID 96218.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Sir John Savile chevalier, nadgairis Baron de l'Exchequer, de divers special cases cybien en le Court de common bank, come l'Exchequer en le temps de Royne Elizabeth. Ovesque deux tables; l'un des nosmes des cases, l'auter des principal matters conteinus i yceux. London : printed for Robert Pawlet, at the Bible in Chancery-lane near Fleet-street, MDCLXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R10172. Grub Street ID 58566.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. The reports and arguments of that learned judge Sir John Vaughan Kt. late chief justice of His Majesties court of Common Pleas. Being all of them special cases, and many wherein he pronounced the resolution of the whole court of Common Pleas; at the time he was chief justice there. Published by his son Edward Vaughan, Esq;. London : printed by Thomas Roycroft for Richard Marriott, to be sold by Thomas Bassett and George Marriott, at their shops in Fleetstreet and in Westminster-Hall, MDCLXXVII. [1677]. ESTC No. R716. Grub Street ID 127441.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. The reports of that reverend and learned judge, Sir Richard Hutton knight; sometimes one of the judges of the Common Pleas: containing many choice cases, judgments, and resolutions, in points of law, in the several reigns of King James and King Charles. The second edition corrected, with many additional references to some late reports.. London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins esquires, for Henry Twyford, and Thomas Basset, and are sold at their shops in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, and at the George in Fleetstreet, near Cliffords Inne, 1682. ESTC No. R20755. Grub Street ID 83916.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. The rules and orders of the Court of Common-Pleas, made since his Majestie's restauration: taken from the originals of the said court, with the allowance and approbation of the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice North, and the judges of that court. London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, esquires, for Robert Pawlet, at the Bible in Chancery-Lane near Fleet-street, 1682. ESTC No. R218490. Grub Street ID 93142.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports des tres honorable Edw. Seigneur Littleton, Baron de Mounslow, custos de le grand seale D'Angliteur, et de Ses Majesty pluis Honourable Privy Councel, en le courts del common banck & exchequer, en le 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ans del reign de Roy Charles le I. London : printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and H. Sawbridge, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires. For Tho. Dring and Charles Harper, at the corner of Chancery-Lane and the Flower-de-Luce in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R231330. Grub Street ID 103439.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports des tres honorable Edw. Seigneur Littleton, Baron de Mounslow, custos de le grand seale d'Angliteur, et de ses Majesty pluis Honourable Privy Councel, en le courts del common banck & exchequer, en le 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ans del reign de Roy Charles le I. London : printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and H. Sawbridge, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires. For Thomas Bassett, Samuel Heyrick, William Crooke, and William Hensman, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R21830. Grub Street ID 92973.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. The rules and orders of the Court of Common-Pleas, made since his Majestie's restauration: taken from the originals of the said court, with the allowance and approbation of the right honourable the Lord Chief Justice North, and the judges of that court. London : printed for George Pawlet, and are to be sold by Joseph Raven at Lincoln's Inn Back-gate, 1688. ESTC No. R187279. Grub Street ID 75585.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Sir John Savile chevalier, nadgairis Baron de l'Excequer, de divers special cases cybien en le Court de Common Bank, come l'Exchequer en le temps de Royne Elizabeth. Ovesque deux tables; l'un des nosmes des cases, l'auter des principal matters conteinus in yceux. London : printed for George Pawlet, and are to be sold by Robert Vincent at the Hand and Star near the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R23191. Grub Street ID 103830.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Gulielme Benloe serjeant del ley, des divers pleadings et cases en le Court del Comon-Bank, en le several roignes de les tres hault & excellent princes, le Roy Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edw. VI. & le roignes Mary & Elizabeth. Ove mult references al lieuvres del Comen Ley, ovesque deux tables l'une des nosmes des cases l'autre des principal matters conteinus en yceux. London : Printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkins, Esquires, for Samuel Keble at the Turk's-Head in Fleet-Street, Daniel Brown at the Black-Swan and Bible without Temple Bar, Isaac Cleave next Serjeant's-Inn in Chncery-lane [sic], and William Rogers at the Sun in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R3718. Grub Street ID 119425.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Les reports de Sr. Creswell Levinz, Jades un del Justices del Common Bank, en trois parts: commencant en le 12 an de Roy Charles II. & fini en le 8 an de son Majesty William III. Le primer part Containant Cases oye & determin en Bank le Roy en le temps que Sir Robert Foster, Sir Robert Hide, & Sir John Keeling fueront Chief Justices la, & d'ascun Cases en auter Courts durant cest Temps. Le second part containant cases oye & determin en Bank le Roy durant le Temps que Sir Matthew Hale, Sir Richard Rainsford, & Sir William Scroggs fueront Chief Justices la, & d'ascun Cases en auter Courts durant cest Temps. Le tierce part, de divers cases en Common Bank durant le Temps que il fuit un Judge la, & de divers auters Cases en mesme le Court, & ascun auters Courts, puis que il fuit remove del Bank al' 9 Ann William le Tierce, ovesque special Pleadings al several del Cases. Imprimée per L'original, Escrie desouth son proper Maine. Ovesque Tables al chescun Part. Alloué & Apprové per le Seignior Ke. London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esq; for S. Keble at the Turks Head in Fleetstreet, D. Browne at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, T. Benskin against Lincolns Inn Back-Gate, and J. Walthoe in the Middle-Temple Cloisters, 1702. ESTC No. T97049. Grub Street ID 316496.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. Un livre des entries: Contenant auxi un report des Resolutions del Court sur diverse exceptions Prises as pleadings, et Sur auters Matters en Ley; Surdant (pur la plupart) en le Court de Common-Bank, enter le 34 An del Roy Charles le Second, & le 2 An del Raigne de sa present Majesty, la Roigne Anne. Et ascuns observations sur diverse de les Presidents, cybien ceux queux ne fueront unques debate en Court, come sur plusieurs de les auters. Oversque deux tables, l'un de les Nosmes des Cases, & l'auter des Matters contenus en yceux. En deux Volumes. Par Sir Edward Lutwyche, Chivaler, Nadgares un des Justices del Bank. London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esqs; for Charles Harper at the Flower-de-Luce, and Alexander Bosvile at the Dial and Bible, both against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, 1704. ESTC No. T8049. Grub Street ID 301551.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. The reports and arguments of that learned judge, Sir John Vaughan, Kt. late lord chief justice of the Court of Common-Pleas, Being all of them special cases; and many wherein he pronounced the resolution of the whole Court of Common-Pleas, at the time he was chief justice there. Published by his son, Edward Vaughan Esq; carefully corrected from the errors of the former impression; with many additional references in this second edition. London : Printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires; and are to be sold by C. Harper, A. Churchill, J. Harrison, D. Browne, J. Cleave, W. Rogers, W. Freeman, T. Goodwin, M. Wotton, R. Vincent, B. Tooke, A. Bosvile, F. Coggan, J. Hartley, and E. Place, 1706. ESTC No. T95702. Grub Street ID 315203.
  • England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.. The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Kt. serjeant at law, and late one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective pleadings and entries, in English. Also every citation in the report is carefully examin'd by the law-books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the point in question made appear; and those ranged in that order as in many places to form an argument where there was none before; with large observations. Likewise many obsolete words and difficult sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for students and practisers of the common law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq;. In the Savoy : Printed by Eliz. Nutt, and R. Gosling, Assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq; for D. Brown in Exeter-Exchange; W. Mears, J. Brown and F. Clay, without Temple-Bar; and J. Hooke, at the Flower-de-Luce against St. Dunstan's-Church in Fleet-street, MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T8304. Grub Street ID 303518.