Publications of City of London (England). Lord Mayor.


  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas by an ancient law and statute of this realm, it is provided, that no fairs or markets be kept in church-yards, nevertheless in the late times of disorder, rebellion, and confusion, the church-yard belonging to the cathedral of Saint Paul London, to th great dishonour of God, and contrary to the said statute, hath been, by the men of those times, voted and made a market-place, and a market there kept; ... . London] : printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1661. ESTC No. R179982. Grub Street ID 71181.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas by an ancient law and statute of this realm, it is provided, that no fairs or markets be kept in church-yards, nevertheless in the late times of disorder, the church-yard belonging to the cathedral of Saint Paul London, hath, contrary to the said statute, been made a market-place, and a market kept there; ... . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1661. ESTC No. R179983. Grub Street ID 71182.
  • Corporation of London (England)., Lord Mayor.; City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. Whereas I have this day received an order of His Majesties most honourable Privy-Councel in these words, viz. At the court at Whitehall the nineteenth day of February, 1661. Upon a memorial exhibited, and this day read at the board, from the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, praying order for a collection to be made every Sunday for relief of the poor, ... London] : printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1661. ESTC No. R173187. Grub Street ID 66842.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. The speech of the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor of London, with the humble address of the military forces of the same city, to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. With His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto, and letter to the lord mayor thereupon. And all the transactions incident thereunto. Published by authority. London : printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb at the east end of S. Pauls, 1661. ESTC No. R208158. Grub Street ID 84444.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank]. Whereas by a late Act of Parliament, for repairing the high-waies and sewers, and for paving and keeping clean of the streets in and about the cities of London and Westminster, &c. . London : printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1662]. ESTC No. R179984. Grub Street ID 71183.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas for remedie of many and great dangers, annoyances, and disorders arising to the inhabitants of this his Majesties city of London and liberties of the same, and other his Majesties leige people riding, and otherwise passing through the streets and lanes thereof; . London : printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1662]. ESTC No. R179985. Grub Street ID 71184.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas the unruly and meaner sort of people, having under the late usurped powers, been encouraged and borne up in their undutifulness and contempt of their superiours, . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1663. ESTC No. R214481. Grub Street ID 89731.
  • City of London (England)., Lord Mayor.; City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. At a meeting of the Lord Mayor and others his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the City of London, and for the several counties of Middlesex, Kent and Surrey, at the Guild-hall London, 20 Martii 1664. London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1664. ESTC No. R180103. Grub Street ID 71255.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. Whereas at a meeting of my self and my brethren the aldermen who are Justices of the Peace for the City of London, . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1664. ESTC No. R172289. Grub Street ID 66221.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. His Majesty taking notice of the vast summs of mony yearly exported out of this his kingdome for foreign manufactures of wearing-apparel, . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1665. ESTC No. R225692. Grub Street ID 98827.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas it hath pleased God to visit us with a sad and sore judgment, which yet remaineth increasing and heavy upon us; it being well-pleasing to Almighty God that all lawfull means be used for preventing the spreading thereof, his extraordinary blessing oftentimes attending thereupon; amongst those outward means that may be used, that of fire having been found very successfull, . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1665. ESTC No. R179987. Grub Street ID 71186.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the Alderman of the ward of [blank]. As a farther means (by Gods blessing) then what is before directed to obviate the increase of the plague within this city and liberties, you are to put and cause to be put present and effectual execution, within your ward, the several orders following, devised and enjoyned by me and my brethren, in the Court of Aldermen, in that behalf. London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1665. ESTC No. R179988. Grub Street ID 71187.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the Alderman of the ward of [blank]. Whereas my self and my brethren the Aldermen have made choice of two able and experienced physicians (members of the college) namely Dr. Witherley (dwelling in Hatton-Garden in Holborn) and Dr. Hodges (dwelling in Red-lyon-court in Watling-street) who have undertaken to imploy themselves for preventing the increase and spreading of the plague, and cure of the sick within this City and liberties, . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1665. ESTC No. R179989. Grub Street ID 71188.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor whereas in order to the re-building of the city . London] : Printed by James Flesher .., [1666. ESTC No. R39661. Grub Street ID 121537.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor to all constables, beadles, and other His Majesties officers and loving subjects within the city of London, and every of them. London : s.n., 1667?. ESTC No. R41298. Grub Street ID 369801.
  • Corporation of London (England)., Lord Mayor.; City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, considering how far the evil temper and corruption of the times hath prevailed, even upon the citizens, to forget and decline their ancient gravity, sobriety of life, and strictness of religion, even after the late most dreadfull judments of Almighty God upon us; . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1668. ESTC No. R179991. Grub Street ID 71190.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Martis, nono die Martij, 1668. Annoq; Regis Caroli Secundi Dei gratia Angliae &c. decimo nono. London : s.n., 1668. ESTC No. R37991. Grub Street ID 369798.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Martis, nono die Martij, 1668. Annoq; Regni Regis Caroli Secundi Dei gratia Angliae &c. decimo nono. London : s.n., 1668. ESTC No. R504617. Grub Street ID 369810.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. To the aldermen of the [blank] ward we charge and command you, that upon Saint Thomas day the Apostle next coming, you do hold your wardmote, and that you have afore us at our general court of aldermen to be holden [blank] the Monday next after the Feast of Epiphany next coming, . London] : Printed by James Flesher, printer to the honourable City of London, [1669?. ESTC No. R213716. Grub Street ID 89100.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Ford Mayor. Jovis septimo die Septembris, 1671. Ann'oq; regni regis Caroli secundi, Angliae, &c. xxiij]0. Whereas this court having received often complaints of the unreasonable demands made by divers water-men for their labour or fares upon the river of Thames,. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable City of London, at his house in Aldersgate-street, 1671. ESTC No. R179966. Grub Street ID 71168.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas several notorious riots and outrages have of late been committed near the liberties of this city by routs of disorderly people, . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable city of London, [1671. ESTC No. R179994. Grub Street ID 71192.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Maior. The right honourable the Lord Maior, minding and intending, by Gods help and the concurrent endeavours of his brethren the aldermen, to discover, punish, and suppress to the uttermost of his power, as the proper work and most incumbent duty of his office, those manifold corruptions, . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the Honourable City of London, at his House in Aldersgatestreet, MDCLXXI. [1671. ESTC No. R217724. Grub Street ID 92475.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Maior. The Right Honourable the Lord Maior (by and with the advice of the Aldermen his brethern) doth hereby think fit to publish and declare, that all manner of persons within this city and the liberties thereof, do from time to time duly observe and conform themselves to the laws and ordinances established for the suppression of abuses, disorders and misdemeanours, . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable City of London at his house in Aldersgate-street, MDCLXXII [1672. ESTC No. R41293. Grub Street ID 122952.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Waterman maior. Cur' special tent' die Jovis post meria' sexto die Junii, 1672. Ann'oque Regni Regis Caroli Secundi, Angliae, &c. vicesimo quarto. Whereas his Majesty hath been graciously pleased, of his abundant princely prudence and care of his subjects, to condescend to the expedients provided by his Royal authority in council, expressed in the precedent order for the protection and support of the coal-trade:. London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable City of London, at his house in Aldersgatestreet, MDCLXXII. [1672. ESTC No. R236310. Grub Street ID 107116.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the maior whereas divers persons rudely disposed, within this city, have of late years been observed to behave themselves in an uncivil and insolent manner towards persons of quality . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1673. ESTC No. R41294. Grub Street ID 369799.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the maior. The right honourable the lord maior deeply weighing and resenting the many outrages and disorders of late too frequently committed. London] : [printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honorable City of London], [1674. ESTC No. R213717. Grub Street ID 89101.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the maior whereas divers rude and disordered young-men, apprentices and others, do now of late presume and take to themselves a liberty ... to throw about squibs and fireworks in the streets . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, Printer to the Honorable City of London, 1674. ESTC No. R41752. Grub Street ID 123300.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. The right honourable the Lord Mayor, minding and intending, by Gods help and the concurrent endeavours of his brethren the aldermen, to discover, punish, and suppress, to the uttermost of his power, as the proper work and most incumbent duty of his office, those manifold corruptions, abuses, and disorders, which have broke in and of late times more exceedingly increased upon us, to the dishonour of religion, and scandal of the government of this City; . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable City of London, 1676. ESTC No. R174448. Grub Street ID 67630.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. Whereas great quantities of fuel, namely tall-wood, billets and fagots, which have been brought to this City to be sold, have frequently been found of late years to want very much of the due assize, . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, printer to the honourable City of London, 1676. ESTC No. R174449. Grub Street ID 67631.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor of the City of London, taking especial notice of inordinate liberty now used by vagrants and common beggars to wander about and pester the streets and common passage of this city ... and His Lordship deeply resenting the great fault and neglect of constables and other officers in not performing their duty to clear and free the streets and publick places from this living nuisance . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1676. ESTC No. R41296. Grub Street ID 122953.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, minding and intending, by Gods help and the concurrent endeavours of his brethren the Aldermen, to discover, punish, and suppress ... those manifold corruptions, abuses, and disorders . London] : Printed by Andrew Clark .., 1676. ESTC No. R39825. Grub Street ID 121686.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor ... doth hereby think fit to publish and declare, that all manner of persons within this city and the liberties thereof, do from time to time duly observe and conform themselves to the laws and ordinances established for the suppression of abuses, disorders and misdemeanours . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1679. ESTC No. R41297. Grub Street ID 122954.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Major. The Right Honourable the Lord Major having taken into his serious consideration the many dreadful afflictions, which this city hath of late years suffered, by a raging plague, a most unheard of devouring fire, and otherwise: . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, at his house in St. Bartholomew Close; printer to the honourable city of London, 1679. ESTC No. R19293. Grub Street ID 369797.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. Whereas it appears by several examinations taken before me and others his Majesties justices of the peace, that there have been several endeavours and wicked contrivances influencing some apprentices and others, to enter into a detestable combination for wicked purposes against the peace and good government of this city; several of the complices being now in custody to answer the law. London?] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1680?. ESTC No. R36021. Grub Street ID 118366.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. [To] the Aldermen of the ward of [blank] Whereas the night watches at all the gates, and the several wards of this city and liberties, . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1680. ESTC No. R224597. Grub Street ID 98205.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Major. To the alderman of the ward of [blank]. His lordship finding so little good effect, notwithstanding the endeavours of the magistrates, for the reformation of several things relating to the publick weal and good government of this city; especially relating to the clearing the streets and lanes from vagabonds, rogues and sturdy beggars, . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to this honourable city, 1680. ESTC No. R173953. Grub Street ID 67286.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor whereas by the laws and statutes of this realm, constituting and appointing the assize of fewel, it is provided and required that all billets and faggots exposed to sale shall contain the demensions following . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1681. ESTC No. R41753. Grub Street ID 123301.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas among the many enormities that are too frequently practised within this City and the liberties thereof, I have taken particular notice of the profanation of the Lords day by the so general resort to publick houses, . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the honourable City of London, 1681. ESTC No. R214000. Grub Street ID 89334.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas I have received. London : By Samuel Roycroft, 1682. ESTC No. R41214. Grub Street ID 122898.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the aldermen of the ward of [blank] whereas I have received a late order, made by his Majesty in council; the tenor whereof is as followeth, that is to say; for the preventing tumultuous disorders which may happen hereafter upon pretence of assembling to make bonfires and publick fire-works; and disappointing the evil designs of persons disaffected to the Government, who commonly make use of such occasions to turn those meetings into riots and tumults. It is this day ordered by his Majesty in council, that no person or persons whatsoever do presume to make, or encourage the making any bonfire, or other publick fire-works, . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the honourable City of London, 1682. ESTC No. R180097. Grub Street ID 71250.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank] Whereas the last Lords Day there were great tumults in divers places within this city, on occasion of putting the laws in execution against conventicles and unlawful meetings, . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft printer to the Honourable City of London, 1682. ESTC No. R205916. Grub Street ID 82518.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London have lately received a letter from His Majesty, requiring them to take care that the laws be duly put in execution within the liberties of the said city, for the effectual suppressing of all conventicles and unlawful meetings; . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to this honourable city, [1683. ESTC No. R19292. Grub Street ID 369796.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. To the alderman of the ward of Whereas by the laws and statutes of this realm, all persons without reasonable excuse are on the Lords-Day to repair to some publick church, and there continue and behave themselves orderly and reverently during the time of divine service and other publick worship and service of God; . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to this honourable city, [1683. ESTC No. R42144. Grub Street ID 123578.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas I have received a rule made yesterday by His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, whereby (upon great complaint made to the said court, that squibs and crackers are frequently thrown into coaches passing the streets o this city ...). London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to this Honourable City, 1684. ESTC No. R41299. Grub Street ID 122955.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank] Whereas by the laws and statutes of this realm, no person is to continue tipling in any victualling-house (other than labouring and handycrafts men upon the usual working-days, for one hour at dinner time; and such labourers as for following their work shall sojourn in the said houses, and unless for urgent occasions to be allowed by two Justices of the Peace) . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to this honourable city, [1686. ESTC No. R180098. Grub Street ID 71251.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas divers good laws have been made, and are still in force, for the suppressing and punishing of vagrants, vagabonds, and other idle persons . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1687. ESTC No. R41301. Grub Street ID 122958.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the maior, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas divers good laws have formerly been made, and are still in force against several wicked and disorderly practices, which through the omission of the magistrate and officers concerned ... are openly and notoriously violated and broken within this city . London : s.n., 1687. ESTC No. R41295. Grub Street ID 369800.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas I lately recommended to your care the strict execution of the laws for the due observance of the Lord's Day ... I therefore again press you to employ your care in that particular, but because there are also ... other great vices ... (such as drunkenness, common swearing and cursing, tipling and gaming) . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1689. ESTC No. R41300. Grub Street ID 122957.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor, to the aldermen of the ward [blank] We charge and command you, that upon Saint Thomas day the Apostle next coming, you do hold your wardmote, and that you have afore us at our general Court of Aldermen to be holden [blank] the Monday next after the feast of the Epiphany next coming, all the defaults that shall be presented afore you by the inquest in the said wardmote;. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1689. ESTC No. R36875. Grub Street ID 119127.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas the frequenting and tipling in taverns, alehouses, coffee-houses and other victualling-houses is too much used and practiced within this city on the Lord's-day . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1689?. ESTC No. R41754. Grub Street ID 123302.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. The number of hands for each candidate for Lord-Mayor, as they were cast up by the poll. London : s.n., 1692?. ESTC No. R41788. Grub Street ID 369802.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Lane mayor the right honourable the lord mayor having a deep sense of the duty incumbent upon him ... for the suppression of prophaness [sic] and debauchery . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1694. ESTC No. R41231. Grub Street ID 122908.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank] It being represented to me, that several rude and disorderly persons have already begun, in a riotous and tumultuous manner, to throw squibs, serpents, and other fire-works, in and about the streets of this city, to the great terrour, as well as endandering the lives of His Majesty's subjects, the apparent breach of the peace, and the scandal and dishonour of the government of this city. . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable city of London, 1697. ESTC No. R174074. Grub Street ID 67370.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas His Majesty hath been pleased to signifie, that he doth graciously accept of the request made to him by this city to honour it by passing through the same in his return from Flanders, and it being expected that h will pass through your ward on the [blank] day of November next . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1697. ESTC No. R41755. Grub Street ID 123303.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Child, mayor forasmuch as the general corruption and depravation of manners within this city and the liberties thereof, instead of being amended and reformed by the many good laws provided and designed for that purpose ... seems rather to prevail and increase . London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1698 [i.e. 1699. ESTC No. R41757. Grub Street ID 123304.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank] We charge and command you, . London : printed by S. Roycroft, 1706. ESTC No. T187637. Grub Street ID 223553.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Rawlinson Mayor. Die Jovis, vicesimo die Junij, 1706. annoque regni Reginae Annae, Angliae, &c. quinto. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor seriously considering, ... the great care which hath been taken by his predecessors, for prevention of disorders, ... in Bartholomew-Fair,. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1706. ESTC No. T168294. Grub Street ID 206221.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Bedingfeld Mayor. Die Martis, duodecimo die Augusti, 1707. Annoq; regni Reginae Annae Magnae Britanniae, &c. sexto. London] : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London, [1707. ESTC No. T123491. Grub Street ID 173936.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Garrard Mayor. Whereas Her Majesty hath been inform'd, that of late many loose, idle and disorderly persons, have used in the evenings, in a riotous and tumultuous manner, to gather together in the streets, . London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1710. ESTC No. T184516. Grub Street ID 220858.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. Whereas by an act of Parliament made in the 39th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, all constables and other officers are required and enjoined to apprehend all rogues, vagabonds and sturdy beggars,. London, 1713. ESTC No. T196611. Grub Street ID 369804.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Humfreys Mayor. Martis xvi]0] die Novembris, 1714. Annoq; regni Regis Georgii Magnae Britanniae, &c. primo. London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honourable City of London, [1714. ESTC No. T188868. Grub Street ID 224563.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the Alderman of the ward of [blank]. London] : Printed by John Barber, printer to the Honourable City of London, 1721. ESTC No. T140319. Grub Street ID 188095.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Lambert, Mayor. Whereas the fishery of the river of Thames is of late become extreamly decayed and decreased; and divers persons, both fishermen and others, (not withstanding the several Acts of Parliament now in force, viz. the first of Queen Elizabeth; the ninth of Queen Anne; and the first of King George the First) do daily sell and expose to sale, great quantirities of small blood and unsizeable fish, contrary to the meaning of the said Acts, and to the great prejudice of the fishery in general. In order to prevent which grievance, the Right Honble Daniel Lambert, Esq; Lord Mayor of the City of London, and Conservator of the river of Thames and waters of Medway, has thought fir to describe and make publick the assize of the several sorts of fish hereafter mentioned; that offenders may thereby by the more easily discovered and brought to justice; to wit. London]: [s.n.], [1740. ESTC No. T140318. Grub Street ID 369808.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the mayor. Orders heretofore devised and agreed upon by the Right Honourable the lord mayor of the city of London, and conservator of the river of Thames and waters of Medway, and river Lee, for conservation and preservation of the river of Thames, and of the brood and fry of fish therein . London, 1741. ESTC No. N16601. Grub Street ID 369794.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. London to wit. Bakers Hall. The assize of bread, set this [blank] day of [blank] 178[blank] by the Right. Hon. the Lord Mayor,. London, 1780?. ESTC No. T188973. Grub Street ID 369803.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank] We charge and command you, . London, 1780?. ESTC No. T200434. Grub Street ID 369806.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the master and wardens of the company of [blank] These are to require you to cause your beadle to give notice to all the liverymen of your company, to appear at Guildhall on Tuesday next, the 15th day of September, ... for the election of a fit and able perso to be one of the sheriffs of this city, ... in the room of Thomas Cogan, ... Dated the 12th day of September, 1789. London, 1789. ESTC No. T196614. Grub Street ID 369805.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. To the liverymen, freemen, and citizens of London. Although our Lord Mayor has been confined to his room for sixteen days with a severe fit of the gout, and still much indisposed, he is determined to be this day in his seat at the House of Commons, to support your rights and privileges, even though he should be obliged to be carried in a litter. He leaves the Mansion House at one o'clock. London, 1790?. ESTC No. N40983. Grub Street ID 369795.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. By the Mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank] Wardmote. . London, 1797?. ESTC No. T54637. Grub Street ID 369807.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Combe, Mayor. Mansion-house, Sept. 17, 1800. Whereas the peace of this city has been, within these few days, very much disturbed by numerous and tumultuous assemblies of riotous and disorderly people,. London] : Printed by H. L. Galabin, Ingram-Court, London, [1800. ESTC No. N4275. Grub Street ID 28816.
  • City of London (England). Lord Mayor.. Combe, Mayor. Tuesday the 27th day of May 1800, and in the fortieth Year of the reign of King George the Third, of Great Britain, &c. This court taking notice, that of late years many persons crowd upon the Hustings on the days appointed for holding of Common Halls,. London : Printed by Henry Fenwick, Snow-Hill, 1800. ESTC No. N472528. Grub Street ID 369809.