Publications of London Corresponding Society.


  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society, held at the Bell, Exeter-street, Strand . London : printed at the office of the Argus Newspaper, 1792. ESTC No. T41142. Grub Street ID 270100.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society having been calumniated in common with other persons desirous of obtaining a parliamentary reform, ... have thought proper to address the Secretary of State, in the following letter; ... To the Right Hon. Henry Dundas. London, 1792. ESTC No. N38569. Grub Street ID 399714.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society's addresses and resolutions, (reprinted, and distributed gratis.). London, 1792. ESTC No. N38947. Grub Street ID 399715.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Societies, addresses and resolutions, (reprinted.). London, 1792. ESTC No. N40311. Grub Street ID 399722.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address from the London Corresponding Society to the inhabitants of Great Britain, on the Subject of a parliamentary reform. London : s.n., 1792. ESTC No. T20364. Grub Street ID 399727.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Societies. Addresses and resolutions, (reprinted.). London, 1792. ESTC No. T41139. Grub Street ID 399742.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society to the nation at large. London, 1792. ESTC No. T41145. Grub Street ID 399746.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society's address, and regulations. London, 1792?. ESTC No. T41146. Grub Street ID 399747.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The london Corresponding Society's addresses and resolutions, (reprinted, and Distributed Gratis.). London : s.n., 1792. ESTC No. T41147. Grub Street ID 399748.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society to the other societies of Great Britain, United for obtaining a reform in Parliament. London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1792. ESTC No. T6277. Grub Street ID 399750.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundass, Secretary of State for the Home Department. By the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining a reform in Parliament. London : printed for James Ridgway, York-Street, ST. James's Square, [1792]. ESTC No. T122622. Grub Street ID 173287.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society, to the other societies of Great-Britain, united for the obtaining a reform in Parliament. London : printed by Alexander Grant, 1792. ESTC No. T20377. Grub Street ID 234226.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Reform in Parliament. London Corresponding Society, April 11, 1793. A petition to be presented to the Honorable the House of Commons, praying for a radical reform in the representation of the people; now lies for the reception of signatures at the following places. London, 1793. ESTC No. N38523. Grub Street ID 399710.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society, Sir, it would be with considerrble [sic] embarrasment, that we should address you . London, 1793. ESTC No. N38562. Grub Street ID 399712.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The following petition was presented to the House of Commons, by Philip Francis, Esq. May 6, 1793. from the London Corresponding Society. - Ordered to lie on the table. The petition of sundry inhabitants of the cities of London, Westminster, and their vicinity, to the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled. London, 1793. ESTC No. N38565. Grub Street ID 399713.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Reform in Parliament London Corresponding Society, April 11, 1793. A petition to be presented to the Honourable the House of Commons, praying for a radical reform in the representation of the people; now lies for the reception of signatures at the following places,. London, 1793. ESTC No. N39193. Grub Street ID 399716.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society addresses the friends of peace and parliamentary reform. London, 1793. ESTC No. T41140. Grub Street ID 399743.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address to the nation, from the London Corresponding Society, on the subject of a thorough Parliamentary Reform; Together with the Resolutions which were passed at a General meeting of the Society; Held on Monday, the 8th of July, 1793. At the Crown and Anchor Tavern Strand,. London] : Printed by order of the Society, and distributed gratis, [1793. ESTC No. T20455. Grub Street ID 235236.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society to the other societies of Great Britain, united for obtaining a reform in Parliament. London : printed for James Ridgway, York-Street, St. James's-Square, [1793]. ESTC No. T20378. Grub Street ID 234228.
  • London Corresponding Society.. A letter of thanks addressed by the London Corresponding Society, To Phillip Francis. Esq. M. P. for his able speech in Parliament, On the 10th of April, 1793. Upon the Stockbridge election bill; together with his answer. London] : Printed by order of the Society, 1793. ESTC No. T37996. Grub Street ID 267512.
  • London Corresponding Society.. This day is published, by the London Corresponding Society, to be continued in weekly numbers, (price one penny each) The politician. Communications, post-paid, directed for the editor, Mr. William Townly, will be received by J. Smith, bookseller, ... and by J. Burke, . London, 1794. ESTC No. N27365. Grub Street ID 399703.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society's addresses and resolutions, (reprinted, and distributed gratis) July, 1794. London, 1794. ESTC No. N2895. Grub Street ID 399704.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society, Feb. 3, 1794. This Society having long supported with cheerfulness and ardour. London, 1794. ESTC No. N38556. Grub Street ID 399711.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. General Committee, 5th June, 1794. London, 1794. ESTC No. N39762. Grub Street ID 399717.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society, anniversary dinner, and general meeting, Globe Tavern, Strand Monday 20th. Jan, 1794. London, 1794. ESTC No. N39798. Grub Street ID 399718.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The address published by the London Corresponding Society, at the general meeting, held at the Globe Tavern, Strand, on Monday the 20th of January, 1794, ... to the people of Great Britain and Ireland. To which are added, the King's speech at the opening of the present session of "His Parliament,". London, 1794. ESTC No. N63867. Grub Street ID 399725.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The address published by the London Corresponding Society, at the general meeting, held at the Globe Tavern, Strand, on Monday the 20th Day of January, 1794, Citizen John Martin in the Chair, to the people of Great Britain and Ireland. To which are added, the King's speech at the opening of the present session of "his Parliament," and the resolutions of the Society for Constitutional Information thereupon. London : s.n., 1794. ESTC No. T20384. Grub Street ID 399728.
  • London Corresponding Society.. At a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held at the Globe Tavern Strand; on Monday the 20th day of January, 1794 Citizen John Martin, in the Chair. The following address to the people of Great Britain and Ireland, was read and agreed to. London : s.n., 1794. ESTC No. T22599. Grub Street ID 399732.
  • London Corresponding Society.. At a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, Held at the Globe Tavern Strand; on Monday the 20th day of January, 1794 citizen John Martin, in the chair. The following address to the people of Great Britain and Ireland, was read and agreed to. London : s.n., 1794. ESTC No. T22600. Grub Street ID 399733.
  • London Corresponding Society.. At a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, ... on Monday the 14th of April, 1794, ... the following letters were read:. London, 1794. ESTC No. T22601. Grub Street ID 399734.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining universal suffrage and annual Parliaments, to the various patriotic societies of Great Britain. London, 1794. ESTC No. T2267. Grub Street ID 399735.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. General Committee, 5th. June, 1794. London, 1794. ESTC No. T2268. Grub Street ID 399736.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Citizens! The critical moment is arrived, . London, 1794. ESTC No. T30784. Grub Street ID 399738.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundass, Secretary of State for the Home Department. By the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining a reform in Parliament. Second edition.. London, [s.n.], 1794. ESTC No. T38376. Grub Street ID 399741.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. July 25, 1794. To a humane and generous public no apology will be necessary. London, 1794. ESTC No. T41143. Grub Street ID 399745.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining universal suffrage and annual parliaments, to the various patriotic societies of Great Britain. London, 1794. ESTC No. T152715. Grub Street ID 399751.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. Nov. 19th. 1794. The committee gratefully acknowledge the contributions. London, 1794. ESTC No. T175929. Grub Street ID 399754.
  • London Corresponding Society.. A letter of thanks from the London Corresponding Society, to the Right Honourable Thomas Skinner, Lord Mayor of London. For his Lordship's upright conduct in dispensing with Military Attendance on a late Occasion. London : s.n., 1794. ESTC No. T213643. Grub Street ID 399755.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Report of the committee, appointed to revise and abridge a former report of the constitution, of the London Corresponding Society. London, s.n., 1794. ESTC No. T44715. Grub Street ID 399777.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The report of the Committee of Constitution, of the London Corresponding Society. London] : (printed, for the use of the members,) sold by Thomas Spence, No. 8, Little-Turnstile, High Holborn, [1794. ESTC No. T44717. Grub Street ID 273096.
  • London Corresponding Society.. An account of the seizure of citizen Thomas Hardy, secretary to the London Corresponding Society; with some remarks on the suspension of The Habeas Corpus Act. London] : Printed by order of the London Corresponding Society, [1794. ESTC No. T18710. Grub Street ID 223209.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the members of the Corresponding Society. Committee Room, December 31, 1795. Citizens, after the resolutions of various divisions, ... it appears to us inexplicable that a few individuals should attempt to dissuade particular divisions from meeting. London, 1795. ESTC No. N37832. Grub Street ID 399709.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Narrative of the proceedings at a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society. Second edition, revised and corrected. ... A general meeting of the London Corresponding Society having been proposed and approved ... accordingly, on Monday the 29th of June, 1795, the society met in an inclosed field,. London, 1795?. ESTC No. N39924. Grub Street ID 399720.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Proceedings of a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held on Monday October the 26th, 1795;. London?], 1795. ESTC No. N39925. Grub Street ID 399721.
  • London Corresponding Society.. A letter, &c. to the members of the London Corresponding Society. London?, 1795?. ESTC No. N63547. Grub Street ID 399723.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Account of the proceedings at a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, convened by public advertisement, and held in an inclosed field, behind the long room, Borough Road, St. George's Fields, On Monday, the 29th of June, 1795. Citizen John Gale Jones in the chair. London : s.n., 1795. ESTC No. T18755. Grub Street ID 399726.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Articles for future regulations for the London Corresponding Society, recommended by the executive committee. London, 1795. ESTC No. T22498. Grub Street ID 399730.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Articles for future regulations for the London Corresponding Society, recommended by the executive committee. London, 1795. ESTC No. T22499. Grub Street ID 399731.
  • London Corresponding Society.. An account of the proceedings of the general meeting, of the Friends of Freedom, as convened on Thursday, November 12, 1795. By the London Corresponding Society, in a field near the Copenhagen House. Citizen Duane in the chair. London : Printed and sold by A. Seale No. 11, Cumberland Street, Middlesex Hospital; F. Ward, No. 14, Dean Street, Tothil Street, Westminister; Hughes No. 4, Carthusion Street, Charterhouse Square, [1795?]. ESTC No. T218550. Grub Street ID 243060.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. At a general meeting of this society, held on Thursday, the 12th Inst. London, 1795. ESTC No. T41141. Grub Street ID 399744.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. General meeting June 29, 1795. London : s.n., 1795. ESTC No. T154674. Grub Street ID 399752.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The correspondence of the London Corresponding Society revised and corrected, with explanatory notes and a prefatory letter, by the Committee of Arrangement, Deputed For That Purpose: published for the use of members, Pursuant To The 17th Article Of The Society's Regulations. London : printed by order of the London Corresponding Society, and sold by Smith , at the Pop-Gun, Portsmouth-Street, Lincoln's Inn-Fields ; Eaton , Cock and Swine Newgate-Street ; Ridgway , York-Street, St. James's-Square ; Symonds , Paternoster-Row ; Jordan , Fleet-Street ; Ballard , Little May's-Buildings, Bedford-Street, Covent Garden ; Lee , No. 444, Strand ; Ribeau, and Griffith , Strand ; Phelps , Angel-Street, St. Martin's-le-Grand ; Spence , Turnstile, Holborn ; the secretary, J. Ashley , Fisher-Street, Red-Lion-Square : and by the delegates of the divisions, [1795]. ESTC No. N15288. Grub Street ID 5013.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the Parliament and people of Great Britain. An explicit declaration of the principles and views of the London Corresponding Society. London, 1795. ESTC No. T148758. Grub Street ID 399775.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the Parliament and people of Great Britain. An explicit declaration of the principles and views of the London Corresponding Society. London, 1795. ESTC No. T148759. Grub Street ID 399776.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the British nation. The reply of the London Corresponding Society, to the calumnies propagated by persons in high authority, for the purpose of furnishing pretences for the pending Convention bill. London, 1795. ESTC No. T51173. Grub Street ID 399778.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the inhabitants of London and its environs. Awake! Arise! or be for ever fall'n! ... Rally round the standard of the London Corresponding Society . London, 1795. ESTC No. T51280. Grub Street ID 399779.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the Parliament and people of Great Britain. An explicit declaration of the principles and views of the London Corresponding Society. London, 1795. ESTC No. T51317. Grub Street ID 399780.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the Parliament and people of Great Britain, an explicit declaration of the principles and views of the London Corresponding Society. London : printed for Citizen Lee, [1795?]. ESTC No. N34301. Grub Street ID 22703.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Account of the proceedings of a meeting of the people, in a Field near Copenhagen-House, Thursday, Nov. 12; including the substance of the speeches of citizens Duane, Thelwall, Jones, &c. With the petitions to the King, Lords, and Commons, of nearly four hundred thousand Britons, inhabitants of London and its environs; Assembled together in the open Air, to express their Free Sentiments, According to the Tenure of the Bill of Right, on the subject of the threatened invasion of their Rights by a Convention Bill. London : printed for Citizen Lee, at the Tree of Liberty, Opposite Buckingham-Street, No. 444. Strand, 1795. ESTC No. T18753. Grub Street ID 223465.
  • London Corresponding Society.. [The] moral and political magazine of the London Corresponding Society: ... Volume the first. London : printed by order of the Society: and published by John Ashley, secretary, 1796. ESTC No. T77128. Grub Street ID 299341.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Citizens; we are eager to address you on the extraordinary occurrences that have recently agitated the Nation. . London, 1796. ESTC No. N39923. Grub Street ID 399719.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The moral and political magazine of the London Corresponding Society, for . London [England] : printed by order of the Society: and published by John Ashley, Secretary, no. 6, High Holborn, near Gray's Inn Lane, 1796-1797. ESTC No. P2509. Grub Street ID 56175.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Citizens, John Binns and John Gale Jones, the citizens we deputed to visit the popular society at Birmingham, are speedily to take their trial on a charge of seditious conduct . London?, 1796. ESTC No. T30781. Grub Street ID 399737.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for August, 1796. London, 1796. ESTC No. T143884. Grub Street ID 399757.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for November, 1796. London, 1796. ESTC No. T143893. Grub Street ID 399766.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for October, 1796. London, 1796. ESTC No. T143895. Grub Street ID 399768.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for September, 1796. London, 1796. ESTC No. T143897. Grub Street ID 399770.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Debtor The London Corresponding Society. Creditor. London, 1796. ESTC No. T147269. Grub Street ID 399772.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's accounts for July, 1796. London, 1796. ESTC No. T51613. Grub Street ID 399782.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The moral and political magazine of the London Corresponding Society. To be continued monthly. Prospectus. London : London Corresponding Society, 1796. ESTC No. N505469. Grub Street ID 399785.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Circular letter to the united corresponding societies of Great Britain. London Corresponding Society, sitting of the executive committee, July 17, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. N37778. Grub Street ID 399705.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Citizen, we lay before you an abstract of the pecuniary transactions of the London Corresponding Society, from the 7th of July to the 31st of December last,. London, 1797. ESTC No. N37794. Grub Street ID 399706.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Special sitting of the Executive Committee, June 29, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. N37823. Grub Street ID 399707.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. This committee having read an advertisement, inserted in the public newspapers . London, 1797. ESTC No. N37825. Grub Street ID 399708.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Answer of the London Corresponding Society, respecting a general meeting to the friends of reform in Sheffield. . London, 1797. ESTC No. T21976. Grub Street ID 399729.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Thoughts on Mr. Grey's plan of reform; . London : printed by order of the Society and sold by Evans and Bone, 1797. ESTC No. T50199. Grub Street ID 277880.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Fellow-citizen, your non-attendance at your division (together with other defaulters) has been such serious disadvantage to the interests of our Society, . London, 1797. ESTC No. T35463. Grub Street ID 399739.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London executive committee, sitting of Thursday, March 23, 1797. Fellow citizens, for a long time, a despotic administration,. London, 1797. ESTC No. T35464. Grub Street ID 399740.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The London Corresponding Society's answer to a member of Parliament's letter . London, 1797. ESTC No. T41148. Grub Street ID 399749.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for April 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143883. Grub Street ID 399756.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for August, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143885. Grub Street ID 399758.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for December 1796. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143886. Grub Street ID 399759.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for February 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143888. Grub Street ID 399761.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for July, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143889. Grub Street ID 399762.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for June, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143890. Grub Street ID 399763.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for March 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143891. Grub Street ID 399764.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for May, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143892. Grub Street ID 399765.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for November, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143894. Grub Street ID 399767.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for October, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143896. Grub Street ID 399769.
  • London Corresponding Society.. A narrative of the proceedings at the general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held on Monday, July 31, 1797, in a field, near the Veterinary College ...ancras, in the county of Middlesex Citizen Thomas Stuckey President[.]. London : Printed for the Society and published by Symonds, No. 20 Pater-Noster-Row Evans and Bone, No. 120, Holborn-Hill; and sold by all booksellers, 1797. ESTC No. T214380. Grub Street ID 240794.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for September, 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T143898. Grub Street ID 399771.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society to the country. London, 1797. ESTC No. T147559. Grub Street ID 399773.
  • London Corresponding Society.. London Corresponding Society. Notice is hereby given, that a general meeting of this Society, and other friends of parliamentary reform in London ... will be held on Monday, the 31st inst. London, 1797. ESTC No. T147745. Grub Street ID 399774.
  • London Corresponding Society.. To the united corresponding Societies of Britain. London?, 1797. ESTC No. T51375. Grub Street ID 399781.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for January 1797. London, 1797. ESTC No. T51614. Grub Street ID 399783.
  • London Corresponding Society.. The petition and remonstrance of the London Corresponding Society, intended to be presented to the King, (by a meeting held in a field near Pancras, ... on Monday, July 31, 1797,) for a reform in Parliament, &c. London : printed by A. Young, [1797]. ESTC No. N60726. Grub Street ID 43726.
  • London Corresponding Society.. A narrative of the proceedings at the general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held on Monday, July 31, 1797, in a field, near the veterinary college, St. Pancras, in the county of Middlesex. Citizen Thomas Stuckey, President. London : printed for the Society; and published by Symonds , No. 20, Paternoster-Row ; J. S. Jordan , Fleet-Street ; Evans and Bone , No. 120, Holborn-Hill : and sold by all booksellers , [1797]. ESTC No. N4231. Grub Street ID 28642.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Proceedings of the general committee of the London Corresponding Society, on the 5th, 12th, and 19th of April, 1798, relative to the resistance of a French invasion. London?, 1798?. ESTC No. N63704. Grub Street ID 399724.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Address of the London Corresponding Society to the British nation. London : s.n., 1798. ESTC No. T175928. Grub Street ID 399753.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for December, 1797. London, 1798. ESTC No. T143887. Grub Street ID 399760.
  • London Corresponding Society.. Treasurer's account for January 1798. London, 1798. ESTC No. T51615. Grub Street ID 399784.