Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables; containing the successions of all ye popes, emperours, & kings, which have reign'd in Europe, from ye nativity of our Saviour, to ye year 1688. Being of great use for the reading of history, and a ready help to discourse. Digested into so easie & exact a method, y[e]t any one may immediately find out either pope, emp[ero]r, or king; and thereby most readily know, in w[ha]t time & kingdom he reign'd: who were his predecess[o]rs, co[n]temp[o]rs, & success[o]rs: to w[ha]t virtues, or vices he was most inclinable: the good, or ill success of his fortune: the manner, & time of his death. Published in several languages, and now rendred into English. Wherein many gross errors are diligently corrected; and ye whole mademuch plainer, and easier, than in any of the former editions: By W. P. Gnet: Licensed Rob: Midgley.
London : printed & sold by I. Knight, at ye Pope's head in the new Exchange; and W. Rogers, at ye Sun ag[ain]st Dunstans-Church in Fleetstreet, booksellers Phillip Lea,globe-maker at the Atlas, and Hercules, in Cheapside, and Westminster Hall; Iohn Hills, stationer in Exchange Alley, over against Ionathan's Coffey-House in Cornhill, [1690].
ESTC No. R643.Grub Street ID 126771.
Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1703. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King. And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he Reign'd. Who were his Predecessours, Contemprs. & Successrs; To what Virtues or Vices he was most Inclinable; The Good or Ill Success of his Fortune; The Manner & Time of his Death. By Colonel Parsons. Licensed (nov: 10th. 1689) Robt. Midgley.
The VIth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ...
London : printed for B. Barker. at the White-Hart and C. King at the Judges Head in Westminster Hall, [1707].
ESTC No. T122638.Grub Street ID 173302.
Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1714. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King: And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he Reign'd. Who were his Predecessours, Contemprs, & Successrs; To what Virtues or Vices he was most Inclinable; The Good or Ill Success of his Fortune; The Manner & Time of his Death. By Colonel Parsons. Licensed (nov: 10th. 1689) Robt. Midgley.
The VIIth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ...
London : printed for B. Barker. at the White-Hart and C. King at the Judges Head in Westminster Hall, [1714].
ESTC No. T122639.Grub Street ID 173303.
Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1718. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King. And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he Reign'd Who were his Predecessours, Contemprs, & Successrs; To what Virtues or Vices he was most Inclinable; The Good or Ill Success of his Fortune; The Manner & Time of his Death. By Colonel Parsons. Licensed (nov: 10th. 1689) Robt. Midgley.
The VIIIth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ...
London : printed for B. Barker. at the White-Hart and C. King at the Judges Head in Westminster Hall, [1718].
ESTC No. T122640.Grub Street ID 173305.
Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables of Europe. From the nativity of our Saviour to the year MDCCXXVI. ... that one may immediately find either pope, emperour or King; and thereby know in what time or Kingdom he reign'd, .
London] : Sold by Mr. C Bateman & R. Ware. Mr B. Motte. Mr. Stag. Mr. J. Brotherton, & J. Sturt engraver, [1726.
ESTC No. T89422.Grub Street ID 309322.
Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1726. ... that any one may immediately find out either pope, emperour, or King; and thereby know in what time & Kingdom he reign'd, ... By Colonel Parsons.
London : printed for B. Barker and C. King, 1726.
ESTC No. N69169.Grub Street ID 50320.
Marcel, Guillaume.
Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1726. Engraven on 46 copper-plates, ... By Colonel Parsons.
The Xth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ...
London : printed for B. and B. Barker and I. Stagg, 1740.
ESTC No. N26790.Grub Street ID 16159.