Publications of John Hart

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by John Hart

  • Cennick, John. Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. By John Cennick, ... Part III. London: printed by John Hart; and sold by J. Lewis, 1745. ESTC No. N2818. Grub Street ID 17410.


  • Hart, John. The burning-bush not consvmed. Wherein, either under all deepe sense of wrath, or hardnesse of heart, one may judge, whether he be the childe of God, or not, &c. Chiefly receiving full satisfaction, concerning the sinne against the Holy Ghost. Perused by I.D. and divers other divines. London: printed by T. H[arper]. for John Harison, 1636. ESTC No. S92873. Grub Street ID 151521.
  • Hart, John. Trodden dovvn strength, by the God of strength, or, Mrs Drake revived. Shewing her strange and rare case, great and many uncouth afflictions, for tenne yeares together: together, with the strange and wonderfull manner how the Lord revealed himselfe unto her, a few dayes before her death. Related by her somtime unworthy friend, Hart On-Hi. London: printed by R. Bishop for Stephen Pilkington, and are to be sold at his shop next to the Red-lyon Inne in Fleet-Street, 1647. ESTC No. R204874. Grub Street ID 81741.
  • Hart, John. The fort-royal of the Scriptures: or, The vade-mecum concordance. Presenting unto the world an hundred heads of Scripture, most of them common-placed for publique use. Wherein all (especially the weaker sort of Christians) may suddenly command most of all the rarities in the Book of God. By an admirer of the Word. London: printed by William Leake, for the Company of Stationers at Edinburgh, 1649. ESTC No. R177850. Grub Street ID 69811.
  • Hart, John. The fort-royal of Holy Scriptures. Or, A new concordance of the chief heads of scripture common-placed. For such as would suddenly command all the rarities in the book of God. The second edition revised and enlarged, by J.H. London: printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Crown in Fleet-street, between the two Temple Gates, 1652. ESTC No. R34454. Grub Street ID 116978.
  • Hart, John. The firebrand taken out of the fire, or, The wonderfull history, case, and cure of Mis Drake, sometimes the wife of Francis Drake of Esher in the county of Surrey, Esq., who was under the power and severe discipline of Satan for the space of ten yeares, and was redeemed fro his tyranny in a wonderfull manner a little before her death, by the great mercy of God, and (instrumentally) by the extraordinary paines, prayers, and fasting, of foure reverend divines, whose names are here subscribed, viz. B. Vsher, D. Preston, M. Hooker, M. Dod. London: Printed for Tho. Mathewes .., 1654. ESTC No. R15516. Grub Street ID 63447.
  • Hart, John. The fort-royal of Holy Scriptures, or, A new concordance of the chief heads of Scripture common-placed, for such as would suddenly command all the rarities in the book of God. The third edition revised and enlarged by J.H. London: printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple gates, 1655. ESTC No. R215910. Grub Street ID 90868.
  • Hart, John. The everlasting joys of heaven: or, The blessed life of a Christian, in grace here; and in glory here-after. Set forth for the comfort and encouragement of all those that desire to fear the Lord; by John Hart, a servant of Jesus Christ. Recommended to the reader, by Obadiah Sedgewick, and Iohn Downam, ministers of the Gospel. London: printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion in the Old Baily, 1656. ESTC No. R209155. Grub Street ID 85372.
  • Hart, John. The charitable Christian: or, A word of comfort from the God of comfort, to such as are truly poor: and a word of Christian counsel and advice to such as are worldly rich, stirring them up to the Christian duty and practice of charity. With some powerful motives and perswasions thereunto, drawn from the Word of God, to convince men of the necessity of this Christian duty; with the sore evils and calamities which are threatned in the Word of God against unmerciful men. The fifth edition with additions. Published by a lover of hospitality. London: printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye Corner, 1659. ESTC No. R177830. Grub Street ID 69794.
  • Hart, John. Christs first sermon, or, The absolute necessity, gospel duty, and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applied, by a godly, able, and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered, what repentance is; as also the great necessity hereof to salvation: with the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off their repentance unto a sick bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy, and comfort, that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1660. ESTC No. R177837. Grub Street ID 69799.
  • Hart, John. The Christians best garment. Or, The putting on of the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherein the absolute necessity, excellency, and usefulness of Christ, as a garment, to believing souls, is briefly opened and applied. Secondly, the naked, miserable, lost, and undone condition of all unbelievers, who have not put on this garment, discovered. Thirdly and lastly, some few brief, but powerful motives to perswade us to the putting on of this garment, with directions how to live to the glory of Christ here, that so we may live with Christ hereafter in glory. The second edition. By a godly, able, and faithfull servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion, near Pye-Corner, 1661. ESTC No. R40134. Grub Street ID 121966.
  • Hart, John. Heavens glory, and hells horror: or, the parable of Dives and Lazarus opened and applied. Wherein, the everlasting joy of the saints and the endless torments of the wicked are discovered: for the confort of the one, and terror of the other. By J.H. a servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion, near Pye-Corner, 1662. ESTC No. R216587. Grub Street ID 91468.
  • Hart, John. The charitable Christian: or, A word of comfort from the God of comfort, to such as are truly poor. And a word of Christian counsel and advice to such as are worldly rich, stirring them up to the Christian duty and practice of charity. With some powerful motives and perswasions thereunto, drawn from the Word of God, to convince men of the necessity of this Christian duty; with the sore evils and calamities which are threatned in the Word of God against unmerciful men. The eighth edition with additions. Published by a lover of hospitality. London: printed for Elizabeth Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye Corner, 1662. ESTC No. R40133. Grub Street ID 121965.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon, or, The absolute necessity, gospel duty, and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applied, by a godly, able, and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered, what repentance is; as also the great necessity thereof to salvation: with the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off repentance unto a sick bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy, and comfort that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed for Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1663. ESTC No. R177838. Grub Street ID 69800.
  • Hart, John. Christs last sermon: or, The everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Exactly describing the everlasting, blessed, and happy condition of the children of God in glory for ever: with the everlasting, endless, and easeless condition of wicked men in the world to come for ever. Set forth for the comfort of the godly, and for the terror of the ungodly, by a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for by Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1663. ESTC No. R177840. Grub Street ID 69803.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peters repentance, after he had denyed his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bitterly for his sins. The second edition, corrected and enlarged, and set forth for the good of all those that truly fear God: by a godly pastor. London: printed for Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1663. ESTC No. R177851. Grub Street ID 69812.
  • Hart, John. A warning-piece to the sloathful, idle, careless, drunken, and secure ones of these last and worst of times. Wherein the danger that attends everyone that delights inany of these vices may be avoided: and the reward of all those that have their conversation in holiness may be attained. London: printed for Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1663. ESTC No. R177856. Grub Street ID 69816.
  • Hart, John. The dreadfull character of a drunkard. Or, the odious and beastly sin of drunkenness described and condemned. Shewing the fearful judgements that have befallen notorious drunkards: with brief exhortations to perswade men from that swinish and abominable sin. London: printed for Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1663. ESTC No. R215880. Grub Street ID 90837.
  • Hart, John. The Christians best garment: or, The putting on of the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherein the absolute necessity, excellency, and usefulness of Christ, as a garment, to believing souls, is briefly open and applied. Secondly, the naked, miserable, lost, and undone condition of al unbelievers, who have not put on this garment, discovered. Thirdly and lastly, some few brief, but powerful motives to perswade us to the putting on of this garment, with directions how to live to the glory of Christ here, that so we may live with Christ hereafter in glory. By a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for E. Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 1664. ESTC No. R216385. Grub Street ID 91293.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon, or, The everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Exactly describing the everlasting, blessed, and happy condition of the children of God in glory for ever: with the everlasting, endlesse, and caseless [sic] condition of wicked men in the world to come forever. Set forth for the comfort of the godly, and for the terror of the ungodly. / By a godly, able and faithfull servant of Jesus Christ, J.H. Edinburgh,: Printed for Andrevv Anderson, Anno Dom. 1664. ESTC No. R177841. Grub Street ID 69804.
  • Hart, John. The plain mans plain path-way to heaven. Directing every man how he may be saved. Very seasonable for these times. London: printed for Eliz. Andrews, at the White Lion near Py-eCorner [sic], 1665. ESTC No. R40948. Grub Street ID 122698.
  • Hart, John. Englands faithful physician: or, Precious soul-saving, and soul-searching remedies, through grace faithfully applied for the healing and preserving this sinful sin-sick nation from ruine and destruction. Whereby this heavy judgement of God in visiting us with the plague an pestilence, which we now lie under, may upon our true, hearty, and unfeigned repentance be removed from amongst us. Together, with a speedy way to grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. London: printed for Eliz. Andrews, in Little St. Bartholomews Court in West-Smithfield, 1666. ESTC No. R39241. Grub Street ID 121162.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon. Or, The absolute necessity, Gospel duty, and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applied; by a godly, able and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered what repentance is ; and also the great necessity thereof to salvation: with the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off their repentance unto a sick bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy, and comfort that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed by B[ridget]. Wood, and are sold by Eliz. Andrews, 1666. ESTC No. R188196. Grub Street ID 76196.
  • Hart, John. Christs last sermon, or, The everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Exactly describing the everlasting, blessed, and happy condition of the children of God in glory for ever: with the everlasting, endless, and easeless condition of wicked men in the world to come for ever. Set forth for the comfort of the godly, and for the terror of the ungodly, by a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed by B[ridget]. W[ood]. for by Eliz. Andrews in Little St. Bartholomews Court in West-Smithfield, 1666. ESTC No. R188197. Grub Street ID 76197.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peters repentance, after he had denyed his Lord and master Jesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bitterly for his sins. The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged, and set forth for the good of all those that truly fear God: by a godly pastor. London: printed by B[ridget]. W[ood]. and are to be sold by Eliz. Andrews in Little Saint. [sic] Bartholomews Court in West-Smithfield, 1666. ESTC No. R188198. Grub Street ID 76198.
  • Hart, John. The Christians blessed choice or, The godly mans resolution to cleave fast to God and his truth, notwithstanding trials, troubles, and persecutions. Very seasonable for these times. By J.H. a servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed by J.W. for Eliz. Andrews in Little St. Bartholomews Court in West-Smithfield, 1668. ESTC No. R40135. Grub Street ID 121967.
  • Hart, John. The dreadful character of a drunkard or The most odious and beastly sin of drunkenness. Described and condemned. Showing the fearful judgements that have befallen notorious drunkards: with brief exhortations to perswade ment from that swinish and abominable sin. By Andre Jones, a lover of sobriety. Glasgow: by Robert Sanders, printer to the town, and are to be sold in his shop, M. DC. LXIX. [1669]. ESTC No. R177842. Grub Street ID 69805.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peter's repentance, after he had denyed his lord and master Jesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bitterly for his sins. London: printed for W. Thackeray, and are to be sold by J. Hose, over against Staples-Inn in Holbourn, [between 1670 and 1679?]. ESTC No. R29866. Grub Street ID 112779.
  • Hart, John. The plain man's plain path-way to heaven. Directing every man how he may be saved, very seasonable for these times. [London]: Printed for W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [1674]. ESTC No. R215660. Grub Street ID 90646.
  • Hart, John. The plain man's plain path-way to heaven. Directing every man how he may be saved. Very seasonable for these times. London: printed for W. Thackeray, at the sign of the Angel in Duck Lane, 1674. ESTC No. R219152. Grub Street ID 93728.
  • Hart, John. Englands faithful physician, or, Precious soul-saving and soul-searching remedies through grace faithfully applyed for the healing and preserving this sinful, sick nation from ruine and destruction whereby this heavy judgment of God in visiting us with the plague and pestilence which we have lain under may upon our hearty and unfeigned repentance, may be prevented for the future among us : together with a speedy way to grace and salvation through together with a speedy way to grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. [London]: Printed by P.L. for William Thackeray .., 1674. ESTC No. R29865. Grub Street ID 112778.
  • Hart, John. The dreadful character of a drunkard[.] Or, The most odious and beastly sin of drunkenness described and condemned. Shewing the fearful judgements that have befallen notorious drunkards: with brief exhortations [to] persuade men from that swinish and abominable sin. The 15 edition, by Andrew Iones, a lover of sobriet[y]. [London]: Printed for VV[illiam]. T[hackeray]. and are to be sold by C[harles]. Passing[er] next door to the Spur-Inn in Southwark, 1674. ESTC No. R177843. Grub Street ID 69806.
  • Hart, John. The charitale [sic] Christian or, A word of comfort from the God of comfort, to such as are truly poor. And a word of Christian counsel and advice to such as are worldly rich, stirring them up to the Christian duty and practice of charity. With some powerful motives and perswasions thereunto, drawn from the VVord of God, to convince men of the necessity of this Christian duty; vvith the sore evils and calamities which are threatn[e]d in the Word of God against unmerciful men. Published by a lover of hospitality. London: printed by E.C. for W.T. and are to be sold by John Hose over against Staple-Inn in Holbourn, 1674. ESTC No. R215878. Grub Street ID 90835.
  • Hart, John. The burning bush, not consumed. Wherein, either under all deep sense of wrath, or hardness of heart, one may judge, whether he be the child of God, or not, &c. Chiefly receiving full satisfaction, concerning the sin against the holy Ghost. Perused by I.D. and divers othe divines. Edinburgh: printed by Andrew Anderson, printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, for James Galt, James Brown, George Brown, Robert Stewart, and John Reid; stationers in Glasgow, anno Dom 1674. ESTC No. R40550. Grub Street ID 122325.
  • Hart, John. The plain mans plain path-way to heaven directing every man how he may be saved. London: Printed for W. Thackeray .., 1675. ESTC No. R29867. Grub Street ID 112780.
  • Hart, John. The school of grace. Or, A book of good nurture, for the admonition and instruction of youth and age in the fear and admonition of the Lord. With godly instructions, graces and prayers, describing the whole duty of a Christian. By J. Hart. B[D]. London: printed for W[illiam]. Thackeray, P[hilip]. Brooksby, J[ohn]. Williamson, and J[ohn]. Hose, [1675?]. ESTC No. R177855. Grub Street ID 69815.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peter's repentance; after he had denyed his lord and master Iesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bitterly for his sins. The tenth edition corrected and enlarged, and set forth for the good of all those that truly fear God. By a godly pastor. London: printed for W. Thackeray, and are to be sold by I. Hose, over-against Staples-Inn in Holbourn, 1675. ESTC No. R215911. Grub Street ID 90869.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon, or, The absolute necessity, gospel duty and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applied, by a godly, able, and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered what repentance is, and also the great necessity thereof to salvation: with the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off repentance unto a sick bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy, and comfort that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed for Will. Thackery, Phil. Brooksby, John Williamson, and John Hose, 1676. ESTC No. R39238. Grub Street ID 121160.
  • Hart, John. The Christians blessed choice. Or, The godly mans resolution to cleave fast to God and his truth, notwithstanding trials, troubles, and persecutions. Very seasonable for these times. By J. H. a servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for W. Thackeray, P. Brooksby, J. Williamson, and J. Hose, 1676. ESTC No. R177834. Grub Street ID 69797.
  • Hart, John. Englands faithful physitian. Or, Precious soul-saving and soul-searching remedies, through grace faithfully applied for the healing and preserving this sinful sick nation from ruine and destruction. Whereby this heavy judgment of God in visiting us with the plague and pestilence which we have lain under, may upon our hearty and unfeined repentance be prevented for the future among us. Together with a speedy way to grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. [London]: Printed for W[illiam]. Thackeray, Phil[ip]. Brooksby, John Williamson, and J[ohn]. Hose, 1676. ESTC No. R177849. Grub Street ID 69810.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon: or, The everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Exactly describing the everlasting, blessed, and happy condition of the children of God in glory for ever: with the everlasting endless, and careless condition of wicked men in the world to come for ever. Set forth for the comfort of the godly and for the terrour of the ungodly, by a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for Will. Thackery, Phil Brookby, John Will amson and John Hose, 1676. ESTC No. R472273. Grub Street ID 125135.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon, or, The absolute necessity, gospel duty, and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applyed, by a godly able and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered what repentance is, and also the great necessity thereof to salvation: with the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off repentance unto a sick-bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy and comfort that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed by J.N. for W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [1677?]. ESTC No. R215652. Grub Street ID 90641.
  • Hart, John. Heavens glory, and hells horror: or, the parable of Dives and Lazarus opened and applyed. Wherein, the everlasting joy of the saints and the endless torments of the wicked are discovered: for the comfort of the one, and terror of the other. By J.H. a servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for W. Thackeray, T. Passenger, P. Brooksby, and J. Williamson, 1678. ESTC No. R218623. Grub Street ID 93265.
  • Hart, John. The Christians best garment, or, The putting on of the Lord Jesus Christ wherein the absolute necessity, unparallel'd excellency, and admirable usefulness of Christ as a garment to believing souls,is briefly opened and applyed : secondly, the naked, miserable, lost, and undone condition of all unbelievers who have not put on this garment, discovered : thirdly and lastly, some few brief but powerful motives to perswade us to the putting on of this garment, with direction how to live to the glory of Christ here, that so we may live with Christ hereafter in glory by a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. London: Printed for William Thackeray, T. Passenger, P. Brooksby, and J. Williamson, 1678. ESTC No. R42068. Grub Street ID 123523.
  • Hart, John. The dreadful character of a drunkard, or, The odious and beastly sin of drunkenness described and condemned shewing the fearful judgements that have befallen notorious drunkards : with brief exhortations to perswade men from that swinish abominable sin. [London]: Printed by A.P. & T.H. for W. Thackeray, T. Passenger, P. Brooksby and J. Williamson, 1678. ESTC No. R29864. Grub Street ID 112777.
  • Hart, John. A warning-piece to the sloathful, idle, careless, drunken and secure ones of these last and worst times wherein the danger that attends everyone that delights in any of these vices may be avoided, and the reward of those that have their conversation in holinesse may be attained. London: Printed for William Thackeray .., 1678. ESTC No. R29868. Grub Street ID 112781.
  • Hart, John. The charitable Christian. Or, A word of comfort from the God of comfort, to such as are truly poor. And a word of Christian counsel and advice to such as are worldly rich, stirring them up to the Christian duty and practice of charity. With some powerful motives and perswasions thereunto. [sic] drawn from the Word of God, to convince men of the necessity of this Christian duty; with the sore evils and calamities which are threatned in the Word of God against unmerciful men. Published by a lover of hospitality. [London]: Printed by A. P[urslowe]. and T. H[aly]. for W. Thackeray, T. Passinger, P. Brooksby, and J. Williamson, [1678?]. ESTC No. R177832. Grub Street ID 69795.
  • Hart, John. The Christians blessed choice. Or, The godly mans resolution to cleave fast to God and his truth, notwithstanding trials, troubles, and persecutions. Very seasonable for these times. By J. H. a servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for W. Thackeray T. Passenger P. Brooksby, and J. Williamson, 1678. ESTC No. R177836. Grub Street ID 69798.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon: or, The everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Exactly describing the everlasting, blessed, and happy condition of the children of God in glory for ever: with the everlasting endless, and careless condition of wicked men in the world to come for ever. Set forth for the comfort of the godly and for the terrour of the ungodly, by a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. [London]: Printed by A.M. for W. Thackery, and T. Passinger., [1679?]. ESTC No. R215653. Grub Street ID 90642.
  • Hart, John. The burning bush, not consumed. Wherein, either under all deep sense of wrath, or hardness of heart, one may judge, whether he be the child of God, or not, &c. Chiefly receiving full satisfaction, concerning the sin against the holy Ghost. Perused by I.D. and divers othe divines. Secret things belong unto God. Edinburgh: printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to his most sacred Majesty, 1679. ESTC No. R177828. Grub Street ID 69792.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon, or The absolute necessity, Gospel duty and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applied, by a godly, able, and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered what repentance is, and also the great necessity thereof to salvation: wit the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off repentance unto a sick bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy, and comfort that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed for T. Passinger, Will. Thackery, Phil. Brooksby, and John Williamson, 1679. ESTC No. R177839. Grub Street ID 69801.
  • Hart, John. The dreadful character of a drunkard: or, The most odious and beastly sin of drunkenness described and condemned. Shewing the fearful judgements that have befallen notorious drunkards: with brief exhortations to perswade men from that swinish and abominable sin. The sixt edition. By Andrew Jones, a lover of sobriety. Edinburgh: printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson printer to his most Sacred Majesty, 1679. ESTC No. R177844. Grub Street ID 69807.
  • Hart, John. The plain mans plain pathway to. Heaven directing every man how he may be saved. Very seasonable for these times. Glasgow: printed by, Robert Sanders ..., 1679. ESTC No. R177854. Grub Street ID 69814.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon; or, The everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Exactly describing the everlasting, blessed, and happy condition of the children of God in glory for ever: with the everlasting, endless and easeless condition of wicked men in the world to come for ever. Set forth for the comfort of the godly and for the terrour of the ungodly, by a godly, able, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed for Will. Thackery, T. Passenger, Phil. Brooksby, and John Williamson, 1679. ESTC No. R21761. Grub Street ID 92379.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon: or, The absolute necessity of gospel-duty and Christian repentance, open'd and apply'd. Wherein is plainly discover'd what repentance is, and also the great necessity thereof to salvation; with the great folly and desperate madness of all those that delay and put off their repentance unto a sick bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy and comfort that shall be to the souls of those that timely and truly repent. By John Hart, D.D. [Bristol]: Sold by W. Evans, on St. James's Back, Bristol, [1679?]. ESTC No. R229392. Grub Street ID 101885.
  • Hart, John. The plain-man's plain path-way to heaven. Directing every man how he may be saved. Very seasonable for these times. [London?]: Printed by A.P. and T.H. for VV. Thackeray; T. Passinger, P. Brooksby, and J. VVilliamson, [1680?]. ESTC No. R216392. Grub Street ID 91298.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peters repentance after he had denyed his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bitterly for his sins. The thirteenth edition corrected and enlarged, and set forth for the good of all those that truly fear God. By a godly pastor. London: printed for VV[illiam]. Thackery, T[homas]. Passinger, P[hilip]. Brooksby, and J[ohn]. VVilliamson, 1680. ESTC No. R177852. Grub Street ID 69813.
  • Hart, John. The school of grace: Or, A book of good nurture. For the admonition and instruction of youth and age in the fear of the Lord. With godly instructions, graces & prayers, describing the whole duty of a Christian. By J. Hart. B.D. The 11th Edition. Fear God, Honour the King. London: printed for J. C. W. Thackeray, T. Passinger, and P. Brooksby, 1680. ESTC No. R472259. Grub Street ID 125131.
  • Hart, John. The plain-man's plain path-way to heaven. Directing every man how he may be saved. Very seasonable for these times. [London?]: Printed for W. Thackeray, T. Passinger, J. Clark and Phil Brooksby, 1680. ESTC No. R472272. Grub Street ID 125134.
  • Hart, John. Englands faithful physician. Or, Precious soul-saving and soul-searching remedies, through grace faithfully applied for the healing and preserving this sinful, sick nation from ruine and destruction. Whereby this heavy judgment of God in visiting us with the plague and pestilence which we have lain under, may upon our hearty and unfeigned repentance be prevented for the future among us. Together with a speedy way to grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. [London]: Printed for W. Thackery, T. Passenger, P. Brooksby, and J. Williamson, 1680. ESTC No. R215882. Grub Street ID 90839.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon: or, The absolute necessity, gospel-duty, and Christian practice of repentance, opened and applyed; by a godly able and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered what repentance is, and also the great necessity thereof to salvation: wit the great folly and desperate madness of all that delay and put off repentance unto a sick-bed, or old age. Together with the great benefit, joy, and comfort that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. London: printed for E.A. and are to be sold by T. Vere, at the Angel without Newgate, [1680]. ESTC No. R221281. Grub Street ID 95460.
  • Hart, John. The dreadful character of a drunkard; or, The odious and beastly sin of drunkenness, described and condemned. Shewing the fearful judgments that have befallen notorious drunkards: with brief exhortations to persuade men from that swinish and abominable sin. With allowance. [London]: Printed by T.H. for W. Thackeray; T. Passenger, J. Clark, and P. Brooksby, 1681. ESTC No. R42069. Grub Street ID 123524.
  • Hart, John. The charitable Christian. Or, A word of comfort from the God of comfort, to such as are truly poor. And a word of Christian counsel and advice to such as are worldly rich, stirring them up to the Christian duty and practice of charity. With some powerful motives and perswasions thereunto, drawn from the Word of God, to convince men of the necessity of this Christian duty; with the fore evils and calamities which are threatned in the Word of God, against unmerciful men. Published by a lover of hospitality. [London]: Printed by T.H. and are to be sold by J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger, 1682. ESTC No. R217491. Grub Street ID 92275.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peter's repentance, after he had denyed his Lord and master Jesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bittrely for his sins. The fourteenth edition, corrected and enlarged, and set forth for the good of all those that truly fear God. By a godly pastor. London: printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger, 1682. ESTC No. R217493. Grub Street ID 92277.
  • Hart, John. The charitable Christian. Or, A word of comfort from the God of comfort, to such as are truly poor. And a word of Christian counsel and advice to such as are worldly rich, stirring them up to the Christian duty, and practice of charity. With some powerful motives and perswasions thereunto, drawn from the Word of God, to convince men of the necessity of this Christian duty; with the sore evils and calamities which are threatned in the Word of God, against unmerciful men. Published by a lover of hospitality. London: printed by H[enry]. B[rugis]. for J[ohn]. Clark, W[illiam]. Thackery, and T[homas]. Passenger, 1685. ESTC No. R177833. Grub Street ID 69796.
  • Hart, John. The dreadful character of a drunkard; or, The odious and beastly sin of drunkenness, described and condemned. Shewing the fearful judgments that have befallen notorious drunkards: with brief exhortations to perswade men from that swinish and abominable sin. [London]: Printed by J.M. for J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, 1686. ESTC No. R215654. Grub Street ID 90643.
  • Hart, John. The school of grace; or, A book of good nurture, for the admonition and instruction of youth and age in the fear of the Lord. With godly instructions, graces, & prayers describing the whole duty of a Christian. By J. Hart, B.B. The 19th. edition. Fear God, honour the King. [London]: Printed for W. Thackeray and T. Passinger, [1688]. ESTC No. R215662. Grub Street ID 90648.
  • Hart, John. Plain man's plain path-way to heaven directing every man how he may be saved. London: printed by W. O[nley]. and sold by the booksellers [...], [1695?]. ESTC No. R188199. Grub Street ID 76199.
  • Hart, John. Christ's first sermon or, The absolute necessity, gospel-duty and Christian practise of repentance, opened and applyed; by a godly, able, and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. Wherein is discovered what repentance [largely illegible] Together with the great benefit, joy and [illegible] that shall be to the souls of all those that timely and truly repent. Glasgow: printed by Robert Sanders [illegible] printer, anno Dom. [1696]. ESTC No. R218424. Grub Street ID 93084.
  • Hart, John. Six sermons. The first volume. I. Christ's first sermon: ... VI. The father's last blessing: ... Together with an earnest perswasive to a serious observation of the Lord's day. By John Hart, D.D. To which are added, the housholder's manual, &c. London: printed by W. O. and sold by J. Blare; and C. Bates, 1702. ESTC No. N36464. Grub Street ID 24442.
  • Hart, John. Six sermons. The first volume. I. Christ's first sermon: or, the Absolute Necessity, and Christian Practice of Repentance, Open'd and Apply'd. II. Christ's last sermon: or, The Everlasting Estate and Condition of all Men in the World to come. III. Peter's Repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Open'd and Explain'd. IV. The Christian's Blessed Choice: or, The Godly Man's Resolution to Cleave unto God, &c. V. The Parable of Dives and Lazarus, Open'd and Apply'd, &c. VI. The father's last blessing: Being Comfortable Meditations against the feats of Death. Together with an earnest perswasive to a serious observation of the Lord's day. By John Hart, D.D. To which are added, The housholder's manual, &c. London: printed by W. O. [William Onley] and sold by A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lion on London-Bridge, 1708. ESTC No. T178109. Grub Street ID 215046.
  • Hart, John. Six sermons: the first volume. I. Christ's first sermon: ... II. Christ's last sermon: ... VI. The father's last blessing: ... Together with an earnest perswasive to a serious observation of the Lord's day. By John Hart, D.D. To which is added, The housholder's manual, &c. London: printed for Edw. Midwinter, [1710?]. ESTC No. N36769. Grub Street ID 24725.
  • Hart, John. Heavens glory, and hells horror; or, the parable of Dives and Lazarus opened and applyed. ... By J. H. a servant of Jesus Christ. Glasgow: printed by Robert Sanders of Auldhouse, and are to be sold in his shop, 1713. ESTC No. T166783. Grub Street ID 204939.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon: or, the everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Wherein is exactly described The everlasting, blessed and happy Condition of the Children of God in Glory; with the Everlasting, Endless, and Easeless Condition of wicked Men in the World to come. By John Hart, D.D. Newcastle: printed and sold by John White, [1715?]. ESTC No. T104460. Grub Street ID 157977.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon: or the everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. ... By John Hart, D.D. Newcastle: printed and sold by John White, [1715?]. ESTC No. T166031. Grub Street ID 204273.
  • Hart, John. The burning bush not consumed. Wherein, either under all deep sense of wrath, or hardness of heart, one may judge whether he be the child of God, or not, &c. ... Perused by I. D. and divers other divines. Edinburgh: printed by the successors of Andrew Anderson, 1717. ESTC No. T167326. Grub Street ID 205433.
  • Hart, John. A sermon on St. Peter's repentance. Upon denying his great Lord and Master. In which is plainly set forth, to the meanest capacities, wherein the true nature of repentance consists: with a particular account of the sin of cursing and swearing. Worthy of the perusal of al persons. By the late reverend, learned and pious divine, Dr. John Hart. Winchester: printed by James Ayres, [1720?]. ESTC No. T178445. Grub Street ID 215371.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon: or, the everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. Wherein is exactly described the everlasting and happy Condition of the Children of God in Glory; with the everlasting, endless and easeless Condition of wicked Men in the World to come. By John Hart, D. D. London: printed by William Dicey, [1720?]. ESTC No. T103751. Grub Street ID 157360.
  • Hart, John. The fort-Royal of the scriptures; or, a vade-mecum concordance, containing an hundred heads of scripture: Wherein All (even the weaker Sort of Christians) may readily find most of the Rarities in the Word of God. By an admirer of the Word. Edinburgh: printed by W. Cheyne, for Al. Alison, and sold by J. Trail and W. Millar in Edinburgh, and Al. Millar in Glasgow, Booksellers, 1732. ESTC No. T89797. Grub Street ID 309654.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peter's repentance. Wherein is plainly shewed how Peter, after he had denied his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, ... went out and wept ... Edinburgh: printed and sold in Pearson's Close, a little above the cross, north side of the street, anno, 1748. ESTC No. N7327. Grub Street ID 52261.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon. Or, the everlasting estate and condition of all men in the world to come. ... By John Hart, D.D. Northampton: printed by William Dicey, [1750?]. ESTC No. N49850. Grub Street ID 33994.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peter's repentance. Wherein is plainly shewn how Peter, after he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, ... went out and wept ... Newcastle: printed and sold by J. White, [1760?]. ESTC No. T163028. Grub Street ID 201722.
  • Hart, John. A godly sermon of Peter's repentance, after he had denied his lord and master Jesus Christ, as it is in his repentance, he wept bitterly for his sin. Corrected and enlarged, and set forth for the good of all those that truly fear God. By a Godly pastor. Belfast: printed in the year, 1769. ESTC No. T228798. Grub Street ID 249058.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon: or, the everlasting estate and condition of good and bad men in the world to come. By John Hart, D.D. To which is added, the Black book of conscience: or, God's High Court of Justice in the soul of man. Wherein Truth and Sincerity, the Deceit and Hypocrisy of every Man's Heart and Ways are judged and discovered by Conscience. Take heed to yourselves what Conscience you have, For Conscience can damn, and Conscience can save. Edinburgh: printed by Alex. Robertson, in Morison's Closs, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T166035. Grub Street ID 204276.
  • Hart, John. Peter's repentance, after he had denied his lord and master Jesus Christ. A sermon preached from Matthew xxvi.75. ... By a Godly Pastor. Corrected and enlarged, ... Glasgow: printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, 1776. ESTC No. T25775. Grub Street ID 258014.
  • Hart, John. Christ's last sermon; or the everlasting estate and condition of good and bad men in the world to come. By John Hart, D.D. [London]: Printed and sold in Aldermary church-yard, Bow-Lane, London, [1776?]. ESTC No. T166033. Grub Street ID 204275.
  • Hart, John. Peter's repentance, after he had denied his lord and master Jesus Christ. A sermon; preached from Matthew xxvi. 75. ... By a Godly pastor. Corrected, enlarged, ... Glasgow: printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, 1778. ESTC No. T197813. Grub Street ID 230755.
  • Hart, John. Trodden down strength, by the god of strength. Or, Mrs. Drake revived. Shewing her Remarkable and Rare Case, Great and Many Uncouth Afflictions, for Ten Years Together. Together with the Strange and Wonderful Manner how the Lord Revealed Himself Unto her, a Few Days before her Death. A new edition. By John Hart. London: printed by R. Denham, No. 20, Salisbury-Square, M,DCC,LXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T97735. Grub Street ID 317107.
  • Hart, John. An address to the public, on the subject of the starch and hair-powder manufactories; ... with cursory strictures on a late publication by the Reverend Septimus Hodson, and animadversions on another late pamphlet entitled, "Hints respecting the distresses of the poor". B John Hart, ... London: printed for the author, and sold by B. Corcoran. - Also by J. Owen; T. Bellamy; W. Flexney; and H. D. Symonds, [1795]. ESTC No. T20494. Grub Street ID 235273.
  • Hart, John. An address to the public, on the subject of the starch and hair-powder manufactories; ... with cursory strictures on a late publication by the Reverend Septimus Hodson, and animadversions on another late pamphlet, entitled, "Hints reflecting the distresses of the poor". By John Hart, ... London: printed for, and sold by B. Corcoran. - Also by J. Owen; T. Bellamy; W. Flexney; and at No. 20. Paternoster-Row, [1795]. ESTC No. T20495. Grub Street ID 235274.
  • Hart, John. 100 dollars reward. Benedict Madden, who was committed on the 21st ult. by John Palmer, Esquire, for counterfeiting bank bills of Carolina and Maryland, escaped from gaol the last evening ... John Hart, sheriff C.T.D. Sheriff's Office, September 18, 1795. Charleston [S.C.]: Printed by Markland & M'Iver, no. 47, Bay, [1795]. ESTC No. W40201. Grub Street ID 350735.