Publications of Archibald Campbell Argyll


  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A declaration of the Marquesse of Argyle, with the rest of the Lords, and others of the Estates of the kingdom of Scotland, concerning the Kings Maiesty, and the treaty; and their desires to the Parliament of England. Also their propositions to Lieutenant-Generall Cromwell, and the army in England. With a discovery of the late designe put in practice by some English and Scots against both kingdoms, and their further advice thereupon. [London]: printed at Edenburgh by Evan Tyler, and re-printed at London for R.A., 16. Octob. 1648. ESTC No. R205295. Grub Street ID 82078.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A most noble speech spoken by the Lord Cambel of Lorne. one of his Majesties most Honourable Privie Counsell of Scotland. Moving the Lords House in Scotland, in his Maiesties presence, for the prevention of such advantages; whereby incendiaries may in the vacancy of Parliaments, any way extort from his Highnesse proclamations, to inforce the bringing in of innovations into the Kirke; or confirming of monopolies, that so all oppressions may be removed from his Majesties subjects of both kingdomes. As also, an honourable reply made by the Lord Lowden, against such, who objected against his former speech. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R11251. Grub Street ID 59558.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. An honourable speech made in the Parlament of Scotland by the Earle of Argile (being now competitor with Earle Morton for the chancellorship) the thirtieth of September 1641. Touching the prevention of nationall dissention, and perpetuating the happie peace and union betwixt the two kingdomes, by the frequent holding of Parlaments. London: printed by A.N. for I.M. at the George in Fleetstreet, anno 1641. ESTC No. R11252. Grub Street ID 59559.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A letter from the Marques of Argile and Sir William Armyn, in the name of themselves and their confederates, to Sir Thomas Glemham, dated at Barwicke, January, 20. With the answer of Sir Thomas Glemham and the commanders and gentry of Northumberland, dated at Newcastle, January, 23. Printed at York by Stephen Bulkley, 1643. ESTC No. R40743. Grub Street ID 122506.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A speech by the Marquesse of Argile to the Honourable Lords and Commons in Parliament. 25. June 1646. With a paper concerning their full consent to the propositions to be presently sent to His Majesty for a safe and well grounded peace. Die Veneris 26. Junii 1646. Ordere by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the Marquesse of Argiles speech, with the paper concerning the propositions, be forthwith printed and published. Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. London: Printed for Iohn Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley, 27 June 1646. ESTC No. R200912. Grub Street ID 78388.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. The Lord Marques of Argyle's speech to a grand committee of both Houses of Parliament, the 25th of this instant June, 1646. Together with some papers of the commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland, wherein they do give their consent to the sending of the propositions o peace to His Majesty, and desire their armies to be supplyed, and the accounts between the kingdoms to be perfected, to the end all armies may be disbanded, &c. Also His Majesties letter to the Marques of Ormond, discharging all further treaty with the Irish rebels. And a letter from General Major Monro concerning the state of affairs in Ireland. Published by authority. London: printed for Laurence Chapman, June 27. 1646. ESTC No. R23323. Grub Street ID 104812.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. The Marquesse of Argyle his speech concerning the King, the Covenant, and peace or warre betweene both kingdomes. Also, a letter to the Parliament of England, from Mr. Marshall. Some votes past in Scotland, and the particular parties which would engage against England, and who are against it. London: printed by Barnard Alsop, 1648. ESTC No. R22803. Grub Street ID 100778.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A letter sent from the marquess of Argyle to the King of Scots; concerning the raising of a new army against the English; and his desires and proposals touching the same. Also, his declaration to the people, and his summons to the gentry in the North; with the rising of the Highlanders and Redshanks; their falling upon the Parliaments forces, and the event and success thereof. Likewise, the manner how they fortifie the hills and mountains; and the strange engines of war which they have planted. Imprinted at London: for George Horton, 1652. ESTC No. R206757. Grub Street ID 83232.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son. By Archibald late Marquis of Argyle. Written in the time of his confinement. London : printed for J. Latham at the Mitre in Saint Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R28303. Grub Street ID 111388.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. The speech of the late Marquiss of Argyll upon the scaffold May 27ยท 1661. Being a more true and pefect [sic] copy: then ever yet hath been published. London] : Printed at Edenburgh, and reprinted at London, anno Dom. MDCLXI. [1661. ESTC No. R223514. Grub Street ID 97313.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son by Archibald late Marquis of Argyle. Written in the time of his confinement. London : printed by T[homas]. Young for John Latham at the Bishops-head in Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R172502. Grub Street ID 66358.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. My lord Marquesse of Argyle his speech upon the scaffold, the 27th of May, 1661. As it was spoken by himself, and written in short-hand by one that was present. As also, the speech of Mr. James Guthrie minister at Sterling, which he delivered upon the scaffold at the Cross of Edinburgh, immediately before he suffered: June 1. 1661. Printed at London : by T.B., 1661. ESTC No. R29596. Grub Street ID 112556.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. The speech of the late Marquiss of Argyll upon the scaffold May 27. 1661. Being a true and perfect copy. London] : Printed at Edenburgh, and reprinted at London, anno Dom. MDCLXI. [1661. ESTC No. R17347. Grub Street ID 66996.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son. By Archibald late marquiss of Argyle. Written in the time of his confinement. London] : Printed at Edinborough, and reprinted at London for D.Trench, 1661. ESTC No. R32717. Grub Street ID 115402.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. The speech and plea of Archibald Marquesse of Argyle to the Parliament of Scotland at Edinburgh on the 5. of this instant March. In answer to the charge of high treason against him. London : printed by H. Lloyd, and R. Vaughan, for Thomas Johnson, at the Golden Key in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R7454. Grub Street ID 127720.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son, under these following heads, viz. I. Of religion. II. Of marriage. III. Of the court. IV. Of friendship. V. Of travail. VI. Of hospitality and house-keeping. VII. Of tenants and other concerns of estates. VIII. Of study and exercise. IX. Of pleasure, idleness, &c. X. Of considerations of life. XI. Maxims of state. XII. Miscellaneous observations. By Archibald late Marquess of Argyle. London : printed and sold by Richard Baldwin near the Black Bull in the Old Baily, 1689. ESTC No. R32719. Grub Street ID 115404.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son, under these following heads, viz. I. Of religion. II. Of marriage. III. Of the court. IV. Of friendship. V. Of travel. VI. Of hospitality and house-keeping. VII Of tenants, and other concerns of estates. VIII. Of study and exercise. IX. Of pleasure, idleness, &c. X. Of considerations of life. XI. Maxims of state. XII. Miscellaneous observations. The second edition. By Archibald late Marquess of Argyle. London : printed, and sold by Dan. Prat, at the Crown in Long-Acre, 1700. ESTC No. R172503. Grub Street ID 66359.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A pastoral elegy on the death of the Lady Hilaretta. In a dialogue between two lords. London : printed for A. More, near Temple-Bar, [1730?]. ESTC No. N10957. Grub Street ID 944.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son, containing rules of conduct in publick and private life, Under the following Heads: Religion. Marriage. The Court. Friendship. Travelling. Housekeeping and Hospitality. Tenants and other Concerns of Estate. Study and Exercise. Of Pleasure, Idleness, &c. By Archibald Marquis of Argyle. Address'd to his Children, and to his eldest Son in particular. Written in the Year 1660, during his Confinement. To which are added by the same Noble Author: general maxims of life. Maxims Political and Military, under the following heads: The Prince. War. Courage. Command. Fortune. Victory. Miscellaneous Observations. Glasgow: printed by R. Foulis, and sold by him there; at Edinburgh, by Mess. Hamilton and Balfour, 1743. ESTC No. T108119. Grub Street ID 161074.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son, containing rules of conduct in publick and private life, ... By Archibald Marquis of Argyle. ... To which are added ... general maxims of life. ... Glasgow: printed by R. Foulis, and sold by him there; at Edinburgh, by Mess. Hamilton and Balfour, 1743. ESTC No. N8700. Grub Street ID 53604.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. Instructions to a son, containing rules of conduct in publick and private life, Under the following Heads: Religion. Marriage. The Court. Friendship. Travelling. Housekeeping and Hospitality. Tenants and other Concerns of Estate Study and Exercise. Of Pleasure, Idleness, &c. By Archibald Marquis of Argyle. Address'd to his Children, and to his eldest Son in particular. Written in the Year 1660, during his consinement. To which are added by the same Noble Author: general maxims of life. Maxims Political and Military, under the following heads: The Prince. War. Courage. Command. Fortune. Victory. Miscellaneous observations. Glasgow: printed and sold by R. & A. Foulis, MDCCLXII [1762]. ESTC No. T184666. Grub Street ID 220982.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. The last speech, and dying testimony, of the noble Marquiss of Argyle, who suffered martyrdom at the Cross of Edinburgh, on the 27th of May 1661, ... To which is added, a noble epitaph on the martyr's tomb, ... This testimony is reprinted from the original copy in Nephtali, ... Edinburgh: printed in Niddery's Wynd, [1780?]. ESTC No. T193468. Grub Street ID 227601.