Publications of William Nicholls


  • Nicholls, William. An answer to an heretical book called The naked Gospel, which was condemned and ordered to be publickly burnt by the convocation of the University of Oxford, Aug. 19. 1690. With some reflections on Dr. Bury's new edition of that book. To which is added a short history of Socinianism. By William Nicholls, M.A. fellow of Merton college in Oxford, and chaplain to the right honourable Ralph Earl of Mountague. London : printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691. ESTC No. R28145. Grub Street ID 111244.
  • Nicholls, William. An essay on the contempt of the world. By William Nicholls, B.D. late Fellow of Merton Colledge in Oxford; now rector of Selsey in Sussex, and chaplain to the Right Honourable Ralph Earl of Mountagu. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. Jones, for Francis Saunders, at the Blue Anchor on the lower walk of the New Exchange, 1694. ESTC No. R11634. Grub Street ID 59898.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Wherein I. Are shewn the absurdities in the pretended eternity of the world. II. The difficulties in the Mosaick creation are cleared. III. The lapse of mankind is defended, against the objections of Archaeologiae philosophicae, The oracles of reason, &c. By William Nicholls, D.D. rector of Selsey in Sussex, and chaplain to the Right Honourable Ralph Earl of Mountague. London : printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for Francis Saunders at the Blue-Anchor in the New-Exchange; and Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R13247. Grub Street ID 61363.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Part II. Shewing the defects of natural religion; the necessity of divine inspiration; the rationale of the mosaical laws, and defence of His miracles: together with an account of the deluge, the origin of sacrifices, and the reasonableness of Christ's mediatorship. By William Nicholls, D.D. Rector of Selsey in Sussex, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Ralph Earl of Mountague. London : printed by T.W[arren]. for Francis Saunders at the Blue Anchor in the New-Exchange, and Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R26878. Grub Street ID 110126.
  • Nicholls, William. The advantage of a learned education. Being a sermon preached at the cathedral Church of St. Paul on St. Paul's day 1697/8. Before the gentlemen educated at that school, upon the reviving their antient anniversary meeting. By W. Nicholls, D.D. London : printed by W. Redmayne for Fran. Saunders at the New Exchange in the Strand, and Benj. Tooke at the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleet-street, 1697/8. ESTC No. R19888. Grub Street ID 77448.
  • Nicholls, William. A practical essay of the contempt of the world. By William Nicholls, D.D. Revised and enlarged by the author, together with the additions of several divine poems. To which is prefixed a preface to the deists, and vicious libertines of the age. London : printed by S. Bridge, for Francis Saunders, at the Blue Anchor in the New Exchange, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R31760. Grub Street ID 114526.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Part III. Wherein I. The ancient predictions concerning our Blessed Saviour. II. The lives and actions of Christ and his apostles. III. The doctrines of the Christian religion are vindicated from the objections of the incredulous. By William Nicholls, D D. [sic]. London : printed by S. Bridge, for E. Whitlock, near Stationers-Hall, 1698. ESTC No. R32337. Grub Street ID 115053.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Part I. Wherein I. Are shewn the absurdities in the pretended eternity of the world. II. The difficulties in the mosaick creation are cleared. III. The lapse of mankind is defended, against the objections of the unbelievers. By William Nicholls, D.D. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by T[homas]. W[arren] for Francis Saunders at the Blue-Anchor in the New-Exchange; and Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1698. ESTC No. R188948. Grub Street ID 76681.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Part IV. and last. Wherein I. The authority of the books of the Old and New Testament is maintained. II. The style of Scripture is vindicated from want of eloquence and method, from obscurity, trivialness, &c. III. Arguments urged to prove the Christian religion to be the only true and best in the world. By William Nicholls, D.D. London : printed by S. Bridge, for F. Saunders at the Blew-Anchor in New-Exchange in the Strand; and T. Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1699. ESTC No. R31748. Grub Street ID 114515.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Part II. Shewing the defects of natural religion; the necessity of divine inspiration; the rationale of the mosaical laws, and defence of his miracles: together with an account of the deluge, the origin of sacrifices, and the reasonableness of Christ's mediatorship. By William Nicholls, D.D. Rector of Selsey in Sussex, and Chaplain to the right honourable Ralph Earl of Mountague. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for Francis Saunders at the Blue-Anchor in the New-Exchange; and Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699. ESTC No. R181001. Grub Street ID 71804.
  • Nicholls, William. A treatise of consolation to parents for the death of their children. Written upon the Occasion of the Death of the Duke of Gloucester. By William Nichols, D.D. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord, Job. 1. 21. London : printed for T. Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T56496. Grub Street ID 282940.
  • Nicholls, William. The duty of inferiours towards their superiours, in five practical discourses, shewing I. The Duty of Subjects to their Princes. II. The Duty of Children to their Parents. III. The Duty of Servants to their Masters. IV. The Duty of Wives to their Husbands. V. The Duty of Parishioners and the Layity to their Pastors and Clergy. To which is prefix'd a dissertation concerning the divine right of princes. By Will. Nichols, D.D. London : printed for E. Evets, at the Green Dragon, and T. Bennet, at the Half-Moon, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T56497. Grub Street ID 282941.
  • Nicholls, William. God's blessing on the use of mineral waters. A sermon Preach'd at the Chapel of Tunbridge-Wells, Septemb. 6. 1702. By William Nichols, D. D. Published at the Request of the Hearers. London : printed for Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T11985. Grub Street ID 171198.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. In five parts. Being a defence of the Christian religion, against the objections of all sorts, which are advanced in opposition to it by the unbelievers. By William Nicholls, D.D. London : printed by T. Warren for Thomas Bennet, 1703. ESTC No. N60738. Grub Street ID 43735.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist. Being a proof of the immortality of the soul. Wherein is contained an answer to the objections made against that Christian doctrine in a book intituled, Second thoughts concerning humane soul, &c. Part V. By Will. Nicholls, D.D. London : Printed for Thomas Bennet, at the Half-Moon, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1703. ESTC No. T151071. Grub Street ID 196594.
  • Nicholls, William. The religion of a prince; shewing that the precepts of the Holy Scripture are the best maxims of government: in opposition to the irreligious principles of Nicholas Machiavel, Hobbs, etc. Written upon occasion of the Queen's giving up the Tenths and First-Fruits, for the better Maintenance of the poorer Clergy of the Church of England. By William Nicholls, D.D. London : printed by W. S. for Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704. ESTC No. T58714. Grub Street ID 284810.
  • Nicholls, William. The religion of a prince; shewing that the precepts of the Holy Scripture are the best maxims of government: in opposition to the irreligious principles of Nicholas Machiavel, Hobbs, etc. ... By William Nicholls, D.D. London : printed by W. S. for Thomas Bennet, 1704. ESTC No. T161907. Grub Street ID 200857.
  • Nicholls, William. The religion of a prince; Shewing that the precepts of the Holy Scripture are the best maxims of government: in opposition to the irreligious principles of Nicholas Machiavel, Hobbs, &c. written upon occasion of the queen's giving up the tenths and first-fruits, for the better maintenance of the poorer clergy of the Church of England. By William Nicholls, D.D. London : Printed by W.S. for Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1704. ESTC No. N34368. Grub Street ID 22757.
  • Nicholls, William. Gulielmi Nicholsii presbyteri defensio Ecclesiæ anglicanæ. In qua vindicantur omnia, quæ ab adversariis in doctrina, cultu, & disciplina ejus, improbantur. . Londini : typis G. Sayes, & prostant venales apud Guil. Taylor, 1707. ESTC No. T56112. Grub Street ID 282662.
  • Nicholls, William. Gulielmi Nicholsii presbyteri defensio ecclesiæ anglicanæ. In qua vindicantur omnia, quae ab Adversariis in Doctrina, Cultu, & Disciplina ejus, improbantur. Praemittitur apparatus, Qui Historiam Turbarum, e Secessione ab Ecclesia Anglicana, exortarum continet. Londini : typis G. Sayes, MDCCVIII. Prostant Amstelædami apud R & G. Wetstenios. H.F.F., [1708]. ESTC No. T56113. Grub Street ID 282663.
  • Nicholls, William. Afflictions, the Lot of God's Children. being a sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. James's Clerkenwell. October the 31st 1708. upon the death of Her Majesty's royal consort, Prince George of Denmark. By William Nicholls, D.D. London : printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1709. ESTC No. T5107. Grub Street ID 278577.
  • Nicholls, William. Afflictions, the lot of God's children, being a sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. James's Clerkenwell. October the 31st 1708. upon the death of Her Majesty's royal consort, Prince George of Denmark. By William Nicholls, D.D. London : printed for W. Taylor, 1709. ESTC No. T220633. Grub Street ID 244210.
  • Nicholls, William. A comment on the book of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments, &c. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Being a paraphrase on the Sunday and holiday-services, epistles and Gospels throughout the year: with notes on all the rubricks, giving an account of all the festivals and saints-days observed in the Church; as also of the lives of the saints, and days of distinction mention'd in the calendar; of the compilers and reviewers of our common-prayer; of the ancient use of liturgies, of lessons, Psalmody, calendars, &c. Of the defects of the Romish Breviary and Missals, of Horary times, Sundays, holidays; of Paschal cycles, synagogues, churches, chancels, bells, church-musick, vestments; of synaxes and rites observed in the communion; of baptismal rites, of catechists and catechumens; with the method of catechising, in a full exposition of the catechism of the Church of England; confirmation, sponsors, and vicarious interrogatories; of matrimonial contracts, paranymphs. London : Printed for R. Bonwicke, W. Freeman, T. Goodwin, J. Walthoe, M. Wotton, S. Manship, J. Nicholson, R. Parker, B. Tooke, and R. Smith, MDCCX. [1710]. ESTC No. T87379. Grub Street ID 307427.
  • Nicholls, William. A comment on the Book of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments, &c. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Being A Paraphrase on the Sunday and Holiday-Services, Epistles and Gospels throughout the Year: With Notes on all the Rubricks, giving an Account of all the Festivals and Saints-Days observed in the Church; as also of the Lives of the Saints, and Days of Distinction mention'd in the Calendar; of the Compilers and Reviewers of our Common-Prayer; of the Ancient Use of Liturgies, of Lessons, Psalmody, Calendars, &c. Of the Defects of the Romish Breviary and Missals, of Horary Times, Sundays, Holidays; of Paschal Cycles, Synagogues, Churches, Chancels, Bells, Church-Musick, Vestments; of Synaxes and Rites observed in the Communion; of Baptismal Rites, of Catechists and Catechumens; with the Method of Catechising, in a full Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England; Confirmation, Sponsors, and Vicarious Interrogatories; of Matrimonial Contracts, Paranymphs, I. London : printed for R. Bonwicke, W. Freeman, T. Goodwin, J. Walthoe, M. Wotton, S. Manship, J. Nicholson, R. Parker, B. Tooke, and R. Smith, MDCCX. [1710]. ESTC No. T87380. Grub Street ID 307428.
  • Nicholls, William. A supplement to the Commentary on The book of common-prayer, &c. Containing, I. A Commentary on all the Occasional Offices, viz. the Form of Prayer to be used at Sea: The Forms for the Ordering Bishops, Priests and Deacons: for the Fifth of November; Thirtieth of January; Twenty ninth of May; and the Day of the Queen's happy Accession to the Crown. Wherein, besides the Explanation of the Texts and Rubricks, is treated of the Original and Progress of Navigation, Ships of War, and Sea-Fights. Of the [gree text] or Lower Orders, used in the ancient Church, Sub-Deacons, Readers, Acolyths, &c. Of the Apostolical Antiquity of the three Great Orders of Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Of the Age, Qualifications, &c. of Persons to be Ordained. Of the Diaconal Privileges at Synaxes, Baptisms, &c. The Rise and Downfal of, with the Mischiefs in several Ages accruing from, the Papal Supremacy. The Regal Supremacy maintain'd. Of external and internal Calls to the Ministry. Of Canonical Obedience and Impo. London : printed for James Holland at the Bible and Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Will. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXI. [1711]. ESTC No. T56124. Grub Street ID 282674.
  • Nicholls, William. A commentary on The book of common-prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, &c. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Being A Paraphrase on the Sunday and Holiday-Services, Epistles and Gospels throughout the Year: With Notes on all the Rubricks, giving an Account of all the Festivals and Saints-Days observed in the Church; as also of the Lives of the Saints, and Days of Distinction mention'd in the Calendar; of the Compilers and Reviewers of our Common-Prayer; of the Ancient Use of Liturgies, of Lessons, Psalmody, Calendars, &c. Of the Defects of the Romish Breviary and Missals, of Horary Times, Sundays, Holidays; of Paschal Cycles, Synagogues, Churches, Chancels, Bells, Church-Musick, Vestments; of Synaxes and Rites observed in the Communion; of Baptismal Rites, of Catechists and Catechumens; with the Method of Catechising, in a full Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England; Confirmation, Sponsors, and Vicarious Interrogatories; of Matrimonial Contracts, Paranym. The second edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Bonwicke, W. Freeman, T. Goodwin, J. Walthoe, M. Wotton, S. Manship, J. Nicholson, R. Parker, B. Tooke, and R. Smith, MDCCXII. [1712]. ESTC No. T56125. Grub Street ID 282675.
  • Nicholls, William. Gulielmi Nicholsii presbyteri defensio ecclesiæ anglicanæ. In qua vindicantur omnia, quæ ab adversariis in doctrina, cultu, & disciplina ejus, improbantur. . Editio secunda.. Londini : prostant venales apud Gulielmi Taylor, 1712. ESTC No. N2938. Grub Street ID 18553.
  • Nicholls, William. A defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. In two parts. ... First written in Latin for the use of foreigners, by William Nichols, D.D. . London : printed for Jonas Brown; and John Watts, 1715. ESTC No. T32255. Grub Street ID 262980.
  • Nicholls, William. A practical essay of the contempt of the world. By William Nicholls, D.D. Very proper for all that labour under any kind of Affliction, especially those who suffer for the sake of a good Conscience. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. Holland, at the Bible and Ball, and C. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, both in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1717. ESTC No. T56501. Grub Street ID 282947.
  • Nicholls, William. A conference with a theist; containing an answer to all the most usual objections of the infidels against the Christian religion. In five parts. By William Nichols, ... The third edition, with the addition of two conferences; ... All carefully revis'd ... by the author. In two volumes. . London : printed for J. Holland, and J. Bowyer; A. Bettesworth, and J. Batley; F. Clay; and J. Walthoe, junr., 1723. ESTC No. T56504. Grub Street ID 282950.
  • Nicholls, William. A defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. In two parts. Containing the Objections of Dissenters, fairly represented from their own celebrated Writers; And fully answer'd from Scripture, the Primitive Fathers, and our own Pious and Learned Reformers. With an Introduction, giving a succinct History of the Separation through the several Reigns of our Kings and Queens. Being a compleat System of the whole Controversy. First written in Latin for the use of foreigners, by William Nichols, D. D. Author of The Commentary on the Book of Common-Prayer, &c. and translated into English by himself in his Life-Time. The third edition.. London : printed for J. Batley at the Dove in Pater-Noster-Row; and H. Parker in Jewin-Street, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T56119. Grub Street ID 282668.
  • Nicholls, William. A defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. In two parts. Containing the Objections of Dissenters, fairly represented from their own celebrated Writers; And fully answer'd from Scripture, the Primitive Fathers, and our own Pious and Learned Reformers. With an Introduction, giving a succinct History of the Separation through the several Reigns of our Kings and Queens. Being a Compleat System of the whole Controversy. First written in Latin for the use of foreigners, by William Nichols, D. D. Author of the Paraphrase on the Book of Common-Prayer and Psalms, &c. and translated into English by himself in his Life-Time. The third edition.. London : printed for C. Rivington at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and J. Wood and C. Woodward at the Dove in Pater-Noster-Row, 1740. ESTC No. T56503. Grub Street ID 282949.