Cary, John.
Discourses on trade, and other matters relative to it. Viz. Of trade in general: of the trade of England: of husbandry, feeding, tillage, corn, fruit, fish, minerals, trees, manufactures, sheep-wool, cotton-wool, hemp and flax: glass, earthen-ware, silk, distilling: the great advantages of a universal national bank demonstrated: sugar-baking, tobacco, tanning, clock-work, paper-mills, powder-mills: method to improve out manufactures, by imploying the poor: of courts of merchants, silver coin: an effectual method to prevent the running of wool: of our trade to the East and West-Indies, Africa, the plantations, Iceland, the Canaries, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Holland, Hamburgh, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, France, South-Sea, &c. What foreign, trades are profitable, and what not. An essay on national credit, and the Irish linnen manufacture; &c. &c. &c. Wrote at the request of several members of Parliament; and now published for universal benefit. By John Cary, Esq; merch.
A new edition, with great additions..
London : printed for, and sold by W. Lewis, Covent-Garden; J. Stagg, Westminster-Hall; E. Commyns, Cornhill; P. Vaillant, Strand; and M. Cooper, Pater-noster-Row, and the booksellers in Bristol, 1745.
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