Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's Ephemeris for the year 1659. With observations on every month, and predictions of a great Monarch now rising, who shall, before seven years are expired, wholly subdue Antichrist, and extend his dominions into the most considerable places of the world. Together with a description of his person, age, and place of birth; with the time when he shall begin this great work. Likewise the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other, during their orbs or rayes: and choice times for visiting of friends, whether male or female, with success. Also the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy. Rules for husbandry; dayly predictions of the vveather; and many other things beneficial for physitians and young students. Calculated for the meridian of London, by Jos. Blagrave of reading, gent. student in Astrologie and Physick.
London: printed by J.C. for the Company of Stationers, [1658].
ESTC No. R208365.Grub Street ID 84619.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's ephemeris for the year 1660. With physical and astrological observations on every month. Likewise, the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other, during their orbs or rays: and choice times for visiting of friends, whether male or female, with success. Also, the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy. Rules for husbandry; dayly predictions of the weather; and many other things beneficial for physitians and yong students. Calculated for the meridian of London, by Jos. Blagrave of Reading, Gent. student in astrologie and physick.
London : printed for Nathanael Brook, at the Angel in Cornhil, 1660.
ESTC No. R27768.Grub Street ID 110905.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's ephemeris or Almanack for the year 1665. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year. Containing physical and astrological observations on every month. Likewise the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other during their orbs or rays; and choice times for visiting friends with success. Also the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy. Rules for husbandry. Dayly predictions of the weather. The suns rising & setting; & many other things beneficial for physicians and young students. Calculated for the meridian of London, by Jos. Blagrave of Reading, Gent. Student in Astrology and Physick.
London : printed by Thomas Milbourn, for the Company of Stationers, [1665].
ESTC No. R31253.Grub Street ID 114058.
Blagrave, Joseph.
The epitome of the art of husbandry comprising all necessary directions for the improvement of it ... : together with the gentlemans heroick exercise, discoursing of horses, their nature and use ... : to which is annexed by way of appendix, a new method of planting fruit trees and improving of an orchard / by J.B. Gent.
London : Printed for Ben. Billingsley and Obadiah Blagrave, 1669.
ESTC No. R28488.Grub Street ID 111549.
Blagrave, Joseph.
The epitome of the art of husbandry. Comprizing all necessary directions for the improvement of it. Viz. plowing, sowing, grafting, gardening, ordering of flowers, herbs; directions for the use of the angle; ordering of bees: together with the gentlemans heroick exercise; discoursing of horses, their nature, and use, with their diseases and remedies: of oxen, cows, calves, sheep, hogs, with the manner of ordering them, their diseases and remedies. Of the nature of marle, the best way of planting clover-grass, hops, saffron, liquorish, hemp, &c. To which is annexed by way of appendix, a new method of planting fruit-trees, and improving of an orchard; with several other new additions. By J.B. Gent.
London : printed for Benjamin Billingsley, at the entrance into Gresham-Colledge, over against the church in Broad-street: at the sign of the Printing-Press, formerly in Corn-Hill, 1670.
ESTC No. R33215.Grub Street ID 115857.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagraves astrological practice of physick discovering, the true way to cure all kinds of diseases and infirmities which are naturally incident to the body of man. Being performed by such herbs and plants which grow within our own nation, directing the way to distil and extract their vertues and making up of medicines. Also, a discovery of some notable phylosophical secret worthy our knowledge, relating to a discovery of all kinds of evils, whether natural, or such which come from sorcery or witchcraft. or by being possessed of an evil spirit: directing how to cast forth the said evil spirit out of any one which is possessed with sundry examples thereof. By Joseph Blagrave of Reading Gent. student in astrology and physick.
London : printed by S.G. and B.G. for Obad. Blagrave at the Printing-Press in Little Brittain, 167 [i.e. 1671].
ESTC No. R13219.Grub Street ID 61338.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's supplement or enlargement to Mr. Nich. Culpeppers English physitian. Containing a description of the form, names, place, time, coelestial government, and virtues, of all such medicinal plants as grow in England, and are omitted in his book, called, The English-physitian. And supplying the additional virtues of such plants wherein he is defective. Also the description, kinds, names, place, time, nature, planetary regiment, temperature, and physical-virtues of all such trees, herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, excrescencies of plants, gums, ceres, and condensate juices, as are found in any part of the world, and brought to be sold in our druggist and apothecaries shops, with their dangers and corrections. By Joseph Blagrave of Reading, student in physick and astrology. To which is annexed, a new tract for the cure of wounds made by gun-shot or otherways, and remedies for the help of seamen troubled with the scurvy and other distempers usually accompanying them; exceeding useful in time.
London : Printed for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Sign of the Printing-Press in Little-Brittain, 1674.
ESTC No. R15907.Grub Street ID 63804.
Blagrave, Joseph.
The epitome of the art of husbandry. Comprizing all necessary directions for the improvement of it, viz. plowing, sowing, grafting, gardening, ordering of flowers, herbs; directions for the use of the angle; ordering of bees: together with the gentlemans heroick exercise discoursing of horses, their nature, and use, with their diseases and remedies: of oxen, cows, calves, sheep, hogs, with the manner of ordering them, their diseases and remedies. Of the nature of marle, the best way of planting clover-grass, hops, saffron, liquorice, hemp, &c. To which is annexed by way of appendix, a new method of planting fruit-trees, and improving of an orchard: with directions for taking, ordering, teaching, and curing of singing birds, and other useful additions. By J.B. Gent.
London : printed for Benjamin Billingsley, at the sign of the Printing-Press, in the piazza of the Royal Exchange, over against Popes-Head-Alley, in Corn-Hill, 1675.
ESTC No. R4466.Grub Street ID 124836.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's supplement; or, enlargement, to Mr. Nich. Culpeper's English physician. Containing a description of the form, names, place, time, celestial government, and virtues, all such medicinal plants as grow in England, and are omitted in his book, called The English-physician. And supplying the additional virtues of such plants wherein he is defective. Also with the virtues of all drugs as are found in any part of the world, and brought to be sold in our druggists and apothecaries shops, with their dangers and corrections. By Joseph Blagrave of Reading, student in physick and astrology.
The second impression. To which is annexed, a new tract of chirurgery for the cure of wounds made by gun-shot, or otherways, and remedies for the help of seamen troubled with the scurvey, and other distempers usually accompanying them; exceeding useful in times of war and peace, fitted for the meanest capacity..
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave, at the sign of the Bear iu [sic] St. Paul's Church Yard, near the Little North Door, 1677.
ESTC No. R203637.Grub Street ID 80733.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's introduction to astrology. In three parts. The first containing the use of an ephemeris, and how to erect a figure of heaven to any time proposed: also the signification of the houses, planets, signs and aspects, the explanation of all useful terms of art; with plain and familiar instructions for the resolution of all manner of questions, and exemplified in every particular thereof, by figures set, and judged. The second treateth of elections; shewing their use and application, as they are constituted on the twelve celestial houses, ... The third comprehendeth an absolute method for rectifying and judging nativities, the signification and portents of directions, with new and experienced rules touching revolutions and transits, &c. By Joseph Blagrave, of Reading, Gent. student in astrology and physick.
London : printed by E. Tyler, and R. Holt, for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Bear in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682.
ESTC No. R18805.Grub Street ID 76088.
Blagrave, Joseph.
The epitomie of the art of husbandry. Comprizing all necessary directions for the improvement of it, viz. plowing, sowing, grafting, gardening, ordering of flowers, herbs; directions for the use of the angle; ordering of bees: together with the gentlemans heroick exercise; discoursing of horses, their nature, and use, with their diseases and remedies: of oxen, cows, calves, sheep, hogs, with the manner of ordering them, their diseases and remedies. Of the nature of marle, the best way of planting clover-grass, hops, saffron, liquorice, hemp, &c. To which i annexed by way of appendix, a new method of planting fruit-trees, and improving of an orchard: with directions for taking, ordering, teaching, and curing of singing birds, and other useful additions. By J.B. Gent.
London : printed for Benjamin Billingsley, at the sign of the Printing Press, in the piazza of the Royal Exchange, over against Popes-Head-Alley, in Cornhill, 1685.
ESTC No. R35346.Grub Street ID 117759.
Blagrave, Joseph.
Blagrave's astrological practice of physick. Discovering the true way to cure all kinds of diseases and infirmities which are naturally incident to the body of man. Being performed by such herbs and plants which grow within our own nation, directing the way to distil and extract their virtues and making up of medicines. Also, a discovery of some notable philosophical secrets worthy our knowledge, relating to a discovery of all kinds of evils, whether natural, or such which come from sorcery or witchcraft, or by being possessed of an evil spirit; directing how to cast forth the said evil spirit out of any one which is possessed, with sundry examples thereof. By Joseph Blagrave of Reading gent. student in astrology and physick.
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave at the Bear and Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1689.
ESTC No. R28486.Grub Street ID 111547.
Blagrave, Joseph.
The art of husbandry epitomiz'd; in two parts. I. Containing all necessary directions for the improvement of it, ... II. Containing new and exact rules for enriching meadows, ... The fourth edition, enlarg'd. By J. Blagrave, .
London : printed for Jer. Battley, 1719.
ESTC No. N30021.Grub Street ID 19010.