Publications of William Jenkyn


  • Jenkyn, William. The stil-destroyer or, self-seeking discovered. Together with the curse it brings, and the cure it requires. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, upon occasion of a solemne anniversary meeting, April 9th, 1645. By William Ienkyn Master of Arts, and minister of Gods word at Christ-Church London. London: printed for Christopher Meredith at the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. ESTC No. R200004. Grub Street ID 77555.
  • Jenkyn, William. Reformation's remora; or, Temporizing the stop of building the temple. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Peers, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, upon the 25th of February, 1645. being the day appointed for their solemne and publike humiliation. By William Jenkyn, Master of Arts, and minister of Gods Word at Christ-Church London. London: printed by G.M. for Christopher Meredith, at the signe of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1646. ESTC No. R10356. Grub Street ID 58736.
  • Jenkyn, William. A sleeping sicknes the distemper of the times: as it was discovered in its curse and cure. In a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Peeres in the Abby-Church at Westminster upon the 27th of January, the day appointed for their solemne and publicke humiliation. By William Jenkyn minister of Gods word at Christ-Church London. London: printed by W. Wilson, for Christopher Meredith at the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1647. ESTC No. R201315. Grub Street ID 78755.
  • Jenkyn, William. The blind guide, or, The doting doctor composed by way of reply to a late tediously trifling pamphlet, entituled, The youngling elder, &c., written by John Goodwin ... : this reply indifferently serving for the future direction of the seducer himself, and also of those his mis-led followers, who with him are turned enemies to the word and grace of God : to the authority of which word, and the efficacie of which grace are in this following treatise, succinctly, yet satisfactorily vindicated from the deplorably weak and erroneous cavills of the said John Goodwin i his late pamphlet / by William Jenkyn ... [London]: Printed at London by M.B. for Christopher Meridith, and are to be sold at his shop, [1648]. ESTC No. R32367. Grub Street ID 115084.
  • Jenkyn, William. 'O dhgov tyflov The blinde guide, or the doting doctor. Composed by way of reply to a late tediously trifling pamphlet, entituled, The youngling elder, &c. written by John Goodwin, and containing little or nothing in it, but what plainly speaketh the author thereof to lie under the double unhappinesse of seducers, to be deceiving and deceived. This reply indifferently serving for the future direction of the seducer himselfe, and also of those his mis-led followers, who with him are turned enemies to the Word and grace of God. The authority of which Word, and the efficacie of which grace are in this following treatise, succinctly, yet satisfactorily vindicated from the deplorably weake, and erroneous cavils of the said John Goodwin in his late pamphlet. By William Jenkyn, minister of the Word of God at Christ-Church in London. [London]: Printed at London by M. B[ell]. for Christopher Meridith, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, [1648]. ESTC No. R188317. Grub Street ID 76274.
  • Jenkyn, William. Allotrioepiskopos, the busie bishop. Or The visitor visited. By way of answer to a very feeble pamphlet lately published by Mr J.G. called Sion Colledge visited, in which answer, his cavils against the ministers of London for witnessing against his errours touching the hol Scriptures, and the power of man to good supernaturall, are answered, and the impertinency of his quotations out of the fathers, Martin Bucer, and Mr Ball are manifested. By William Jenkyn minister of the Word of God at Christ-Church London. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Christopher Meredith at the Crane in Pauls-Church yard, and Tho. Vnderhill at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1648. ESTC No. R202641. Grub Street ID 79868.
  • Jenkyn, William. A sermon preached at Mary Aldermanbury, on the 5. day of November, 1651. Being a day set apart in remembrance of that great deliverance from the gunpowder treason. By William Jenkins, sometimes minister of Christ-Church London, and late prisoner in the Tower. Being the first sermon he preached since his releasement. Published by speciall authority. London: printed by R. Wood, for G. Horton, 1651. ESTC No. R207325. Grub Street ID 83723.
  • Jenkyn, William. M. Jenkin's recantation, or His humble acknovvledgement by way of petition to the Parliament. Wherein he confesseth his sorrow for his actions against the state, and the unsuitableness thereof to his calling and profession. As also the Parliaments answer to his petition. London: printed in the yeer, 1651. ESTC No. R208828. Grub Street ID 85046.
  • Jenkyn, William. Certaine conscientious queries from Mr. Will. Jenken: being the grounds of his late petition and submission to the present povver. Whereunto is anexed his petition still very much desired. With the copy of a letter formerly sent to him and Mr. Love with other ministers therein nominated, supplicating their non-ingaging or withstanding Gods stupendious and amazing acts of late and present providences, which if harkened to in time might have prevented their late sufferings, and better kept up their esteem. Also, the Parliaments most gracious and indulgent pardon t them all, notwithstanding their acts of treason against the peace of this common-wealth. [London]: Sould by R. Harford at the Bible and States-Armes in Little Britaine, 1651:. ESTC No. R234814. Grub Street ID 106073.
  • Jenkyn, William. Certain conscientious queries from Mr. Will. Jenkin, being the grounds of his late petition and submission to the present power. Whereunto is annexed his petition still very much desired. With the copy of a letter formerly sent to him and Mr. Love with other ministers therein nominated, supplicating their non-ingaging or withstanding Gods stupendious and amazing acts of late and present providences, which if harken’d to in time might have prevented their late sufferings, and better kept up their esteem. Also the Parliaments most gracious and indulgent pardon to them all, notwithstanding their acts of treason against the peace of the common-wealth. [London]: Sold by R. Harford at the Bible and States-Armes in Little-Britain, 1651. ESTC No. R3998. Grub Street ID 121828.
  • Jenkyn, William. An exposition of the Epistle of Jude, together with many large and useful deductions. Lately delivered in XL lectures in Christ-Church London, by William Jenkyn, minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first part. London: printed by Th. Maxey, for Samuel Gellibrand, at the golden Ball in Pauls Church-yard, 1652. ESTC No. R37933. Grub Street ID 120087.
  • Jenkyn, William. A sermon, preached at Mary Aldermanbury, on the fifth day of November, 1651. Being a day set apart in remembrance of that great deliverance from the gunpowder treason. By William Jenkins, sometimes minister of Christ-Church London, and late prisoner in the Tower. Being the first sermon he preached since his releasement. London: printed by T.R. for W.R., 1652. ESTC No. R230340. Grub Street ID 102683.
  • Jenkyn, William. An exposition of the epistle of Jude, together with many large and usefull deductions. Formerly delivered in sudry lectures in Christ-Church London. By William Jenkyn, minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and pastor of the church at Black-friars, London. = The second part. London: printed by Tho. Maxey, for Samuel Gellibrand, at the golden Ball in Paul's Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R206977. Grub Street ID 83416.
  • Jenkyn, William. A shock of corn coming in in its season. A sermon preached at the funeral of that ancient and eminent servant of Christ VVilliam Gouge, Doctor of Divinity, and late pastor of Black-Friers, London, December the 16th, 1653. With the ample and deserved testimony that then was given of his life, by William Jenkyn (now) pastor of Black-Friers, London. London: printed for Samuel Gellibrand, at the Baule in Pauls-Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R227412. Grub Street ID 100321.
  • Jenkyn, William. A shock of corn coming in in its season. A sermon preached at the funeral of that ancient and eminent servant of Christ VVilliam Gouge, Doctor of Divinity, and late pastor of Black-Fryars, London, December the 16th, 1653. With the ample and deserved testimony that then was given of his life, by William Jenkyn (now) pastor of Black-Fryars, London. London: printed for Samuel Gellibrand, at the Ball in Pauls-Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R202634. Grub Street ID 79860.
  • Jenkyn, William. The policy of princes in subjection to the Son. Explained and applied, in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Parliament, in Margarets Westminster, on Wednesday the 24th of Sept. 1656. being the day of their publick fast. By William Jenkyn pastor of Anne Black-Fryers. London: printed by A.M. for Samuel Gellebrand at the sign of the Golden Ball in Pauls Church-yard, 1656. ESTC No. R11081. Grub Street ID 59399.
  • Jenkyn, William. The policy of princes in subjection to the Son. Explained and applied, in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Parliament, in Margarets Westminster, on Wednesday the 24th of Sept. 1656. being the day of their publick fast. By William Jenkyn pastor of Anne Black-Fryers. London: printed by A.M. for John Dallam, and are to be sold at his shop in Shoomakers-Row in Black-Fryers near Carter-lane, 1656. ESTC No. R202640. Grub Street ID 79867.
  • Jenkyn, William. De memoriâ sapientum periturâ concio Latine habita ad theologos Londinenses in solenni & anniversario eorum conventu, Apr. 26. 1659. Authore Guil. Jenkyn, Ecclesiæ Christi apud Londinenses ministro. Londini: excudebat R. White, impensis Sa. Gellibrand, ad insigne Auratæ Pilæ in Cœmeterio Paulino, 1659. ESTC No. R202604. Grub Street ID 79830.
  • Jenkyn, William. The humble and penitent petition of William Jenkin now minister of Christ-Church London. Then prisoner to the Rump Parliament, presented to them in the year, 1651. with their resolves thereupon. London : printed, and are to be sold at most book-sellers shops, 1660. ESTC No. R208911. Grub Street ID 85130.
  • Jenkyn, William. Exodus: or, The decease of holy men and ministers, consider'd in the nature, certainty, causes, and improvement thereof. A sermon preach't Sept. 12. 1675. By occasion of the much lamented death of that learned and reverend minister of Christ, Dr. Lazarus Seaman, late pastor of Alhallows-Bread-street, London. By William Jenkyn, late minister of the gospel at Christ-Church, London. London : printed for Edward Brewster and William Cooper, at the Crane in St. Pauls-Church-Yard, and at the Pellican in Little-Brittain, 1675. ESTC No. R18544. Grub Street ID 74508.
  • Jenkyn, William. Refutatio cujusdam scripti hoc insigniti lemmate, Roberti Grovii responsio ad nuperum libellum qui inscribitur Celeusma, seu Clamor. Per authorem celeusmatis edita. London] : Prostat apud Ben. Alsop, ad insigne Angeli Bibliophori in vico vocato The Poultry, 1681. ESTC No. R41177. Grub Street ID 122888.
  • Jenkyn, William. Mr. Jenkins's dying thoughts, who departed this life on Monday the 19th of this instant January, in the Prison of Newgate. London : printed for Edward Goldwin, 1685. ESTC No. R224137. Grub Street ID 97856.
  • Jenkyn, William. A specimen of Presbyterian moderation or their true notion of a general toleration; from one of their greatest champions. Being a sermon, preach'd at St. Paul's, on Sunday, February 14. 1659. Before Sir Thomas Allen, then Ld. Mayor of London. By Mr. Jenkins Minister of Christ-Church, at that time. never before printed. London : printed, and sold by Edm. Powell, at the Prince's-Arms in Black-Friars near Ludgate, 1715. ESTC No. T104240. Grub Street ID 157788.
  • Jenkyn, William. An exposition of the epistle of Jude, together with many large and useful deductions. By William Jenkyn, ... Glasgow: printed by Alexr. Adam. For James Gardner; and sold by him at his house in Bridge-town, 1783. ESTC No. N31236. Grub Street ID 20138.