Publications of Benjamin Calamy


  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at the Guild-Hall Chappel upon the 13th. of July, 1673. By Benjamin Calamy. fellow of St. Katherines-Hall in Cambridge. London : printed for Nathaniel Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil near the Royal Exchange, 1673. ESTC No. R24761. Grub Street ID 108515.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London. At Bow-Church on the 29th of May 1682. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of his Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London : printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R3012. Grub Street ID 113013.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London. At Bow-Church on the 29th of May 1682. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. One of His Majesties Chaplains in ordinary. The second edition.. London : printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R5415. Grub Street ID 125863.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Some considerations about the case of scandal, or Giving offence to weak brethren. London : printed by H. Hills Jun. for T. Basset, at the George in Fleet-street; B. Tooke, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard; and F. Gardiner, at the White Horse in Ludgate-street, 1683. ESTC No. R6721. Grub Street ID 127042.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Conseil evangelique aux consciences scrupuleuses ou sermon sur ces paroles de Jesus Christ mais plus-t^ot donnez en aum^ones ce que vous avez, et voicy toutes choses vous seront nettes. St. Luc. c.II.v.41. Dans lequel est donne'e une reponse claire et satisfactoire aux doutes qu'on peut avoir sur les ceremonies de l'Eglise Anglicane. Prêché par le Docteur Benjamin Calamy, chapelain de Sa Majest'e, `a ses paroissiens de l'Eglise D'Alderman-bury. A Londres : imprim'e chez George Wells, dans le Cimitiere de St. Paule, 1683. ESTC No. R223564. Grub Street ID 97362.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached at St Lawrence-Jury, London, upon the 9th of September, being the day of thanksgiving for the deliverance of the King & kingdom from the late treasonable conspiracy. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. vicar of St. Lawrence-Jury, and one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London : printed by R.E. for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R5418. Grub Street ID 125866.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 30th of September, 1683. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London : printed for W. Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R5722. Grub Street ID 126142.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A discourse about a scrupulous conscience, preached at the parish-church of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. The second edition.. London : printed for Rowland Reynolds, next door to the Middle Exchange in the Strand, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R16631. Grub Street ID 64454.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A discourse about a scrupulous conscience, preached at the parish-church of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. One of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London : printed for Rowland Reynolds, next door to the Middle Exchange in the Strand, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R22470. Grub Street ID 98256.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A discourse about a scrupulous conscience: containing some plain directions for the cure of it. London : printed for T. Basset at the George in Fleet-street, and B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R228600. Grub Street ID 101271.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Conseil évangélique aux consciences scrupuleuses: ou sermon sur ces paroles de Jésus Christ, dans lequel est donneé une response Claire et satisfactoire aux doutes qu'on puet avoir sur les ceremonies de l'Eglise Anglicane. Avec une préface qui dépeint les sectaires anglois et montre combien ils different des reformez de France. Preché par le docteur Benjamin Calamy, Chapelain de Sa Majesté, a Ses Paroissiens de l'Eglise D'Alderman-bury. Londres : Imprimé chez George Wells, dans le Cimitiere de St. Paule, 1684. ESTC No. R176551. Grub Street ID 69037.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Some considerations about the case of scandal, or Giving offence to weak brethren. London : printed for T. Basset, at the George in Fleetstreet, and B. Took, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R9090. Grub Street ID 129202.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at the Church of St. Mary le Bow, September the second, 1684. Being the anniversary fast for the dreadful fire in the year 1666. By Benjamin Calamy D.D. vicar of St. Laurence Jewry, and one of His Majesty's chaplains in ordinary. London : printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R5723. Grub Street ID 126143.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the Artillery-Company of London, at St Mary-le-Bow, December 2, 1684. And now published at their desire. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of his Majesties chaplains in ordinary. London : printed for John Baker, printer to the Honourable Society, at the Three Pigeons in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1685. ESTC No. R5768. Grub Street ID 126181.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. Never before printed. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. late vicar of St. Lawrence Jewry, and one of His Majesty's chaplains in ordinary. London : printed by M. Flesher, for Henry Dickenson and Richard Green, booksellers in Cambridge, and are to be sold by Walter Davis in Amen-Corner, 1687. ESTC No. R22984. Grub Street ID 102244.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy D.D. late vicar of St. Lawrence Jewry, and one of His Majesty's chaplains in ordinary. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by M. Clark, for Henry Dickinson and Richard Green, booksellers in Cambridge, and are to be sold by Walter Davis in Amen-Corner, 1690. ESTC No. R23878. Grub Street ID 107724.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A discourse concerning the rise and antiquity of cathedral worship. In a letter to a friend. London : printed, and are to be sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-lane, 1699. ESTC No. R22097. Grub Street ID 95197.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. Late vicar of St. Lawrence-Jewry, and one of His Majesty's chaplains in ordinary. The third edition corrected. To which is added a sermon preached at his funeral by William Sherlock, D.D. Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. London : printed by John Darby, and sold by the booksellers, 1700. ESTC No. R14170. Grub Street ID 62216.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy, ... The fourth edition corrected. To which is added a sermon preached at his funeral by William Sherlock, . London : printed, and sold by Thomas Shelmerdine, 1704. ESTC No. N31882. Grub Street ID 20756.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy, D. D. Late Vicar of St. Laurence fewry, and one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary. The fourth edition corrected. To which is added, a sermon preached at his funeral by William Sherlock, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in ordinary to her Majesty. London : printed for D. Brown without Temple-Bar, J. Nicholson and J. Sprint in Little-Britain, M.DCC.IV. [1704]. ESTC No. T104826. Grub Street ID 158323.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Passive obedience the doctrine of the Church of England; and Doing Evil that Good may come, a Damnable Sin. A Sermon Preach'd before the right honourable the Lord-Mayor, &c. September 30th. 1683. By Benjamin Calamy, D. D. Not Printed in his Volume of Sermons. London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers Hall, 1710. ESTC No. T6360. Grub Street ID 288839.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. A discourse about a scrupulous conscience: preached at the Parish-Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. one of His Majesty's Chaplains in ordinary. Being the sermon, by which scrupulous consciences were invited to examine the merits of the cause, &c. And occasion'd Mr. Thomas Delaune to write a book, entitul'd, a plea for the nonconformists; in answer hereto. London : Printed, and are to be sold by J. Morphew, near Stationer's-Hall, and most of the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1712. ESTC No. N553. Grub Street ID 38822.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy, D. D. Late Vicar of St. Laurence Jewry, and one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary. The fifth edition corrected. To which is added, a sermon preached at his funeral by William Sherlock, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London : printed by J. Darby in Bartholomew-Close, for Daniel Browne at Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, John Nicholson and John Sprint in Little-Britain, William Meers and Jonas Browne without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XV. [1715]. ESTC No. T105807. Grub Street ID 159026.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. late vicar of St. Laurence Jewry, and one of His Majesty's chaplains in Ordinary. The sixth edition, corrected. To which is added, a sermon preached at his funeral by William Sherlock, D.D. dean of St. Paul's, master of the Temple, and chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London : Printed for Daniel Browne and William Meers without Temple-Bar; James and John Knapton, and Ranew Robinson in St. Paul's Church-Yard; John and Ben. Sprint in Little-Britain; and John Darby in Bartholomew-Close, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N37386. Grub Street ID 25345.
  • Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preach'd upon several occasions. By Benjamin Calamy, D. D. Late Vicar of St. Laurence Jewry, and one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary. The seventh edition. To which is added, a sermon preached at his funeral, by William Sherlock, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London : printed for William Mears, Ranew Robinson, John and Paul Knapton, Daniel Browne, and the executors of John Darby, and of Benjamin Sprint, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T104931. Grub Street ID 158347.