Publications of Benjamin Wallin


  • Wallin, Benjamin. The compassion of the dying Saviour to those that crucified him, consider'd and improved, in a sermon on Luke xxiii. 34. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for A. Ward, at the King's-Arms, in Little Britain, 1746. ESTC No. T4837. Grub Street ID 276276.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The christian life, in divers of its branches described and recommended. In four parts. Being the substance of several discourses on Philippans iv. from the 4th to the 7th verse inclusive. To which is added A serious exhortation to prayer; in two Sermons on 1 Thess.v.17. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for Aaron Ward, at the King's-Arms, in Little Britain, 1746. ESTC No. T146356. Grub Street ID 193013.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. An exhortation against quenching the spirit. A sermon Preached to a Society of Young Men, November the 7th, 1748. By Benjamin Wallin. Published at their Request. London : printed for J. Ward, and sold by E. Gardiner in Lombard-Street, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T4836. Grub Street ID 276270.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The redeemer's charge against his declining churches, Exemplified in the Case of the Church of Ephesus; and applied to the state of religion in the present time. In which the Symptoms, Causes, and Consequences of Declensions in the Churches of Christ, are particularly consider'd. First preached, and now published with some Enlargement at the Request of those who heard it. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for J. Ward at the King's-Arms in Little-Britain; and sold by E. Gardiner in Lombard-Street, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T4838. Grub Street ID 276280.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. A humble address to the churches of Christ: or, an earnest exhortation to Christian professors, not to forsake the assembling of themselves together; but to be faithful and diligent in the Discharge of all the personal and relative Duties they owe to that Divine Institution in the Churches they respectively belong to. London : printed for J. Ward at the King's-Arms in Cornhill, 1750. ESTC No. T4839. Grub Street ID 276289.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Evangelical hymns and songs, in two parts: the first composed on various views of the Christian life and welfare; the second in praise of the Redeemer: published for the comfort and entertainment of true Christians; with authorities at large from the Scriptures. By Benjamin Wallin. London] : Printed for John Ward at the King's Arms in Cornhill; and sold by Ebenezer Gardiner in Lombard-street, and George Keith at Mercers-Chapel, 1750. ESTC No. T145411. Grub Street ID 192151.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Exhortations, relating to prayer and the Lord's-Supper. Published for the encouragement of true Christians, and with a view to the revival of practical religion. By Benjamin Wallin. London : Printed for John Ward, at the King's Arms in Cornhill; and sold by Ebenezer Gardiner in Grace-Church-Street; George Keith at Mercers Chapel; John Eynon on the north side of the Royal E. change; and John Robinso near Dock-Head, Southwark, 1752. ESTC No. T188942. Grub Street ID 224607.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The ability of Christ to save, the believer's comfort in the near views of eternity. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Jonas Thurrowgood, ... July 2, 1753. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by G. Keith, 1753. ESTC No. T106826. Grub Street ID 159921.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The appearance of deceased saints with their Lord, at His coming, the consolation of surviving believers. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Edward Tomkins, who departed this life, March 9, 1753. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for John Ward at the King's-Arms in Cornhill; and sold by George Keith and Ebenezer Gardiner in Gracechurch-Street; John Eynon on the North-Side of the Royal-Exchange; and John Robinson, near Dock-Head, Southwark, 1753. ESTC No. T146322. Grub Street ID 192988.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. God's relation to the faithful after their decease, a Proof of their present Life, and future Resurrection. A sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Thomas Wildman, Who departed this Life, June 25, 1754, In the Sixty-Fourth Year of his Age. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by George Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-Church-Street, and Bedwell Law, at the Bible and Crown, opposite Grocer's-Alley, in the Poultry, [1754]. ESTC No. T4835. Grub Street ID 276266.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. A letter to the congregation meeting near the Maze-Pond, Southwark. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. T194772. Grub Street ID 228639.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The obligations of a people to their faithful minister. Represented in a Discourse Preached at the Ordination of the Revd. Mr. Samuel Burford, September 4, 1755. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by George Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Gracechurch-Street, and Thomas Field, at the Wheat-Sheaf, the Corner of Pater-Noster-Row, Cheapside, MDCCLV: [1755]. ESTC No. T16238. Grub Street ID 201184.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The christian's duty and confidence in times of public calamity. Being several discourses Occasioned by the Late Dreadful Earthquakes and the Apprehensions of a French War. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by George Keith, at the Bible and Crown in Gracechurch-Street; Thomas Field, at the Wheat-Sheaf, the Corner of Pater-Noster-Row, Cheapside; and John Robinson, near Dockhead, Southwark, 1756. ESTC No. T1228. Grub Street ID 173372.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The folly of neglecting divine institutions. An earnest address to the Christian, who continues to refrain from the appointments of the gospel: ... By Benjamin Wallin. The second edition.. London : printed, and sold by G. Keith; J. Buckland; and T. Field, 1758. ESTC No. N49141. Grub Street ID 33594.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The folly of neglecting divine institutions. An earnest address to th Christian, who continues to refrain from the appointments of the gospel: Containing A Reply to the usual Pretences for his not obeying those sacred Commands, with a View of the Aggravations which attend this growing Evil, among Hearers in general. To which are prefixed, Some thoughts on the Indecency and Danger of the Believer's resting short of the Communion of Saints. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row; and T. Field, at the Corner of Pater-Noster-Row, near Cheapside, M,DCC,LVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. T33969. Grub Street ID 264404.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The folly of neglecting divine institutions. An earnest address to th Christian, who continues to refrain from the appointments of the gospel: ... By Benjamin Wallin. The second edition.. London : printed, and sold by G. Keith; J. Buckland; and T. Field, 1758. ESTC No. N49078. Grub Street ID 33529.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The joyful sacrifice of a prosperous nation. A sermon preached at the meeting-house near the Maze-Pond, Southwark, on Thursday November 29, 1759; being The Day appointed by his Majesty for a Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God, on Account of repeated Success against our Enemies the French, and other national Blessings. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by G. Keith, and S. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street; J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row; and T. Field, at the Corner of Pater-Noster-Row, Cheapside, MDCCLX. [1760]. ESTC No. T4833. Grub Street ID 276254.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. A humble address to the Churches of Christ: Or, An earnest exhortation to Christian professors, not to forsake the assembling of themselves together; but to be faithful and diligent in the discharge of all the personal and relative duties they owe to that divine institution in the Churches they respectively belong to. By Benjamin Wallin. The second edition.. London : Printed, and sold by G. Keith, J. Buckland, and T. Field, 1761. ESTC No. T194771. Grub Street ID 228638.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The folly of neglecting divine institutions. An earnest address to the Christian, who continues to refrain from the appointments of the Gospel: containing a reply to the usual pretences for his not obeying those sacred commands, with a view of the aggravations which attend this growing evil, among hearers in general. To which are prefixed, some thoughts on the indecency and danger of the believer's resting short of the communion of saints. By Benjamin Wallin. The third edition.. London : Printed, and sold by G. Keith, in Grace-church-Street; J. Buckland, in Pater-noster-Row; and T. Field, at the Corner of Pater-noster-Row, near Cheapside, MDCCLXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T194683. Grub Street ID 228573.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Faith in Christ, and life everlasting. A sermon Occasioned by the Death of The Rev. Mr. John Auther, Who departed this Life, July 10, 1762, In the Seventy-Fourth Year of his Age. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the widow, and sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street, and J. Buckland and T. Field, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T4832. Grub Street ID 276244.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Evangelical hymns and songs, in two parts: the first, composed on various views of the Christian life and warfare; the second, in praise of the Redeemer: published for the comfort & entertainment of true Christians. By Benjamin Wallin. To which is added, a collection of hymns from Dr. Watts's forty-four sermons: and, Mr. Stennet's sacramental hymns. Boston: Re-printed and sold by Edes & Gill, 1762. ESTC No. W20306. Grub Street ID 329967.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The universal concern of saints in communion, represented in a sermon, the substance of which was delivered to the church, meeting near Devonshire-Square. At the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Walter Richards, to the pastoral-office, and of Messrs. J. Tomkins, T. Cooke and G Wilkinson, to the office of deacons, December 14, 1762. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Buckland and T. Field, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Johnson, and E. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street, [1763]. ESTC No. T4834. Grub Street ID 276259.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The experience of the saints asserted and proved. Being several discourses in which the ground of a believer's hope, with the nature of Christian experience, and the operations of the Holy Spirit, are briefly explained and defended. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Buckland and T. Field, in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Johnson, opposite the Monument; and E. Gardiner, in Grace-Church-Street, M.DCC.LXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T145395. Grub Street ID 192134.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The fall of the mighty, a just cause of universal lamentation. A sermon on the decease of His Royal Highness the illustrious and heroic Prince William-Augustus Duke of Cumberland. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland; E. and C. Dilly; G. Keith and E. Gardiner; B. Tomkins; and R. Bishop, [1765?]. ESTC No. T67748. Grub Street ID 292201.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Lectures on primitive Christianity: in Doctrine, Experience, Worship, Discipline, and Manners, as it appeared in the Church at Jerusalem, in the Time of the Apostles. Also On the Epistle to the Church at Sardis. And on the Faithful in the Days of Malachi. Interspersed with notes, reflections, and addresses. With a View to awaken a becoming Zeal for the Communion of Saints, in Order and Love. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by Mess. Robinson, Keith, Gardiner, Tomkins, Dilly, Buckland, and Johnson, [1765?]. ESTC No. T171449. Grub Street ID 209065.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The christian's concern that he may not be a cast-away: exemplified in the conduct of the apostle Paul. Being two discourses on I Cor. ix. 27. Published With a View to prevent a growing Indulgence to the Pleasures of Sense, to the Prejudice of vital and practical Religion. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Buckland, and T. Field, in Paternoster-Row; J. Johnson, opposite the Monument; E. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street; and J. Robinson, in Horsly-Down, MDCCLXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T145221. Grub Street ID 191967.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The christian salutation. A farewel-sermon delivered October 12, 1766. on the return of the congregation under the care of the Rev. Mr. John Rogers, from their occasional Association with the Church meeting near the Maze-Pond, Southwark. Published at the Request of the Churches then assembled together. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; G. Keith and E. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street; and B. Tomkins, in Fenchurch-Street, 1766. ESTC No. T28227. Grub Street ID 259880.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The eternal existence of the Lord Jesus Christ considered and improved. A sermon, the substance of which was lately delivered at a monthly association, in Grafton-Street, near the Seven-Dials. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; G. Keith and E. Gardiner, in Grace-Church-Street; and B. Tomkins, in Fenchurch-Street, [1766]. ESTC No. T146423. Grub Street ID 193071.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The constitution of a Gospel-Church adapted to union and peace. A sermon, delivered October 2, 1766. To the Church meeting near Cripple-Gate, on the ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Reynolds, their Pastor. Published at their Request. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland, in Paternoster-Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; G. Keith and E. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street; and B. Tomkins, in Fenchurch-Street, 1766. ESTC No. T14563. Grub Street ID 192358.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The everlasting communion of saints with their Lord in the kingdom of Heaven their comfort, when mourning the loss of their fellow-communicants on earth. A sermon occasioned by the decease of Mrs. Mary Keene; Who departed this Life, March 16, 1767. In the 34th Year of her Age. In which is contained, Brief Memoirs of her singular Piety, for an Example to others, and especially to her surviving Young Acquaintance. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; G. Keith and E. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street; and B. Tompkins, in Fenchurch-Street, [1767]. ESTC No. T146438. Grub Street ID 193084.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. An eternal mansion prepared in the heavens for the righteous. A sermon occasioned by the decease of Mr. Thomas Cox, who departed this life, August 20, 1769, in the 73d year of his age. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland; E. and C. Dilly; G. Keith and E. Gardiner; and B. Tompkins, 1769. ESTC No. T67747. Grub Street ID 292200.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The universal character of departed saints. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Rebekah Cox, Who departed this Life, September 19, 1769. In the 74th Year of her Age; And of others lately deceased. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland, in Paternoster-Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; G. Keith and E. Gardiner, in Gracechurch-Street; and B. Tomkins, in Fenchurch-Street, [1769]. ESTC No. T54081. Grub Street ID 280948.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. A charge and sermon together with an introductory discourse and confession of faith delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Abraham Booth Feb. 16, 1769, in Goodman's Fields Published at the request of the church. London : printed for G. Keith, Gracechurch-Street; J. Buckland, Pater-Noster-Row W. Harris, St. Paul's Church-Yard; B. Tomkins, Fenchurch-Street; J. Gurney, Holborn, [1769]. ESTC No. T57926. Grub Street ID 284102.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Gospel-requisites to acceptable prayer. A sermon delivered at a monthly association, in Unicorn-Yard, Tooley-Street, Southwark, on Thursday, February the 22d, 1770. By Benjamin Wallin. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland; E. and C. Dilly; G. Keith and E. Gardiner and B. Tomkins, 1770. ESTC No. T67040. Grub Street ID 291702.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The importance of family-religion. A sermon; the substance of which was delivered at the meeting-house, near Devonshire-Square, on Thursday, November the 22d, 1770. By Benjamin Wallin, M.A. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row; E. and C. Dilly in the Poultry; G. Keith and E. Gardiner, in Grace - church - Street; B. Tomkins, in Fenchurch - Street; and R. Bishop, in Newport-Street, Leicester-Fields, [1771]. ESTC No. N7848. Grub Street ID 52761.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The scripture-doctrine of Christ's sonship. Being sermons on the divine filiation of Jesus, the only begotten of the father. To which are subjoined, three short discourses on Psalm II. 12. By Benjamin Wallin, M.A. London : Printed for the author; and sold by Mess. Keith, Gardiner, Tomkins, Dilly, and Buckland; and also by R. Bishop, in Newport-Street, Leicester-Fields, MDCCLXXI. [1771]. ESTC No. T194681. Grub Street ID 228571.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The happiness of the saints in a separate state. A sermon preached at Hitchin, in Herts, Aug.27, 1773, at the funeral of the Rev. Mr. Samuel James, A. M. Who departed this Life, Aug. 22, 1773, In the 58th Year of his Age. By Benjamin Wallin, A. M. London : printed for the widow; and sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Bishop, Gardiner, and Tomkins, MDCCLXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T53278. Grub Street ID 280240.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The blessedness of the man, whom the Lord shall find diligent in his station. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Job Heath; who departed this life, January 24, 1773. in the 52d year of his age. By Benjamin Wallin, M.A. London : printed for the author; and sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Bishop, Gardiner, and Tompkins, 1773. ESTC No. T68699. Grub Street ID 292841.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The fountain of life freely opened to the willing-hearted sinner. A sermon occasioned by the death of Miss Elizabeth Macgowan, who departed this life, February 19, 1774, In the Sixteenth Year of her Age. Preached at Mr. Macgowan's Meeting-House near Devonshire-Square, February 27, 1774. And published at his Request. To which is annexed, the hymn sung on the occasion. By Benjamin Wallin, A.M. London : printed for the author; and sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Bishop, Gardiner, and Tomkins, 1774. ESTC No. N31894. Grub Street ID 20769.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The popular concern in the choice of representatives. A sermon delivered ... October 9, 1774. By Benjamin Wallin,. London : printed for the author; and sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Bishop, Gardiner, and Tompkins [sic], 1774. ESTC No. T45745. Grub Street ID 273960.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Memoirs of a gentleman lately deceased; chiefly concerning his convictions on the verge of eternity: with a Review of his Change; and some Reflections and Addresses on this striking Example of Sovereign Grace: more especially Submitted to the Consideration of those who are so unhappy as to presume on the Mercy of God, without due Regard to the Mediation and Sacrifice of his Son. By Benjamin Wallin, A. M. London : printed for the author; and sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Bishop, Gardiner, and Tomkins, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T56586. Grub Street ID 282995.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The church an habitation of God, through the spirit. A sermon on occasion of the settlement of a people, lately united in the order of the gospel: preached at Mr. Wallin's meeting-house, near the Maze-Pond, Southwark, Jan. 13, 1774. With the introductory address. By Benjamin Wallin, A. M. London : printed for G. Keith; and sold by Mess. Buckland, Gardiner, and Tomkins; and also by R. Bishop, in Newport-Street, Leicester-Fields, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T145227. Grub Street ID 191973.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The case of a fallen professor, stated and considered. A sermon on Proverbs XXV. 26. By Benjamin Wallin. A.M. London : printed, and sold for the author, by M. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; also sold by Messrs. Buckland, Tomkins, Keith, Gardiner, Bishop, and Dermer, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T11819. Grub Street ID 169744.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Superabounding grace, in the forgiveness of penitent transgressors, exemplified and vindicated. Being discourses on the parable of the prodigal son. In four parts. And On the Woman countenanced by our Lord, in the House of Simon the Pharisee. By Benjamin Wallin, M.A. London : printed by Lewis for the author; and sold by Mess. Keith, Gardiner, Tomkins, Buckland; R. Bishop, in Newport-Street, Leicester-Fields; and also Dermer, Shad-Thames, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T194682. Grub Street ID 228572.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. The ancient believers transition from mortality to life. A sermon occasioned by the decease of Mrs. Hannah Munn, late of Watford, Herts, who departed this life, October 1, 1779, in the eighty-fourth year of her age. By Benjamin Wallin, A.M. London : printed for the author: and sold by Messrs. Buckland, Keith, Bishop and Macgowan, MDCCLXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. T146316. Grub Street ID 192981.
  • Wallin, Benjamin. Satan rebuked - and the saint defended. A sermon occasioned by the decease of the Rev. Mr. John Macgowan, pastor of the church, meeting near Devonshire-Square. Who departed this life, November 25, 1780, ... By Benjamin Wallin, A.M. Together with the oration delivered at hi interment, by Samuel Stennett, D.D. London : printed for James Macgowan, and J. Buckland; G. Keith; and R. Bishop, 1781. ESTC No. T172287. Grub Street ID 209754.