Single, John.
The batchelor's recantation. Or, his estimate of the expences of a married life reconsider'd paragraph by paragraph, and retracted. To which is added, I. His passionate Address to all Batchelors and Maidens. II. An old Maiden Lady's Advice to all young Ones. A tale, (by a Baroness.) III. A Prayer to be used Daily by all spotless Virgins. IV. The Doctor confuted: Or, No Cure for Love. V. A young Lady's Recantation of her Resolution to turn Nun. Humbly address'd to Henry Stonecastle, Esq; Author of The Universal Spectator. by John Single, of Grey's-Inn, Esq.
The second edition..
London : printed and sold by A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, and at the pamphlet-shops. Mccxxxi, [1731].
ESTC No. T189033.Grub Street ID 224660.
Single, John.
The batchelor's recantation; or his estimate of the expences of a married life re-considered paragraph by paragraph, and retracted. To which is added, I. His passionate address to all batchelors and maidens. ... VII. The maid's soliloquy. By John Single, .
London : printed for M. Payne, 1748.
ESTC No. N32410.Grub Street ID 21082.