Blount, Thomas.
The academie of eloquence. Containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified, with common-places, and formes, digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times, together with letters both amorous and moral, upon emergent occasions. By Tho. Blount Gent'.
London: printed by T.N. for Humphrey Moseley, at the Princes-Arm's in S. Pauls Churchyard, 1654.
ESTC No. R15301.Grub Street ID 63247.
Blount, Thomas.
The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common-places, and formula's digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and morall, upon emergent occasions. By Tho. Blount Gent'.
London: printed by T.N. for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince's-Arms in S. Pauls Churchyard, 1656.
ESTC No. R28490.Grub Street ID 111551.
Blount, Thomas.
Glossographia: or A dictionary, interpreting all such hard vvords, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, Teutonick, Belgick, British or Saxon; as are now used in our refined English tongue. Also the terms of divinity, law, physick, mathematicks, heraldry, anatomy, war, musick, architecture; and of several other arts and sciences explicated. With etymologies, definitions, and historical observations on the same. Very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read. By T.B. of the Inner-Temple, Barrester.
London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince's Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, and George Sawbridge at the Bible in Ludgate-hil, 1656.
ESTC No. R5788.Grub Street ID 126198.
Blount, Thomas.
Glossographia: or A dictionary, interpreting all such hard words of whatsoever language now used in our refined English tongue; with etymologies, definitions, and historical observations on the same. Also the terms of divinity, law, physick, mathematics, and other arts and sciences explicated. Very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read. The second edition, more correct; wherein above five hundred choice words are added. By T.B. of the Inner-Temple, Barrister.
London: printed by Tho. Nevvcomb, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Churchyard, and George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill. 1659.
ESTC No. R172801.Grub Street ID 66557.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, The history of His sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the Battle of Worcester, 3. Sept. 1651. Introduc'd by an exact relation of that battle.
London : printed for Henry Seile, stationer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1660.
ESTC No. R15303.Grub Street ID 63249.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, The history of His Sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the battle of Worcester, 3. Sept. 1651.
London : printed for Henry Seile, stationer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1660.
ESTC No. R6431.Grub Street ID 126773.
Blount, Thomas.
Glossographia: or A dictionary, interpreting all such hard words of whatsoever language, now used in our refined English tongue; with etymologies, definitions, and historical observations on the same. Also the terms of divinity, law, physick, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences explicated. Very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read. The second edition, [ ] above five hundred choice [ ]. By T.B. of the Inner-[ ].
London : printed by Tho. Nevv[comb, and are to be sold by] Humphrey Moseley, at the P[rince's Arms in St Pauls Church-]yard, and Georg[e Sawbridge at the Bible in] Ludg[ate-hil, 1661?].
ESTC No. R231238.Grub Street ID 103381.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or The compleat history of His sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the Battle of Worcester, 3 Sept. 1651. Introduc'd by an exact relation of that battle; and illustrated with a map of the city.
London : printed for A. Seile, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1662.
ESTC No. R32749.Grub Street ID 115432.
Blount, Thomas.
The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common places and formula's digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and morall, upon emergent occasions. By T.B. of the Inner Temple.
The third edition, with additions..
London : printed by H[enry]. L[loyd]. for Anne Moseley, at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1663.
ESTC No. R231811.Grub Street ID 103761.
Blount, Thomas.
The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common places and formula's [sic] digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and morall, upo emergent occasions. By T.B. of the Inner Temple, Esq.
The third edition, with additions..
London : printed for Anne Moseley, and are to be sold by Thomas Clark at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1664.
ESTC No. R38845.Grub Street ID 120894.
Blount, Thomas.
Nomo-lexikon: A law-dictionary. Interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern lawes. With references to the several statutes, records, registers, law-books, charters, ancient deeds, and manuscripts, wherein the words are used: and etymologies, where they properly occur. By Thomas Blount of the Inner Temple, Esq;.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Tho. Newcomb, for John Martin and Henry Herringman, at the sign of the Bell in S. Pauls Churchyard, and a little without Temple-Bar, and in the New Exchange, 1670.
ESTC No. R19028.Grub Street ID 76831.
Blount, Thomas.
The resolutions of the judges upon the several statutes of bankrupts: as also the like resolutions upon 13 Eliz. and 27 Eliz. touching fraudulent conveyances. By T.B., Esq;.
London : printed for T. Twyford, and are to be sold by Hen. Twyford and other booksellers, 1670.
ESTC No. R19029.Grub Street ID 76832.
Blount, Thomas.
The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common places and formula's digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and moral, upon emergent occasions. By T.B. of the Inner Temple, barrister.
The fourth edition, with additions..
London : printed by Tho. Johnson for Peter Parker, at the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, on the right hand next cornhil, 1670.
ESTC No. R33234.Grub Street ID 115877.
Blount, Thomas.
Glossographia: or A dictionary, interpreting the hard words of whatsoever language, now used in our refined English tongue; with etymologies, definitions, and historical observations on the same. Also the terms of divinity, law, physick, mathematicks, war, music, and other arts and sciences explicated. Very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read. The third edition, with some corrections, and many additions. By T.B. of the Inner-Temple, barraster.
London : printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by John Martyn, at the Bell without Temple Bar, 1670.
ESTC No. R6021.Grub Street ID 126401.
Blount, Thomas.
Animadversions upon Sr Richard Baker's Chronicle, and it's continuation. Wherein many errors are discover'd, and some truths advanced. By T.B. Esq.
Oxon: printed by H.H. for Ric. Davis, 1672.
ESTC No. R6294.Grub Street ID 126649.
Blount, Thomas.
A world of errors discovered in the new world of words, or General English dictionary. And in Nomothetes, or The interpreter of law-words and terms. By Tho. Blount of the Inner Temple, Esquire.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by T.N. for Abel Roper, John Martin, and Henry Herringman, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, over-against St. Dunstans Church, at the Bell in St. Pauls Churchyard, and at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1673.
ESTC No. R18536.Grub Street ID 74455.
Blount, Thomas.
Glossographia: or, A dictionary, interpreting the hard words of whatsoever language, now used in our refined English tongue; with etymologies, definitions, and historical observations on the same. Also the terms of divinity, law, musick, physick, mathematicks, war, heraldry, and other arts and sciences explicated. Very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read. The fourth edition, with many additions. By T.B. of the Inner-Temple, Esq.
London] : In the Savoy, printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, at the Turks-head in Corn-hill, over against the Royal Exchange, 1674.
ESTC No. R15304.Grub Street ID 63250.
Blount, Thomas.
The judges resolutions upon the several statutes concerning bankrupts, with the like resolutions on the statutes of 13 Eliz. and 27 Eliz. touching fraudulent conveyances. By George Billinghurst of Grayes-Inne, Esq;.
London : printed for Henry Twyford in Vine-Court Middle-Temple, 1676.
ESTC No. R4175.Grub Street ID 123297.
Blount, Thomas.
Fragmenta antiquitatis. Antient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some mannors· Made publick for the diversion of some, and instruction of others. By T.B. of the Inner-Temple Esquire.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires. For Abel Roper, at the Sun, Tho. Basset, at the George, and Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black-Boy, all in Fleetstreet, 1679.
ESTC No. R2884.Grub Street ID 111873.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or The compleat history of His sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the Battle of Worcester, 3 Sept. 1651. Introduced by an exact relation of that battle; and illustrated with a map of the city.
The third edition with addition..
London : printed by M. Clark, and to be sold by H. Brome and C. Harper, at their shops in S. Pauls Churchyard and Fleetstreet, 1680 [i.e. 1681].
ESTC No. R4207.Grub Street ID 123525.
Blount, Thomas.
Glossographia: or A dictionary, interpreting the hard words of whatsoever language, now used in our refined English tongue; with etymologies, definitions, and historical observations on the same. Also the terms of divinity, law, physick, musick, mathematicks, war, heraldry and other arts and sciences explicated. Very usefull for all such as desire to understand what they read. The fifth edition, with many additions. By T. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq;.
London : printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Tho. Flesher, at the Angel and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1681.
ESTC No. R29044.Grub Street ID 112066.
Blount, Thomas.
The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common places and formula's digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and to write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and moral, upon several occasions· By T.B. of the Inner Temple, esq;.
The fifth edition, with additions..
London : printed for Chr. Wilkinson, and Cha. Harper, at their shops over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1683.
ESTC No. R24204.Grub Street ID 108008.
Blount, Thomas.
Nomo-lexikon: A law-dictionary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With reference to the several statutes, records, registers, law-books, charters, ancient deeds, and manuscripts, wherein the words are used: and etymologies, where they properly occur. The second edition, with some corrections, and the addition of above six hundred words. By Thomas Blount of the Inner-Temple, Esq;.
London : printed for H. Herringman, T. Newcomb, R. Chiswel, and R. Bentley; and sold by Tho. Salusbury at the sign of the Temple near Temple-Bar in Fleet-street, M.DC.XCI. [1691].
ESTC No. R11153.Grub Street ID 59465.
Blount, Thomas.
Nomo-lexikon: A law-dictionary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With references to the several statutes, records, registers, law-books, charters, ancient deeds, and manuscripts, wherein the words are used: and etymologies, where they properly occur. The second edition, with some corrections, and the addition of above six hundred words. By Tho. Blount late of the Inner-Temple, Esq;.
London : printed for H. Heringman, T. Newcomb, R. Chiswel, and R. Bently; and sold by John Salusbury at the Rising-Sun in Cornhil, 1691.
ESTC No. R231079.Grub Street ID 103265.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or the compleat history of His Sacred Majesty Charles II. most miraculous preservation, after the battle of Worcester, 3d September 1651. Introduced by an exact relation of that battle.
Edinburgh: printed by James Watson, on the North-Side of the Cross, for Charles Jackson merchant, 1709.
ESTC No. T110272.Grub Street ID 162811.
Blount, Thomas.
A law-Dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With References to the several Statutes, Records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added near three thousand words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq;.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Eliz. Nutt, and R. Gosling, assignees of Edw. Sayer Esq; for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, J. Nicholson, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, M. Wellington, R. Gosling, W. Mears, J. Browne, J. Hooke, F. Clay, and E. Nutt, 1717.
ESTC No. T149943.Grub Street ID 195850.
Blount, Thomas.
A law-dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. ... By Tho. Blount, ... The third edition. To which are added above two thousand two hundred words, ... Likewise an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. ... By W. Nelson, .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling, asignees of Edw. Sayer; for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, J. Nicholson, G. Sawbridge, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Gosling, W. Mears, J. Browne, J. Hooke, and E. Nutt, 1717.
ESTC No. T143722.Grub Street ID 190778.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel; or, the compleat history of the most miraculous preservation of King Charles II. After the Battle of Worcester, September the 3d, 1651. To which is added, Claustrum Regale Reseratum; or, the King's Concealment at Trent. Publish'd by Mrs. Anne Wyndham.
The fourth edition, adorn'd with cuts. With a supplement to the whole..
London : printed for J. Wilford at the Three Golden Flower-de-Luces in Little Britain, M.DCC.XXV. [1725].
ESTC No. T143737.Grub Street ID 190793.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, the compleat history of the most miraculous preservation of King Charles II. after the battle of Worcester, September the 3d, 1651. To which is added, claustrum regale reseratum: or the King's concealment at Trent. Published by Mrs. Ann Wyndham.
The sixth edition. With a supplement to the whole..
London : printed by R. Freeman, in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743].
ESTC No. T149937.Grub Street ID 195845.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, The compleat history of the most miraculous preservation of King Charles II. After the battle of Worcester, April the 3d, 1651. To which is added, Claustrum regale reseratum: or The King's concealment at Trent. Publish'd by Mrs. Ann Wyndham. The fifth edition. With a supplement to the whole.
London : Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-noster-Row, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743].
ESTC No. T72851.Grub Street ID 296267.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, the compleat history of the most miraculous preservation of King Charles II. after the battle of Worcester: April the 3d, 1651. ... Publish'd by Mrs. Ann Wyndham.
The fifth edition. With a supplement to the whole..
London : printed: and sold by all booksellers, and venders of news and subscription-books, 1748.
ESTC No. N32563.Grub Street ID 21167.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, the compleat history of His Sacred Majesty's most miraculous preservation after the battle of Worcester, which was fought Sept. 3, 1651. Illustrated with a plan of the city of Worcester; and a view of Boscobel-House.
Worcester: printed for S. Gamidge, Bookseller, MDCCLXIX. [1769].
ESTC No. T71213.Grub Street ID 294789.
Blount, Thomas.
Fragmenta antiquitatis; or, antient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some manors. Made public for the Diversion of some, and Instruction of others By Thomas Blount, Of the Inner-Temple, Esq. A new edition, with alterations, large additions, English translations, where necessary, and two indexes; One of the Names of the Men, the other of the Places mentioned in the Work. To which are added, explanatory notes, And an Index of the obsolete and difficult Words and Phrases, collected from Printed Books, antient manuscripts, &c. By Josiah Beckwith, Gent. F.A.S.
York: printed by W. Blanchard and Co. for the editor, and sold by the booksellers in London, York, Oxford, Cambridge, &c., MDCCLXXXIV. [1784].
ESTC No. T144119.Grub Street ID 191058.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, the history of the most miraculous preservation of King Charles II. after the battle of Worcester, September the third, 1651. In two parts. Part I.
Birmingham: printed for C. Earl, 1786.
ESTC No. T71214.Grub Street ID 294790.
Blount, Thomas.
Boscobel: or, the compleat history of His Sacred Majesty's most miraculous preservation after the battle of Worcester which was fought September 3, 1651.
Shiffnal: printed by W. Scarrott, 1788.
ESTC No. T166538.Grub Street ID 204757.