Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
Correspondance universelle sur ce qui interesse le bonheur de l'homme et de la societe. No. I.
Londres : de l'imprimerie de E. Cox. Et se trouve chez Walter, 1783.
ESTC No. N67394.Grub Street ID 48979.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
Tableau de l'état présent des sciences et des arts en Angleterre. Par J.P. Brissot de Warville. .
Londres : de l'imprimerie de E. Cox. Se trouve au Bureau-Général du Licée; chez M. Walter; & M. Elmsley, [1784].
ESTC No. N49636.Grub Street ID 33817.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
Tableau de la situation actuelle des anglois dans les indes orientales, et de l'etat de l'inde en general. Par J.P. Brissot de Warville. No. I.
Londres : de l'imprimerie de E. Cox. Et se trouve chez Walter, & chez Elmsly, 1784.
ESTC No. N67200.Grub Street ID 48808.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
Point de banqueroute, ou lettres a un créancier de l'état, sur l'impossibilité de la banqueroute nationale, ...
Londres [i.e. Paris?]: Octobre, 1787.
ESTC No. T232313.Grub Street ID 257444.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
A critical examination of the Marquis de Chatellux's [i.e., Chastellux's] Travels, in North America, in a letter addressed to the Marquis; principally intended as a refutation of his opinions concerning the Quakers, the Negroes, the people, and mankind. Translated from the French of J.P. Brissot de Warville, with additions and corrections of the author. [One line of quotation in French].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph James, in Chesnut-Street, M,DCC,LXXXVIII. [1788].
ESTC No. W19763.Grub Street ID 329396.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
A discourse upon the question, whether the King shall be tried? Delivered before the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, at Paris, at a meeting, July 10th, 1791. By J.P. Brissot de Warville, member of that society. Translated by P.J.G. de Nancrede, preceptor of the French language, in the University of Cambridge.
[Boston]: Printed at Boston by J. Belknap and A. Young. Sold at their printing-office, no. 34, Newbury Street, and by the booksellers in town and country, MDCCXCI. [1791].
ESTC No. W20213.Grub Street ID 329868.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The anarchy and horrors of France, displayed by a member of the Convention.
London?] : Published by [blank] and may be had of all the booksellers in town and count y [sic], [1792.
ESTC No. T108680.Grub Street ID 161537.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. Containing the latest and most accurate observations on the character, genius, and present state of the people ard [sic] government of that country-their agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and finances-quality and price of and the missisippe-political and moral character of the quakers, and a vindication of that excellent sect, from the misrepresentations of other travellers-state of the blacks-progress of the laws for their emancipation, and for the final destruction of slavery on that continent-accurate accounts of the climate, longevity-comparative tables of the probabilities of life between America and Europe, &c. &c. By J. P. Brissot De Warville. Translated from the French.
London : Printed for J. S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet-Street, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. N56260.Grub Street ID 39434.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. By J. P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French.
Dublin: printed by W. Corbet, for P. Byrne, A. Grueber, W. Mckenzie, J. Moore, W. Jones, R. M'allister, and J. Rice, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. T107218.Grub Street ID 160279.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. By J.P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French.
London : printed for J.S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet-Street, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. T117162.Grub Street ID 168771.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
This day is published, (Price Six Shillings in Boards,) new travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. ... By J.P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French.
London : printed for J.S. Jordan, 1792.
ESTC No. N67760.Grub Street ID 49305.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. By J.P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French. [Five lines from Tacitus].
New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, for Berry & Rogers, booksellers and stationers, no. 35, Hanover-Square, 1792--.
ESTC No. W19549.Grub Street ID 329200.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The anarchy and horrors of France, displayed by a member of the Convention.
London : printed by A. Grant. And sold by Parsons; S. W. Fores; and all the booksellers in town and country, [1793?].
ESTC No. N30089.Grub Street ID 19075.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The life of J. P. Brissot, deputy from Eure and Loire, to the National Convention. Written by himself. Translated from the French.
Dublin: printed by Zachariah Jackson, [1794?].
ESTC No. T216916.Grub Street ID 242180.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The commerce of America with Europe; particularly with France and Great Britain; comparatively stated, and explained. Shewing the importance of the American revolution to the interests of France, and pointing out the actual situation of the United States of North America, in regard to trade, manufactures, and population. By J. P. Brissot de Warville, and Etienne Claviere. Translated from the last French edition, revised by Brissot, and called the second volume of his View of America. With the life of Brissot, and an appendix, by the translator.
London : printed for J. S. Jordan, No 166, Fleet-Street, MDCCXCIV. [1794].
ESTC No. N28196.Grub Street ID 17424.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The life of J.P. Brissot, Deputy from Eure and Loire, to the national convention. Written by himself. Translated from the French.
Second edition..
London : Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly, 1794.
ESTC No. T143684.Grub Street ID 190738.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J. P. Brissot, Deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents. On the situation of the National Convention: on the influence of the anarchists, and the evils it has caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence in order to save the republic. Translated from th French. With a preface and occasional notes by the translator.
Dublin: printed by P. Byrne, Grafton-Street, [1794].
ESTC No. T62256.Grub Street ID 287767.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America, performed in M.DCC.LXXXVIII. Containing the latest and most accurate observations ... By J. P. Brissot de Warville.
Second edition, corrected..
London : printed for J. S. Jordan, 1794.
ESTC No. T107219.Grub Street ID 160280.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J. P. Brissot, Deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents, on the situation of the National Convention; on the influence of the anarchists, and the evils it has caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence in order to save the republic. Translated from th French. With a preface and occasional notes by the translator.
London : printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, [1794].
ESTC No. N8628.Grub Street ID 53531.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
Brissot, député du département d'Eure et Loire, à ses commettans. Précédé d'autres pièces intéressantes de Brissot, viz. 1. Projet de déclaration de l'Assemblée Nationale aux puissances étrangeres. 2. Rapport fait au nom du Comité de Défense générale sur les dispositions du Gouvernement Britannique envers la France, & sur les mesures à prendre. 3. Rapport sur les hostilités du Roi d'Angleterre & du Stadhouder des Provinces Unies.
London] : À Paris: de l'imprimerie de P. Provost. Réimprimé à Londres, pour R. Edwards, No. 142, Bond-street, & T. Spilsbury & Fils, Snowhill, M.DCC.XCIV. [1794.
ESTC No. T148237.Grub Street ID 194620.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J. P. Brissot, député du département D'Eure et Loire, à ses commettans, sur la situation de la Convention Nationale, sur l'influence des anarchistes, & les maux qu'elle a causés, sur la nécessité d'anéantir cette influence pour sauver la République.
London] : À Paris: de l'imprimerie de P. Provost. Réimprimé à Londres, pour R. Edwards, No 142, Bond-Street, & T. Spilsbury & Fils, Snow-Hill, M.DCC.XCIV. [1794.
ESTC No. T148238.Grub Street ID 194621.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J. P. Brissot, Deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents, on the situation of the National Convention; on the influence of the anarchists, And The Evils IT Has Caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence In Order To Save The Republic. Translated from the French. With a preface and occasional notes by the translator.
A new edition..
London : printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, [1794].
ESTC No. T126841.Grub Street ID 176708.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J. P. Brissot, Deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents, on the situation of the National Convention; on the influence of the anarchists, And The Evils IT Has Caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence In Order To Save The Republic. Translated from the French. With a preface and occasional notes by the translator.
Dublin: printed for Messrs. Burnet, Wogan, Mcdonnell, Jones, Moore, and Dugdale, [1794?].
ESTC No. T126842.Grub Street ID 176709.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The life of J. P. Brissot, deputy from Eure and Loire, to the National Convention. Written by himself. Translated from the French.
Dublin: printed by Zachariah Jackson, 1794.
ESTC No. T212605.Grub Street ID 239704.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The life of J. P. Brissot, deputy from Eure and Loire, to the National Convention. Written by himself. Translated from the French.
London : printed for J. Debrett, Opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly, 1794.
ESTC No. T82978.Grub Street ID 303455.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J. P. Brissot, Deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents, on the situation of the National Convention; on the influence of the anarchists, and the evils it has caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence in order to save the republic. Translated from th French. With a preface and occasional notes by the translator.
London : printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, 1794.
ESTC No. T13521.Grub Street ID 183677.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
J.P. Brissot, deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents, on the situation of the National Convention; on the influence of the anarchists, and the evils it has caused; and on the necessity of annihilating that influence in order to save the Republic. Translated from the French.
[New York]: London printed: New-York: re-printed by Childs and Swaine, for F. Childs and Co. Berry, Rogers, and Berry, and Thomas Allen, M.DCC.XCIV. [1794].
ESTC No. W19547.Grub Street ID 329199.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The commerce of America with Europe; particularly with France and Great Britain; comparatively stated and explained. Shewing the importance of the American Revolution to the interests of France, and pointing out the actual situation of the United States of North-America, in regard to trade, manufactures and population. By J.P. Brissot de Warville, and Etienne Claviere. Translated from the last French edition, revised by Brissot, and called the second volume of his view of America. With the life of Brissot, and an appendix, by the translator.
New-York: Printed and sold by T. and J. Swords, no. 99 Pearl-Street, --1795--.
ESTC No. W20053.Grub Street ID 329691.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
The commerce of America with Europe, particularly with France and Great-Britain, comparatively stated and explained: shewing the importance of the American revolution to the interests of France; and pointing out the true situation of the United States of North-America in regard to trade, manufactures, and population. By the late J. P. Brissot de Warville, assisted by Etienne Claviere. The second edition, with the life of the author; to which is added, an account of the conduct of the Girondine Party in the revolution of the thirty-first of May.
London : printed for J. S. Jordan, No Fleet-Street, MDCCXCVII. [1797].
ESTC No. N28195.Grub Street ID 17423.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America: containing the latest and most accurate observations ... By the late J. P. Brissot de Warville, .
A new edition, corrected, with a portrait of the author..
London : printed for J. S. Jordan, 1797.
ESTC No. N11109.Grub Street ID 1101.
Brissot de Warville, J.-P.
New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788, by J.P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French. [Five lines of quotations].
[Boston]: From the press of Joseph Bumstead, Union-Street --Boston, 1797.
ESTC No. W19550.Grub Street ID 329202.