Wallis, John.
Truth tried: or, Animadversions on a treatise published by the Right Honorable Robert Lord Brook, entituled, The nature of truth, its vnion and vnity with the soule. Which (saith he) is one in its essence, faculties, acts; one with truth. With an elegie on his death. By I.W.
London: printed by Richard Bishop, for Samuel Gellibrand at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1643.
ESTC No. R234844.Grub Street ID 106097.
Wallis, John.
Truth tried: or, Animadversions on a treatise published by the Right Honorable Robert Lord Brook, entituled, The nature of truth, its vnion and vnity with the soule. Which (saith he) is one in its essence, faculties, acts; one with truth. By I.W.
London: printed by Richard Bishop, for Samuel Gellibrand at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1643.
ESTC No. R11854.Grub Street ID 60092.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the Shorter catechisme, presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, to both Houses of Parliament, and by them approved. Wherein the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. In imitation of a catechisme formerly published, by Mr. Herbert Palmer B.D. and late Master of Queens College. By J.W. Minister of the Gospel.
London: printed by A. Miller, for Tho. Under hill at the sign of the Bible in Wood-street, 1648.
ESTC No. R217100.Grub Street ID 91930.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis, Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Grammatica linguæ Anglicanæ. Cui præfigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione, tractatus grammatico-physicus.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Leon. Lichfield Acad. typographus. Veneunt apud Tho. Robinson, 1653 [i.e. 1652].
ESTC No. R203984.Grub Street ID 81011.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the shorter catechism, presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, to both Houses of Parliament: and by them approved. Wherein the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. By Jo. Wallis, Minister of the Gospel.
London: printed by T[homas]. Maxey, for Tho. Underhill, at the Anchor in Paul's Church-yard, 1652.
ESTC No. R186197.Grub Street ID 74979.
Wallis, John.
ohannis Wallis, Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Grammatica linguæ Anglicanæ. Cui præfigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione, tractatus grammatico-physicus.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Leon. Lichfield Acad. typographus, 1653.
ESTC No. R42755.Grub Street ID 123962.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the shorter catechism, presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster to both Houses of Parliament: and by them approved[.] Wherein, the meanest [capacities] may in a speedy and [asie way be] brought to understan[d the principles] of relig[ion.] In imitation of a catechism [formerly published] by Mr. Herb. Palme[r. B.D. and] late master of Que[ens College.] By John [Wallis D.D.] minister of th[e Gospel.].
London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. & E[dward]. [Mottershed for Thomas Underhill] at the Anchor in Paul[s Church-yard], [1653].
ESTC No. R186199.Grub Street ID 74981.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallisii, S.T.D. Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Elenchus geometriæ Hobbianæ. Sive, Geometricorum, quæ in ipsius Elementis philosophiæ, à Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi proferuntur, refutatio.
Oxoniæ: excudebat H. Hall impensis Johannis Crook, apud quem prostant Londini sub insigni Navis in Cœmeterio Paulino, 1655.
ESTC No. R208769.Grub Street ID 84993.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the shorter catechism, presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster to both Houses of Parliament: and by them approved. Wherein, the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. In imitation of a catechism formerly published by Mr. Herb. Palmer. B.D. and late Master of Queens College. By John Wallis D.D.
London: printed for Thomas Underhill at the Anchor and Bible in Paul's Church-yard, 1655.
ESTC No. R225661.Grub Street ID 98802.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallisii, SS. Th. D. geometriæ professoris Saviliani in celeberrimâ academia Oxoniensi, operum mathematicorum pars altera: qua continentur de angulo contactus & semicirculi, disquisitio geometrica. De sectionibus conicis tractatus. Arithmetica infinitorum: sive de curvilineorum quadraturâ, &c. Ecclipseos Solaris observatio.
Oxonii: typis Leon: Lichfield academiæ typographi, veneunt apud Octav. Pullein Lond. Bibl., 1656.
ESTC No. R221947.Grub Street ID 96016.
Wallis, John.
Due correction for Mr Hobbes. Or Schoole discipline, for not saying his lessons right. In answer to his Six lessons, directed to the professors of mathematicks. By the professor of geometry.
Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield printer to the University for Tho: Robinson, 1656.
ESTC No. R204165.Grub Street ID 81175.
Wallis, John.
Operum mathematicorvm Johannes Wallisi.
Oxonii: Typis Leon. Lichfield, Impensis Tho. Robinson, 1656.
ESTC No. R24597.Grub Street ID 108367.
Wallis, John.
Mens sobria seriò commendata: concione ad baccalaureos artium determinaturos, Latine habita Oxoniæ; in Die Cinerum dicto; Febr. 20. 1655. stilo Angliæ: a Joh. Wallis. SS. Th. D. Accedunt, ejusdem, exercitationes bine, quas versa pagina indicabit.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Leonardus Lichfield, impensis Tho. Robinson, anno Dom. 1657.
ESTC No. R209058.Grub Street ID 85273.
Wallis, John.
Hobbiani puncti dispvnctio. Or The vndoing of Mr Hobs's points; in answer to M. Hobs's Stigmai, id est, Stigmata Hobbii. By John Wallis, Professor in Geometry.
Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the University for Tho. Robinson, anno 1657.
ESTC No. R208905.Grub Street ID 85125.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the shorter catechism, presented by the assembly of divines at Westminster to both houses of Parliament: and by them approved. Wherein, the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. In imitation of a catechism formerly published by Mr Herb. Palmer, B.D. and late Master of Queens Colledge. By John Wallis D.D.
London: printed for Thomas Vnderhill at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, 1657.
ESTC No. R186198.Grub Street ID 74980.
Wallis, John.
Johannis VVallisii, S.S. Th.D., Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani in celeberrimâ Academia Oxoniensi; Operum mathematicorum pars prima. Qua continentur, Oratio inauguralis. Mathesis universalis; sive, Arithmeticum opus integrum, tum numerosam arithmeticam tum speciosam complectens. Adversus Meibomii, de proportionibus dialogum, tractatus elencticus.
Oxonii: typis Leon Lichfield Academiæ typographi, impensis Tho. Robinson, anno. 1657.
ESTC No. R18077.Grub Street ID 71674.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallisii SS. Th. D. Geometriæ professoris Saviliani Oxoniæ, Tractatus duo. Prior, de cycloide et corporibus inde gentis. Posterior, epistolaris; in qua agitur, de cissoide, et corporibus inde gentis: et de curvarum, tum linearum [Greek characters], tum superficierum [Greek characters].
Oxoniæ: typis Academicis Lichfieldianis, anno Dom. M DC LIX. [1659].
ESTC No. R24598.Grub Street ID 108368.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the Shorter catechism, presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster to both houses of Parliament, and by them approved. Wherein, the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. In imitation of a catechism formerly published by Mr. Herbert Palmer, B.D. and late Master of Queens Colledge. By John Wallis D.D.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for Jane Vnderhill at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R234720.Grub Street ID 106011.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the Shorter catechism presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, to both Houses of Parliament, and by them approved. Wherein the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. In imitation of a catechisme, formerly published by Mr. Herbert Palmer, B.D. and late master of Queens Colledge. By John Wallis, D.D.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for Peter Parker, at the entrance into Popes-head Alley out of Cornhill, 1662.
ESTC No. R39813.Grub Street ID 121677.
Wallis, John.
Hobbius heauton-timorumenos. Or A consideration of Mr Hobbes his dialogues. In an epistolary discourse, addressed, to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. By John Wallis. D.D. Professor of Geometry in Oxford.
Oxford: printed by A. & L. Lichfield, for Samuel Thomson, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, Lon., 1662.
ESTC No. R235180.Grub Street ID 106347.
Wallis, John.
A brief and easie explanation of the Shorter catechism presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, to both houses of Parliament, and by them approved. Wherein the meanest capacities may in a speedy and easie way be brought to understand the principles of religion. In imitation of a catechism, formerly published by Mr. Herbert Palmer, B.D. and late Master of Queens Colledge. By John Wallis, D.D.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for Jane Underhill, at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R35232.Grub Street ID 117660.
Wallis, John.
Hobbius heauton-timorumenos. Or A consideration of Mr Hobbes his dialogues. In an epistolary discourse, addressed, to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. By John Wallis. D.D. Professor of Geometry in Oxford.
Oxford: printed by A. & L. Lichfield, for Samuel Thomson, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, London, 1662.
ESTC No. R38416.Grub Street ID 120520.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis, S.T.D. Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Grammatica linguæ Anglicanæ. Cui præfigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione, tractatus grammatico-physicus.
Oxoniæ: typis Lichfieldianis, acad. typog., 1664.
ESTC No. R219362.Grub Street ID 93907.
Wallis, John.
Thomæ Hobbes quadratura circuli, cubatio sphæræ, duplicatio cubi; (Secundo edita,) denuo refutata. Authore Johanne Wallis S.T.D. Geometriæ professore Saviliano.
Oxoniæ: typis Lichfieldianis acad. typograph. Impensis Tho. Gilbert, a.D. 1669.
ESTC No. R219368.Grub Street ID 93912.
Wallis, John.
Mechanica: sive, De motu, tractatus geometricus. Authore Johanne Wallis, SS. Th. D. geomitriæ professore Saviliano in celeberrima academia Oxoniensi; Regalis Societatis Londini, pro scientia naturali promovenda, sodali; & regiæ Majestati à sacris. Pars prima. In qua, de motu generalia. De gravium descensu, & motuum declivitate. De libra.
Londini : typis Gulielmi Godbid; impensis Mosis Pitt, ad insigne Cervi in vico vulgo vocato Little-Britain, MDCLXX. [1670].
ESTC No. R43568.Grub Street ID 124505.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis, S.T.D. geometriæ professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima academia Oxoniensi. Grammatica linguæ Anglicanæ. Cui præfigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione, tractatus grammatico-phisicus. Et (nunc primum) subjungitur, praxis grammatica.
Oxoniæ: typis L. Lichfield, acad. typog., anno Domini, 1674.
ESTC No. R203729.Grub Street ID 80819.
Wallis, John.
The greatest light in the world, far exceeding the light of the Quakers. Being the precepts of God the father, delivered by Moses and David. The precepts of God the son, delivered by his own mouth. The precepts of the Holy Ghost, delivered by the Apostles. Collected for the good of souls; and shewing, that the light within us hath great need to be tried by the light without us.
London : printed, and are to be sold by Henry Million; at the Bible in Fleetstreet, 1674.
ESTC No. R219367.Grub Street ID 93911.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis, S.T.D. Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima academia Oxoniensi; atque Regalis Societatis Londini sodalis; Grammatica linguæ Anglicanæ. Cui præfigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione, tractatus grammatico-physicus. Et (nunc primum) subjungitur, praxis grammatica.
Oxoniæ: typis L. Lichfield, Acad. typog. Et prostant venales apud Joh. Crosley ibidem, anno Domini, 1674.
ESTC No. R34711.Grub Street ID 117224.
Wallis, John.
A most useful collection of the principal sermons of Christ, with his prophets & apostles, which is the greatest light in the vvorld. To enlighten people into the way of peace, and unity, in all things necessary to salvation.
London : printed by I.R. for I.W. and are to be sold by Henry Million, at the Bible in Fleet-street, 1675.
ESTC No. R233538.Grub Street ID 105050.
Wallis, John.
A discourse of gravity and gravitation, grounded on experimental observations: presented to the Royal Society, November 12. 1674. By John Wallis, D.D. a member of that Society.
London : printed for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society, at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1675.
ESTC No. R18644.Grub Street ID 75116.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallisii S.T.D. in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani Exercitationes tres. De cometarum distantiis investigandis. De rationum & fractionum reductione. De periodo Juliana.
Londini : prostant venales apud Mosem Pitt ad insigne Angeli in C.meterio Divi Pauli, 1678.
ESTC No. R30664.Grub Street ID 113504.
Wallis, John.
A defence of the Royal Society, and the Philosophical transactions, particularly those of July, 1670. In answer to the cavils of Dr. William Holder. By John Wallis, D.D. Professor of Geometry in Oxford, and Fellow of the Royal Society. In a letter to the Right Honourable William Lord Viscount Brouncker.
London : printed by T[homas]. S[nowden]. for Thomas Moore, at the Maidenhead over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1678.
ESTC No. R705.Grub Street ID 127341.
Wallis, John.
The resurrection asserted: in a sermon preached to the University of Oxford, on Easter-day, 1679. By John Wallis D.D. Professor of Geometry in the said University; one of his Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary; and a Member of the Royall Society.
Oxford: printed by Hen: Hall for James Good, 1679.
ESTC No. R18038.Grub Street ID 71453.
Wallis, John.
The necessity of regeneration: in two sermons to the University of Oxford. By John Wallis D.D. Professor of Geometry in that University; one of His Majesty's Chaplaines in Ordinary; and a Member of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Will. Rogers at the sign of the Sun in Fleet-street, over against St. Dunstan's Church, 1682.
ESTC No. R12565.Grub Street ID 60730.
Wallis, John.
The life of faith. In two sermons to the university of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church there; on the 6th. of January, 1683/4. and June the 29th. following. By John Wallis, D.D. one of His Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary, and Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
London : printed by James Rawlins, for Thomas Parkhurst: and are to be sold by Amos Curteine, bookseller in Oxford, 1684.
ESTC No. R18108.Grub Street ID 71852.
Wallis, John.
Cono-cuneus: or, The shipwright's circular vvedge. That is, a body resembling in part a conus, in part a cuneus, geometrically considered. By John Wallis, D.D. professor of geometry in the University of Oxford, and a member of the Royal Society, London. In a letter to the honourable Sir Robert Moray, knight.
London : printed by John Playford, for Richard Davis, bookseller, in the University of Oxford, 1684.
ESTC No. R34709.Grub Street ID 117221.
Wallis, John.
A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical. Shewing, the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time; and by what steps it hath attained to the heighth at which now it is. With some additional treatises, I. Of the cono-cuneus; being a body representing in part a conus, in part a cuneus. II. Of angular sections; and other things relating thereunto, and to trigonometry. III. Of the angle of contact; with other things appertaining to the composition of magnitudes, the inceptives of magnitudes, and the composition of motions, with the results thereof. IV. Of combinations, alternations, and aliquot parts. By John Wallis, D.D. professor of geometry in the University of Oxford; and a member of the Royal Society, London.
London : printed by John Playford, for Richard Davis, bookseller, in the University of Oxford, M.DC.LXXXV. [1685].
ESTC No. R12258.Grub Street ID 60462.
Wallis, John.
Institutio logicæ. Ad communes usus accommodata. Per Johannem Wallis. S.T.D. Geometriæ Professorem Savilianum, Oxoniæ; & Societatis Regiæ Londini Sodalem.
Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano. 1687. Prostant apud Amos Curteyne, [1687].
ESTC No. R38059.Grub Street ID 120193.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis, SS. Theol. Doctoris, & Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani in Celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Grammatica linguae Anglicanae: item, tractatus grammatico-physicus de loquela sive sonorum formatione. Cui subjungitur Johannis Podensteiner Clavis linguæ Anglicanæ juxta cum guilielmi Perkins tractatu Anglico De fundamento religionis Christianæ.
[Hamburg?]: Anno MDCLXXXIIX. Sumtibus viduæ Gotfried Schultzen, bibliopolæ Hamburgensis, [1688].
ESTC No. R181685.Grub Street ID 72167.
Wallis, John.
The doctrine of the Blessed Trinity briefly explained, in a letter to a friend. By John Wallis, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1690.
ESTC No. R1265.Grub Street ID 60805.
Wallis, John.
A fifth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity; in answer to what is entituled, The Arians vindication of himself against Dr Wallis's Fourth letter on the Trinity. By John Wallis, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1691.
ESTC No. R18175.Grub Street ID 72199.
Wallis, John.
A sixth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity; in answer to a book entituled, Observations on the four letters, &c. By John Wallis, D.D. Professor of Mathematicks in Oxford.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1691.
ESTC No. R17999.Grub Street ID 71189.
Wallis, John.
A seventh letter, concerning the sacred Trinity; occasioned by a second letter from W.J. By John Wallis, D.D. Professor of Geometry, in Oxford.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1691.
ESTC No. R18000.Grub Street ID 71197.
Wallis, John.
Three sermons concerning the sacred Trinity. By John Wallis, D.D. Professor of Geometry, in the University of Oxford.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1691.
ESTC No. R17917.Grub Street ID 70701.
Wallis, John.
A second letter concerning the Holy Trinity. Pursuant to the former from the same hand; occasioned by a letter (there inserted) from one unknown. By John Wallis. D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers-Chapel, 1691.
ESTC No. R12564.Grub Street ID 60729.
Wallis, John.
An explication and vindication of the Athanasian Creed. In a third letter, pursuant of two former, concerning the sacred Trinity. Together with a postscript, in answer to another letter. By John Wallis, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1691.
ESTC No. R38415.Grub Street ID 120519.
Wallis, John.
A fourth letter, concerning the sacred Trinity; in reply to what is entituled, An answer, to Dr Wallis's Three letters. By John Wallis, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, in Cheapside, 1691.
ESTC No. R34710.Grub Street ID 117223.
Wallis, John.
Theological discourses containing VIII letters and III sermons concerning the blessed Trinity / by John Wallis .
London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst .., 1692.
ESTC No. R39751.Grub Street ID 121628.
Wallis, John.
An eighth letter concerning the sacred Trinity; occasioned by some letters to him on that subject: by John Wallis, D.D. professor of Geometry in Oxford.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside near Mercers-Chapel, 1692.
ESTC No. R28904.Grub Street ID 111931.
Wallis, John.
A defense of the Christian Sabbath. In answer to a treatise of Mr. Tho. Bampfield pleading for Saturday-Sabbath. By John Wallis, D.D. and Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, MDCXCII. [1692].
ESTC No. R228315.Grub Street ID 101004.
Wallis, John.
Theological discourses and sermons on several occasions. Part II. By John Wallis, D.D. Professor of Geometry in Oxford.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower-end of Cheapside, near Mercers-Chapel, M DC LXXXXII [1692].
ESTC No. R34093.Grub Street ID 116632.
Wallis, John.
A defense of the Christian Sabbath. In answer to a treatise of Mr. Tho. Bampfield pleading for Saturday-Sabbath. By John Wallis, D.D. and Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed by L. Litchfield, and are to be sold by Chr. Coningsby, at the Golden Turks-Head over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, London, 1692.
ESTC No. R2541.Grub Street ID 109047.
Wallis, John.
A defense of the Christian Sabbath. Part the first. In answer to a treatise of Mr. Thomas Bampfield pleading for Saturday-Sabbath. The second edition. By John Wallis, D.D. and professor of geometry in the University of Oxford. Imprimatur, Feb. 17. 1693/4/ Hen. Aldrich, vice-can. Oxon.
Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, MDCXCIII. [1693].
ESTC No. R5650.Grub Street ID 126078.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis S.T.D. Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, De algebra tractatus; historicus & practicus. Anno 1685 Anglice editus; nunc auctus Latine. Cum variis appendicibus; partim prius editis Anglice, partim nunc primum editis. Operum mathematicorum volumen alterum.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, an. Dom. MDCXCIII. [1693].
ESTC No. R38413.Grub Street ID 120518.
Wallis, John.
A defense of the Christian Sabbath. Part the second. Being a rejoinder to Mr. Bampfield's Reply to Doctor Wallis's discourse concerning the Christian-Sabbath. By John Wallis, D.D. and Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, for Thomas Bennet, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London 1694.
ESTC No. R18675.Grub Street ID 75297.
Wallis, John.
A defense of the Christian Sabbath. Part the second. Being a rejoinder to Mr. Bampfield's Reply to Doctor Wallis's discourse concerning the Christian-Sabbath. By John Wallis, D.D. and Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed by Leon. Lichfield, 1694.
ESTC No. R234868.Grub Street ID 106112.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis S.T.D. Geometriæ professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi; Opera mathematica. Volumen primum.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCXCV. [1695].
ESTC No. R15595.Grub Street ID 63516.
Wallis, John.
Theological discourses; in two parts. The first containing, VIII letters and III sermons concerning the blessed Trinity. The second, discourses & sermons on several occasions. By John Wallis D.D. Professor of Geometry in Oxford.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel, 1695.
ESTC No. R34712.Grub Street ID 117225.
Wallis, John.
An answer to Dr. Sherlock's examination of the Oxford decree: in a letter from a member of that university, to his friend in London.
London : printed, and sold by M[rs. Elizabeth]. Whitlock, near Stationers-Hall, 1696.
ESTC No. R41160.Grub Street ID 122878.
Wallis, John.
A brief letter from a young Oxonian to one of his late fellow-pupils upon the subject of magnetism.
London : printed for S. Keble at the sign of the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, 1697.
ESTC No. R212965.Grub Street ID 88497.
Wallis, John.
A defense of infant-baptism. In answer to a letter (here recited) from an anti-pædo-Baptist. By John Wallis, D.D. and professor of geometry in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, 1697.
ESTC No. R219929.Grub Street ID 94399.
Wallis, John.
A defense of infant-baptism. In answer to a letter (here recited) from an anti-pædo-Baptist. By John Wallis, D.D. and Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed by Leon. Lichfield, for Henry Clements, 1697.
ESTC No. R21035.Grub Street ID 86527.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis S.T.D. geometriæ professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, opera mathematica. Volumen primum.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, an. Dom. MDCXCIX. [1699].
ESTC No. R219938.Grub Street ID 94404.
Wallis, John.
Johannis Wallis S.T.P. Geometriæ Professoris saviliani, Oxoniæ, opera quædam miscellanea: quæ versa pagina indicabit.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, an. Dom. MDCXCIX. [1699].
ESTC No. R186202.Grub Street ID 74984.
Wallis, John.
Institutio logicæ, ad communes usus accommodata. Per Johannem Wallis, ...
Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield: impensis Geo. West, Joh. Crosley, Hen. Clements, & Ant. Peisley, 1702.
ESTC No. T121177.Grub Street ID 172029.
Wallis, John.
Institutio logicæ, ad communes usus accommodata. Per Johannem Wallis, S. T. D. Geometriae Professorem Savilianum, Oxoniae; & Societatis Regalis Londini Sodalem.
Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield, impensis Henr. Clements, Ant. Peisley, J. & S. Wilmot, Steph. Kiblewhite, Steph. Fletcher, & Edv. Whistler, 1715.
ESTC No. T114947.Grub Street ID 166722.
Wallis, John.
A treatise concerning St. Matthias Day, misplaced in the Oxford almanack for the year 1684 (being leap-year) at Feb. 24. In a letter from Dr. Wallis to Dr. John Fell ...
Oxford: printed in the year, 1719.
ESTC No. T2183.Grub Street ID 242917.
Wallis, John.
Institutio logicæ, ad communes usus accommodata. Per Johannem Wallis, ...
Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield, impensis Sam. Wilmot, Ric. Clements, Ant. Peisley, Steph. Kiblewhite, [and 5 others in Oxford], 1729.
ESTC No. T109729.Grub Street ID 162392.
Wallis, John.
Institutio logicæ, ad communes usus accommodata. Per Johannem Wallis, ...
Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield, impensis Steph. Kiblewhite, Sam. Wilmot, Ric. Clements, and [sic] Ant. Peisley, 1729.
ESTC No. T188724.Grub Street ID 224473.
Wallis, John.
Institutio logicæ, ad communes usus accommodata. Per Johannem Wallis, S.T.D. Geometriae Professorem Savilianum, Oxoniae; Et Societatis Regalis Londini Sodalem.
Oxonii: prostant apud J. Fletcher, S. Parker, D. Prince, J. Broughton, & Gul. Hayes, M.DCC.LXIII. [1763].
ESTC No. T184844.Grub Street ID 221120.
Wallis, John.
Ioannis Wallisii Grammatica lingvae Anglicanae. Cvi praefigitvr, de loqvela; sive de sonorvm omnivm loquelarivm formatione: tractatvs grammatico-physicvs. Editio sexta. Accessit epistola ad Thomam Beverley; de mvtis svrdisqve informandis.
Londini : excudebat Guil. Bowyer. Prostant apvd A. Millar, MDCCLXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T145545.Grub Street ID 192281.
Wallis, John.
Ioannis Wallisii Grammatica linguae Anglicanae. Cui praefigitur, de loquela; sive de sonorum omnium loquelarium formatione: tractatus grammatico-physicus. Editio sexta. Accessit epistola ad Thomam Beverley de mutis surdisque informandis.
Londini et Lipsiae : sumtibus Io. Dodslei et Casp. Moseri, MDCCLXV. [1765].
ESTC No. N70031.Grub Street ID 50812.
Wallis, John.
Sermons; now first printed from the original manuscripts of John Wallis, D.D. Some time savilian professor of geometry in the University of Oxford, keeper of the archives, member of the Royal Society, and chaplain in Ordinary to King Charles II. To which are prefixed, memoirs of the author, with some original anecdotes; and a recommendatory introduction, by the Rev. C.E. De Coetlogon, M.A.
London : Printed by J. Nichols: and sold by G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, 1791.
ESTC No. T134450.Grub Street ID 183090.