Dalton, Michael.
The countrey iustice, containing the practise of the iustices of the peace out of their sessions. Gathered for the better helpe of such iustices of peace as haue not beene much conuersant in the studie of the lawes of this realme. Now the third time published, and reuised, corrected, and enlarged. By Michael Dalton of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire.
London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, An. Dom. 1626.
ESTC No. S116360.Grub Street ID 136048.
Dalton, Michael.
The office and authoritie of sherifes. Abridged by the former author Mich. Dalton, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire.
London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Companie of Stationers, 1628.
ESTC No. S116874.Grub Street ID 136561.
Dalton, Michael.
The countrey justice, containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions: gathered for the better helpe of such justices of the peace as have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme. Now the sixth time published, revised in many things corrected, and much inlarged. By Michael Dalton of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire, and one of the Masters of the Chancerie. Cum privilegio.
London: printed for Richard Best, and are to be sold at his shop at Grayes-Inne gate, 1643.
ESTC No. R41330.Grub Street ID 122977.
Dalton, Michael.
The countrey justice, containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions: gathered for the better help of such justices of peace as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm: now again enlarged, with many precedents and resolutions of the quære's contained in the former impressions. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns Inne Esquire, and one of the Masters of the Chancery. Whereunto is also added by way of appendix under their proper heads all such acts and ordinances as are necessary to be known and put in execution by the iustices of the peace made and published before the yeer 1655.
Imprinted at London: for the Company of Stationers, 1655.
ESTC No. R2291.Grub Street ID 101696.
Dalton, Michael.
The countrey justice, containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions: gathered for the better help of such justices of peace as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm. Now again enlarged, with many precedents and resolutions of the quaeres contained in the former impressions. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inne Esq; and one of the masters of the Chancery.
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1661.
ESTC No. R41331.Grub Street ID 122978.
Dalton, Michael.
Officium vicecomitum. The office and authority of sherifs. Written for the better encouragement of the gentry (upon whom the burthen of this office lyeth) to keep their office, and undersheriff in their houses; that so by their continual care of the business, and eye over their officers, they may the better discharge their duty to God, their prince, and country, in the execution of this thier office. Gathered out of the statutes, and books of the common laws of this kingdom: corrected and very much enlarged. By Michael Dalton late of Lincolnes Inn Esquire, and one of the Masters of the Chancery.
London : printed for the Comapny of Stationers, 1662.
ESTC No. R227209.Grub Street ID 100116.
Dalton, Michael.
The countrey justice; containing the practice of the justices of the peace as well in as out of their sessions: gathered for the better help of such justices of peace as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inne, Esquire, and one of the Masters of the Chancery. Now again enlarged with many precedents and resolutions of the quaeres contained in the former impressions: and the statutes of King Charles I and His Majesty King Charles II. added under their several titles. By T.M. one of the same society.
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, anno Dom. 1666.
ESTC No. R29291.Grub Street ID 112290.
Dalton, Michael.
Officium vicecomitum. The office and authority of sherifs: gathered out of the statutes, and books of the common laws of this kingdom. Corrected and very much enlarged. By Mich. Dalton late of Lincolns Inn Esq; and one of the Masters of the Chancery. To which is added an appendix or supplement, containing a collection of the statutes touching sheriffs made since Mr. Dalton's writing, ... and several other new matters. The whole, being a work of great use and profit, not only to the students and practitioners in the law, but to all other the gentry of this land, (o whom the burthen of this office lyeth) especially to all immediate high-sheriffs and under-sheriffs. With a new and copious table, wherein the defects and imperfections of the old table are supplyed and amended. The new matter is inserted in the table, under their proper heads, and have this mark set before them.
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, John Place, John Bellinger, William Place, [and 10 others], anno Dom. M.DC.LXX. [1670].
ESTC No. R4386.Grub Street ID 124711.
Dalton, Michael.
The countrey justice: containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions. Gathered for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; and one of the Masters in Chancery. To which is now added, the duty and power of justices of peace in their sessions; an abridgment (under proper titles) of all statutes, relating thereuntoDT A large table of the principal matters herein contained. With two other tables, one of the chapters in this book; and the other of such acts of Parliament, as concern the office of a justice of peace.
London : printed by G. Sawbridge, T. Roycroft, and W. Rawlins, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns, Esquires. And are to be sold by H. Twyford, F. Tyton, J. Bellinger, W. Place, [and 11 others], 1677.
ESTC No. R3869.Grub Street ID 120752.
Dalton, Michael.
The countrey justice: containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions. Gathered for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; and one of the Masters in Chancery. To which is now added, The duty and power of justices of peace in their sessions; an abridgment (under proper titles) of all statutes, relating thereunto. A large table of the principal matters herein contained. With two other tables, one of the chapters in this book; and the other of such acts of Parliament, as concern the office of a justice of peace.
London : printed by H. Sawbridge, S. Roycroft, and W. Rawlins assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns, Esquires. And are to be sold by H. Twyford, F. Tyton, J. Bellinger, T. Basset, J. Wright, R. Chiswell, R. Pawlet, S. Heyrick, C. Wilkinson, T. Dring, C. Harper, J. Leigh, J. Amery, J. Place, J. Poole, R. Tonson, J. Tonson, and J. Harrison, 1682.
ESTC No. R27851.Grub Street ID 110987.
Dalton, Michael.
Officium vicecomitum. The office and authority of sheriffs: gathered out of the statutes, and books of the common laws of this kingdom. By Michael Dalton ... To which is added an appendix or supplement, containing a collection of the statutes touching sheriffs made since Mr. Dalton's writing, which are in force and use at this day; ... upon divers statutes, cases and questions in law relating to sheriffs; and several other new matters. The whole, being a work of great use and profit, not only to the students and practitioners in the law, but to all other the gentry of this land, (on whom the burthen of this office lyeth) especially to all immediate high-sheriffs and under-sheriffs. With a new and copious table, wherein the defects and imperfections of the old table are supplyed and amended. The new matter is inserted likewise in the table, under their proper heads, and have this mark * set before them. Purged from the errors of all former impressions.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard Atkins, and Edward Atkins, Esquires, anno Dom. MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R27852.Grub Street ID 110988.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions. Gathered for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; and one of the Masters in Chancery. To which is now added, the duty and power of justices of peace in their sessions; an abridgment (under proper titles) of all statutes, relating thereunto; a large table of the principal matters herein contained; with two other tables, one of the chapters in this book; and the other of such acts of Parliament, as concern the office of a justice of peace.
London : Printed by William Rawlins and Samuel Roycroft, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, esquires; and are to be sold by Samuel Keble, at the Turks-Head near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet., M DC XC [1690].
ESTC No. R29341.Grub Street ID 112340.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions. Gathered for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; and one of the masters in Chancery. To which is now added, the duty and power of justices of peace in their sessions; an abridgement (under proper titles) of all statutes, relating thereunto, to the end of the last session of Parliament, ending April 27. 1696; a large table of the principal matters herein contained ; with two other tables, one, of the chapters in this book, and the other, of such acts of Parliament as concern the office of a justice of peace.
London : printed by William Rawlins and Samuel Roycroft, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires; and are to be sold by J. Walthoe in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, next the Cloysters, M DC XCVII. [1697].
ESTC No. R32398.Grub Street ID 115111.
Dalton, Michael.
Officium vicecomitum. The office and authority of sheriffs: gathered out of the statutes, and books of the common laws of this kingdom. By Michael Dalton, late of Lincolns Inn, Esq; and one of the masters of the Chancery. To which is added an appendix or supplement, containing a collection of the statutes touching sheriffs made since Mr. Dalton's writing, which are in force and use at this day; also several special returns of writs, and the expositions, judgments, and resolutions of the reverend and learned judges, in the several courts at Westminster; upon divers statutes, cases and questions in law relating to sheriffs; and several other new matters. The whole, being a work of great use and profit, not only to the students and practitioners in the law, but to all other the gentry of this land, (on whom the burthen of this office lyeth) especially t all immediate high-sheriffs and under-sheriffs. With a new and copious table, ... Purged from the errors of all former impressions.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard Atkins, and Edward Atkins, Esquires, anno Dom. MDCC. [1700].
ESTC No. R39626.Grub Street ID 121503.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions. Gathered for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the Study of the laws of this realism. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; And One of the Masters in Chancery. To which is now added, the duty and power of justices of peace in their sessions; an abridgment (under proper titles) of all statutes, relating thereunto: a large table of the principal matters herein contained; with two other tables, One of the chapters in this Book; And the other of such acts of Parliament, as concern the Office of a justice of peace.
London : Printed by William Rawlins and Samuel Roycroft, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, Esquires; and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCV. [1705].
ESTC No. N3415.Grub Street ID 22566.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice of the justices of the peace, as well in, as out of the sessions. Gathered for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the Study of the Laws of this Realm. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; And One of the Masters in Chancery. To which is now added, an abridgment (under proper titles) of all statutes relating thereunto, to the Dissolution of the Parliament 5 Jan. 1715. A large table of the principal matters herein contain'd; with two other tables, one of the Chapters in this Book; And the other of such Acts of Parliament, as concern the Office of a Justice of Peace.
London : Printed for John Walthoe in the Middle-Temple Cloisters, and at his shop in Stafford, 1715.
ESTC No. N4852.Grub Street ID 33061.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions. Wherein all the statutes and cases in law, that in any wise relate to the jurisdiction and authority of a Justice of the Peace, are carefully collected and digested under proper titles. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; and one of the masters in Chancery. And, for the better help of such justices of peace, as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm, there is added, an appendix; being, a compleat summary of all the acts of Parliament, shewing the various penalties of offences by statute, and the particular power of one, two, three, or more justices in their proceedings and determinations, under several distinct heads, in alphabetical order. To the whole are annexed large tables of the principal matters therein contained. By William Nelson of the Middle Temple, Esq;.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) and are to be sold by J. Knapton, A. Bettesworth, R. Gosling, J. Pemberton, W. and J. Innys, J. Osborn and T. Longman, C. Rivington, J. Stagg, T. Osborn, D. Browne and T. Worrall, M DCC XXVII. [1727.
ESTC No. T110369.Grub Street ID 162910.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice, duty, and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; And one of the Masters in Chancery. Wherein all the statutes in force and Use from Magna Charta 9 Hen. III. to 16 Geo. II. inclusive, and also All the Cases in Law, relating to the Jurisdiction and Authority of Justices of the Peace, are carefully collected and digested under proper titles. And For the better Help of such Justices of Peace as have not been much conversant in the Study of the Laws of this Realm, there is added, An Appendix; Being A Compleat Summary of all the Acts of Parliament, shewing the various Penalties of Offences by Statute, and the particular Power of One, Two, Three, or more Justices, in their Proceedings and Determinations, under several distinct Heads, in Alphabetical Order, down to the present Time. With four tables, The First, of The Heads of the Chapters. The Second, of All the Statutes relati.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot (assignee of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) and sold by S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane; D. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; and J. Shuckburgh, at the Sun next the Inner Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, M.DCC.XLII. [1742.
ESTC No. T139477.Grub Street ID 187328.
Dalton, Michael.
The country justice: containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions. By Michael Dalton of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; And one of the Masters in Chancery. Wherein all the statutes in force and Use from Magna Charta 9 Hen. III. to 15 & 16 Geo. II. and also All the Cases in Law, relating to the Jurisdiction and Authority of Justices of the Peace, are carefully collected and digested under proper titles. And For the better Help of such Justices of Peace as have not been much conversant in the Study of the Laws of this Realm, there is added, An Appendix; Being A Compleat Summary of all the Acts of Parliament, shewing the various Penalties of Offences by Statute, and the particular Power of One, Two, Three, or more Justices, in their Proceedings and Determinations, under several distinct Heads, in Alphabetical Order. With four tables, The First, of the Heads of the Chapters. The Second, of All the Statutes relating to Justices of the Peace. The.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot (assignee of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) and sold by S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane; D. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; and J. Shuckburgh, at the Sun next the Inner Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, M.DCC.XLVI. [1746.
ESTC No. T139478.Grub Street ID 187329.