Publications of Gideon Harvey


  • Harvey, Gideon. Archelogia philosophica nova, or New principles of philosophyDT Containing philosophy in general. Metaphysicks, or ontology. Dynamilogy, or a discourse of power. Religio philosophi, or natural theology. Physicks, or natural philosophy. By Gideon Harvey, Dr. of Phys. and Phil. Late physician to his Majesties army in Flanders. London : printed by J. H[ayes]. for Samuel Thomson at the Bishops-head in St Pauls Church-yard, 1663. ESTC No. R17466. Grub Street ID 67786.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Venus vnmasked: or a more exact discovery of the venereal evil, or French disease. Comprizing the opinions of most ancient and modern physicians, with the particular serntiment of the authro touching the rise, nature, subject, causes, kinds, progress, changes, signs, and prognosticks of the said evil. Together with luculent problems, pregnant observations, and the most practical cures of that disease, and viulent Gonorrhoea, or Running of the Reins. Likewise a tract of genereal principals of physick, with discourses of the scurvy, manginess, and plague. By Gideon Harvey. Med. Spag. Dogm. Chir, & Phil. D. London : printed by J[ohn]. Grismond, for Nath. Brooke at the angel in Cornhill, 1665. ESTC No. R177871. Grub Street ID 69826.
  • Harvey, Gideon. A discourse of the plague. Containing the nature, causes, signs, and presages of the pestilence in general. Together with the state of the present contagion. Also most rational preservatives for families, and choice curative medicines both for rich and poor. With several waies [sic] for purifying the air in houses, streets, etc. Published for the benefit of this great city of London, and suburbs, by Gideon Harvey M.D. London : printed for Nath. Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1665. ESTC No. R9710. Grub Street ID 129764.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Morbus anglicus: or, The anatomy of consumptions. Containing the nature, causes, subject, progress, change, signes, prognosticks, preservatives; and several methods of curing all consumptions, coughs, and spitting of blood. With remarkable observations touching the same diseases. To which are added, some brief discourses of melancholy, madness, and distraction occasioned by love. Together with certain new remarques touching the scurvy and ulcers of the lungs. The like never before published. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed for Nathaniel Brook at the Angel in Cornhil, 1666. ESTC No. R221901. Grub Street ID 95978.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Little Venus unmask'd: or, A perfect discovery of the French pox. Comprising the opinions of most ancient and modern physicians, with the author's judgement and observations upon the rise, nature, subject, causes, kinds, signs, and prognosticks of the said disease. Together, with several nice questions, and twelve different ways and methods of curing that disease, and the running of the reins. The second edition with large additions of new matter, and a new tract of a scorbutick pox, a second tract of a mangy pox, and an appendix of an hectick pox, together with their several cures. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed for William Thackeray in Duck-lane, 1670. ESTC No. R15361. Grub Street ID 63307.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Morbus anglicus: or The anatomy of consumptions. Containing the nature, causes, subject, progress, change, signs, prognosticks, preservatives; and several methods of curing all consumptions, coughs, and spitting of blood. With remarkable observations touching the same diseases. To which are added, some brief discourses of melancholy, madness, and distraction occasioned by love. Together with certain new remarques touching the scurvey, and ulcers of the lungs. The second edition. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed by Thomas Johnson, for Nathanael Brook at the Angel in Cornhill, 1672. ESTC No. R2147. Grub Street ID 89880.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Morbus Anglicus, or A theoretick and practical discourse of consumptions, and hypochondriak melancholy. Comprizing their nature, subject, kinds, causes, signs, prognosticks, and cures. Likewise a discourse of spitting of blood, its differences, causes, signs, prognosticks, and cure. By Gideon Harvey. M. D. London] : Printed for William Thackeray, bookseller in Duck-Lane, [1672?]. ESTC No. R39263. Grub Street ID 121169.
  • Harvey, Gideon. De febribus tractatus theoreticus, et practicus praecipue, quo praxin curandarum febrium continuarum modernam esse lethiferam & barbaram, abunde patefit. Authore Gideone Harvey, M.D. Londini : Impensis Gulielmi Thackeray, bibliopolae in Vico anatino, vulgo Duck-Lane, M DC LXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R15398. Grub Street ID 63340.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Great Venus unmasked, or, A more exact discovery of the venereal evil, or French disease comprizing the opinions of most antient and modern physicians with the particular sentiment of the author touching the rise, nature, subject, causes, kinds, progress, changes, signs, and prognosticks of the said evil : together with luculent problems, pregnant observations, and the most practical cures of that disease, and virulent gonorrhoea, or running of the reins : likewise a tract of general principles of physick with discourses of the scurvy, manginess, and plague / by Gideon Harvey, Med. Spag. Dogm. & Phil. D. London : Printed by B.G. for Nath. Brook .., 1672. ESTC No. R31094. Grub Street ID 113910.
  • Harvey, Gideon. A theoretical and chiefly practical treatise of fevors, wherein it's made evident, that the modern practice of curing continual fevors is dangerous and very unsuccessful. Hereunto are added several important observations and cures of malignant fevors, not inserted in the former impression. Written in Latin by Gideon Harvey, M.D. Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty, Now rendered into English by J.T. and surveyed by the author. London : printed for William Thackeray at the Angel in Duck-Lane, 1674. ESTC No. R23411. Grub Street ID 105475.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Morbus Anglicus: or the anatomy of consumptions. Containing the nature, causes, subject, progress, change, signs, prognosticks, preservatives; and several methods of curing all consumptions, coughs, and spitting of blood. With remarkable observations touching the same diseases. To which are added, some brief discourses of melancholy, madness, and distraction occasioned by love. Together with certain new, remarques touching the scurvey, and ulcers of the lungs. The second edition. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed by Thomas Johnson, for Nathanael Brook at the Angel in Cornhill, 1674. ESTC No. R177869. Grub Street ID 69824.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The disease of London: or A new discovery of the scorvey. Comprizing the nature, manifold differences, various causes, signs, prognostics, chronology, and several methods of curing the said disease by remedies, both galenical, and chymical, together with anatomical observations, and discourses on convulsions, palsies, apoplexies, rheumatisms, gouts, malignant fevors, and small pox, with their methods of cure and remedies. Likewise particular observations on most of the fore-mentioned diseases. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to His Majesty, and in the time of the Rebellion, Fellow of the College of Physicians at the Hague. London : printed by T. James, for W. Thackery, at the Angel in Duck-Lane, 1675. ESTC No. R15315. Grub Street ID 63261.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The family physician, and the house apothecary; containing I. Medicines against all such diseases people usually advise with apothecaries to be cured of. II. Instructions, whereby to prepare at your own houses all kinds of necessary medicines that are prepared by apothecaries, or prescribed by physicians. III. The exact prices of all drugs, herbs, seeds, simple and compound medicines, as they are sold at the druggists, or may be sold by the apothecaries. IV. That it's plainly made to appear, that in preparing medicines thus at your own houses, that it's no only a far safer way, but you shall also save nineteen shillings in twenty, comparing it with the extravagant rates of many apothecaries. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to His Majesty. London] : Printed for T. R[ookes]. and are to be sold by the booksellers of London, MDCLXXVI. [1676. ESTC No. R39261. Grub Street ID 121167.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The family-physician, and the house-apothecary. Containing I. Medicines against all such diseases people usually advise with apothecaries to be cured of. II. Instructions, whereby to prepare at your own houses all kinds of necessary medicines that are prepared by apothecaries, or prescribed by physicians. III. The exact prices of all drugs, herbs, seeds, simple and compound medicines, as they are sold at the druggists, or may be sold by the apothecaries. IV. That it's plainly made to appear, that in preparing medicines thus at your own houses, that it's no onely a far safer way, but you shall also save nineteen shillings in twenty, comparing it with the extravagant rates of many apothecaries. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty. The second edition, revised by the author.. London] : printed for M. R[ookes]. and are to be sold by the booksellers of London, 1678. ESTC No. R13943. Grub Street ID 62002.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Casus medico-chirurgicus: or, A most memorable case of a noble-man, deceased. Wherein is shewed, His Lordship's wound, the various diseases survening, how his physicians and surgeons treated him, how treated by the author after my Lord was given over by all his physicians, with all their opinions and remedies. Moreover, the art of curing the most dangerous of wounds, by the first intention; with the description of the remedies. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to his Majesty. London : printed for M. Rooks, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London, 1678. ESTC No. R22533. Grub Street ID 98528.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The conclave of physicians, detect[i]ng their intrigues, frauds, and plots, against their patientsDT Also a peculiar discourse of the Jesuits Bark: the history thereof, with its true use, and abuse. Moreover, a narrative of an eminent case in physick. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed for James Partridge at the Post-house between Charing-Cross and White-hall, MDCLXXXIII [1683]. ESTC No. R17415. Grub Street ID 67431.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The disease of London: or A new discovery of the scorvey. Comprizing the nature, manifold differences, various causes, signs, prognostics, chronology, and several methods of curing the said disease by remedies, both galenical, and chymical, together with anatomical observations, and discourses on convulsions, palsies, apoplexies, rheumatisms, gouts, malignant fevors, and small pox, with their several methods of cure and remedies. Likewise particular observations on most of the forementioned diseases. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to His Majesty, and in the time of the Rebellion, Fellow of the Colledge of Physicians at the Hague. London : printed by B. W. for W. Thackery, at the Angel in Duck-Lane, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R230651. Grub Street ID 102916.
  • Harvey, Gideon. A new discourse of the smallpox, and malignant fevers, with an exact discovery of the scorvey. Comprizing the nature, manifold differences, various causes, signs, prognostics, chronology, and several methods of curing the said disease, by remedies both galenical and chymical; together with anatomical observations and discourses on convulsions, palsies, apoplexies, rheumatisms, and gouts, with their several methods of cure and remedies. Likewise particular observations on most of the fore-mentioned diseases. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to His Majesty, and in the time of the Rebellion, fellow of the Colledge of Physicians at the Hague. London : printed by H. Hodgskin for James Partridge, at the Post-house between Charing-Cross and White-Hall, 1685. ESTC No. R228514. Grub Street ID 101188.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The French pox, with all its kinds, causes, signs and prognosticks. Also the running of the reins, shanker, bubo, gleets, and their cures. And what is the chief, an appendix of new observations never yet discovered by any: all comprised in this fifth edition of Little Venus unmask'd. By G. Harvey, M.D. London : printed for James Partridge, and sold at his shop at the Post-House between Charing-Cross and Whitehall, MDCLXXXV [1685]. ESTC No. R39262. Grub Street ID 121168.
  • Harvey, Gideon. A new discourse of the smallpox and malignant fevers with an exact discovery of the scorvey : comprising the nature, manifold differences, various causes, signs, prognostics, chronology, and several methods of curing the said disease by remedies both galenical and chymical : together with anatomical discourses on convulsions, palsies, apoplexies, rheumatisms, and gouts, with their several methods of cure and remedies : likewise particular observations on most of the fore-mentioned diseases by Gideon Harvey ... London: Printedby H. Hodgskin for James Partridge ..., 1685. ESTC No. R43237. Grub Street ID 124279.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Casus medico-chirurgicus: or, a most memorable case of a noble-man, deceased. Wherein is shewed, His Lordship's wound, the various diseases ssurvening, how his physicians and surgeons treated him, how treated by the author, after my Lord was given over by all his physicians, with all their opinions and remedies. Moreover, the art of curing the most dangerous of wounds, by the first intention: with the description of the remedies. Written and published by His Majesties command. The second edition. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. physician in ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed for James Partridge, stationer to his Royal Highness, George, Hereditary Prince of Denmark, and sold at his shop at the Post-house between Charing-cross and White Hall, 1685. ESTC No. R217500. Grub Street ID 92285.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The conclave of physicians. In two parts. Detecting their intrigues, frauds, and plots, against their patients, and their destroying the faculty of physick. Also a peculiar discourse of the Jesuits bark: the history thereof, with its true use and abuse. Moreover an account of some eminent cases and new principles in physick, of greater use than any yet known. The second edition with many alterations. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. Physician in Ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed for James Partridge, stationer to his Royal Highness George hereditary Prince of Denmark, and sold at his shop at the Post-house between Charing-Cross and White-hall, MDCLXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R22552. Grub Street ID 98682.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The art of curing diseases by expectation: with remarks on a supposed great case of apoplectick fits. Also most useful observations on coughs, consumptions, stone, dropsies, fevers, and small pox; with a confutation of dispensatories, and other various discourses in physick. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. their Majesties Physician of the Tower, and fellow of the Colledge of Physicians of the Hague. London : printed for James Partridge at the Post-House between Charing-Cross and White hall, 1689. ESTC No. R228474. Grub Street ID 101150.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The art of curing diseases by expectation: with remarks on a supposed great case of apoplectick fits. Also most useful observations on coughs, consumptions, stone, dropsies, fevers, and small pox; with a confutation of dispensatories, and other various discourses in physick. By Gideon Harvey; M.D. their Majesties Physician of the Tower, and fellow of the colledge of Physicians of the Hague. London : printed for James Partridge at the Post-House between Charing-Cross and White hall, 1689. ESTC No. R15429. Grub Street ID 63370.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Gedeonis Harvëi, M.D. medici regis & reginæ ad Turrim, Ars curandi morbos expectatione; item de vanitatibus, dolis, & mendaciis medicorum. Accedunt his præcipuè supposita, & phænomena, quibus veterum recentiorumque dogmata de febribus, tussi, phthisi, asthmate, apoplexia, calculo renum & vesicæ, ischuria, & passione hysterica convelluntur; aliaque verisimiliora traduntur. Londini : prostant venales apud J. Partridge bibliopolam juxta Charing-Cross, 1694. ESTC No. R39260. Grub Street ID 121166.
  • Harvey, Gideon. A treatise of the small-pox and measles; describing their nature, causes, and signs, diagnostick and prognostick, in a different way to what hath hitherto been known. Together, with the method of curing the said distempers, and all, or most, of the best remedies. Also, a particular discourse of opium, diacodium, and other sleeping medicines; with a reference to a very great case. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. His Majesties physician of the Tower and not of the college of physicians. London : printed for W. Freeman, at the Bible over against the Middle Temple-Gate, in Fleet-Street, 1696. ESTC No. R15069. Grub Street ID 63033.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Gedeonis Harvei M.D., Medici Regis ad Turim, Ars curandi morbos expectatione; item De vanitatibus, dolis, & mendaciis medicorum. Accedunt his præcipuè supposita, & phænomena, quibus veterum recentiorumque dogmata de febribus, tussi, phthisi, asthmate, apoplexia, calculo renum & vesicæ, ischuria, & passione hysterica convelluntur; aliaq; verisimiliora traduntur. Londini : impensis Guil. Freeman, ad Insigne Bibliorum exadversum Medii Templi Portam, in vico dicto Fleet-Street, 1696. ESTC No. R20861. Grub Street ID 84842.
  • Harvey, Gideon. A treatise of the small-pox and measles; describing their nature, causes, and signs, diagnostick and prognostick, in a different way to what hath hitherto been known. Together, with the method of curing the said distempers, and all, or most, of the best remedies. Also, a particular discourse of opium, diacodium, and other sleeping medicines; with a reference to a very great case. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. His Majesties physician of the Tower, and not of the College of physicians. London : printed for James Partridge, at the Post-House at Charing-Cross, M. DC. XCVI. [1696]. ESTC No. R177870. Grub Street ID 69825.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The vanities of philosophy & physick: together with directions and medicines easily prepar'd by any of the least skill, whereby to preserve health, and prolong life, as well in those that live regularly, as others that live irregularly. Comprizing moreover hypotheses different from those of the schools throughout almost the whole art of physick, and particularly relating to indigestion, and other diseases of the stomach, fevers, consumption, stone, gravel, suppression of urine, apoplexy, palsie, madness, diseases of the eyes, and others: with variety of medicines, and rules whereby to make particular choice out of them. The whole being a work very useful to all, but especially to those that have any relation to the art of physick. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. The King's physician to the Tower. London : printed for A. Roper at the Black Boy, and R. Basset over against the King's Head, both in Fleetstreet, 1699. ESTC No. R228518. Grub Street ID 101192.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The vanities of philosophy & physick: Together with directions and medicines easily prepared by any of the least skill, whereby to preserve health, and prolong life, as well in those that live regularly, as others that live irregularly. Comprizing moreover hypotheses different from those of the schools throughout almost the whole art of physick, and particularly relating to indigestion, and other diseases of the stomach, fevers, consumption, stone, gravel, suppression of urine, apoplexy, palsie, madness, diseases of the eyes, and others: with variety of medicines, and rules whereby to make particular choice out of them. The whole being a work very useful to all, but especially to those that have any relation to the art of physick. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. The King's physician to the Tower. London : printed for A. Roper at the Black Boy, and R. Basset over against the King's Head, both in Fleetstreet; and W. Turner, at the Angel, at Lincoln's-Inn back Gate, 1699. ESTC No. R9582. Grub Street ID 129659.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Little Venus unmask'd. The sixth edition. Being a discourse of the French Pox, with all its kinds, causes, signs and prognosticks. Also the running of the reins, shanker, bubo, gleets, with their cures. And what is the chief, an appendix of new observations never yet discovered by any. By G.H. M.D. London : printed for, and sold by W. Turner at the Angel at Lincolns-Inn-Back Gate, 1700. ESTC No. R231006. Grub Street ID 103210.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The vanities of philosophy and physick: together with directions and medicines easily prepared by any of the least skill, whereby to preserve health, and prolong life, as well in those that live regularly, as others that live irregularly. Comprizing moreover hypotheses different from those of the schools throughout almost the whole art of physick, and particularly relating to indigestion, and other diseases of the stomach, fevers, consumption, stone, gravel, suppression of urine, apoplexy, palsie, madness, diseases of the eyes, and others: with variety of medicines, and rules whereby to make particular choice out of them. The whole being a work very useful to all, but especially to those that have any relation to the art of physick. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. the King's physician to the Tower. The second edition, much enlarged.. London : printed for W. Turner at the Angel, at Lincolns-Inn-Back-gate, 1700. ESTC No. R21230. Grub Street ID 87917.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The third edition of the Vanities of philosophy and physick: enlarg'd to more than double the number of sheets; convenient to be perused by divines, and students in any faculty; ... there is also now added, a third medicine, without which the design of this treatise woul be imperfect. ... By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed for A. Roper, R. Basset; and W. Turner, 1702. ESTC No. N3444. Grub Street ID 22814.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The third edition of the Vanities of philosophy and physick: enlarg'd to more than double the number of sheets; convenient to be perused by divines, and students in any faculty; but more necessarily by Physicians, and chiefly by all that would preserve Health, and prolong Life, as well in a Regular as Irregular way of Living: by Directions and Medicines herein mentioned, and easily prepar'd by any of the least Skill: there is also now added, a third medicine, without which the design of this treatise woul be imperfect. Offering moreover At different Hypotheses in Metaphysicks, Natural, and Moral Philosophy; also in the Art of Physick, almost throughout the whole Body, and particularly relating to Indigestion, & other Diseases of the Stomach, Fevers, Consumptions, Stone, Gravel, Suppression of Urine, Apoplexy, Palsie, Madness, Diseases of the Eyes, and others: With variety of Medicines and Rules, whereby to make particular Choice out of them. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed for A. Roper at the Black-Boy, and R. Basset at the Mitre, in Fleetstreet, 1702. ESTC No. T116367. Grub Street ID 168031.
  • Harvey, Gideon. Little Venus unmask'd. The seventh edition. Being a discourse of the French pox, with all its kinds, causes, signs and prognosticks. Also the running of the reins, Shanker, Bubo, Gleets, &c. with their Cures; whereby a Patient may easily discover the nature and degree of his Disaster, and if not very inveterate, or malignant, may Cure himself beyond any Apothecary or Surgeon. And what is the Chief. an appendix Of new Observations never yet Discovered by any: to which is added, a particular venereal case never before printed. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed for Wm. Turner, at the Angel at Lincolns-Inn-Back Gate, 1702. ESTC No. T200024. Grub Street ID 231852.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The family-physician, and the house-apothecary. Containing, I. Medicines against all such diseases people usually advice with apothecaries to be cured of. II. Instructions, ... III. The exact prices of all drugs, ... The third edition revis'd and enlarg'd. By Gideon Harvey, M.D. London : printed for A. Roper; and W. Turner, 1704. ESTC No. N48874. Grub Street ID 33341.
  • Harvey, Gideon. An historical narrative of the great and terrible fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666: with some parallel cases, and occasional notes. London : printed for W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T57203. Grub Street ID 283537.
  • Harvey, Gideon. An historical narrative of the great plague at London, 1665: with an abstract of the most common opinions concerning the causes, symptoms, and cure of that fatal disorder. And Some Account of other remarkable Plagues, Ancient and Modern. Interspersed With many observable Passages of History, &c. London : printed for W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T127645. Grub Street ID 177312.
  • Harvey, Gideon. The city remembrancer: being historical narratives of the great plague at London, 1665; great fire, 1666; and great storm, 1703. to which are added, observations and revelations of the plague in general; considered in a religious, philosophical, and physical view. With historical accounts of the most memoratble plagues, fires, and hurricanes. Collected from curious and authentic papers, originally compiled by the late learned Dr. Harvey, his Majesty's Physician to the Tower, and enlarged with authorites of a more recent date. In two volumes. London : printed for W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCCLXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T131728. Grub Street ID 180699.