Fisher, Edward.
The Scriptures harmony. By E.F. Esq.
London: printed by Richard Cotes, for William Hope, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Unicorne in Cornhill, 1643.
ESTC No. R17197.Grub Street ID 66006.
Fisher, Edward.
An appeale to thy conscience: as thou wilt answer it at the great and dreadfull day of Christ Jesus.
Oxford [i.e. London?]: re-printed by H. Hall, 1644.
ESTC No. R10856.Grub Street ID 59196.
Fisher, Edward.
The feast of feasts. Or, The celebration of the sacred nativity of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; grounded upon the Scriptures, and confirmed by the practice of the Christian Church in all ages.
Oxford [i.e. London]: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the Vniversity, 1644.
ESTC No. R7702.Grub Street ID 127936.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrovv of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Wherein every one may clearly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserveth the name of legalist; and how far forth he rejecteth the law in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of antinomist. With the middle path betwixt them both, which by Jesus Christ leadeth to eternall life. In a dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an antinomian. And Neophytus, a young Christian. By E.F.
London: printed by R.W. for G. Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle neer Pauls, 1645.
ESTC No. R17818.Grub Street ID 70006.
Fisher, Edward.
Londons gate to the Lords Table. Where the eldership doth sit doing their office aright, in discovering and shutting out the ignorant, prophane, and meere civill honest man: in suspending the suspected formall, legall, and antinomisticall professor, and in drawing in the weakest humble beleeving soule. In a dialogue betweene a minister of the Gospell. Alexander an ignorant prophane man. Simon a proud professor. And Matthias an humble penitent. Imprimatur Edmund Calamy.
London: printed for Iohn Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley, 1647. [i.e. 1646].
ESTC No. R210120.Grub Street ID 86327.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Wherein every one may cleerly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserverh [sic] the name of legalist; and how far forth he rejecteth the law, in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of Antinomist. With the middle path between them both, which by Iesus Christ leadeth to eternall life. In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an Antinomian. And Neophytus, a young Christian. The second edition, corrected, amended, and much enlarged by the author, E.F. Before the which there is prefixed the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the citie of London. Whereunto is also added, the substance of a most spirituall, and evangelicall treatise, called, long since, by the name of Patr.
London: printed by R. Leybourn, for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1646.
ESTC No. R1839.Grub Street ID 73636.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrovv of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the new. Wherein every one may cleerly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserveth the name of antinomist. With the middle path between them both, which by Jesus Christ leadeth to eternall life. In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the gospell. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an Antinomian. and Neophytus, a young Christian. The thir edition, corrected by the author, E.F. Before the which, there is prefixed the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the city of London. Whereunto is also added, the substance of a most spirituall, and evangelicall treatise, called long since, by the name of Patricks Places.
London: printed for Giles Calvert at the Black Spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1646.
ESTC No. R177067.Grub Street ID 69326.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Wherein every one may cleerly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserverh [sic] the name of legalist; and how far forth he rejecteth the law, in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of Antinomist. With the middle path between them both, which by Iesus Christ leadeth to eternall life. In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an Antinomian. And Neophytus, a young Christian. The second edition, corrected, amended, and much enlarged by the author, E.F. Before the which there is prefixed the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the citie of London. Whereunto is also added, the substance of a most spirituall, and evangelicall treatise, called, long since, by the name of Patr.
London: printed by R. Leybourn, for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, and west end of Pauls, 1646.
ESTC No. R226582.Grub Street ID 99571.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. Touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Wherein every one may cleerly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserveth the name of legalist: and how far forth he rejecteth the law, in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of Antinomist. With the middle path between them both, which by Jesus Christ, leadeth to eternall life. In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the gospell. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an Antinomian. And Neophiths, a young Christian. The fifth edition, corrected by the author, E.F. Before the which, there is prefixed the commendatory Epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the city of London.
London: printed at London by Robert Ibbitson, for Giles Calvert, at the signe of the Black-Spread-Eagle, at the west-end of Pauls, 1647.
ESTC No. R40895.Grub Street ID 122647.
Fisher, Edward.
A touch-stone for a communicant. Serving for the true triall of a mans fitnesse or unfitnesse to come to the sacrament of the Lords Supper. Very needfull and necessary for these times wherin people are more then ordinarily put upon the triall. In a dialogue betwixt a minister of the Gospel Zacheus a worthy communicant and Simon an unworthy communicant. By E.F. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl.
London: printed for Iohn Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley, 1647.
ESTC No. R204567.Grub Street ID 81494.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of moderne divinity. The second part. Touching the most plaine, pithy, and spirituall exposition of the ten commandments, the examination of the heart and life by them, the reason why the Lord gave them, and the use that both unbeleevers and beleevers are to make of them. Profitable for any man who either desires to be driven out of himself to Christ, or so to walk as that he may please Christ. In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospell. Nomologista, a pratlet about the law. And Neophitus, a young Christian. Whereunto is added the difference betwixt the law and the Gospell. By E.F. author of the first part.
London: printed for John Wright at the Kings head in the old Bayley, 1649. [i.e. 1648].
ESTC No. R210063.Grub Street ID 86269.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrovv of moderne divinity touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Wherein every one may clearely see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case o justification, and so deserveth the name of legalist: and how far forth he rejecteth the law, in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of Antinomist. With the middle path between them both, which by Jesus Christ, leadeth to eternall life. In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a Minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an Antinomian. And Neophitus, a young Christian. The seventh edition, corrected by the author, E.F. Before the which, there is prefixed the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteeme in the city of London.
Printed at London: by G. Dawson, for Giles Calver[t,] at the signe of the Black-Spread Eagle, at the West-end of Paules, 1650.
ESTC No. R236931.Grub Street ID 107548.
Fisher, Edward.
A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. An answer to XVI. Quæres, touching the rise and observation of Christmas, propounded by Mr. Joseph Heming of Uttoxeter. IV. The originall and true ground of the Lords Day. V. The just meaning and nature of the Sabbath. By a lover of truth; a defender of Christian liberty; and an hearty desirer of peace, internall, externall, eternall, unto all men.
London: printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R206298.Grub Street ID 82832.
Fisher, Edward.
Faith in five fundamentall principles, strongly fortified against the diabolical, atheisticall, blasphemous batteries of these times. Serving for the conviction of opposers, the satisfaction of doubters, and the confirmation of believers. In a conference which a godly independent minister and a godly Presbyterian minister had with a doubting Christian. By E.F. a seeker of the truth.
London: printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bailey, 1650.
ESTC No. R209221.Grub Street ID 85441.
Fisher, Edward.
A Christian caveat to the old and new Sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords day was appointed by the Christian church; and that the morality, and divine institution of the Lords day are mere fictions. IV. That the day o Christs nativity, the day of his passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equal right to be observed as the Lords day; and that to work on those dayes is equally sinfull. V. That the observation of the Sabbath day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords day the Sabbath, is senslesse, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. By E.F. Esq.
London: printed for R[ichard]. Lowndes, 1650.
ESTC No. R177066.Grub Street ID 69325.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of moderne divinity touching both the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace, with their use and end both in the time of the Old Testament and in the time of the New : wherein every one may clearely see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserveth the name of legalist, and how far forth he rejecteth the law and so deserveth the name of antinomist : with the middle path between them both, which by Jesus Christ, leadeth to eternal life ... / by E.F.
London: Printed by G. Dawson, for Giles Calvert, 1651.
ESTC No. R27984.Grub Street ID 111111.
Fisher, Edward.
Madruddyn y difinyddiaeth diweddaraf: neu Llyfr saefoneg a elwir, = The marrow of modern divinity. Oblegid y cyfammod oweithredoedd, a'r cyfammond o râs, a'u hymarfer hwy ill dau, a'r diweddion, dan yr hn Destament, a'r Testament Newydd. Ym mha un, y dangofir yn eglur, pa cyn bellhed y mae dyn yn fefyll ar y gefraith o rhan ei cyfiawnhaad, ac ar hynny yn haeddu ei alw yn ddeddfwr. A pha cyn bellhed y mae aràll yn bychanu'r gy fraith o rhan sacnteiddiad, ac ar hynny yn haeddu ei alw yn ddeddf-wrthwynebwr. A'r llwybr canolig rhwng y ddau, yr hon â arwain y fywyd tragwyddol trwy Jesu Christ. Mewn cyd-ymddiddaniad rhwng. Evangelista. Gwenidog yr efengyl. Nomista. Deddfwr, neu wr yn dal o ochor y cyfraith. Antinomista. Deddf-wrthwynebwr, neu wr yn llwyr bychanu'r gyfraith. Neophitus. Christion iefange. O waith E.F. yn y saefneg. O cyfiethiad J.E. i'r Gymraeg.
Printiedig yn Llundain: gan T. Mabb a A. Coles, dros William Ballard, ag i cael ar werth yn i siop ef dan lûn y Bibl' yn heil'r ûd yn Ninas Bristol, 1651.
ESTC No. R217400.Grub Street ID 92188.
Fisher, Edward.
A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords day was appointed by the Christian church; and that the morality and divine institution of the Lords day are mere fictions. IV. That the day of Christs nativity, the day of his passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equal right to be observed as the Lords day; and that to work on those dayes is equally sinfull. V. That the observation of the Sabbath day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords day the Sabbath, is senslesse, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. The fourth edition. By Edvvard Fisher Esq;.
London: printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel, and R. Lowndes at the White-Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1651.
ESTC No. R218686.Grub Street ID 93319.
Fisher, Edward.
A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the Scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was borne on the 25th day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords Day was appointed by the Christian Church; and that the morality, and divine institution of the Lords Day are mere fictions. IV. That the day o Christs nativity, the day of His passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equall right to be observed as the Lords Day, and that to work on those dayes is equally sinfull. V. That the observation of the Sabbath Day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords Day the Sabbath, is senslesse, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. The fourth edition. By Edward Fisher, Esq.
London: printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel, and R. Lowndes, at the White-Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1652.
ESTC No. R12604.Grub Street ID 60768.
Fisher, Edward.
A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the Scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords Day was appointed by the Christian Church; and that the morality and divine institution of the Lords Day are mere fictions. IV. That the day of Christs nativity, the day of His passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equall right to be observed as the Lords Day; and that to work on those dayes [?] equally sinfull. V. That the observation of the Sabbath Day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords Day the Sabbath, is senslesse, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. The fourth edition. By Edvvard Fisher Esq.
London: printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel, and R. Lowndes, at the White-Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1652.
ESTC No. R234671.Grub Street ID 105983.
Fisher, Edward.
A Chrisian [sic] caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the Scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times, and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was borne on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords Day was appointed by the Christian Church; and that the morality, and divine institution of the Lords Day are mere fictions. IV. That the day of Christs nativity, the day of His passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equall right to be observed as the Lords Day, and that to work on those dayes is equally sinfull. V. That the observation of the Sabbath Day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords Day th Sabbath, is senslesse, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. The fifth edition. By Edvvard Fisher, Esq.
London: printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel, and R. Lowndes, at the White-Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1653.
ESTC No. R234673.Grub Street ID 105984.
Fisher, Edward.
A Chrisian [sic] caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures, was observed in the pure, ancient, apostolique times, and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was borne on the 25. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords Day was appointed by the Christian church; and that the morality, and divine institution of the Lords Day are meer fictions. IV. That the day of Christs nativity, the day of His passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equall right to be observed as the Lords Day; and that to work on those dayes is equally sinfull. V. That the observation of the Sabbath Day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords Day the Sabbath, is sensless, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. The fifth edition. By Edvvard Fisher, Esq.
London: printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel, and R. Lawndes, 1653.
ESTC No. R5698.Grub Street ID 126119.
Fisher, Edward.
A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures; was observed in the pure, ancient, apostolique times, and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25 day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. That the keeping holy the Lords-Day was appointed by the Christian Church; and that the morality, and divine institution of the Lords-Day are meer fictions. IV. That the day of Christs nativity, the day of his passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equal right to be observed as the Lords Day; and that to work on those dayes is equally sinful. V. That the observation of the Sabbath Day is abolished in Christ; and that to call the Lords Day the Sabbath, is sensless, Jewish, unchristian, unwarrantable. Together with questions preparatory to the better, free, and more Christian administ.
London: printed for Edw: Blackmore at the Angel, and R. Lowndes at the White-Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1655.
ESTC No. R15903.Grub Street ID 63800.
Fisher, Edward.
Questions preparatory to the better, free, and more Christian administration of the Lords Supper by E.F., Esq.
London: Printed for Edw. Blackmore .. and R. Lowndes .., 1655.
ESTC No. R14629.Grub Street ID 62641.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity: in two parts. Touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their uses and end, both in the time of the old testament, and in the time of the new. Clearly describing the way to eternal life by Jesus Christ. And a spiritual exposition of the Ten Commandments. Whereunto is added, The difference betwixt the law and the gospel. In a dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an antinomian; and Neophytus, a yoüng Christian. The eighth edition: corrected by the author, E.F. With the commendatory epistle of divers divines of great esteem in the city of London.
London: printed by J.S. for John Wright, at the Kings-head in the Old-Bayley, 1658.
ESTC No. R221520.Grub Street ID 95661.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The second part. Touching the most plaine, pithy, and spiritual exposition of the Ten Commandments, the examination of the heart and life by them, the reason why the Lord gave them, and the use that both unbelievers and believers are to mak of them. Profitable for any man, who either desires to be driven out of himself to Christ, or so to walk as that he may please Christ. In a dialogue, betwixt. Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomologista, a pratler about the law. And Neophytus, a young Christian. Whereunto is added, the difference betwixt the law and the Gospel. By E.F. author of the first part.
London: printed by J. S[treater]. for John Wright at the Kings-Head in the Old-Bayley, 1658.
ESTC No. R177068.Grub Street ID 69327.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. Touching the covenant of works and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Clearly describing the way to eternal life by Jesus Christ. In a dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the gospel. Nomista, a legalift. Antinomista, an antimonian. And Ncophytus, a young Christian. By E.F. The ninth edition. With the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the city of London.
The ninth edition..
London : Printed for Nath. Hillar at the Princes-Arms in Leaden-hall-street, over against St. Mary-Ax, 1699.
ESTC No. R29834.Grub Street ID 112757.
Fisher, Edward.
An appeal to thy conscience, as thou wilt answer it at the great and dreadful day of judgment. Which cannot be answer'd but by rebellion and murder, and is an unanswerable answer to a late pamphlet intituled, Vox populi: now printed under the title of the judgment of whole kingdoms, and nations, concerning the rights, power and prerogative of kings; and the rights, priviledges, and properties of the people, &c. Recommended as proper to be kept in all families, that their childrens children may never become rebels against, or murderers of their lawful Sovereign. Made publick for the defence of the Queen and Government, by a true lover of loyalty, who now challenges Dr. W-k-y, Dr. W-st, Mr. H-d-y, Mr. B-s-t, de [F]-e, R-d-th, or any other fanatical round head, and republican champion, to consute this appeal by the Word of God.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1710.
ESTC No. T22305.Grub Street ID 245744.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works and of grace; ... The ninth edition corrected. By E. F. ...
Edinburgh: printed for Mr. John Macky, and sold by Tho. Cox, London, 1718.
ESTC No. T205963.Grub Street ID 235576.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works and of grace; ... The ninth edition corrected. By E. F. ...
Edinburgh: printed by John Mosman and William Brown, for Mr. John Macky, and to be sold at his shop, 1718.
ESTC No. T195759.Grub Street ID 229357.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity: touching both the covenant of works and of grace; ... The tenth edition corrected. By E. F. .
London?] : Printed in the year, 1721.
ESTC No. T205933.Grub Street ID 235552.
Fisher, Edward.
The second part of the marrow of modern divinity. Touching the most plain, pithy and spiritual exposition of the Ten Commandments; ... In a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, ... Nomologista, ... And Neophytus, ... By E. F. ... With a preface and an appendix.
[Edinburgh?]: Printed in the year, 1722.
ESTC No. T172935.Grub Street ID 210277.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The first part, touching, both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: ... By E. F. The twelfth edition, corrected. With notes, by Philalethes Irenæus.
[Edinburgh?]: Printed in the year, 1726.
ESTC No. T195761.Grub Street ID 229360.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. Touching the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Clearly describing the way to eternal life by Jesus Christ. In a dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an antinomian. And, Neophytus, a young Christian. By E. Fisher.
Boston: Printed by Green, Bushell, and Allen, for D. Henchman in Cornhil, 1743.
ESTC No. W20720.Grub Street ID 330423.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The first part, touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: ... By E. F. The thirteenth edition, corrected. With notes, by ... Mr. Thomas Boston, ... To which is prefixed, an appendix, ...
Edinburgh: printed by R. Drummond and Company, for William Gray, 1745.
ESTC No. T214175.Grub Street ID 240720.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The first part, touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: ... By Edward Fisher. The fourteenth edition, corrected. With notes, by ... Mr. Thomas Boston, ... To which is prefixed, an appendix, containing the difference betwixt the law and the Gospel, by the author of the same book, ...
Glasgow: printed by John Bryce and David Paterson, for Robert Smith, and sold by him at his shop, 1752.
ESTC No. N4399.Grub Street ID 29572.
Fisher, Edward.
Mer difinyddiaeth iachus, mewn ffordd o ymddiddan. A gyfieithwyd gynt o'r Saes'naeg, ac ynawr wedi ei ddiwygio o aneirif o feiau ac oedd yn yr argraphiad cyntaf.
Mristo: argraphedig gan E. Ffarley, 1754.
ESTC No. T84089.Grub Street ID 304508.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The first part, touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: ... By Edward Fisher. The fifteenth edition. With notes, by ... Mr Thomas Boston, ... To which is added, an appendix, ...
Edinburgh: printed by E. and J. Robertsons; for Walter Peter. Sold by him at his shop, 1759.
ESTC No. N34917.Grub Street ID 23207.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The first part, touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: ... By Edward Fisher. The fifteenth edition. With notes, by ... Mr Thomas Boston, ... To which is added, an appendix, ...
Edinburgh: printed for W. Peter; and sold by E. Dilly, London, 1760.
ESTC No. T95424.Grub Street ID 314929.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The second part. Touching the most plain, pithy, and spiritual exposition of the ten commandments, ... By Edward Fisher, ... To which is added, an appendix, ... by the same author.
Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop, 1766.
ESTC No. T205936.Grub Street ID 235553.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The first part. Touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: ... By Edward Fisher, M.A. The sixteenth edition. With notes, by ... Thomas Boston, ...
Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop, 1766.
ESTC No. T205937.Grub Street ID 235554.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. In two parts. ... By Edward Fisher, A.M. The seventeenth edition. With notes, by ... Mr Thomas Boston. ...
Edinburgh: printed by Alex. M'Caslan, and sold at his shop, 1771.
ESTC No. N64994.Grub Street ID 46928.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. In two parts. ... By Edward Fisher, A.M. The seventeenth edition. With notes, by ... Mr Thomas Boston. ...
Edinburgh: printed for Robert Inglis, and sold at his house, 1771.
ESTC No. T226837.Grub Street ID 248258.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. In two parts. ... By Edward Fisher, A.M. The seventeenth edition. With notes, by ... Mr Thomas Boston. ...
Edinburgh: printed by Alex. M'Caslan, for Robert Clark, and sold at his shop, 1771.
ESTC No. T195764.Grub Street ID 229363.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. The second part. ... By Edward Fisher, ... To which is added, an appendix ... by the same author.
Perth: printed by J. Taylor, for A. Sharp, 1781.
ESTC No. T205938.Grub Street ID 235555.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. Containing both first and second parts, in two volumes. Part First, Touching both the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace, &c. in a Dialogue Betwixt, Evangelista, a Minister of the Gospel, Nomista, a Legalist, Antinomista, an Antinomian; and, Neophitus, a young Christian. Part Second, Touching the most Plain, Pithy, and Spiritual, Exposition of the Ten Commandments, &c. in a Dialogue Betwixt, Evangelista, a Minister of the Gospel, Nomologista, a Pratler about the Law; and, Neophitus, a young Christian. By Edward Fisher. The eighteenth edition, with notes by Mr. Thomas Boston, Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick. Vol. I.
Berwick: printed for W. Phorson; and for B. Law, Ave-Mary Lane, London, 1781.
ESTC No. T95425.Grub Street ID 314930.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity. Touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their Use and End, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Clearly describing the Way to Eternal life by Jesus Christ. In a Dialogue Betwixt. Evangelista, a Minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a Legalist. Antinomista, an Antinomian. And, Neophitus, a young Christian. By Edward Fisher, M.A. The seventeenth edition. With notes, by the late eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. Mr. Thomas Boston. Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick.
Perth: printed by J. Taylor, for Andrew Sharp Bookseller High-Street, MDCCLXXXI. [1781].
ESTC No. T95426.Grub Street ID 314931.
Fisher, Edward.
Mer difinyddiaeth iachus, neu bortreiad o'r cyfammod gras a'r cyfammod gweithredoedd; Y Nghyda Defnydd a Diben pob un o'r Ddau Dan Oruchwyliaeth YR Hen Destament A'R Newy Dd: Ile y ceir Eglur Ddarluniad o'r Fsordd i Fywyd Tragywyddol trwy Iesu Grist. Mewn Dull O YM DD I DD AN Rhwng Efangelista, Gweinidog yr Efengyl. Nomista, Gwr yn dal yn rby bell o Ochor y Ddeddf. Antinomista, Gwrthwynebwr y Ddeddf. Neothitus, Cristion Ieuange. gan Edward Fisher, A. C. y trydydd argraphiad, wedi ei ddiwygo a'i G?d-Gymmharu â'r Saes'neg.
Trefecca: argraphwyd, dros y Cyhoeddwr. 1782. (pris Swilt.), [1782].
ESTC No. T95428.Grub Street ID 314933.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity, in two parts. Part I. Touching both the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace: With their Use and End, both in the Time of the Old Testament, and in the Time of the New. Clearly describing the Way to eternal Life by Jesus Christ. In a Dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a Minister of the Gospel, Nomista, a Legalist, Antinomista, an Antinomian, and Neophitus, a young Christian. By Edward Fisher, A.M. The eighth edition, with notes, by that eminent and faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Mr Thomas Boston, Late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick. To which is added, the twelve queries, which were proposed to the Twelve Marrow-Men, by the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1721. With the Marrow-Men's Answers to said Queries.
Falkirk: printed and sold by Patrick Mair, M.DCC.LXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T95427.Grub Street ID 314932.
Fisher, Edward.
The marrow of modern divinity, in two parts. Part I. Touching both the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace: With their Use and End, both in the Time of the Old Testament, and in the Time of the New. Clearly describing the Way to enternal Life by Jesus Christ. In a Dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a Minister of the Gospel, Nomista, a Legalist, Antinomista, an Antinomian, and Neophitus, a young Christian. By Edward Fisher, A.M. The eighth edition, with notes, by that eminent and faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Thomas Boston, Late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick. To which is added, the twelve queries, which were proposed to the Twelve Marrow-men, by the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1721. With the Marrow-Men's Answers to said Queries.
[Leith]: Printed for George Peattie, bookseller, Leith, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T154682.Grub Street ID 198735.