Wingate, Edmund.
Logarithmotechnia, or The construction, and vse of the logarithmeticall tables; by the helpe of which mutiplication [sic] is performed by addition, diuision by subtraction, the extraction of the square root by bipartition, & of the cube root by tripartition, &c. Finally th golden rule, and the resolution of triangles, as well right lined, as sphericall by addition and substraction. First published in the French tongue by Edmund Wingate an English gentleman, and now translated into English by the author himselfe.
London: printed by W. Stansby, 1626.
ESTC No. S115637.Grub Street ID 135328.
Wingate, Edmund.
Arithmetique made easie, in tvvo bookes. The former, of naturall arithmetique: containing a perfect method for the true knowledge and practice of arithmetique, according to the ancient vulgar way, without dependance vpon any other author for the grounds thereof. The other of artificiall arithmetique, discovering how to resolve all questions of arithmetique by addition and subtraction. Together with an appendix, resolving likewise by addition and subtraction all questions, that concerne equation of time, interest of money, and valuation of purchases, leases, annuities, and the like. By Edm. Wingate.
London: Printed [by Miles Flesher] for Phil. Stephens and Chr. Meredith at the Golden Lyon in Pauls Churchyard, 1630.
ESTC No. S120120.Grub Street ID 139757.
Wingate, Edmund.
Logarithmotechnia, or The construction, and use of the logarithmeticall tables; by the help of which, multiplication is performed by addition, division by subtraction, the extraction of the square root by bipartition, and of the cube root by tripartition, &c. Finally, the golden rule, and the resolution of triangles, as well right lined, as sphericall by addition and substraction. First published in the French tongue by Edmund Wingate, an English gentleman: and after translated into English by the same author.
London: Printed by Miles Flesher, M.DC.XXXV. [1635].
ESTC No. S120238.Grub Street ID 139874.
Wingate, Edmund.
The use of the rule of proportion in arithmetique and geometrie first published at Paris in the French tongue ... by Edm. Wingate ; and now translated into English by the same author.
London: Printed by M.F. for P. Stephens, 1645.
ESTC No. R25187.Grub Street ID 108895.
Wingate, Edmund.
The use of the rule of proportion in arithmetique and geometrie first published at Paris in the French tongue ... by Edm. Wingate ... and now translated into English by the same author ; whereunto is now also inserted the construction of the same rule and a farther use thereof, in questions that concern astronomie, dialling, geographie, navigation [brace] gaging of vessell, military orders, interest and annuities.
London: Printed by M.F. for P. Stephens .., [1645?].
ESTC No. R38316.Grub Street ID 120430.
Wingate, Edmund.
Logarithmotechnia, or The construction and use of the logarithmeticall tables. By the helpe whereof, multiplication is performed by addition, division by subtraction, the extraction of the square root by bipartition, and of the cube root by tripartition, &c. Finally, the golden rule, and the resolution of triangles as well right lined as sphericall by addition and substraction. First published in the French tongue by Edmund Wingate, an English gentleman: and after translated into English by the same author.
London: printed by Miles Flesher, M.DC.XLVIII. [1648].
ESTC No. R219767.Grub Street ID 94253.
Wingate, Edmund.
Arithmetique made easie, or, A perfect methode for the true knowledge and practice of natural arithmetique, according to the ancient vulgar way, without dependence upon any other author for the grounds thereof. By Edm. Wingate Esquire. The second edition. Enlarged (at the request and with the approbation of the author) with divers chapters and necessary rules; together with an appendix containing 7 chapters, whose contents are as followeth, viz. Chap. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Of rules of practice. Of exchange of coins, waights [sic], and measures. Of interest of money. A geometricall demonstration of the rule of alligation alternate; where, of the composition of medicines. A geometricall demonstration of the rule of false. Subtile and pleasant questions, exercising all the parts of naturall arithmetique. Recreative questions, exercising symbolicall arithmetique, and the rule of algebra. By John Kersey teacher of mathematiques.
London: printed by J. Flesher for Phil. Stephens at the Gilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R26386.Grub Street ID 109712.
Wingate, Edmund.
Arithmetique made easie, the second book: containing a perfect method for the true knowledge, and practice of artificial arithmetique' [sic] performed by logarithms: and resolving all arithmeticall questions by addition and subtraction. Together with the construction and use of an instrument called the line of proportion, exhibiting the logarithm of any number under 100000. Unto which is also annexed an appendix, resolving likewise by addition and subtraction all questions, that concern equation of time, interest of money, and valuation of purchases, leases, annuities, and the like. By Edm. Wingate, esquire.
London: printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Phil. Stephens, at the gilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1652.
ESTC No. R225442.Grub Street ID 98619.
Wingate, Edmund.
Ludus mathematicus, or, The mathematical game explaining the description, construction, and use of the numericall table of proportion, by help whereof, and of certain chessmen (fitted for that purpose) any proportion, arithmetical or geometrical (without any calculation at all, or use of pen), may be readily and with delight resolved when the term exceeds not 1000000 / by E.W.
London: Printed by R. & W. Leybourn and are to be sold by Philemon Stephens .., M DC LIV [1654].
ESTC No. R38315.Grub Street ID 120429.
Wingate, Edmund.
The body of the common law of England: as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament, or state. Together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same. Whereunto is also annexed certain tables containing a summary of the whole law, for the help and delight of such students as affect method. By Edm. Wingate of Grayes-Inne Esq;.
London: printed for H: Twyford in Vine Court Middle-Temple, and Roger Wingate, at the Golden Hynd in Chancery Lane, 1655.
ESTC No. R220028.Grub Street ID 94494.
Wingate, Edmund.
The body of the common law of England: as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament or state. Together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the said law. By E.W.
London: printed by R. & W. Leybourn for Henry Twyford in Vine Court, Middle Temple, and Roger Wingate, at the Golden Hinde neer Lincolns-Inne in Chancery-lane, 1655.
ESTC No. R31023.Grub Street ID 113853.
Wingate, Edmund.
The use of the rule of proportion in arithmetick and geometrie. First published at Paris in the French-tongue, and dedicated to Monsieur, the then Kings onely brother (now Duke of Orleance) by Edm. Wingate, an English gent. And now translated into English by the same author. Whereinto is now also inserted the construction of the same rule, and a farther use thereof, in questions that concern astronomie, dialling, geographie, navigation, gaging of vessel, military orders, interest and annuities.
London: printed by J.B. for Philemon Stephens, at the Gilded Lion in Pauls Churchyard, 1658.
ESTC No. R231731.Grub Street ID 103708.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick, containing a perfect method for the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne esquire. Afterwards enlarged at the request, and with the approbation of Mr. Wingate in his life time. And now in this third edition digested into a more familiar methode, and very much augmented as is more fully declared in the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the signe of the Globe in Shandois-Street in Covent Garden.
London: printed for Philemon Stephens at the Gilded Lion in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1658.
ESTC No. R209644.Grub Street ID 85874.
Wingate, Edmund.
Maximes of reason: or, The reason of the common law of England. By Edmond Wingate, late of Grayes-Inn, Esq.
London: printed by R[obert]. & W[illiam]. L[eybourne]. for W. Lee, A. Crook, D. Pakeman, H. Twiford, G. Bedell, T. Dring, J. Place, and are to be sold at their shops, MDCLVIII. [1658].
ESTC No. R10401.Grub Street ID 58775.
Wingate, Edmund.
The exact constable with his original & power in the offices of church wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highwayes, treasurers of the county stock, and other inferior officers as they are established, both by the common laws and statutes of this realm. By E.W. of Grays-Inn Esq;.
The second edition, with many useful additions..
London : printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1660.
ESTC No. R219589.Grub Street ID 94100.
Wingate, Edmund.
Justice revived: being the whole office of a countrey justice of the peace: briefly, and yet more methodically and fully than ever yet extant. By E. W. of Grayes-Inne, Esq;.
London : printed for T. Williams at the Bible in Little-Britain, and H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1661.
ESTC No. R221038.Grub Street ID 95253.
Wingate, Edmund.
Justice revived: being the whole office of a countrey justice of the peace. Briefly, and yet more methodically and fully than ever yet extant . By E.W. of Grayes-Inne, Esq;.
London : printed by E[llen]. C[otes]. for Thomas Williams at the Bible in Little-Britain, and Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1661.
ESTC No. R10830.Grub Street ID 59171.
Wingate, Edmund.
The bodie of the common-law of England: as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament, or state. Together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same. Whereunto is also annexed certain tables containing a summary of the whole law, for the help and delight of such students as affect method. By Edmund Wingate of Grayes-Inne Esq;.
The third edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for Daniel Pakeman and Gabriel Bedell, in Fleetstreet, 1662.
ESTC No. R40710.Grub Street ID 122479.
Wingate, Edmund.
The bodie of the common-law of England: As it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament or state. Together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same. Whereunto is also annexed certain tables containing a summary of the whole law, for the help and delight of such students as affect method. By Edmund Wingate of Grayes-Inne Esq;.
The third edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for H. Twyford in Vine Court Middle-Temple, 1662.
ESTC No. R31024.Grub Street ID 113854.
Wingate, Edmund.
The exact constable: with his original and power in the offices of church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyours of the highwayes, treasurers of the county stock, and other inferiour officers, as they are established, both by the common laws and statutes of this realm. Fitted and prepared to the meanest capacity of either city or country. By E.W. of Grays-Inn Esq.
London : printed, and are to be sold by the book-sellers, 1663.
ESTC No. R33676.Grub Street ID 116259.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick, containing A plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The fourth edition. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the signe of the Globe in Shandois street in Covent Garden.
London : printed by T. R[oycroft]. for Robert Stephens at the Kings-Armes in Chancery-Lane, 1668.
ESTC No. R186746.Grub Street ID 75295.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowldge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate, afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request enlarged in his lifetime ; also since his decease carefully revised and much improved as will appear by the preface and table of contents by John Kersey.
The fourth edition..
London : Printed by T.N. for Rowland Reynolds, 1668.
ESTC No. R27620.Grub Street ID 110761.
Wingate, Edmund.
The body of the common-lavv of England: as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament, or state. Together with an exact collecion of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same. Whereunto is also annexed certain tables containing a summary of the whole law, for the help and delight of such students as affect method. By Edmund VVingate of Grays-Inne, Esq;.
Third edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for H. Twyford in Vine Court Middle-Temple, [1670?].
ESTC No. R25186.Grub Street ID 108894.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The fifth edition. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the signe of the Globe in Shandois street in Covent-Garden.
London : printed by Thomas Roycroft, for Robert Stephens at the sign of the Kings Arms in Chancery-Lane, 1670.
ESTC No. R26387.Grub Street ID 109713.
Wingate, Edmund.
The clarks tutor for arithmetick and vvriting: or, A plain and easie way of arithmetick illustrated with apt and fit tables for resolving the most difficult questions concerning interest & annuities, and other useful purposes: being the remains of that famous arithmetition and eminent lawyer, Edmund Wingate, Esq; with a convenient copy book for the attaining the most usual hands by Edward Cocker.
London : printed by S. G[riffin]. for Henry Twiford in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1671.
ESTC No. R31026.Grub Street ID 113856.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's Arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The sixth edition. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by this preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden.
London : printed by T[homas]. R[oycroft]. for R[obert]. S[tephens]. and are to be sold by J[ohn]. Williams in Cross-Keys Court in Little Britain, 1673.
ESTC No. R38314.Grub Street ID 120428.
Wingate, Edmund.
Wingate's remains: or, The clerks tutor to arithmetick and writing. Being a miscellany arithmetical and mathematical. Containing all the plain and general rules of arithmetick: computation of interest, both simple and compound, valuation of leases and annuities. The measuring of board, glass, timber, stone, gauging of caske, and the measuring of land. With variety of tables useful in trade or commerce, ready cast up. Also [a] copybook of Mr. Cockers, con[s]isting of the most necessary hands used in England. The second edition, by Edmund Wingate, Esq;.
London : print[e]d for Henry Twyford in Vine-Court in the Middle Temple, 1676.
ESTC No. R218566.Grub Street ID 93212.
Wingate, Edmund.
The exact constable with his original, and power in all cases belonging to his office. As also, the office of church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highways, treasurers of the county stock, parish clerks, governours of fairs, and other inferiour officers, as they are at this day establisht both by the common laws and statutes of this kingdom. E.W. of Grays Inne Esq.
The fourth edition..
London : printed for Hen. Brome, Tho. Sawbridge, and Tho. Passenger, 1677.
ESTC No. R10831.Grub Street ID 59172.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The seventh edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden.
London : printed by S[amuel]. R[oycroft]. for R[obert]. S[tephens]. and are to be sold by J. Williams at the sign of the Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1678.
ESTC No. R9795.Grub Street ID 129841.
Wingate, Edmund.
The body of the common-law of England as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament : together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same : whereunto is also annexed certain tables containin a summary of the whole law for the help and delight of such students as affect method / by Edmund Wingate.
The fourth edition corrected and amended..
London : Printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins .., for H. Twyford .., 1678.
ESTC No. R31025.Grub Street ID 113855.
Wingate, Edmund.
The exact constable, with his original, and power in all cases belonging to his office. As also the office of church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the high-ways, treasurers of the county stock, parish clerks, governors of fairs, and other inferiour officers, as they are at this day establisht both by the common laws and statutes of this kingdom. By E.W. of Grays-Inn, Esq; the fifth edition. Whereto is added, the office of a London constable.
London : printed for Henry Brome, Thomas Passenger, and Thomas Sawbridge, 1680.
ESTC No. R220029.Grub Street ID 94495.
Wingate, Edmund.
Ludus mathematicus: or, The mathematical game: explaining, the description, construction, and use of the numerical table of proportion. By help whereof, and of certain chessmen (fitted for that purpose) any proportion, arithmetical or geometrical (without any calculation a all, or use of pen) may be readily, and with delight resolved, when the term required, exceeds not 100000. By E.W.
London : printed by J. Grover for T. Helder, at the sign of the Angel in Little Britain, 1681.
ESTC No. R219601.Grub Street ID 94111.
Wingate, Edmund.
The exact constable, with his original, and power in all cases belonging to his office. As also the office of church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the high-ways, treasurers of the county stock, parish clerks, governors of fairs, and other inferiour officers, as they are at this day establisht both by the common laws and statutes of this kingdom. By E.W. of Grays-Inn, Esq; the sixth edition. Whereto is added, the office of a London constable.
London : printed for J.B. Thomas Passenger, and Thomas Sawbridge, 1682.
ESTC No. R219596.Grub Street ID 94106.
Wingate, Edmund.
Wingate's rule of proportion, in arithmetick and geometry: or, Gunter's line newly rectified by Mr. Brown and Mr. Atkinson, teachers of the mathematicks. Fitted for all artists for measuring and building. Whereinto is now also inserted the construction of the same rule, an a farther use thereof, in questions that concern astronomy, dialling, geography, navigation, gaging of vessel, military orders, interest and annuities.
London : printed by R.H. for W. Fisher, T. Passinger, R. Boulter, and R. Smith, 1683.
ESTC No. R221037.Grub Street ID 95252.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr Wingate's arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The eighth edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden.
London : printed by E[dward]. H[orton]. for R[obert]. S[tephens]. and are to be sold by J. Williams at the sign of the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard 1683.
ESTC No. R10089.Grub Street ID 58485.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr Wingate's arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The eighth edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden.
London : printed by E[dward]. H[orton]. for J. Williams at the sign of the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683.
ESTC No. R203214.Grub Street ID 80347.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The eighth edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grays-Inn Esquire. Afterwards, upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents, by John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden [sic].
London : printed by J.W. and are to be sold by T. Basset, at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1689.
ESTC No. R24576.Grub Street ID 108349.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr Wingate's arithmetick; containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The ninth edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grays-Inn, Esquire. Afterwards, upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface, and table of contents, by John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden.
London : printed for John Williams, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1694.
ESTC No. R218564.Grub Street ID 93210.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick; containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The tenth edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate, late of Greys-Inn, Esquire. Afterwards, upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents, by John Kersey, late teacher of the mathematicks.
London : printed for J. Philips, at the King's Arms,. J. Taylor, at the Ship, and J. Knapton, at the Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699.
ESTC No. R10975.Grub Street ID 59301.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick: containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate of Grays-Inn, Esq; and upon his request enlarged in his life-time, also since his decease carefully revised and much improv'd, as will appear by the Preface and Table of Contents. By John Kersey, late Teacher of the Mathematicks. The eleventh edition. With a new supplement, Of Easie Contractions in the necessary Parts of Arithmetick, useful Tables of Interest and Flemish-Exchanges, as also Practical Mensuration. By George Shelley, Writing-Master at the Hand and Pen in Warwick-Lane, near St. Pauls.
London : printed for J. Philips, at the King's-Arms; J. Taylor, at the Ship; and J. Knapton, at the Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704.
ESTC No. T86925.Grub Street ID 307026.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick: containing A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate, of Grays-Inn, Esq; and upon his request, enlarged in his life-time; also since his decease carefully revis'd, and much improv'd; as will appear by the Preface and Table of Contents. By John Kersey, late Teacher of the Mathematicks. The twelfth edition. With a new supplement; Of Easie Contraction in the necessary Parts of Arithmetick; Useful Tables of Interest, and Flemish Exchanges; As also Practical Mensuration. By George Shelley, Writing-Master at the Hand and Pen in Warwick-Lane, near St. Paul's.
London : printed for J. Philips, at the King's Arms; J. Taylor, at the Ship; and J. Knapton, at the Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1708.
ESTC No. T86926.Grub Street ID 307027.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick: containing A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate, ... and, upon his request, inlarged in his life-time; also since his decease carefully revis'd, and much improv'd; ... By John Kersey, ... The thirteenth edition. With a new supplement; ... By George Shelley, .
London : printed for J. Philips; J. Taylor; and J. Knapton, 1713.
ESTC No. T86927.Grub Street ID 307028.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick: containing A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate, of Gray's-Inn, Esq; and, upon his request, inlarged in his life-time; also since his decease carefully revis'd, and much improv'd; as will appear by the Preface and Table of Contents: by John Kersey, late Teacher of the Mathematicks, and now exactly corrected by John Kersey, the last author's son. The fourteenth edition. With a new supplement; Of Easie Contractions in the necessary Parts of Arithmetick; Useful Tables of Interest, and Flemish Exchanges; as also Practical Mensuration. By George Shelley, Writing-Master of Christ's-Hospital.
London : printed for J. Philips, at the King's Arms, in St. Paul's-Church-Yard; J. Taylor, at the Ship, in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Knapton, at the Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, Mccxx. [1720].
ESTC No. T86928.Grub Street ID 307029.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick: containing A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate, of Gray's-Inn, Esq; and, upon his request, inlarged in his life-time; also since his decease carefully revis'd, and much Improv'd; as will appear by the Preface and Table of Contents: by John Kersey, late Teacher of the Mathematicks, and now exactly Corrected by John Kersey, the last Author's Son. The fifteenth edition. With a new supplement; Of Easie Contractions in the necessary Parts of Arithmetick; Useful Tables of Interest, and Flemish Exchanges; as also Practical Mensuration. By George Shelley, Writing-Master of Christ's-Hospital.
London : printed for J. Phillips, at the King's-Arms, and J. and J. Knapton, at the Crown, in St. Paul's-Church-Yard; and the executors of W. Taylor, MDCCXXVI. [1726].
ESTC No. N35285.Grub Street ID 23561.
Wingate, Edmund.
Mr. Wingate's arithmetick: containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate, ... inlarged in his life-time; also since his decease carefully revis'd, ... by John Kersey, ... With a new supplement, ... By George Shelley, .
The seventeenth edition: accurately revised and corrected..
London : printed for J. and P. Knapton, and J. Hodges, 1740.
ESTC No. T170667.Grub Street ID 208347.
Wingate, Edmund.
A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetic. Containing All the Useful Rules both in Whole Numbers, and Fractions, Vulgar and Decimal, Extraction of the Square and Cube-Roots, Simple and Compound Interest, Annuities, &c. delivered in a more practical and correct Manner, than in any Work hitherto extant. By Edmund Wingate, of Gray's-Inn, Esq; the eighteenth edition. Wherein the additions and emendations made by Mr. John Kersey, in his appendix; and Mr. George Shelley, in his supplement, are introduced in their proper places; and all the improvements in this science that have appeared in other writers since their time, are carefully inserted. Also sundry others, that are entirely new, are added. By James Dodson, Accomptant, and Teacher of the Mathematics.
London : printed for J. and P. Knapton, in Ludgate-Street; and J. Hodges, facing St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, M.DCC.LI. [1751].
ESTC No. T86940.Grub Street ID 307041.
Wingate, Edmund.
A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetic. ... By Edmund Wingate, ... the nineteenth edition. Wherein the additions and emendations, made by Mr. John Kersey, in his appendix, and Mr. George Shelly, in his supplement, are introduced in their proper places; and all the improvements in this science, that have appeared in other writers since their time, are carefully inserted: ... By James Dodson, .
London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, and R. Baldwin; A. Miller; John Rivington; and S. Crowder and Co., 1760.
ESTC No. T86938.Grub Street ID 307039.