Publications of Denis Diderot


  • Diderot, Denis. Les bijoux indiscrets. Or, the indiscreet toys. Translated from the Congese language printed at Monomotapa. In two volumes. Adorned with copper-plates. . Tobago [i.e. London] : re-printed for Pierrot Ragout, with the approbation of M-l S-xe, MDCCXLIX. And sold by R. Freeman; and at all the booksellers, [1749]. ESTC No. N32479. Grub Street ID 21115.
  • Diderot, Denis. Pensées philosophiques. Piscis hic non est omnium. Londres [i.e. Amsterdam]: chez Porphyre, à S. Thomas, M.DCC.LVII. [1757]. ESTC No. N11191. Grub Street ID 1186.
  • Diderot, Denis. Etrennes des esprits forts. Londres [i.e. Amsterdam]: chez Porphyre, à S. Thomas, 1757. ESTC No. T183474. Grub Street ID 219886.
  • Diderot, Denis. Dorval; or, the test of virtue. A comedy. Translated from the French of Monsieur Diderot. London : printed for the author; and sold by J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; G. Kearsly, in Ludgate-Street; Robinson and Roberts, in Pater-Noster-Row; and W. Taylor, at Bath, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. T34848. Grub Street ID 265094.
  • Diderot, Denis. A letter on blindness. For the Use of those who have their Sight. London : printed for William Bingley, at the Britannia, No. 31, in Newgate-Street, MDCCLXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T193072. Grub Street ID 227331.
  • Diderot, Denis. The father, a comedy. Translated from the French of Monsieur Diderot, by the translator of Dorval, &c. (Amsterdam edition, 1758.). Lynn: printed for the author; and sold by W. Whittingham, R. Baldwin, London, and all other booksellers, in town and country, 1770. ESTC No. N6835. Grub Street ID 49774.
  • Diderot, Denis. An essay on blindness, in a letter to a person of distinction; Reciting the most interesting Particulars relative to Persons born Blind and those who have lost their Sight. Being an Enquiry into the Nature of their Ideas, Knowledge of Sounds, Opinions concerning Morality and Religion, &c. Interspersed with several anecdotes of Sanderson, Milton, and others. With copper-plates elucidating Dr. Sanderson's method of working geometrical problems. Translated from the French of M. Diderot, Physician to His most Christian Majesty. London : printed for Richard Dymott . opposite Somerset-House, in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. N2082. Grub Street ID 10197.
  • Diderot, Denis. An essay on blindness, in a letter to a person of distinction; Reciting the most interesting Particulars relative to Persons born Blind, and those who have lost their Sight. Being an Enquiry into the Nature of their Ideas, Knowledge of Sounds, Opinions concerning Morality and Religion, &c. Interspersed with several anecdotes of Sanderson, Milton, and others. With copper-plates elucidating Dr. Sanderson's method of working geometrical problems. The third edition. Translated from the French o M. Diderot, Physician to His most Christian Majesty,. London : printed for J. Barker, No. 7, Little Russell-Court, Drury-Lane, [1780?]. ESTC No. T138417. Grub Street ID 186277.
  • Diderot, Denis. The family picture. A play. Taken from the French of Mons. Diderot's Pere de famille. With verses on different Subjects, by a lady. London : printed and sold by J. Donaldson, corner of Arundel-Street, Strand; and R. Faulder, New Bond-Street, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T61840. Grub Street ID 287450.
  • Diderot, Denis. Le pere de famille, comédie en cinq actes, et en prose; par M. Diderot. Nouvelle édition.. Londres : chez T. Hookham, 1786. ESTC No. T61293. Grub Street ID 286996.
  • Diderot, Denis. The nun. By Diderot. Translated from the French. . London : printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, 1797. ESTC No. T73512. Grub Street ID 296770.
  • Diderot, Denis. James the fatalist and his master. Translated from the French of Diderot. In three volumes. . London : printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1797. ESTC No. T138418. Grub Street ID 186278.
  • Diderot, Denis. The nun. By Diderot. Translated from the French. Dublin: printed by Brett Smith, NO, 38, Mary-Street, 1797. ESTC No. T138419. Grub Street ID 186279.
  • Diderot, Denis. The natural son; a novel; in two volumes. Translated from the French of M. Diderot, author of the Nun, James the fatalist, &c. . London : printed for T. N. Longman, Pater-Noster Row, 1799. ESTC No. N3973. Grub Street ID 27007.