Davies, John.
[O Vtinam. 1 For Queene Elizabeths securitie, 2 for hir subiects prosperitie, ...].
[London: Printed by R. Yardley and P[eter] Short, for I. Pennie, 1591].
ESTC No. S115194.Grub Street ID 134889.
Davies, John.
Le primer report des cases et matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del Roy en Ireland. Collect & digest per Sr. Iohn Dauys Chiualer, Atturney Generall del Roy en cest realme.
London: printed [by Adam Islip] for the Company of Stationers, 1628.
ESTC No. S123364.Grub Street ID 142872.
Davies, John.
A work for none but angels & men. That is to be able to look into, and to know our selves. Or a book shewing what the soule is, subsisting and having its operations without the body; its more th[e]n a perfection or reflection of the sense, or teperature of humours: how she exercises her powers of vegetative or quickening power of the senses. Of the imaginations or common sense, the phantasie, sensative memory, passions motion of life, local motion, and intellectual powers of the soul. Of the wit, understanding, reason, opinion, judgement, power of will, and the relations betwixt wit & wil. Of the intellectual memory, that the soule is immortall, and cannot dye, cannot be destroyed, her cause ceaseth not, violence nor time cannot destroy her; and all objections answered to the contrary.
London: printed by M.S. for Tho: Jenner, at the South-Entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1653.
ESTC No. R207134.Grub Street ID 83556.
Davies, John.
The question concerning impositions, tonnage, poundage, prizage, customs, &c. fully stated and argued, from reason, law, and policy. Dedicated to King James in the latter end of his reign. By Sir John Davies, His then Majesties Attourney Generall.
London: printed by S[arah]. G[riffin]. for Henry Twyford, in Vine-Court Middle-Temple, and Rich: Marriot, under the Dyall in Saint Dunstans Church-yard, London, 1656.
ESTC No. R1608.Grub Street ID 63964.
Davies, John.
Jus imponendi vectigalia or The learning touching customs, tonnage, poundage, and impositions on merchandizes asserted; as well from the rules of the common and civil law as of generall reason and policy of state. By Sir John Davis Knight, &c.
London: printed for Henry Twyford in Vine-COurt Middle Temle, MDCLIX. [1659].
ESTC No. R36082.Grub Street ID 118418.
Davies, John.
Historical relations: or, a discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued nor brought under obedience of the crown of England, until the beginning of the reign of King James of happy memory.
Dublin: printed for Samuel Dancer, bookseller in Castlestreet, 1664.
ESTC No. R20109.Grub Street ID 78548.
Davies, John.
England's independency upon the papal power historically and judicially stated, by Sr. John Davis, Attorney Generall in Ireland, and by Sr. Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice in England, in two reports, selected from their greater volumes; for the convincing of our English Romanists, and confirming of those who are yet unperverted to the court or church of Rome. With a preface written by Sir John Pettus, Knight.
London : printed by E. Flesher, J. Streater, and H. Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires: and are to be sold by severall book-sellers in Fleetstreet and Holborn, MDCLXXIV. [1674].
ESTC No. R21289.Grub Street ID 88430.
Davies, John.
Les reports des cases & matters en ley, resolves & adjudges en les courts del roy en Ireland: collect & digest per Sir John Davis chivaler, atturney generall del roy en cest realm.
London : printed by E. Flesher, J. Streater, and H. Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, Esquires. 1674. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, John Bellinger, Will. Place, Tho. Basset, Rob. Pawlet, Christopher Wilkinson, Tho. Dring, Will. Jacob, Charles Harper, John Leigh, John Amery, John Williams, John Place, John Poole, [1674].
ESTC No. R20168.Grub Street ID 79038.
Davies, John.
Une exact table al report de Sir John Davys chivaler, atturney general del roy en Ireland. I do allow the printing of this table to Sir John Davys reports: June 26. 1677. Fra. North.
London : printed for James Collins, and Charles Harper, in the Temple passage in Essex Garden, and the Flower de luce in Fleetstreet, 1677.
ESTC No. R200774.Grub Street ID 78262.
Davies, John.
Nosce teipsum: or, A leading-step to the knowledge of our selves, as the surest foundation to true religion in all persuasions. In a brief discourse of man's being made and undone, in order to his more happy recovery. And also of the original and nature of man's body, and soul; and of the faculties, or different ways of the soul's operation in the body. With a brief discourse of the Lord's Day, and of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By an unworthy (but happy) proselite of religion and morality. To which is added a poem, treating of humane reason, and the nature original, and immortality of the soul; written nigh one hundred years since, by Sir John Davies, Attorney-General to Q. Elizabeth, and now herewith reprinted.
London : printed, and are to be sold by Edward Brewster, at the Crane in St. Pauls's Church-yard; and Dorman Newman, at the King's-Arms in the Poultry, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R1698.Grub Street ID 64787.
Davies, John.
The original, nature, and immortality of the soul. A poem. With an introduction concerning humane knowledge. Written by Sir John Davies, Attorney-General to Q. Elizabeth. With a prefatory account concerning the author and poem.
London : printed for W. Rogers, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1697.
ESTC No. R14959.Grub Street ID 62929.
Davies, John.
The original, nature, and immortality of the soul. A poem. With an introduction concerning human knowledge. Written by Sir John Davies, Attorney-General to Q. Elizabeth. With a prefatory account concerning the author and poem.
The second edition..
London : printed by S. Keimer, for Hammond Banks, at the Golden Key over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1714.
ESTC No. T134673.Grub Street ID 183289.
Davies, John.
The original, nature, and immortality of the soul a poem. With an introduction concerning human knowledge. Written by Sir John Davies Attorney-General to Q. Elizabeth. With a prefatory account concerning the author and poem.
The third edition..
London : printed for William Mears and Jonas Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1715.
ESTC No. T134674.Grub Street ID 183290.
Davies, John.
The soul. A poem. Shewing, its divine original, nature, and immortality. With an introduction concerning human knowledge. Written by Sir John Davies, .
London : printed for H. Curll, 1727.
ESTC No. N37175.Grub Street ID 25129.
Davies, John.
A poem on the immortality of the soul. By Sir John Davis. To which is prefixed an essay upon the same subject.
Dublin: printed by and for S. Hyde, 1733.
ESTC No. T223101.Grub Street ID 245796.
Davies, John.
Historical relations: or, a discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued, nor brought under obedience of the crown of England, until the beginning of the reign of King James the First. Dedicated to the King by Sir John Davis, Kt. His then Majesty's Attorney-General of Ireland.
Dublin: printed by and for S. Hyde, Bookseller, in Dame-Street, M,DCC,XXXIII. [1733].
ESTC No. T134676.Grub Street ID 183292.
Davies, John.
A poem on the immortality of the soul. By Sir John Davis. To which is prefixed an essay upon the same subject, by Dr. Thomas Sheridan. Together with Historical relations concerning Ireland. By Sir John Davis.
Dublin: printed by and for S. Hyde and J. Dobson, Booksellers, M,DCC,XXXIII. [1733].
ESTC No. T134677.Grub Street ID 183293.
Davies, John.
A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was neuer entirely subdued, nor brought vnder obedience of the crowne of England, vntill the beginning of His Maiesties happie raigne. Printed exactly from the edition in 1612.
London : printed for A. Millar, opposite Katharine Street in the Strand, MDCCXLVII. [1747].
ESTC No. T136455.Grub Street ID 184675.
Davies, John.
The original, nature, and immortality of the soul. A poem by Sir John Davies, Attorney-General To Q. Elizabeth.
Glasgow: printed and sold by R. & A. Foulis, MDCCXLIX. [1749].
ESTC No. T135137.Grub Street ID 183629.
Davies, John.
A poem on the immortality of the soul. By Sir John Davis. To which is prefixed an essay upon the same subject, by Dr. Thomas Sheridan. Together with Historical relations concerning Ireland. By Sir John Davis.
Dublin: printed for Matt. Williamson, 1751.
ESTC No. T135138.Grub Street ID 183630.
Davies, John.
Historical relations: or, a discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued, nor brought under obedience of the crown of England, until the beginning of the reign of King James the First. The third edition. Dedicated to the King by Sir John Davis, Kt. His then Majesty's Attorney-General of Ireland. Principis est Virtus Maxima, nosse suos.
Dublin: printed for Matt. Williamson, at the Golden-Ball, opposite Sycamore-Alley, in Dame-Street, M,DCC,LI. [1751].
ESTC No. T135139.Grub Street ID 183631.
Davies, John.
The original, nature, and immortality of the soul. A poem by Sir John Davies, ...
Glasgow: printed and sold by R. & A. Foulis, 1759.
ESTC No. T135140.Grub Street ID 183633.
Davies, John.
The original, nature, and immortality of the soul, a poem. With an introduction concerning human knowledge. Written by Sir John Davis, attorney-general in Ireland to King James the First.
The fourth edition, corrected. With an account of the author's life and writings..
London : printed for Daniel Browne, without Temple-Bar, MDCCLIX. [1759].
ESTC No. T60718.Grub Street ID 286548.
Davies, John.
A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was neuer entirely subdued, nor brought vnder obedience of the crowne of England, vntill the beginning of His Maiesties happie raigne, James 1st. By Sir John Davies, Knt. Printed exactly from the edition in 1612. With the addition of the author's life; and a compleat index ...
Dublin: printed for Richard Watts, and Lawrence Flin, 1761.
ESTC No. T134675.Grub Street ID 183291.
Davies, John.
A report of cases and matters in law, resolved and adjudged in the King's courts in Ireland. Collected and digested by Sir John Davies, Knight, The King's Attorney-General in that Kingdom. Now first translated into English.
Dublin: printed for Sarah Cotter, under Dick's Coffee-House, in Skinner-Row, M,DCC,LXII. [1762].
ESTC No. T134672.Grub Street ID 183288.
Davies, John.
The poetical works of Sir John Davies, consisting of his poem on the immortality of the soul: the Hymns of Astrea; and Orchestra a poem on dancing, In A dialogue between Penelope and one of her wooers. All published from a corrected copy, formerly in the possession of W. Thompson of Queen's Coll. Oxon.
London : printed for T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. T136454.Grub Street ID 184674.
Davies, John.
Historical tracts: by Sir John Davies, Attorney General, And Speaker Of The House Of Commons In Ireland; Consisting of I. A discovery of the true cause why Ireland was never brought under obedience of The Crown Of England. 2. A Letter To The Earl Of Salisbury ON The State Of Ireland, In 1607. 3. A Letter To The Earl Of Salisbury, In 1610; Giving AN Account Of The Plantation In Ulster. 4. A speech to the Lord-Deputy in 1613, Tracing The Ancient Constitution Of AtIreland. To which is prefixed a new life of the author, From Authentic Documents.
London : printed for John Stockdale, Opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly, MDCCLXXXVI. [1786].
ESTC No. T134679.Grub Street ID 183295.
Davies, John.
Historical tracts: by Sir John Davies, ... Consisting of 1. A discovery of the true cause why Ireland was never brought under obedience of ... England. ... 4. A speech to the Lord-Deputy in 1613, ... To which is prefixed a new life of the author, ...
Dublin: printed by William Porter, for Mess. White, Gilbert, Byrne, Whitestone, Wogan, and Moore, 1787.
ESTC No. T194105.Grub Street ID 228101.
Davies, John.
Historical tracts: by Sir John Davies, Attorney General, And Speaker Of The House Of Commons In Ireland; Consisting of 1. A discovery of the true cause why Ireland was never brought under obedience of The Crown Of England. 2. A Letter To The Earl Of Salisbury ON The State Of Ireland, In 1607. 3. A Letter To The Barl Of Salisbury, In 1610; Giving AN Account Of The Plantation In Ulster. 4. A speech to the Lord-Deputy in 1613, Tracing The Ancient Constitution Of AtIreland. To which is prefixed a new life of the author, From Authentic Documents.
Dublin: printed by William Porter, for Mess. White, Gilbert, Byrne, Whitestone, W. Porter, and Moore, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. T134678.Grub Street ID 183294.