Hole, Matthew.
Our Saviours passion: delivered in a sermon, preach'd in the cathedral church of Saint Peter in Exon. On Good Friday, the first of April, 1670. By Matthew Hole, Master of Arts, and Fellow of Exeter Colledge, Oxon.
London : printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon, 1670.
ESTC No. R215768.Grub Street ID 90738.
Hole, Matthew.
A sermon preached at Taunton on the feast of the epiphanie before the forces of the militia of the county of Sommerset met there for the preservation of the peace of that town. By Matthew Hole B.D. Fellow of Exeter colledge and Vicar of Stokegursey in Sommerset-shire. Published at the request of the officers.
London : printed for Randalph Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1689.
ESTC No. R218658.Grub Street ID 93295.
Hole, Matthew.
A sermon preached at the triennial visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Richard, L. Bishop of Bath and Wells: held at Bridgewater, on the 19th day of August, 1695. By Matthew Hole, B.D. vicar of Stokegursey in Somertsetshire.
London : printed for Mat. Wotton at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet near the Inner-Temple-Gate, 1696.
ESTC No. R212962.Grub Street ID 88494.
Hole, Matthew.
The expediency of a publick liturgy, to preserve the reverence of publick worship: in a sermon preach'd at Bridgewater, for the satisfaction of an eminent Dissenter. By Matthew Hole, B.D. and Vicar of Stokegursey, in Somertsetshire.
London : printed for Matt. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street, M DC XCVII. [1697].
ESTC No. R13394.Grub Street ID 61498.
Hole, Matthew.
The true reformation of manners, or The nature and qualifications of true zeal: in a sermon preach'd in the parish-church of Bridgwater: occasion'd by a more than ordinary concourse of dissenters there, upon that pretence. By Matth. Hole, B.D. and vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, for Henry Clements, 1699.
ESTC No. R8060.Grub Street ID 128267.
Hole, Matthew.
Letters written to J.M. a nonconformist teacher, concerning the gift and forms of prayer. The second part. By Matthew Hole, B.D. sometime fellow of Exeter College, Oxon. now vicar of Stoke-gursey in Somersetshire.
London : printed for, and are to be sold by J. Taylor, and T. Bever, booksellers in London; H. Clements in Oxon, and J. Miller in Sherborn, Dorset, 1699.
ESTC No. R215281.Grub Street ID 90344.
Hole, Matthew.
A practical exposition of the first part of the church-catechism: containing the preliminary questions, and the baptismal covenant. By a Divine of the Church of England.
Exon: printed by Samuel Farley, and S. Darker, for Charles Yeo, bookseller in the Fore-street, 1700.
ESTC No. R188243.Grub Street ID 76230.
Hole, Matthew.
The danger of deism: and a vindication of the Christian religion from the offences taken against the person and doctrine of our blessed saviour, by the Jews, Arrians, and Socinians. By Mathew Hole, B.D. .
London : printed for George Lewis, bookseller, Bristol, 1701.
ESTC No. N54359.Grub Street ID 38128.
Hole, Matthew.
A sermon preach'd on the day of Her Majesties Coronation: in the parish church of Stokegursy in Somersetshire. By Matthew Hole, B. D. and Vicar of that Place. Published at the Request of the Auditors.
London : printed for H. Chaulklin Bookseller in Taunton, and to be sold by Ann Baldwin in Warwick-Lane [London], [1702?].
ESTC No. T10728.Grub Street ID 160326.
Hole, Matthew.
An antidote against infidelity. In answer to a book, intituled, Second thoughts concerning human soul. Wherein the author's arguments are refuted, ... With a full and clear proof of the soul's immortality, ... By a prebyter [sic] of the Church of England.
London : printed for John Nutt, 1702.
ESTC No. T101615.Grub Street ID 155468.
Hole, Matthew.
The danger of divisions, together with the benefit of unanimity: in a sermon preach'd at Bridgwater, on Monday, September XXIX. being the day of installing the Mayor of that town into his office. By Matthew Hole, B. D. and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire. Published at the Request of the Hearers.
London : printed by S.R. [ = Samuel Roycroft?], MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T79205.Grub Street ID 300786.
Hole, Matthew.
A practical exposition of the first part of the Church-catechism: containing the preliminary questions, and the baptismal covenant.
London] : Printed in the year, 1707.
ESTC No. T87989.Grub Street ID 307993.
Hole, Matthew.
A practical exposition of the Church-Catechism: in several discourses on all the parts of it. By Matthew Hole, B. D. Sometime Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford, now Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
London : printed for J. Morphew near Stationers Hall, M.DCC.VIII. [1708].
ESTC No. T88572.Grub Street ID 308528.
Hole, Matthew.
A practical exposition of the Church-catechism: in several discourses on all the parts of it. By Matthew Hole, .
London : printed for Hen. Hammond bookseller in Bathe, 1708.
ESTC No. N38187.Grub Street ID 25980.
Hole, Matthew.
The true moderation describ'd, and the false moderation delected, In a sermon preach'd in St. Nicholas Church in Bristol, July 31st, 1709. By Matthew Hole, B. D. And Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
Bristol: printed by W. Bonny in Cornstreet, 1709.
ESTC No. T81814.Grub Street ID 302484.
Hole, Matthew.
The fall of princes, the sin and punishment of the people. In a sermon, preach'd on the 30th of January. 1710. Being the Anniversary of the Murder and Martyrdom of King Charles the First. By Matthew Hole, B. D. and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
Bristol: printed and sold by W. Bonny, and R. Warne in Chippenham, [1710?].
ESTC No. T139819.Grub Street ID 187653.
Hole, Matthew.
The divine authority and commission of God's ministers to preach the doctrines which Christ and his apostles have deliver'd. In a sermon, preach'd at an ordination, in the Cathedral-Church of Wells, on Trinity Sunday, June the 4th, 1710. By Matthew Hole, B. D. And Prebendary of that Church.
Bristol: printed by W. Bonny, 1710.
ESTC No. T101330.Grub Street ID 155208.
Hole, Matthew.
The devices of the crafty disappointed: or the wise taken in their own craftiness. In a sermon, preach'd in St. Nicholas Church in Bristol, July 30th, 1710. By Matthew Hole, ...
Bristol: printed by W. Bonny, 1710.
ESTC No. N49751.Grub Street ID 33908.
Hole, Matthew.
The true liberty described, and the false pretences to liberty discovered. Shewing the nature, use, and abuse of Christian liberty. In a sermon, preach'd in the parish-church of St. Peter's in Bristol, July 29th, 1711. By Matthew Hole, B. D. and Vicar of Stokegursy, in Somersetshire.
Bristol: printed and sold by W. Bonny, 1711.
ESTC No. T139820.Grub Street ID 187655.
Hole, Matthew.
Two sermons: I. The danger of arraigning God's ministers, in the delivery of their message; and of condemning innocent persons. In a sermon preach'd upon the expiring of the sentence against Dr. Sacheverell. II. An olive-branch of peace, after a deluge of war; or, the blessings of peace compar'd with the miseries of war. In a sermon preach'd on the publick day of thanksgiving for the peace. By Matthew Hole, B.D. sometime Fellow of Exeter College in Oxon, now vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire, and prebendary of the Church of Wells.
London : Printed for J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1713.
ESTC No. T312.Grub Street ID 262027.
Hole, Matthew.
Practical discourses on all the parts and offices of the liturgy of the Church of England. ... In four volumes. ... By Matthew Hole, .
London : printed by J. D. for W. Taylor, and H. Clements, 1714-16.
ESTC No. T140036.Grub Street ID 187849.
Hole, Matthew.
Two practical discourses useful for these times. ... By Matthew Hole, .
London : printed for W. Taylor, H. Clements, and J. Morphew, 1715.
ESTC No. T178155.Grub Street ID 215094.
Hole, Matthew.
A practical exposition of the church-catechism: in several discourses on all the parts of it. In two volumes. Useful for all families. By Matthew Hole, B. D. Prebendary of the Church of Wells, and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
The second edition..
London : printed by J. D. for T. Varnam and J. Osborn in Lombard-Street, W. Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, H. Clements at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Churchyard, and J. Browne without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XV. [1715].
ESTC No. T82379.Grub Street ID 302956.
Hole, Matthew.
Two practical discourses necessary for these times. The one, for studying to be quiet under present circumstances. The other, for casting off all distrustful thoughts and fears about future things. By Matthew Hole, B.D. and vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
London : Printed for H. Hammond in Bath, 1715.
ESTC No. T175107.Grub Street ID 212188.
Hole, Matthew.
Two practical discourses necessary for these times. The one, for studying to be quiet under present circumstances. The other, for casting off all distrustful thoughts and fears about future things. By Matthew Hole, B. D. and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
London : printed for J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1715.
ESTC No. T313.Grub Street ID 262127.
Hole, Matthew.
Addresses unto heaven, the best security of the Church militant upon earth, ... A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's on Act-Sunday, July the 8th 1716. By Matthew Hole, ...
Oxford: printed at the Theater, for J. and S. Wilmot; and are to be sold by J. Knapton, W. Taylor, and J. Morphew, in London, 1716.
ESTC No. T20519.Grub Street ID 235294.
Hole, Matthew.
The second part of the antidote against the poison of the following pamphlets intituled, I. The Curse Causeless. II. An Useful Ministry a Valid one. III. Presbyterian Ordination prov'd Regular. IV The State-Anatomist against Universities and Pulpits. V. Considerations on the Present State of great Britain. VI. Reasons for visiting of the Universities. In several letters to a friend. By Matthew Hole D. D. Rector of Exeter Col. Oxon, and Vicar of Stokegursy, in Somersetshire.
Oxford: printed at the Theater for E. Whistler Bookseller: and are to be sold by J. Knapton and H. Clements in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and W. Smith at Bp. Beveridge's Head in Pater-Noster Row, booksellers in London, [1717].
ESTC No. T103144.Grub Street ID 156799.
Hole, Matthew.
An antidote against the poison of some late pamphlets intituled, I. The Protestant Dissenters Hopes from the Present Government freely declar'd. II. The Protestant Dissenters Case Represented and Argued. III. A Plain Discovery of what the Dissenters would be at. IV. Two Letters annext to the said Pamphlets, The one, To the Author of the Occasional Paper. The other, From a Dissenter to a Member of Parliament. V. Two Letters from a Person in London to a Correspondent in Evesham in Worcestershire. VI. An Essay of Comprehension Answer'd. To which is added, Vii. A Reply to Two Pamphlets more, The one Of Presbyterian Loyalty; The other of Plain Dealing. With some short Advice to Dissenters in the Close. In several Letters to a Friend.
Oxford: printed at the Theater [sic] for Edw. Whistler Bookseller: and are to be sold by James Knapton, and William Smith, Booksellers in London, 1717.
ESTC No. T64379.Grub Street ID 289435.
Hole, Matthew.
Practical discourses upon the Communion Service, prescrib'd in the liturgy of the Church of England. Volume V. By Matthew Hole, D. D. Rector of Exeter College in Oxford, and Vicar of Stoke-Gursy in Somersetshire.
Oxford: printed at the Theater for E. Whistler Bookseller in Oxford; and are to be sold by J. Knapton, J. Tonson, H. Clements, and W. Smith, booksellers in London, 1717.
ESTC No. T140037.Grub Street ID 187850.
Hole, Matthew.
A letter to Mr. James Peirce, occasion'd by some reflections of his in a late pamphlet. By M.H.R.E.C.
Oxford: printed at Oxford, 1718.
ESTC No. T103873.Grub Street ID 157476.
Hole, Matthew.
A second letter to Mr. James Peirce, occasioned by some farther reflections in another pamphlet, intitled, The loyalty, integrity, and ingenuity of church-men, and dissenters compar'd. By the author of the first.
Oxford: printed at Oxford, 1719.
ESTC No. N46446.Grub Street ID 31294.
Hole, Matthew.
Practical discourses on the offices of baptism, confirmation, and matrimony, as prescribed in the liturgy of the Church of England. Useful for all Families. Volume the sixth, in three parts. The First Part on the Office of Baptism. By Matthew Hole, D.D. Rector of Exeter College in Oxford, and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somerset-Shire.
Oxford: printed and sold by L. Lichfield, 1719.
ESTC No. T140038.Grub Street ID 187851.
Hole, Matthew.
The witnesses that God almighty hath left us of Himself, against atheists; together with the testimony they give of Him. In a sermon preached before the University, at St. Mary's in Oxford, April 10th, 1720. By Matthew Hole, D. D. Rector of Exeter-College, and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire.
London : printed by John Darby in Bartholomew-Close, for A. Bettesworth in Pater-Noster-Row, C. Rivington in St. Paul's Church-Yard, H. Clements in Oxford, and H. Hammond in Bath, 1720.
ESTC No. T311.Grub Street ID 261929.
Hole, Matthew.
An inordinated love of money the root of all evil, and particularly of heresies in religion, and of troubles in the state. In a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, May 7th, 1721. By Matthew Hole, D.D.
London : printed by John Darby, for A. Bettesworth, C. Rivington, H. Clements in Oxford, and H. Hammond in Bath, 1721.
ESTC No. N45947.Grub Street ID 30813.
Hole, Matthew.
Gamaliel's advice in the case of the apostles; shewing the vanity of all human contrivances, together with the stability of the divine counsels. In a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, in the year 1720. By Matthew Hole,.
London : printed by John Darby, for A. Bettesworth, C. Rivington, H. Clements in Oxford, H. Hammond and J. Leake in Bath, 1721.
ESTC No. T101435.Grub Street ID 155316.
Hole, Matthew.
The great duty of confessing Christ before men; together with the unspeakable reward of blessedness annexed to it. In a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, Dec. 11, 1720. By Matthew Hole,.
London : printed by John Danby for A. Bettesworth, C. Rivington, H. Clements in Oxford, and H. Hammond, in Bath, 1721.
ESTC No. T204118.Grub Street ID 234473.
Hole, Matthew.
Practical discourses on the nature, properties, and excellencies of charity, above all the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, As They are Described in the 13th Chapter of the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. To which is prefix'd, a visitation sermon, By way of Introduction to them, with an appendix subjoin'd, containing some farther Discourses, suitable to the Subject, and necessary for the Present Times. By Matthew Hole, D. D. Rector of Exeter College, Prebendary of Wells, and Vicar of Stokegursey in Somersetshire.
Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield for the author, 1725.
ESTC No. T105225.Grub Street ID 158587.
Hole, Matthew.
A practical exposition of the church-catechism: in several discourses on all the parts of it. In two volumes. Useful for all Families. By Matthew Hole, D. D. Late Rector of Exeter College in Oxford.
The third edition. Together with two discourses. ...
London : printed for J. Darby in Bartholomew-Close; and sold by J. and J. Knapton, and C. Rivington in St. Paul's Church-Yard, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch in Pater-Noster-Row, and S. Birt in Avemary-Lane, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T132947.Grub Street ID 181835.
Hole, Matthew.
Practical discourses on the several parts and offices of the liturgy of the Church of England. ... By Matthew Hole, .
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Darby; and sold by J. and J. Knapton, and C. Rivington, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, and S. Birt, 1732.
ESTC No. T211167.Grub Street ID 238958.