The Conjurers
British Museum 1868,0808.3935
Under the image:
When one head has a Cause in hand,
A Cause it cannot Understand;
Auxiliarys must be good,
To make the Matter understood:
Three Conj'rers sure must find you out,
Which, one, might ever hold in Doubt.
Handwritten above and below the image:
Mansion House | Coll. Physicians
Elizabeth Canning | Justice Fielding | Ld. Mayor Crisp Gascoyne | Dr. Hill. | Mary Squires the Gipsey
© The Trustees of the British Museum in the UK
This image is provided courtesy of the British Museum under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence. In certain other jurisdictions it is considered to be in the public domain.