Publications of Nicolas Caussin


  • Caussin, Nicolas. The holy court. Second tome. The prelate. The souldier. The states-man. The Lady. By Nicolas Caussin of the Society of Iesus. Written in French & translated into English by T.H. Printed. At Paris [i.e. Saint-Omer: By the English College Press], Anno Dom. M.DC.XXXI. [1631]. ESTC No. S115501. Grub Street ID 135193.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The Christian diurnal Written in French by Fa. Nic. Caussin of the Soc. of Iesus. And translated by T.H. At Paris [i.e. Saint-Omer: by the English College Press], M.DC.XXXII. [1632]. ESTC No. S118870. Grub Street ID 138515.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The christian diurnal. ... Reviewed, and much augmented. [Rouen]: J. le Cousturier, 1640. ESTC No. S91390. Grub Street ID 150465.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The penitent; or, Entertainments for Lent: written in French by the R.F. N. Caussin: and translated into English by Sr. B.B. [London?: Roger Daniel?, 1643?]. ESTC No. R176226. Grub Street ID 68847.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The Christian diary / by N. Caussin. [Cambridge]: Printed by R. Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, and are to be sold at the signe of the Angel and Bible at Lumbardstreet, 1648. ESTC No. R176354. Grub Street ID 68916.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The Christian diary. By N. Caussin. London: printed for John Williams, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Pauls Church-yard, 1649. ESTC No. R230940. Grub Street ID 103152.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The holy court in five tomes: the first, treating of motives, which should excite men of qualitie to Christian perfection. The second, of the prelate, souldier, states-man, and ladie. The third, of maxims of Christianitie against prophanesse, divided into three parts, viz. divinitie, government of this life, & state of the other world. The fourth, containing the command of reason over the passions. The fifth, now first published in English, and much augemented according to the last edition of the authour; containing the lives of the most famous and illustrious courtiers; taken out of the Old and New Testament, and other modern authours. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, S.J. Translated into English by Sr. T.H. and others. London: printed by William Bentley, and are to be sold by John Williams, in Pauls Church-yard, MDCL. [1650]. ESTC No. R27249. Grub Street ID 110434.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The Christian diary. By N. Caussin. London: printed by R. Daniel for John Williams, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Pauls Church-yard, 1650. ESTC No. R227700. Grub Street ID 100575.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The Christian diary. By N. Caussin. London: printed for John Williams, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Pauls Church-yard, 1652. ESTC No. R17639. Grub Street ID 68939.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The unfortunate politique first written in French by Nicholas Caussin. Englished by Sr. I. H. London: printed for William Sheares, 1653. ESTC No. R229525. Grub Street ID 101990.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent. First written in French, and translated by Sir B.B. London : printed for I.W. and are to be sold by Philemon Stephens the younger at the Kings Arms over against the middle Temple gate in Fleet-streete 1661. ESTC No. R35478. Grub Street ID 117886.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainnimes for Lent. Written in French, by the R.F.N. Causin and translated into English by Sir B.B. The delight of sinne is momentary, the torment eternal. London : printed for Iohn Dakins, 1661. ESTC No. R231188. Grub Street ID 103343.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The Christian diary. By N. Caussin. London : printed for John Williams, and are to be sold at the sign of the Crown in Pauls Church-yard, 1662. ESTC No. R171120. Grub Street ID 65458.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The holy court in five tomes: the first, treating of motives, which should excite men of quality to Christian perfection. The second, of the prelate, souldier, states-man, and lady. The third, of maxims of Christianity against prophanesse, divided into three parts, viz. divinity, government of this life, & state of the other world. The fourth, containing the command of reason over the passions. The fifth, containing the lives of the most famous and illustrious courtiers; taken both out of the Old and New Testament, and other modern authours. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, S.J. Translated into English by Sr. T.H. and others. The third edition.. London : printed for John Williams, at the Crown in St. Pauls Churcc-yard, MDCCLXIII. [1663]. ESTC No. R226890. Grub Street ID 99811.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The holy court in five tomes: the first, treating of motives, which should excite men of quality to Christian perfection. The second, of the prelate, souldier, states-man, and lady. The third, of maxims of Christianity against prophanesse, divided into three parts, viz. divinity, government of this life, and state of the other world. The fourth, containing the command of reason over the passions. The fifth, containing the lives of the most famous and illustrious courtiers; taken both out of the Old and New Testament, and other modern authors. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, S.J. Translated into English by Sr. T.H. and others. The third edition.. London : printed for J[ohn]. W[illiams]. and are to be sold by Thomas Rookes, at the Holy Lamb and Inck-Bottle, at the east-end of St. Paules, 1664. ESTC No. R24739. Grub Street ID 108496.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R.F.N. Causin, S.I. and translated into English by Sir B.B. London : printed for John Williams, 1672. ESTC No. R6931. Grub Street ID 127232.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The holy court in five tomes. The first treating of motives, which should excite men of quality to Christian perfection: the second of the prelate, souldier, statesman, and lady: The third of maxims of Christianity against prophaness, divided into three parts, viz. divinity, government of this life, and state of the other world: the fourth containing the command of reason over the passions: the fifth containing the lives of the most famous and illustrious courtiers; taken both out of the Old and New Testament, and other modern authours. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, translated into English by Sr. T.H. and others. The fourth edition.. London : printed for John Williams, at the Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1678. ESTC No. R17607. Grub Street ID 68735.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. A voice from the dead: or The speech of an old noble peer: being the excellent oration of the learned and famous Boetius, to the Emperour Theodoricus. London : printed, and sold by Richard Janeway, 1681. ESTC No. R23389. Grub Street ID 105310.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R.F.N. Causin, S.I. and translated into English by Sir B.B. London : printed for John Williams, and are to be sold by R. Moore, 1682. ESTC No. R223844. Grub Street ID 97607.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R.F. N. Causin, S.J. and translated into English by Sir B.B. London : printed for John Williams, and are to be sold by Matth. Turner at the Lamb in High Holborn, 1607. [i.e. 1687?]. ESTC No. R5876. Grub Street ID 126273.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R. F. N. Causin, S.J. And translated into English by Sir B.B. London : printed for John Williams, and are to be sold by Matth. Turner at the Lamb in High Holborn, 1687. ESTC No. R173621. Grub Street ID 67035.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The penitent; or, Entertainments for Lent. Written in French by the R.F. N. Causin. And translated into English by Sir B.B. With sculptures. London : printed for B.G. [i.e. Bennet Griffin] and S.K. [i.e. Samuel Keble] and are to be sold by James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696. ESTC No. R173622. Grub Street ID 67036.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The penitent: or, entertainments for Lent. Written in French by the R.F. N. Causin. Translated into English by Sir B. B. Adorned with sculptures. London : printed for Robert Gosling, 1714. ESTC No. N38514. Grub Street ID 26187.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R.F.N. Causin, S.J. And translated into English by Sir B. B. Adorned with sculptures. London : printed for Thomas Meighan, in Drury-Lane, 1741. ESTC No. T103912. Grub Street ID 157513.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R.F.N. Causin, S.J. Translated into English by Sir Basil Brook. Liverpool: printed by John Sadler, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. T103913. Grub Street ID 157514.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent. Written in French, by the R. F. N. Causin, S.J. and translated into English, by Sir B. B. Dublin: printed by Bart. Gorman. and [sic] Denis Kelly, 1765. ESTC No. T210252. Grub Street ID 238455.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. The holy court, in five books. The first, treating of motives which should excite men of quality to Christian perfection. The second of the prelate, soldier, statesman and lady. The third of maxims of Christianity against prophaneness, ... Illustrated with beautiful copper-plates. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, S.J. Translated into English by Sir T. H. and others. ... Corke: printed and sold by Eugene Swiney, 1767. ESTC No. N9938. Grub Street ID 54815.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainment for Lent. Written in French, by the R. F. N. Causin, S.J. and translated into English, by Sir B. B. Dublin: printed by Bart. Corcoran, on the Inn's-Quay, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T185451. Grub Street ID 221641.
  • Caussin, Nicolas. Entertainments for Lent, written in French by the R.F.N. Causin, S.J. Translated into English by Sir Basil Brook. Wigan: printed by W. Bancks, MDCCLXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T103914. Grub Street ID 157515.