Publications of Bernard Romans


  • Romans, Bernard. Philadelphia, August 5, 1773. Proposals for printing by subscription, three very elegant and large maps of the navigation, to, and in, the new ceded countries. ... By Bernard Romans ... [Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, 1773]. ESTC No. W27611. Grub Street ID 337725.
  • Romans, Bernard. Philadelphia, July 12. 1775. It is proposed to print, a complete and elegant map, from Boston to Worcester, Providence and Salem. Shewing the seat of the present unhappy civil war in North-America. Author, Bernard Romans. ... [Philadelphia: Printed by Robert Aitken, 1775]. ESTC No. W2815. Grub Street ID 338297.
  • Romans, Bernard. A concise natural history of East and West Florida; containing an account of the natural produce of all the southern part of British America, in the three kingdoms of nature, particularly the animal and vegetable. Likewise, the artificial produce now raised, or possible to be raised, and manufactured there, with some commercial and political observations in that part of the world; and a chorographical account of the same. To which is added, by way of appendix, plain and easy directions to navigators over the bank of Bahama, the coast of the two Floridas, the nort of Cuba, and the dangerous Gulph Passage. Noting also, the hitherto unknown watering places in that part of America, intended principally for the use of such vessels as may be so unfortunate as to be distressed by weather in that difficult part of the world. By Captain Bernard Romans. Illustrated with twelve copper plates, and two whole sheet maps. Vol. I. New-York: Printed for the author, M,DCC,LXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. W20068. Grub Street ID 329707.
  • Romans, Bernard. A concise natural history of East and West-Florida. Containing, an account of the natural produce of all the southern part of British America, in the three kingdoms of nature, particularly the animal and vegetable. Likewise, the artificial produce now raised, or possible to be raised, and manufactured there, with some commercial and political observations in that part of the world; and a chorographical account of the same. By Captain Bernard Romans. New-York printed: Sold by R. Aitken, bookseller, opposite the London Coffee-House, Front-Street, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776]; (Price, bound, one dollar). ESTC No. W37501. Grub Street ID 348281.
  • Romans, Bernard. Annals of the troubles in the Netherlands. From the accession of Charles V. Emperor of Germany. In four parts. A proper and seasonable mirror for the present Americans. Collected and translated from the most approved historians in the native tongue. By Bernard Romans. Vol I[-II]. Hartford: Printed by Watson and Goodwin, for the author, M.DCC.LXXVIII[-M,DCC,LXXXII] [1778-1782]. ESTC No. W37297. Grub Street ID 348060.
  • Romans, Bernard. The compleat pilot for the gulf passage; or directions for sailing through the Gulf of Florida; or new Bahama channel, ... By Capt. Bernard Romans, Capt. W. Gerrard de Brahm, surveyor general for the Southern district of North America; Capt. Hester, Capt. Bishop, . London : printed for Robert Sayer and John Bennett, 1779. ESTC No. N52303. Grub Street ID 36284.
  • Romans, Bernard. The complete pilot for the gulf passage; or, Directions for sailing through the Gulf of Florida, Named also new bahama channel, and the neighbouring parts. By Capt. Bernard Romans, Capt. W. Gerrard de Brahm, surveyor-general for the southern district of North America; George Gauld, Esq. surveyor of the Florida coasts; Capt. Bishop, Capt. Hester, Capt. Archibald Dalzel, and several other gentlemen experienced in the navigation of that passage. London : Printed for Robert Sayer, Fleet-street, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. N65054. Grub Street ID 46984.
  • Romans, Bernard. A new and enlarged book of sailing directions for Capt. B. Romans' &c. &c. Gulf and windward pilot; containing full instructions for sailing through the Gulf of Florida; or, the old and new channels of Bahama: ... With the additions of Captains W. G. Debraham, Bishop, . London : printed for Robert Laurie and James Whittle, successors to the late Mr. Robert Sayer, 1794. ESTC No. N40756. Grub Street ID 27624.
  • Romans, Bernard. A new and enlarged book of sailing directions for Capt. B. Romans, &c. &c. gulf and windward pilot; Containing full instructions for sailing through the Gulf of Florida; or, the old and new channels of Bahama: together with directions for the windward passage, &c. &c. with the additions of Captain W.G. Debraham, bishop, Hester, Archibald Dalzel, Esq. George Gauld, Esq. Lieutwoodriffe, and other experienced navigators. London : Printed for Robert Laurie and James Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street. Successors to the late Mr. Robert Sayer, 1796. ESTC No. T206354. Grub Street ID 235850.
  • Romans, Bernard. A new and enlarged book of sailing directions for Captain Romans Gulf and windward pilot, containing full instructions for sailing through the Gulf of Florida; or, ... also the additions of Captains W. G. de Braham, . London : printed for Robert Laurie and James Whittle. Successors to the late Mr. Robert Sayer, 1799. ESTC No. N4893. Grub Street ID 33391.
  • Romans, Bernard. A new and enlarged book of sailing directions for Captain Romans Gulf and windward pilot, containing full instructions for sailing through the Gulf of Florida; ... also the additions of Captains W. G. de Braham, . London : printed by J. Wright, for Robert Laurie and James Whittle, 1800. ESTC No. N64760. Grub Street ID 46737.