Publications of G. H.

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed for G. H.

  • Nedham, Marchamont. Christianissimus christianandus: or, reason for the reduction of France to a more Christian state in Europe. London: printed for G. H. and sold by B. Bragg, 1707. ESTC No. T203284. Grub Street ID 233910.


  • H., G.. A continuation of the most remarkable passages in both Houses of Parliament, and divers parts of this kingdome, and else-where. From Saturday the 26 of November, till Saturday the 3 of December 1642. Namely; I The comming of a Danish Embassadour to the King at Reding. 2 The inclination of divers noble men and both the Houses for an accommodation with his Majesty, if he would hearken to their just councells. 3 Thirdly an attempt made by divers papists and cavaliers for the surprisall of Hull, with their discovery. 4 The plundring of alderman Nicksons house in Oxford, to the value of six hundred pounds by some cavalier schollers. 5 The Prince of Orange his attempt on Amsterdam, with the successe thereof. 6 An order for the advancing of the Lord Generall toward the cavaliers. 7 The plundering the good towne of Ockingham in Surrey by the cavaliers...18 A post from my Lord Fairefax concerning the delivery of Yorke. With sundry other passages, by G.H. London: printed by Richard Herne, 1642. ESTC No. R217992. Grub Street ID 92710.
  • H., G.. Abingtons and Alisburies present miseries. Both which townes being lately lamentably plundred by Prince Robert and his cavaliers. Expressely related as it was certified to some of the Honourable the High Court of Parliament. And therefore published, by G.H. London: printed by Rich. Herne, [1642]. ESTC No. R11455. Grub Street ID 59741.
  • H., G.. An ansvver to a scandalous lying pamphlet, intituled Prince Rupert his declaration. Published in the vindication of the honour of the high court of Parliament and their army, from the untrue and malicious aspersions cast on them in the said pamphlet. And dedicated to the right honourable the Lords and Commons now assembled in that sacred senat. By their humblest honourer the author G. H. London: printed for Iohn Matthewes, [1642]. ESTC No. R1271. Grub Street ID 60858.
  • H., G.. Newes from Dunkirke. Being a speciall relation of certaine passages there. Wherein is discovered the intentions and agitations of divers of this kingdome, endeavouring to engage Don Francisco de Mela, Commander Generall of the King of Spaines Forces in those countries, to set forth sundry Dunkirke frigots into our seas. As also, of divers priests and Iesuites, that lying there for transportation hither, were taken at sea by some of the states-men of war, with 3 barques sent by the said Jesuites for their transportation, and the carriage of much ammunition and money intended for New-Castle, to relieve the malignants against the Parliament, which priests are now imprisoned by the States at Roterdam. By G H. London: printed for Iohn Iohnson, [1642]. ESTC No. R21649. Grub Street ID 91378.
  • H., G.. The declaration of John Robins, the false prophet, otherwise called the Shakers god, and Joshua Beck, and John King, the two false disciples, with the rest of their fellow-creatures now prisoners in the new-prison at Clarkenwell: delivered to divers of the gentry and citizens, who on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last reported thither to dispute with them: with the citizens proposals to the said John Robins, concerning his opinion and judgement, and his answer thereunto: together with his prophesie of what is to come to pass this year, 1651. & the strange things revealed to him: his religion, principles, and creed: as also his blasphemous tenents, in attributing an inspiration from the Holy Ghost: with the manner of their diet, and his woe pronounced concerning all those that drink ale. By G.H. an ear-witness. London: printed by R. Wood, 1651. ESTC No. R206440. Grub Street ID 82965.
  • H., G.. The Worlds wonder, or, joyful newes from Scotland and Ireland. Comprized in the ensuing predictions, and monethly observations, for this prsent [sic] year, 1651. Foreshewing the great things that will come to passe in England, Ireland and Scotland, the several fights tha will happen between the Lord Gen. Cromwel and the Scots, and the Lord Gen. Deputy Ireton, and the Irish; the event and success thereof, and what will befall the King of Scots, and Major Gen. Massey. A great victory to be obtained by the English, in the moneth of July, upon the eclipsing of the sun as it was in Jermany, when the renouned King of Sweden, charging in the van against the emperour, with his sword in one hand, and his pistol in the other, in his buf-coat, was slain upon the place: with a description of the said fight, and the Kings speech to his souldiery, at the head of each regiment, upon their engaging against the enemy. A great fight in Ireland, and the total routing of the enemy in Scotland, 15 Marquess. London: printed by John Clowes, 1651. ESTC No. R206457. Grub Street ID 82977.
  • H., G.. Two speeches dflivered [sic] on the scaffold at Tower-Hill on Friday last, by Mr. Christopher Love, and Mr. Gibbins, being the 22. of this instant August, 1651. With the manner of their deportment and carriage at the place of execution: and Mr. Love's declaration and propositions to the citizens of London, touching the King, Scots, and covenant. By G.H. An ear-witness on the scaffold. London: printed for William Loe [sic], servant to the Common-wealth of England, 1651. ESTC No. R206674. Grub Street ID 83161.
  • H., G.. We have brought our hogs to a fair market: or, Strange newes from New-Gate; being a most pleasant and historical narrative, of Captain James Hind, never before published, of his merry pranks, witty jests, unparallel'd attempts, and strange designs. With his orders, instructions, and decree, to all his royal gang, and fraternity; the appearing of a strange vision on Munday morning last, with a crown upon his head; the speech and command that were then given to Cap. Hind; and the manner how it vanished away. As also how he was enchanted by a witch at Hatfield, for the space of three years; and how she switch'd his horse with a white rod, and gave him a thing like a sun-diall, the point of which should direct him which way to take when persued. With his speech; the old hags charm; and the raising of the Devil in the likeness of a lyon; to the great admiration and wonder of all that shall read the same. Imprinted at London: for George Horton, 1651 [i.e. 1652]. ESTC No. R203165. Grub Street ID 80300.
  • H., G.. Memorabilia mundi: or, Choice memoirs, of the history and description of the world. By G.H. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by F. Smiih [sic] at the Elephant and Castle without Temple-Bar, 1670. ESTC No. R4225. Grub Street ID 123653.
  • H., G.. The power of parliaments asserted, by G.H. In a letter to a friend, lately chosen a member of the House of Commons. In answer to an indigested paper by E.F. Called, A letter from a gentleman of quality, to his friend, upon his being chosen a member to serve in the approaching Parliament. Being an argument relating to the point of succession to the crown, &c. [England?]: Printed in the year, 1679. ESTC No. R23370. Grub Street ID 105161.
  • H., G.. The power of parliaments asserted, by G.H. In a letter to a friend, lately chosen a Member of the House of Commons. In answer to an indigested paper by E.F. called a Letter from a gentleman of quality, to his friend, upon his being chosen a Member to serve in the approachin Parliament. Being an argument relating to the point of succesion to the crown, &c. London: printed for T. Davis, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R17378. Grub Street ID 67157.
  • H., G.. A letter from a satisfied to a dissatisfied Friend, concerning The Solemn Affirmation. Wherein The Lawful Use thereof is Justified, the Common Objections against it Answered, and the Definition of an Oath truly Stated. London: printed and sold by Philip Gwillim in Austin-Fryars, near the Royal-Exchange, 1713. ESTC No. T14829. Grub Street ID 194668.
  • H., G.. A letter from a satisfied to a dissatisfied Friend, concerning the solemn affirmation. Wherein the lawful use thereof is justified, the common objections against it answered, and the definition of an oath truly stated. London: printed and sold by Philip Gwillim, 1713. ESTC No. N61341. Grub Street ID 44177.
  • H., G.. A letter from a satisfied to a dissatisfied Friend, concerning the solemn affirmation. Wherein the lawful use thereof is justified, the common objections against it answered, and the definition of an oath truly stated. London: printed and sold by Philip Gwillim, 1713. ESTC No. N42233. Grub Street ID 28574.
  • H., G.. Matchless villany [sic]: or, a full and authentic narrative of the robbery and murder of John Penny, Esq; in a letter from a gentleman in London, to his friend in Hampshire. ... London: printed for J. Huggonson, 1741. ESTC No. T106504. Grub Street ID 159660.
  • H., G.. The plain voice of peace. By G-H-, gent. Born in 1703. London: printed for J. Scott, 1761. ESTC No. N66899. Grub Street ID 48549.
  • H., G.. I saw, the other day, in the Pennsylvania chronicle, a short state of the Connecticut people's claim to the lands at Wioming, on the Susquehanna, and as there are many very material facts and circumstances, relating to the title of those lands, which are not inserted therein ... [Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, 1769]. ESTC No. W36043. Grub Street ID 346728.
  • H., G.. An explication of the holy sacrifice of the mass; by G. H. ... To which is added, Instructions and devotions for confession, communion, and confirmation. By Mr. John Gother. London: printed, by J. P. Coghlan, 1779. ESTC No. T200648. Grub Street ID 232222.
  • H., G.. Observations on the office of constable, with a view to its improvement; in a letter to Patrick Colquhoun, Esq. ... London: printed by M. Ritchie, and sold by S. Sael, T. Conder, and T. Burnett. October, 1799. ESTC No. T185900. Grub Street ID 222072.