Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna, in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country, in the midst of the deserts of Africa, the origin and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, and laws. Copied from the original manuscripts in St. Mark's Library at Venice; with critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi. To which is prefixed, a letter of the secretary of the Inquisition, shewing the reasons of Signor Gaudentio's being apprehended, and the manner of it. Translated from the Italian.
Philadelphia: Re-printed by William Conover, no. 71, Walnut-Street, 1799.
ESTC No. W10142.Grub Street ID 319243.
Berington, Simon.
The memoirs of Sigr Gaudentio di Lucca: taken from his confession and examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy. Making a discovery of an unknown country in the midst of the vast Deserts of Africa, as Ancient, Populous, and Civilized, as the Chinese. With an account of their antiquity, origine, religion, Customs, Polity, &c. and the Manner how they got first over those vast Deserts. Interspers'd with several most surprizing and curious Incidents. Copied from the original manuscript kept in St. Mark's Library at Venice: with critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi, late Library-Keeper of the said Library. To which is prefix'd, a Letter of the Secretary of the Inquisition, to the same Signor Rhedi, giving an Account of the Manner and Causes of his being seized. Faithfully translated from the Italian, by E. T. gent.
London : printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T59628.Grub Street ID 285629.
Berington, Simon.
The memoirs of Signor Gaudentio di Lucca: taken from his confession and examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy. Making a discovery of an unknown country in the midst of the vast Desarts of Africa, as Ancient, Populous, and Civilized, as the Chinese. With an account of their antiquity, origine, religion, Customs, Polity, &c. and the Manner how they got first over those vast Desarts. Interspersed with several most surprizing and curious Incidents. Copied from the original manuscript kept in St. Mark's Library at Venice: with critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi, giving an Account of the Manner and Causes of his being seized.
Dublin: re-printed by, and for George Faulkner, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T155079.Grub Street ID 198964.
Berington, Simon.
The great duties of life. In three parts. I. With respect to the supreme being. II. With respect to the laws of morality. III. With respect to the law of Christ. Examined by the standard of right reason, and established on the most natural dictates of it, against the deists, free-thinkers, and other modern infidels. Wherein, all their objections against the existence of evil, providence, a future state, the immortality of the soul, rewards and punishments of the next life, and the divine institution of Christianity, are set in all the light they deserve; and shewn to be vain and illusory, when compared with the most just and forcible reasons, for the obligations of religion, both natural and revealed. With a preface, shewing the dismal effects of infidelity and irreligion, from the beginning of the world, down to this present generation. By S.B. Gent.
London : printed by Charles Ackers in St. John's-Street, for the author; and sold by Mess. Innys and Manby in St. Paul's Church-Yard ; Mr. Meadows in Cornhill ; Mr. Meighan in Drury-Lane ; Mr. Lewis in Covent-Garden ; and Mr. Meighan in Gray's-Inn Gate, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T71866.Grub Street ID 295419.
Berington, Simon.
A dialogue between the gallows and a freethinker.
The second edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for the author, and are to be had at Mr. T. Meighan's; Mr. P. Meighan's, 1739.
ESTC No. T201614.Grub Street ID 232852.
Berington, Simon.
A dialogue between the gallows and a freethinker.
London : printed for Jacob Robinson, at the Golden Lion in Ludgate-Street, [1744].
ESTC No. T166106.Grub Street ID 204348.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sigr. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the deserts of Africa, The origine and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, polity, and laws. Copied from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library at Venice. With critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi, sometime Keeper of the said Library. To which is prefixed, a letter of the Secretary of the Inquisition, shewing the reasons of Signor Gaudentio's being apprehended, and the manner of it.
The second edition. Faithfully translated from the Italian..
London : printed for W. Innys in Pater-noster Row, and R. Manby and H.S. Cox on Ludgate-Hill. And sold by M. Cooper in Pater-noster Row, MDCCXLVIII. [1748].
ESTC No. T59629.Grub Street ID 285630.
Berington, Simon.
The great duties of life. In three parts. I. with respect to the supreme being. II. With respect to the laws of morality. III. With respect to the law of Christ. Examined by the standard of right reason, and established on the most natural dictates of it, against the deists, free-thinkers, and other modern infidels. Wherein, all their objections against the existence of evil, providence, a future state, the immortality of the soul, rewards and punishments of the next life, and the divine institution of Christianity, are set in all the light they deserve; and shewn to be vain and illusory, when compared with the most just and forcible reasons, for the obligations of religion, both natural and revealed. By S.B. Gent.
The second edition..
London : printed for T. Meighan, in Drury-Lane, 1750.
ESTC No. T72168.Grub Street ID 295723.
Berington, Simon.
A dialogue between the gallows and a freethinker. The third edition: with an additional confutation of a late impious pamphlet, intituled, Heaven open to all men. Where the Inconsistencies of that anonymous Author are concisely exposed to the most obvious View. By S.B.
London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCL. [1750].
ESTC No. T55464.Grub Street ID 282029.
Berington, Simon.
Dissertations on the Mosaical creation, deluge, building of Babel, and confusion of tongues, &c. I. Against modern infidels; shewing, that Moses justly declares the whole universe, matter and form, to have been created by God: his authority, both as a human and divine legislator: ... II. Against the Hutchinsonians: that the Mosaical account is an historical revealed truth, not a system of philosophy; much less their system of fire, light, and spirit: errors of that system against theology and philosophy: that their explications of the Hebrew words Elohim, Ruah, Rakia, Shamaim, &c. containing such errors against both, must be wrong: of the defects of modern systems, not excepting the Newtonian; particularly, where they depart from their great master: whether the Scriptures are blameable for not supposing the earth's motion: the natural reasons against such a motion, though not demonstrations, justify them, on that head: of the figure of the earth, &c. III. That the deluge, though universal,.
London : printed for the author; and sold by C. Davis in Holborn; and T. Osborne in Gray's-Inn, MDCCL. [1750].
ESTC No. T104363.Grub Street ID 157896.
Berington, Simon.
The memoirs of Sign. Gaudentio di Lucca: taken from his Confession and Examination before the Fathers of the inquisition at Bologna in Italy. Making a Discovery of an unknown Country in the midst of the vast Desarts of Africa, as Ancient, Populous, and Civilized, as the Chinese. With an Account of their Antiquity, Origin, Religion, Customs, Policy, &c. and the Manner how they got first over those vast Desarts. Interspersed with several most surprizing and curious Incidents. Copied from the original Manuscript kept in St. Mark's Library at Venice: With critical Notes of the learned Signor Rhedi, late Library-Keeper of the said Library. To which is prefixed, a Letter of the Secretary of the Inquisition, to the same Signor Rhedi, giving an Account of the Manner and Causes of his being seized.
Dublin: re-printed by and for George Faulkner, MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T59630.Grub Street ID 285632.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country ... Copied from the original manuscript in St Mark's library at Venice; with critical note of the learned Signor Rhedi. ... Translated from the Italian.
Edinburgh: printed by A. Donaldson and J. Reid. For Alex. Donaldson, 1761.
ESTC No. N4265.Grub Street ID 28800.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio Di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the inquisition at Bologna in Italy: Giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the deserts of Africa, the origin and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, and laws. Copied from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library at Venice; with critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi. To which is prefixed a letter of the secretary of the inquisition, shewing the reasons of Signor Gaudentio's being apprehended, and the manner of it. Translated from the Italian.
London : Printed for J. Richardson, in Pater-noster-row, MDCCLXIII. [1763].
ESTC No. N4267.Grub Street ID 28803.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the inquisition at Bologna in Italy: Giving an Account of an unknown country in the Midst of the Deserts Africa, the Origin and Antiquity of the People, their Religion, Customs, and Laws. Copied from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library at Venice; with critical Notes of Learned Signor Rhedi. To which is prefixed, A Letter of the Secretary of the Inquisition, shewing the Reasons of Sig. Gaudentic's being apprehended, and the Manner of it. Translated from the Italian.
Glasgow: printed by James Knox, and sold at his shop, near the Head of the Salt-Mercat, M.DCC.LXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T153150.Grub Street ID 197616.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca, being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country ... Copied from the original manuscript in St Mark's library at Venice; with critical note of the learned Signor Rhedi. ... Translated from the Italian.
Edinburgh: printed for John Donaldson, 1773.
ESTC No. T164988.Grub Street ID 203249.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country ... Copied from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library at Venice; with critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi. ... Translated from the Italian.
London : printed for G. Robinson, 1774.
ESTC No. T59631.Grub Street ID 285633.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country in the Deserts of Africa, The Origin and Antiquity of the People, Their Religion, Customs, and Laws. Copied from the original manuscript in St Mark's Library at Venice; with critical note of the learned Sig. Rhedi. To which is prefixed. A Letter of the Secretary of the Inquisition, showing the Reasons of Signor Gaudentio's being apprehended, and the Manner of it. Translated from the Italian.
London : printed for T. Pridden, Fleet Street, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. N4268.Grub Street ID 28804.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Signor Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition , at Bologna, in Italy. Giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the desarts of Africa. Copied from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library, at Venice. With critical notes by the learned Signor Rhedi, translated from the Italian.
London : printed for Harrison and Co. No. 18, Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXXVI. [1786].
ESTC No. T59632.Grub Street ID 285634.
Berington, Simon.
The life & adventures of Sig Gaudentio di Lucca: written by himself. Giving an account of the country in the midst of the vast desarts [sic] of Africa, being unknown to any person except Sig. Gaudentio, and its inhabitants, altho' as ancient, populous, and civilized, as the Chinese. With a particular account of their antiquity, origin, religion, customs, policy, &c.--the manner how they got first over those vast desarts [sic],--and their method of travelling. Interspersed with several most surprising and curious incidents. Copied from the original manuscript kept in St. Mark's Library at Venice.
Norwich [Conn.]: Printed and sold by John Trumbull, at his printing-office a few rods west from the court house, M,DCC,XCVI. [1796].
ESTC No. W19534.Grub Street ID 329185.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Signor Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition, at Bologna, in Italy. Giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the desarts of Africa. Compiled from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library, at Venice. With critical notes by the learned Signor Rhedi. Translated from the Italian. To which is added, (as an appendix) the history of the Inquisition. giving an account of its establishment, the treatment of its prisoners, the tortures inflicted on them, &c. &c. Embellished with Plates.
Dublin: printed by J. and J. Carrick, Bedford-Row, 1798.
ESTC No. T59633.Grub Street ID 285635.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna, in Italy. Giving an account of an unknown country, in the midst of the desarts [sic] of Africa. Copied from the original manuscript in St. Mark's Library, at Venice. With critical notes of the learned Signor Rhedi. Translated from the Italian.
Baltimore: Printed and sold by Bonsal & Niles, 1800.
ESTC No. W10143.Grub Street ID 319244.
Berington, Simon.
The adventures of Signor Gaudentio di Lucca. Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition, at Bologna, in Italy. Giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the desarts [sic] of Africa. Copied from the original manuscript in St Mark's Library, at Venice. With critical notes by the learned Signor Rhedi. Translated from the Italian.
Wilmington [Del.]: Printed and sold by Bonsal & Niles, 1800.
ESTC No. W23210.Grub Street ID 333104.