Shaw, William.
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de morbis ex animi passionibus orientibus: quam, ... pro gradu doctoratus, ... eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Schaw ... Ad diem 26. Junii, ...
Edinburgi: in ædibus Tho. Ruddimanni, 1735.
ESTC No. T198863.Grub Street ID 231287.
Shaw, William.
A dissertation on the stone in the bladder: in which are consider'd, the nature of the human calculus, the doctrine of menstruums, or the dissolvent for the stone; ... In a letter to a physician in London.
London : printed, and sold by R. Gosling; W. Meadows; and T. Cooper, 1738.
ESTC No. N44453.Grub Street ID 29863.
Shaw, William.
A dissertation on the stone in the bladder: In which are consider'd, the nature of the human calculus, the doctrine of menstruums, or the dissolvent for the stone; and how far they are agreable to the laws of philosophy, and the animal oeconomy. In a letter to a physician in London.
London : Printed, and sold by H. Goslin, at the Crown and Mitre in Fleet-street; W. Meadows, at the Angel in Cornhill, and T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T63159.Grub Street ID 288450.
Shaw, William.
A dissertation on the stone in the bladder: In which are consider'd, the nature of the human calculus, the doctrine of menstruums, or the dissolvent for the stone; and how far they are agreable to the laws of philosophy, and the animal oeconomy. In a letter to a physician in London. By William Schaw, M.D.
The second edition with additions..
London : Printed, and sold by R. Gosling, at the Crown and Mitre in Fleet-street; W. Meadows, at the Angel in Cornhill; and T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row, 1739.
ESTC No. T63158.Grub Street ID 288449.