Coley, Henry.
Clavis astrologiæ; or, A key to the whole art of astrologie: in two parts: containing I. A brief, methodical, plain introduction thereunto, enabling the meanest capacity fully to understand the fundamental grounds thereof, and to give a rational judgment upon any astrological figure. Nativity or question whatever: also how to make a proper election upon any occasion: unto which is annexed a small book of scheams ready set. II. The Genethliacal part of astrology, briefly comprehending the whole doctrine of directions, revolutions and projections; wherein is shewn by an easie and familiar method, how to rectifie and calculate nativities several ways, and according to any author, as Regiomontanus, Argol, or Kepler: also how to set a scheam the most exact way, with all requisits belonging unto the art of directions, perfomed onely by a small artificial canon of sines and tangents; also many brief useful tables covenient for such work; with other varieties not here to fore published. By Henry Co.
London : printed for Jos. Coniers at the Raven in Ducklane, 1669.
ESTC No. R236901.Grub Street ID 107528.
Coley, Henry.
Clavis astrologiæ; or, A key to the whole art of astrologie; in two parts: containing I. A brief, methodical, plain introduction thereunto enabling the meanest capacity fully to understand the fundamental grounds thereof and to give a rational judgment upon any astrologica figure, nativity or question whatever: also how to make a proper election upon any occasion: unto which is annexed a small book of scheams ready set. II. The Genethliacal part of astrology, briefly comprehending the whole doctrine of directions, revolutions and projections; wherein is shewn by an easie and familiar method, how to rectifie and calculate nativities several ways, and according to any author, as Regiomontanus, Argol, or Kepler: also how to set a scheam the most exact way: with all requisits belonging unto the art of directions perfomed onely by a small artificial canon of sine and tangents; also many brief useful tables covenient for such work; with other varieties not here to fore published. By Henry Coley p.
London : printed for Jos. Coniers at the Raven in Ducklane, 1669.
ESTC No. R4650.Grub Street ID 125001.
Coley, Henry.
Hemerologium astronomicum: or, A brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption, 1672. Unto which is numbred from [blank] years. The Creation, ... Wherein is contained (besides the state of the year) the solar ingresses; various configurations, aspects, conjunctions of the planets, and eclipses of the luminaries: ... Whereunto is added, the astrological axioms and theorems of Morinus. By Henry Coley, Philomath.
London : printed by John Darby, for the Company of Stationers, 1672.
ESTC No. R8241.Grub Street ID 128437.
Coley, Henry.
Hemerologium astronomicum: or, A brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption, 1673. Unto which is numbred from [blank] y. The Creation ... Wherein is contained (beside the state of the year) the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions, and diurnal motion of the planets: also an account of such eclipses that shall happen this year. Together with useful tables, and all other furniture that may conduce to the compleating such a work. Accomodated to the meridian of London, ... Whereunto is added, a short discourse of the nature of directions in nativities, and their effects; from the learned Morinus. By Henry Coley, Philomath.
London : printed by John Darby, for the Company of Stationers, 1673.
ESTC No. R213969.Grub Street ID 89302.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis, or, Urania's messenger: being a brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption, 1674. ... Being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. ... Wherein is contained (besides the state of the year the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions, and diurnal motion of the planets) also an account of such eclipses that shall happen this year, together with useful tables, and all other furniture that may condduce to the completing such a work. Accomodated to the meridian of London, ... To which is added a rational discourse of the nature and effects of transits of the planets in a nativity. By Henry Coley Philomath.
London : printed by Samuel Simmons, for the Company of Stationers, 1674.
ESTC No. R213971.Grub Street ID 89304.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis, or, Urania's messenger. Being a brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption, 1675. ... Being the third after bissextile, or leap-year ... Wherein is contained (besides the state of the year) the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions, and diurnal motions of the planets: also an account of such eclipses that shall happen this year, together with useful tabes, and all other furniture that may conduce to the compleating such a work. Accommodated to the meridian of London, ... By Henry Coley native of the cit (and University) of Oxford.
London : printed by S.S. for the Company of Stationers, 1675.
ESTC No. R213972.Grub Street ID 89305.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis, or, Urania's messenger. Being a brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption. 1676. Unto which is numbred [sic] from years. The creation. By the oriental and Greek Christians 7184 By the Jews, Hebrews, and later Rabins 5436 But according to Sacred Writ 5625 Being the bissextile, or leap-year. And from the constitution of the kalender by Julius Cæsar. 1719 Reformation thereof by Gregorius --- 94 Wherein is contained (besides the state of the year) the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions, and diurnal motions of the planets, with the southing of the moon, and rules to find her rising and setting thereby. Also an account of such ecclipses that shall happen this year, together with useful tables, and all other furniture that may conduce to the compleating such a work. Accomodated to the meridian of London, where the Pole Artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 m. and without sensible error may serve for any part of Great Brit.
London : printed by S[amuel]. S[immons]. for the Company of Stationers, 1676.
ESTC No. R36749.Grub Street ID 119004.
Coley, Henry.
Clavis astrologiae elimata: or A key to the whole art of astrology new filed and polished. In three parts. Containing I. An introduction; by which an ordinary capacity may understand the grounds thereof, and how to set a figure upon any occasion: with the schemes of the cusps of the coelestial houses in copper plates, ... II. Select aphorismes; with rules and examples how to resolve or judge all lawful questions astrological, from a radical scheme erected: also elections, and other necessary precepts of art. III. The genethliacal part; wherein is shewn how to rectifie and calculate nativities, according to Regiomontnus, Argol, and Keppler; with some varieties in the doctrine of directions, revolutions, and profections, ... also tables, ... both for calculation, and demonstration. To which are added the Rudolphine tables, whereby the places of the planets may be calculated for any time, past, present, or to come. The second edition, much enlarged and amended. By Henry Coley, .
London : printed for Benj. Tooke, and Tho. Sawbridge, and are to be sold at the Ship in St. Paul's Church yard, and at the three Flower de Luces in Little Britain, 1676.
ESTC No. R39993.Grub Street ID 121841.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis, or, Urania's messenger· Being a brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption. 1677. Unto which is numbred from years· The creation. By the oriental and Greek Christians 7185 by the Jews, Hebrews, and later rabins 5437 but according to sacred writ 5626 being the first from the bissextile or leap-year. And from the constitution of the kalendar by Julius Cæsar. 1720 reformation thereof by Pope Gregory - 95 wherein is contained (besides the state of the year) the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions, and diurnal motions of the planets, with the rising setting and southing of the moon, according to the method of Mr. Vincent Wing. Also an account of such eclipses thatshallhappen [sic] this year, together with useful tables, and all other furniture that may conduce to the compleating such a work. Accomodated to the meridian of London, ... To which is added a short discourse of the effects of the heavens and stars. By Henry Coley.
London : printed by S[amuel]. S[immons]. for the Company of Stationers, 1677.
ESTC No. R34398.Grub Street ID 116926.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or Urania's messenger, exhibiting a brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption. 1678. Being the second after the bissextile or leap-year. ... Wherein is contained (besides the state of the year) the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions and diurnal motions of the planets, with the rising, southing, and setting of the moon, according to the method of Mr. Vincent Wing. Also an account of such eclipses that shall happen this year. Together with useful tables, and all other furniture that may conduce to the compleating such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, ... By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and astrology. To which is added a brief account of the late comet, as it was observed at Malaga in Spain.
London : printed by J. Grover for the Company of Stationers, [1678].
ESTC No. R26500.Grub Street ID 109806.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or Urania's messenger, exhibiting a brief description and survey of the year of humane redemption. 1679. Being the third after the bissextile or leap-year. Unto which is numbred years from the creation according to sacred writ 5628 constitution of the kalendar by Julius Cæsar 1722 reformation thereof by Pope Gregory. 97 Wherein is contained (besides the state of the year) the solar ingresses, various configurations, aspects, conjunctions and diurnal motions of the planets, with the rising, southing, and setting of the moon, according to the method of Mr. Vincent Wing. Also an account of such eclipses that shall happen this year. Together with useful tables, and all other furniture that may conduce to the compleating such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, where the pole artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min. and without sensible errour may serve for any part of Great Britain To which is added a rational discourse of the original and growth of as.
London : printed by J. Grover for the Company of Stationers, [1679].
ESTC No. R406.Grub Street ID 122370.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1680. And from the creation, according to sacred writ 5629. Being the bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible errour) for any other part of Great Britain. By Henry Coley student in the mathematicks and the c.lestial science.
The ninth impression..
London : printed by J. Grover for the Company of Stationers, [1680].
ESTC No. R15410.Grub Street ID 63352.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1681. And from the creation, according to Sacred Writ 5630. Being the first from the bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. North, but may indifferently serve (without sensible errour) for any other part of Great Britain. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and the c.lestial science.
The tenth impression..
London : printed by J[ames]. G[rover]. for the Company of Stationers, 1681.
ESTC No. R38576.Grub Street ID 120651.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1682. And from the creation, according to sacred writ 5631. Being the second from the bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. North, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added a short account of the late dreadful comet, and the effects thereof; with some remarks upon the famous conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, in October this present year 1682. By Henry Coley, student in the Mathematicks and the C.les.
The eleventh impression..
London : printed by J.G. for the Company of Stationers, 1682.
ESTC No. R453.Grub Street ID 124894.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1683. And from the creation, according to sacred writ 5632. Being the third from the bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained (1) Astronomical and meterological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. And to compleat the work; here is presented (as formerly) monthly observations, also an Ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets together with a table of houses for the latitude of London, by which a figure of heaven may be set for.
The twelfth impression..
London : printed by A.G. for the Company of Stationers, 1683.
ESTC No. R15441.Grub Street ID 63381.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius c.lestis: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1684. And from the creation, according to sacred writ 5633. Being the bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added, some remarks upon the famous conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, in 1682. and 1683, &c. By Henry Coley, studen in the mathematicks and the c.lestial science.
The thirteenth impression..
London : printed by A[lice]. G[rover]. for the Company of Stationers, 1684.
ESTC No. R5329.Grub Street ID 125781.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius Uranius: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1685. And from the creation, according to sacred writ 5634. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added, monthly observations, also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the aforesaid latitude, &c. the like in all particulars not extant in any other. By Henry Coley, student i.
The fourteenth impression..
London : printed by A.G. for the Company of Stationers, 1685.
ESTC No. R3883.Grub Street ID 120882.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius sydereus: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1686. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5635. Being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) Astrological predictions of the state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipse, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the plantes. (3) The rising and setting of the Sun and Moon: also her Southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, according to the Meridian of London, which lies in the Latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. North, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added, monthly observations, also an Ephemeris of the Diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the aforesaid latitude, &c. the like in all particulars not extant in any other. By Henry Coley student i.
The fifteenth impression..
London : printed by A[lice]. G[rover]. for the Company of Stationers, 1686.
ESTC No. R3791.Grub Street ID 120078.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, An ephemeris for the year 1686. With useful notes, and other furniture proper for such a work, &c. Continued by Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and astrology.
London? : printed by J. Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1686.
ESTC No. R36635.Grub Street ID 118889.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, An ephemeris for the year 1687. According to the method of Mr. W. Lilly. With useful notes, and a variety of other furniture proper for such a work. The like not extant. Continued by (his quondam amanuensis) Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and astrology.
London : printed by J. Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1687.
ESTC No. R31837.Grub Street ID 114593.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius sydereus: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1687. And from the creation, according to Sacred Writ, 5636. Being the third after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful rules and tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added, geographical dscriptions [sic], also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the aforesaid latitude, &c. the like in all particulars not extant in any other. By Henry Coley, student in the mathemat.
The sixteenth impression..
London : printed by A[lice]. G[rover]. for the Company of Stationers, 1687.
ESTC No. R36750.Grub Street ID 119006.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, An ephemeris for the year 1688. According to the method of Mr. W. Lilly. With many useful calculations, and variety of other furniture proper for such a work. The like not extant. Continued by (his quondam amanuensis) Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and astrology.
London : printed by J. Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1688.
ESTC No. R407.Grub Street ID 122467.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius sydereus: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1688. and from the creation, according to Sacred Writ, 5637. Being bissextile, or leap-year wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meterological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies i the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added, geographical descriptions: also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the aforesaid latitude, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant in any other. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks, and the c.lestial science.
The seventeenth impression..
London : printed by A[lice]. G[rover]. for the Company of Stationers, 1688.
ESTC No. R15440.Grub Street ID 63380.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or, An ephemeris for the year 1689. According to the method of Mr. W. Lilly. With (modest) astrological prædictions, and monthly observations; also variety of other furniture, proper for such a work. The like not extant. Continued by (his quondam amanuensis) Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and astrology.
London : Printed by J. Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1689.
ESTC No. R31838.Grub Street ID 114594.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius sydereus: or The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1689. And from the creation, according to Sacred Writ, 5638. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, ... (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added the good and bad days, throughout the year: also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the foresaid latitude, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant in any other. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks, and the c.lestial science.
The eighteenth impression..
London : printed by E[lizabeth]. W[ebster]. for the Company of Stationers, [1689].
ESTC No. R36751.Grub Street ID 119007.
Coley, Henry.
Nuncius sydereus: or The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1690. and from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5639. Being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many useful tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added Monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the aforesaid latitude, &c. the like (in all particulars) not expect.
The ninteenth impression..
London : printed by William Bonny for the Company of Stationers, 1690.
ESTC No. R36752.Grub Street ID 119008.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or, The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1691. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5640. being the third after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced ... from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; with the first rudiments of astrology, ... By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks,.
The twentieth impression..
London : printed by William Bonny, for the Company of Stationers, 1691.
ESTC No. R36748.Grub Street ID 119003.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1692. and from the creation, according to Sacred Writ, 5641. Being bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun and moon: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses ... The like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley,.
The one and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1692.
ESTC No. R29576.Grub Street ID 112539.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1693. And from the Creation, according to sacred writ, 5642. being the first after bissextil, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets; together with a table of houses for the aforesaid latitude, &c. the like (in all particulars.
The two and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1693.
ESTC No. R221473.Grub Street ID 95619.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1694. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5643. Being the second after bissextil, or leap-year· Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. North, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley,.
The three and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1694.
ESTC No. R15483.Grub Street ID 63417.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1695. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5644 being the third after bissextil, or leap year. Wherein is contained (1)Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The sate o the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks,.
The four and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1695.
ESTC No. R34279.Grub Street ID 116806.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1696. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5645 being bissextil, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley,.
The five and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1696.
ESTC No. R28219.Grub Street ID 111304.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1697. And from the creation, according to Sacred Writ, 5646. Being the first after leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2)The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley, teacher of the Mathematicks, and the C.lestia.
The six and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1697.
ESTC No. R28220.Grub Street ID 111306.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1698. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5647. Being the second after leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, ... accommodated to the meridian of London, ... but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley, teacher of the mathematicks, and the c.lestial science, in Baldwin's-Garden.
The seven and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1698.
ESTC No. R39893.Grub Street ID 121743.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1699. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5648. Being the third after bissextil, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) astronomical and meterological observations. (2) The stat of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work. Accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. As also a short discourse of the feast of Easter.
The eight and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1699.
ESTC No. R215690.Grub Street ID 90671.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1700. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5649. Being bissextil, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) Astronomical and meteorological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, ... (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for an other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Coley, teacher of the mathematicks, and the c.lestial science, in Baldwin's-Garden.
The nine and twentieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1700.
ESTC No. R28959.Grub Street ID 111981.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1701. ... By Henry Coley,.
The thirtieth impression..
London : printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1701.
ESTC No. T16937.Grub Street ID 207218.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1702. ... By Henry Coley,.
The one and thirtieth impression..
London : printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1702 [i.e. 1701?].
ESTC No. T16938.Grub Street ID 207228.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1703. And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5652. Wherein is contained (1) astronomical and.
London : Printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1703.
ESTC No. T172265.Grub Street ID 209736.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1704. ... By Henry Coley.
The three and thirtieth impression..
London : printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1704.
ESTC No. T16939.Grub Street ID 207239.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1705. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1705.
ESTC No. T16940.Grub Street ID 207250.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1706. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1706.
ESTC No. T16941.Grub Street ID 207259.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1707. Being the third after besextile or leap year. Wherein is contained (1) Astronomical and meteoroligical observations. (2) The state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planers. (3) The rising and setting of the moon, seven stars, and other fixed stars of note. (4) A perpetual table of the rising and setting of the sun, break of day, and twilight, and length of the days to every fifth day throughout the year. Together with a tables of houses, and others fitting for such a work accommondated to the meredian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but will serve (without sensible error) for any part of Great Britain, or Ireland, to which is added, monthly observations, and astrological predictions for the whole year, the like (in all particulars) not extant. By Henry Goldy, student in the ma.
London : Printed by Eleanor Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1707.
ESTC No. T172266.Grub Street ID 209737.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1707. ... By Henry Coley,.
The impression..
London : printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1707.
ESTC No. T16942.Grub Street ID 207270.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1708. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1708.
ESTC No. T16943.Grub Street ID 207281.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1709. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by E. Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1709.
ESTC No. T16944.Grub Street ID 207292.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1710. Being the second after Bissextile or Leap-Year Wherein is Contained both Astronomical and Metorological Observations, with the State of the Year deduced according to Art, from the Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Planets. The Rising and setting of the Moon, and Time of High-Water at London-Bridge, a Table of the Kings and Queens Reigns. A Perpetual Table of Sun-Rising and Setting, Break of Day, Twilight, and Length of the Days, to every fifth Day throughout the Year. Also a Plain and Easy Table of Interest, and another shewing the Bearing, Distance, Longest Day and difference of Meridians of most Principal Cities in the World, from the City of London. Together with a Table of Houses; according to the Doctrine of Ptolemy, the like not to be found in any other for Exactness, with all other Necessaries fitting for such a Work; Accommodated to the Meridian o.
London : printed by E. Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1710.
ESTC No. T16945.Grub Street ID 207301.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger. For the year of human redemption, 1711. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained both astronomical and astrological observations, with the state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, and aspects of the planets, the rising, setting and southing of the moon, a table of the Kings and Queens reigns. A perpetual table of break of day, twilight, length of the day, sun rising and setting, to every fifth day throughout the year, also a plain and easy table of interest, and mother shewing the bearing, distance, longest day and difference of meridians of most principal cities in the world, from London. Together with ptolemt's table of houses, with all other necessaries sitting for such a work; accommodated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 deg. 32 min. north, but will serve for any part of Great-Britain, or Ireland. To which is added, monthly observa.
London : Printed by E. Everingham, for the company of Stationers, 1711.
ESTC No. T16946.Grub Street ID 207310.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of human redemption, 1712 ... By Henry Coley.
London : printed by E. Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1712.
ESTC No. T16947.Grub Street ID 207321.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the first after [sic] year of human redemption, 1713. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by E. Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1713.
ESTC No. T16948.Grub Street ID 207332.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger for the year of human redemption, 1714. Being the second after bissextile, or leap year. Wherein is contained both astronomical and astrological observations, with the state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations and aspects of the planets. The rising, setting and southing of the moon: a table of the kings and queens reigns: a perpetual table of break of day, twilight, length of the day, sun rising and setting, to every fifth day throughout the year. Also a plain and easy table of interest, and another shewing the bearing, distance, longest day and difference of meridians, of most principal cities in the world, from London. Together with Ptolemy's table of houses, with all other necessaries fitting for such a work; accommodated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 deg. 32 min. North; but will serve for any part of Great-Britain or Ireland. To which is added, monthly observ.
London : Printed by E. Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1714.
ESTC No. T16949.Grub Street ID 207342.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or The starry messenger for the year of human redemption, 1715. Being the third after bissextile, or leap year. Wherein is contained both astronomical and astrological observations, with the state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, and aspects of the planets: the rising, setting, and southing of the moon: a table of the kings and queens reigns: a perpetual table of break of day, twilight, length of the day, sun rising and setting, to every fifth day throughout the year. Also a plain and easy table of interest, and another shewing the bearing, distance, longest day and difference of meridians, of most principal cities in the world, from London. Together with ptolemy's table of houses, with all other necessaries fitting for such a work; accommodated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 deg. 32 min. north; but will serve for any part of Great-Britain, or Ireland. To which is added, monthly obser.
London : Printed by E. Everingbam, for the Company of Stationers, 1715.
ESTC No. T16950.Grub Street ID 207349.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1716. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by E. Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1716.
ESTC No. T16951.Grub Street ID 207360.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior or, The starry messneger. For the year of our redemption, 1717. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained both astronomical and astrological observacions, with the state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, and aspects of the planets. The risting setting and southing of the moon. A table of the kings and queen regins: a perpetual table of break of day, twilight, lenght of day, sun rising and setting to every fifth day throughout the year. Also a plain and easy table of interest, and another shewing the bearing, distance, longest day and difference of meridians, of most principal cities in the world, from London: together with ptolemts table of houses, with all other necessaries fitting for such a work; accommodated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 deg 32 min. north; but will serve for any part of Great Britain, or Ireland. To which ... monthly observations, and pre.
London : Printed by E. Rumball for the Company of Stationers, 1717.
ESTC No. T16952.Grub Street ID 207366.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of human redemption, 1718. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by L. Beardwell, for the Company of Stationers, 1718.
ESTC No. T16953.Grub Street ID 207376.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1719. Being the third after bissextile or leap year. Wherein is contained both astronomical and astrological observations, with the state of the year deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, and aspects of the planets. The rising, setting, and southing of the moon. A table of the kings and queens reigns: a perpetual table of break of day, twilight, length of day, sun rising and setting to every fifth day throughout the year. Also a plain and easy table of interest, and another shewing the bearing, distance, longest day and difference of meridians, of most principal cities in the world, from London, together with ptolemy's table of houses, with all other necessaries fitting for such a work; accommodated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 deg. 32 min. north; but will serve for any part of Great Britain, or Ireland. To which is added, monthly observation.
London : Printed by J. Crook for the Company of Stationers, 1719.
ESTC No. T16954.Grub Street ID 207383.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1720. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Crook, for the Company of Stationers, 1720.
ESTC No. T16955.Grub Street ID 207391.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger. For the year of our redemption, 1721. ... By Henry Coley.
London : printed by John Crook for the Company of Stationers, 1721.
ESTC No. T16956.Grub Street ID 207399.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1722. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, 1722.
ESTC No. T16957.Grub Street ID 207406.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger. For the year of our redemption, 1723. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1723].
ESTC No. T16958.Grub Street ID 207415.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger. For the year of our redemption, 1724 ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1724].
ESTC No. T16959.Grub Street ID 207424.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messanger. For the year of our redemption, 1725. Being the first after bissextile, or leap year. Wherein is contained both asttremonical and astroligical observatins, with the state of the year dedeuced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, and aspects of the planets. The rising, setting and southing of the moon. A perpectual table of break of day, twillight, length of day, sun rising and setting to every fifth day throughout the year: and another shewing the bearing, distance, longest day, and difference of meridians, of most principal cities in the world, from London: together with ptolomy's table of houses, with all other necessaries sitting of London; whose latitude is 51 deg. 32 min. north, but will serve for any palace of Great Britain, or Ireland. To which is added, monthly observatins, add predictions for the whole year, the like not extant, (in all particulars.) By Henry Coley, student in the mathemati.
London : Printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1725].
ESTC No. T16960.Grub Street ID 207431.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger. For the year of our redemption, 1726. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1726].
ESTC No. T16961.Grub Street ID 207441.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger. For the year of our redemption, 1727. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1727].
ESTC No. T16962.Grub Street ID 207452.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger. For the year 1728. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by J. Read for the Company of Stationers, [1728].
ESTC No. T16963.Grub Street ID 207461.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1741. Being the First after Bessextile or Leap Year. Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coclestial.
London : printed by J. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1741].
ESTC No. T16976.Grub Street ID 207556.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1742. Being the Second after Bessextile or Leap Year. Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing and Setting of the Moon, and High Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coclestia.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1742].
ESTC No. T16977.Grub Street ID 207562.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1743. Being the third after bessextile or leap year. Wherein is contained, [I.] Astronomical, astrological, and meteorological observations. [II.] The state of the year deduced according to art, from solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the seven planets. [III.] The rising, southing and setting of the moon, and high-water at London Bridge. [IV.] Tables of the rising, southing and setting of the seven stars, and other fixed stars of note: a perpetual table of the rising and setting of the sun, beginning and ending of twilight, and length of the day and night, to every fifth day throughout the year; with many other tables pertinent for such a work, all accommendated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 degrees, 32 minutes north, but will serve for any part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not extant. [B]y Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and the.
L]ondon : Printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1743.
ESTC No. T16978.Grub Street ID 207567.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1744. Being a bissextile, or leap year. Wherein is contained, astronomical, astrological, and meteorological observations. The state of the year deduced according to art, from the ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and junctions of the seven planets. The rising, southing and setting of the moon, and high-riser at London Bridge. Tables of the rising, southing and setting of the seven planets, and other fixed stars of note: a perpetual table of rising and setting of the sun, beginning and ending of twilight, and length of the day and night, to every fifth throughout the year; with many other tables pertinent for such a work, all accommondated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 degrees, 32 minutes North, but will serve for any part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not extant. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and the caelestial science.
London : Printed by M. Read, for the company of Stationers, [1744].
ESTC No. T16979.Grub Street ID 207573.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1745. Being the first after bessextile, or leap year. Wherein is contained, 1. astronomical, astrological, and meteorological observations. 2. the state of the year deduced according to art, from solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the seven planets. 3. The rising, southing and setting of the moon, and high water at London Bridge. 4. Tables of the rising, southing and setting of the seven stars, and other fixed stars of note: a perpetual table of the rising and setting of the sun, beginning and ending of twilight, and length of the day and night, to every fifth day throughout the year; with many other tables pertinent for such a work, all accommodated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 degrees, 32 minutes north, but will serve for any part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not extant. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and the caelestial.
London : Printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1745].
ESTC No. T16980.Grub Street ID 207583.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1746. Being the Second after Bessextile, or Leap Year. Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coelesti.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1746].
ESTC No. T16981.Grub Street ID 207591.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1747. Bieng [sic] the Third after Bessextile [sic], or Leap Year. Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and t.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1747].
ESTC No. T16982.Grub Street ID 207602.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1748. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1748].
ESTC No. T16983.Grub Street ID 207613.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1749. Being the First after Bessextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks, and the Coeles.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1749].
ESTC No. T16984.Grub Street ID 207621.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1750. Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon; and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coeles.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1750].
ESTC No. T16985.Grub Street ID 207627.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1751. Being the Third after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coelest.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1751].
ESTC No. T16986.Grub Street ID 207637.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1752. Being Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrologlical, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coelestial Science.
London : printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers, [1752].
ESTC No. T16987.Grub Street ID 207645.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1753. Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all Accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coelest.
London : printed by F. Nunneley, for the Company of Stationers, [1753].
ESTC No. T16988.Grub Street ID 207653.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1754. Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Cocles.
London : printed by E. Nunneley, for the Company of Stationers, [1754].
ESTC No. T16989.Grub Street ID 207659.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1755. Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; with many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, all accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Coelestial Science.
London : printed by E. Nunneley, for the Company of Stationers, [1755].
ESTC No. N4527.Grub Street ID 30291.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1756. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1756].
ESTC No. T16990.Grub Street ID 207669.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1757. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1757].
ESTC No. T16991.Grub Street ID 207678.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1758. Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London-Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note: A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; With many other Tables pertinent for such a Work, All accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Celest.
London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1758].
ESTC No. T16992.Grub Street ID 207686.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1759. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1759].
ESTC No. T16993.Grub Street ID 207696.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1760. Being the Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon, and High-Water at London-Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note. A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; With many other Tables pertinent for such a Work. All accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees. 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and the Celestial Science.
London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1760].
ESTC No. T16994.Grub Street ID 207705.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1761. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon and Planets, and High-Water at London-Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note. A perpetual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night; to every fifth Day throughout the Year; With many other Tables pertinent for such a Work. All accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees, 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and.
London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1761].
ESTC No. T16995.Grub Street ID 207713.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1762. ... By Henry Coley,.
London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1762].
ESTC No. T16996.Grub Street ID 207724.
Coley, Henry.
Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1763. Being the third after Bissextile, or Leap Year: Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, Astrological, and Meteorological Observations. II. The State of the Year deduced according to Art, from Solar Ingresses, Eclipses, various Configurations, Aspects and Conjunctions of the Seven Planets. III. The Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Moon and Planets, and High-Water at London-Bridge. IV. Tables of the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note. A perperual Table of the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Beginning and Ending of Twilight, and Length of the Day and Night, to every fifth Day throughout the Year; With many other Tables pertinent for such a Work. All accommodated to the Meridian of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees. 32 Minutes North, but will serve for any Part of Great Britain or Ireland. The like not Extant. By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks and.
London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers [1763].
ESTC No. T16997.Grub Street ID 207733.