Selden, John.
The duello or single combat: from antiquitie deriued into this kingdome of England, with seuerall kindes, and ceremonious formes thereof from good authority described.
London: Printed by G[eorge] E[ld] for I. Helme, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard, in Fleet-streete, 1610.
ESTC No. S117105.Grub Street ID 136780.
Selden, John.
Iani Anglorum facies altera. Memoriâ nemp à primulâ Henrici II. adusq[ue] abitionem quod occurrit prophanum Anglo-Britanniæ ius resipiens succincto di?g?matik?s connexum filo. Inlustriss. Comiti Sarisburiæ dest. d.d. Operâ Ioannis Selden Saluintonij Societate Inter. Templ. Londinensis.
Londini: Impens. auctor. typis T[homas] S[nodham] procur. I. Helme, M.D.C.X. [1610].
ESTC No. S121883.Grub Street ID 141448.
Selden, John.
Titles of honor by Iohn Selden.
London: By William Stansby for Iohn Helme, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstans Church-yard, M.DC.XIV. [1614].
ESTC No. S117085.Grub Street ID 136759.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni I.C. De dIs Syris syntagmata II. Aduersaria nemp de numinibus commentitijs in vetere instrumento memoratis. accedunt quæ sunt reliqua Syrorum. Prisca porrò Arabum, Ægyptiorum, Persarum, Afrorum, Europæorum item theologia subind illustratur.
Londini: Bibliopolarum corpori excudebat Guilielmus Stansbeius, M.DC.XVII. [1617].
ESTC No. S117111.Grub Street ID 136786.
Selden, John.
Marmora Arundelliana; siue Saxa Græc incisa ex venerandis priscæ Orientis gloriæ ruderibus, auspicijs & impensis herois illustriss. Thomæ Comitis Arundelliæ & Surriæ, Comitis Marescalli Angliæ, pridm vindicata & in ædibus eius hortisque cognominibus, ad Thamesis ripam, disposita. Accedunt inscriptiones aliquot veteris Latij, ex locupletissimo eiusdem vetustatis thesauro selectæ, auctariolum item aliund sumtum. Publicauit & commentariolos adiecit Ioannes Seldenus I.C.
Londini: Typis & impensis Guilielmi Stanesbeij, MDCXXVIII. [1628].
ESTC No. S122110.Grub Street ID 141668.
Selden, John.
Marmora Arundelliana; siue Saxa Græc incisa ex venerandis priscæ Orientis gloriæ ruderibus, auspicijs & impensis herois illustriss. Thomæ Comitis Arundelliæ & Surriæ, Comitis Marescalli Angliæ, pridm vindicata & in ædibus eius hortisque cognominibus, ad Thamesis ripam, disposita. Accedunt inscriptiones aliquot veteris Latij, ex locupletissimo eiusdem vetustatis thesauro selectæ, auctariolum item aliund sumtum. Publicauit & commentariolos adiecit Ioannes Seldenus I.C.
Londini: apud Ioannem Billium, typographum Regium, MDCXXIX. [1629].
ESTC No. S125190.Grub Street ID 144446.
Selden, John.
Marmora Arundelliana; siue Saxa Græc incisa ex venerandis priscæ Orientis gloriæ ruderibus, auspicijs & impensis herois illustriss. Thomæ Comitis Arundelliæ & Surriæ, Comitis Marescalli Angliæ, pridm vindicata & in ædibus eius hortisque cognominibus, ad Thamesis ripam, disposita. Accedunt inscriptiones aliquot veteris Latij, ex locupletissimo eiusdem vetustatis thesauro selectæ, auctariolum item aliund sumtum. Publicauit & commentariolos adiecit Ioannes Seldenus I.C.
Londini: apud Ioannem Billium, typographum Regij Maiestatis, MDCXXIX. [1629].
ESTC No. S126497.Grub Street ID 145583.
Selden, John.
Titles of honor, by Iohn Selden.
London: Printed by William Stansby for Richard Whittakers, and are to be sold at the Kings Armes in Pauls Churchyard, MDCXXXI. [1631].
ESTC No. S124237.Grub Street ID 143627.
Selden, John.
Titles of honor, by Iohn Selden.
London: Printed by William Stansby for Richard Whitakers [sic], and are to be sold at the Kings Armes in Pauls Churchyard, MDCXXXI. [1631].
ESTC No. S117044.Grub Street ID 136720.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni I.C. De successionibus in bona defuncti, seu iure hæreditario, ad leges Ebræorum, quæ, florente olim eorum republica, in vsu, liber singularis, ex sacris literis, vtroque Talmude, & selectioribus rabbinis, id est, ex iuris Ebraici fontibus, pandectis, atque consultissimis magistris, desumtus.
Londini: Typis Guillielmi Stanesbeij. Et prostant apud Edmundum Weauer, & Ioannem Smithick, M.DCXXXI. [1631].
ESTC No. S117052.Grub Street ID 136727.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni Mare clausum seu De dominio maris libri duo. Primo, mare, ex iure naturæ seu gentium, omnium hominum non esse commune, sed dominii privati seu proprietatis capax, pariter ac tellurem, esse demonstratur. Secundo, serenissimum Magnæ Britanniæ Regem maris circumflui, ut individuæ atque perpetuæ imperii Britannici appendicis, dominum esse, asseritur.
Londini: Excudebat Will. Stanesbeius, pro Richardo Meighen, MDCXXXV. [1635].
ESTC No. S117048.Grub Street ID 136723.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni De successionibus in bona defuncti, ad leges Ebræorum, liber singularis.
Londini: Excudebat Richardus Bishop, MDCXXXVI. [1636].
ESTC No. S117055.Grub Street ID 136730.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni Mare clausum seu De dominio maris libri duo. Quorum argumentum paginâ versâ.
[Leiden: Printed by B. and A. Elzevir] Iuxta exemplar Londinense, VVill. Stanesbeii pro Richardo Meighen, M DC XXXVI. [1636].
ESTC No. S117098.Grub Street ID 136772.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni Mare clausum, seu De dominio maris libri duo. Primo, mare, ex iure naturæ, seu gentium, omnium hominum non esse commune, sed dominii privati, seu proprietatis capax, pariter ac tellurem, esse demonstratur. Secundo, serenissimum Magnæ Britanniæ Regem maris circumflui, ut individuæ atque perpetuæ Imperii Britannici appendicis, dominum esse, asseritur.
Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Joannem, & Theodorum Maire, M DCXXXVI. [1636].
ESTC No. S1345.Grub Street ID 145789.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni Mare clausum seu De dominio maris libri duo. I. Mare, ex iure naturæ seu gentium, omnium hominum non esse commune, sed dominii privati seu proprietatis capax, pariter ac tellurem, esse demonstratur. II. Serenissimum Magnæ Britanniæ Regem maris circumflui, u individuæ atque perpetuæ Imperii Britannici appendicis, dominum esse asseritur. Accedunt Marci Zuerii Boxhornii apologia pro navigationibus Hollandorum adversus Pontum Heuterum, et tractatus mutui commercii & navigationis inter Henricum VII. Regem Angliæ & Philippum Archiducem Austriæ.
Londini [i.e. Amsterdam?]: Iuxta exemplar Will. Stanesbeii pro Richardo Meighen, M DC XXXVI. [1636].
ESTC No. S123287.Grub Street ID 142799.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni mare clausum, seu, De dominio maris libri duo : primo, mare, ex iure naturæ, seu gentium, omnium hominum non esse commune, sed dominii privati, seu proprietatis capax, pariter ac Tellurem, esse demonstratur : secundo, Serenissimum Magnæ Britanniæ Regem mari circumflui, ut individuæ atque perpetuæ imperii Britannici appendicis, dominum esse, asseritur.
Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Joannem, & Theodorum Maire, CI[C] I[C]CXXXVI [1636].
ESTC No. S2876.Grub Street ID 147199.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni De iure naturali & gentium, iuxta disciplinam Ebræorum, libri septem.
Londini: Excudebat Richardus Bishopius, 1640.
ESTC No. S117078.Grub Street ID 136753.
Selden, John.
The priviledges of the baronage of England, vvhen they sit in Parliament. Collected (and of late revised) by John Selden of the Inner Temple Esquire out of the Parliament rolles, and journalls patent, and close rolls; the crowne rolls, the proceedings of the English courts at Westminster, the register of the arch-bishop of Canterbury, and the delegates yeare-bookes, of the common law, statutes & other good authorities, and in such sort that frequently the words of the chiefest testimonies are transcribed, least the freedome of the readers iudgement might be other wayes prevented by short collections. The recitalls of the French records in the 4th. chap. also newly translated into English for the benefit of others, as well as the students of the lawes of England.
London: printed by T. Badger for Matthew Wallbanck, and are to be sold at his shop at Grase-Inne Gate, 1642.
ESTC No. R10915.Grub Street ID 59248.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni De anno civili & calendario veteris ecclesiæ seu Reipublicæ judaicæ, dissertatio. Tum Talmudicorum tum Karæorum ea de re disciplinam exhibens adeoque & ipsam quæ tam apostolis aliisque Christianis primitivis qua??m ipsi Christo fuit in usu. Tertullianus. Mihi autem cum archetypis limes est magistrorum principalium, non cum adfectatis ducibus discipulorum passivorum.
Londini: excudebat Richardus Bishopius, 1644.
ESTC No. R14114.Grub Street ID 62164.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni Uxor Ebraica, seu De nuptiis & divortiis ex iure civili, id est, divino & Talmudico, veterum Ebræorum, libri tres. Stupenda & Christianis quasi inaudita Karæorum seu judæorum scripturariorum de incestu dogmata interseruntur. Accedunt non pauca de contrahendis solvendisque matrimoniis paganorum, Mahumedanorum, atque Christianorum, idque ex jure tum Cæsareo aliarumque gentium complurium, tum pontificio tam orientis quàm occidentis, quà sive ex Ebræorum moribus defluxerint, sive eis cognata videantur.
Londini: typis Richardi Bishopii, MDCXLVI. [1646].
ESTC No. R4001.Grub Street ID 121858.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni De synedriis & præfecturis iuridicis veterum Ebræorum liber primus.
Londini: typis Jacobi Flesher. Prostant apud Cornelium Bee, in vic. vulg. voc. Litle-Britain, MDCL. [1650].
ESTC No. R4091.Grub Street ID 122661.
Selden, John.
Of the dominion, or, ownership of the sea two books. In the first is shew'd, that the sea, by the lavv of nature, or nations. [sic] is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land. In the second is proved, that the dominion of the British sea, or that which incompasseth the isle of Great Britain, is, and ever hath been, a part or appendant of the empire of that island. Writen at first in Latin, and entituled, Mare clausum seu, De dominio maris, by John Selden, Esquire. Translated into English; and set forth with som additional evidences and discourses, by Marchamont Nedham. Published by special command.
London: printed by William Du-Gard, by the appointment of the Council of State: and are to bee sold at the sign of the Ship at the New-Exchange, anno Domini 1652.
ESTC No. R15125.Grub Street ID 63086.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni Vindiciæ secundm integritatem existimationis suæ, per convitium de scriptione maris clausi, petulantissimum mendacissimúmque insolentis læsæ in vindiciis maris liberi adverss Petrum Baptistam Burgum, ligustici maritimi dominii assertorem, hagæ comitum ja nunc emissis.
Londini: M.DC.LIII, apud Cornelium Bee, [1653].
ESTC No. R207189.Grub Street ID 83604.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni De synedriis & præfecturis iuridicis veterum Ebræorum liber secundus.
Londini: typis Jacobi Flesheri. Prostant apud Cornelium Bee, in vico Litle-Britain dicto, MDCLIII. [1653].
ESTC No. R219610.Grub Street ID 94118.
Selden, John.
Ioannis Seldeni De synedriis & præfecturis iuridicis veterum Ebræorum liber tertius & ultimus.
Londini: typis Jacobi Flesheri Prostant apud Cornelium Bee, in vico Litle-Britain dicto, MDCLV. [1655].
ESTC No. R230774.Grub Street ID 103013.
Selden, John.
Theanthr]-opos: or, God made man. A tract proving the nativity of our Saviour to be on the 25. of December. By John Selden, that eminently-learned antiquary, late of the Inner-Temple.
London : printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for Nathaniel Brooks at the Angel in Corn-hill, 1661.
ESTC No. R203528.Grub Street ID 80621.
Selden, John.
Theanthropos: or, God made man. A tract proving the nativity of our Saviour to be on the 25. of December ...
London: printed by J.G. for Nathaniel Brooks, 1661.
ESTC No. R473751.Grub Street ID 125174.
Selden, John.
Mare clausum; The right and dominion of the sea in tvvo books. In the first, the sea is proved by the law of nature and nations, not to be common to all men, but to be susceptible of private dominion and propriety as well as the land. In the second, it is asserted that the most serene King of Great Britain is the lord and proprietor of the circumfluent and surrounding sea, as an inseparable and perpetual appendix of the British empire. Written at first in Latin by that late famous and learned antiquary John Selden, Esquire. Formerly translated into English, and now perfected and restored by J.H. gent.
London : printed for Andrew Kembe and Edward Thomas, and are to be sold at their shops on St. Margarets-hill in Southwark, and at the Adam and Eve in Little-Britain, MDCLXIII. [1663].
ESTC No. R15177.Grub Street ID 63134.
Selden, John.
A brief discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor of England. Written by the learned John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esq; and dedicated by him to Sir Francis Bacon ... Transcribed from a true copy thereof, found amongst the collections of ... St. Lo. Kniveton, late of Grayes Inne Esq; together with A true catalogue of lord chancellors, and keepers of the great seal of England, from the Norman conquest, untill this present year, 1671. By William Dugdale, Esquire, Norroy king of arms.
London : Printed for William Lee at the Turks Head in Fleetstreet, over against Fetter-lane end, 1671.
ESTC No. R9986.Grub Street ID 130017.
Selden, John.
Titles of honor. By the late famous and learned antiquary John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esquire. The third edition carefully corrected. With additions and amendments by the author.
London : printed by E. Tyler, and R. Holt, for Thomas Dring, and are to be sold at the White Lion next Chancery-Lane End in Fleetstreet, M DC LXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R218681.Grub Street ID 93316.
Selden, John.
Titles of honor. By the late famous and learned antiquary John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esquire. The third edition carefully corrected. With additions and amendments by the author.
London : printed by E. Tyler, and R. Holt, for Thomas Bassett, and are to be sold at the George, near Saint Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, M DC LXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R221821.Grub Street ID 95908.
Selden, John.
Titles of honor. By the late famous and learned antiquary John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esquire. The third edition carefully corrected. With additions and amendments by the author.
London : printed by E. Tyler, and R. Holt, for John Leigh, and are to be sold at the Bell between Chancery-Lane and St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, MDCLXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R22094.Grub Street ID 95171.
Selden, John.
A brief discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor of England. Written by the learned John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esq; and dedicated by him to Sir Francis Bacon Knight, then Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Transcribed from a true copy thereof, found amongst the collections of that judicious antiquary St. Lo Kniveton, late of Grayes Inne Esq; together with A true catalogue of lord chancellors, and keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Norman Conquest, untill this present year, 1671. By William Dugdale, Esquire, Norroy King of Arms.
London : printed for William Lee at the Turks Head in Fleetstreet, over against Fetter-lane end, 1672.
ESTC No. R30553.Grub Street ID 113392.
Selden, John.
A brief discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor of England. Written by the learned John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esq; and dedicated by him to Sir Francis Bacon knight, then Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Transcribed from a true copy thereof, found amongst the collections of that judicious antiquary Sr. Lo. Kniveton, late of Grayes Inn Esq; Together with A true catalogue of lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the Norman conquest until this present year, 1677. By Sir William Dugdale, kt. now Garter principal King o Arms.
London : printed for Thomas Lee at the Turks Head in Fleetstreet, over against Fetter-lane end, 1677.
ESTC No. R30554.Grub Street ID 113393.
Selden, John.
Jani Anglorum facies altera. Memoria nempe a primula Henrici II. Adusque abitionem quod occurrit prophanum Anglo-Britanniæ jus resipiens succincto di=eg=ematik=os connexum filo. Illustriss. comiti Sarisburiæ dest. D.D. Opera Joannis Selden Salvintonij e Societate Inter Templ. Londinensis.
Londini : typis Thom. Braddyll & prostant vaenales apud Thom. Benskins in Cæmiterio Sanctæ Bridgidæ, alias, Bride, prope Fleetstreet, [1681].
ESTC No. R183689.Grub Street ID 73500.
Selden, John.
John Selden, Of the judicature in parliaments, a posthumous treatise: wherein, the controveries and precedents belonging to that title, are methodically handled.
London : printed for Joseph Lawson bookseller in the Bail of Lincoln; and sold by the booksellers in London, [1681].
ESTC No. R10657.Grub Street ID 59004.
Selden, John.
John Selden, Of the judicature in parliaments, a posthumous treatise: wherein, the controveries and precedents belonging to that title, are methodically handled.
London : printed for Joseph Lawson bookseller in the Bail of Lincoln; and sold by the booksellers in London, 1681.
ESTC No. R232256.Grub Street ID 104087.
Selden, John.
Jani Anglorum facies altera. Memoria nempe a primula Henrici II. Adusque abitionem quod occurrit prophanum Anglo-Britanniæ jus resipiens succincto di=eg=ematik=os connexum filo. Illustriss. comiti Sarisburiæ dest. D.D. Opera Joannis Selden Salvintonij e Societate Inter Templ. Londinensis.
Londini : impens. T.D., anno 1681.
ESTC No. R16039.Grub Street ID 63925.
Selden, John.
The reverse or back-face of the English Janus. To-wit, all that is met with in story concerning the common and statute-law of English Britanny, from the first memoirs of the two nations, to the decease of King Henry II. set down and tackt together succinctly by way of narrative. Designed, devoted and dedicated to the most illustrious the Earl of Salisbury. Written in Latin by John Selden of Salvinton, student of the Inner-Temple in London; and rendred into English by Redman Westcot, Gent.
London : Printed for Thomas Basset, and Richard Chiswell, MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R14398.Grub Street ID 62424.
Selden, John.
Tracts written by John Selden of the Inner-Temple, Esquire. The first entituled, Jani Anglorum facies altera, rendred into English, with large notes thereupon, by Redman Westcot, gent. The second, England's epinomis. The third, Of the original of ecclesiastical jurisdictions of testaments. The fourth, Of the disposition or administration of intestates goods. The three last never before extant.
London : printed for Thomas Basset at the George in Fleet-street, and Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R14343.Grub Street ID 62372.
Selden, John.
Tracts written by John Selden of the Inner-Temple, Esquire. The first entituled, Jani Anglorum facies altera, rendred into English, with large notes thereupon, by Redman Westcot, Gent. The second, England's epinomis. The third, Of the original of ecclesiastical jurisdictions of testaments. The fourth, Of the disposition or administration of intestates goods. The three last never before extant.
London : Printed, for Thomas Basset and Richard Chiswell, and are to be sold by Robert Clavell, at the Peacock in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R18657.Grub Street ID 75181.
Selden, John.
England's epinomis. By John Selden, Esquire.
London : printed for Thomas Basset at the George in Fleetstreet, and Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R8865.Grub Street ID 128996.
Selden, John.
Table-talk: being the discourses of John Selden Esq; or his sence of various matters of weight and high consequence relating especially to religion and state.
London : printed for E. Smith, in the year MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R7220.Grub Street ID 127500.
Selden, John.
An historical and political discourse of the laws & government of England, from the first times to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a vindication of the ancient way of parliaments in England, collected from some manuscript notes of John Selden, Esq; by Nathaniel Bacon of Grays Inn, Esquire.
London : printed for John Starkey, and are to be sold by J. Robinson at the Golden Lyon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, R. Bentley in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden, Jacob Tonson at the Judges Head in Chancery-Lane, T. Goodwin at the Maiden Head in Fleetstreet, and T. Fox at the Angel in Westminster-Hall, 1689.
ESTC No. R16514.Grub Street ID 64349.
Selden, John.
The priviledges of the baronage of England when they sit in Parliament: with the special rights of barons that have place in Parliament, in their private capacities. Collected out of Parliament rolls, Crown rolls, the proceedings of the courts at Westminster, the arch-bishops register, the delegates year-books, the common law, statutes, and other good authorities. With the articles of impeachment against Michael de la Pool, Lord Chancellor of England. By John Selden Esq;.
London : printed for Sam. Heyrick at Grays-Inn Gate, and Matth. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall, and sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1689.
ESTC No. R3054.Grub Street ID 113377.
Selden, John.
Table-talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq; or his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence; relating especially to religion and state.
The second edition..
London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judge's-Head near the Inner-Temple Gate in Fleetstreet; and Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1696.
ESTC No. R3639.Grub Street ID 118674.
Selden, John.
The duello, or, single combat: from antiquity derived into this kingdom of England; With several Kinds and Ceremonious Forms thereof from good Authority described. By the learned Mr. Selden. Printed in the year 1610. And now re-printed.
London : printed for William Bray in Exeter-Court, near Exeter-Change in the Strand, [1711?].
ESTC No. T35003.Grub Street ID 265216.
Selden, John.
Table-Talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq; or his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence; relating especially to religion and state.
The third edition..
London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shakespear's-Head, over-against Catherine-Street in the Strand; and Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVI. [1716].
ESTC No. T115346.Grub Street ID 167109.
Selden, John.
Joannis Seldeni jurisconsulti opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita. In tribus voluminibus. Collegit ac recensuit; vitam auctoris, praefationes, & indices adjecit, David Wilkins, .
Londini : [printed by Samuel Palmer, William Bowyer, and Thomas Wood] anno salutis humanae, 1725.
ESTC No. T153463.Grub Street ID 197811.
Selden, John.
Joannis Seldeni jurisconsulti opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita. In tribus voluminibus. Collegit ac recensuit; vitam auctoris, praefationes, & indices adjecit, David Wilkins, S.T.P. Archidiaconus Suffolciensis, Canonicus Cantauriensis, Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino Domino Guilielmo, Divina Providentia Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, &c. a Sacris Domesticis.
Londini : typis Guil. Bowyer, impensis J. Walthoe, G. Conyers, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. & B. Sprint, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, B. Lintot, J. Tonson, R. Gosling, W. & J. Innys, J. Osborn & T. Longman, R. Robinson, T. Woodward, F. Clay, B. Motte, A. Ward, T. Wotton, & executorum Richardi Sare, M DCC XXVI. [1726].
ESTC No. T153464.Grub Street ID 197812.
Selden, John.
Joannis Seldeni jurisconsulti opera omnia, Tam edita quam inedita. In tribus voluminibus. Collegit ac recensuit; vitam auctoris, praefationes, & indices adjecit, David Wilkins, S.T.P. Archidiaconus Suffolciensis, Canonicus Cantuariensis, Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino Domino Guilielmo, Divina Providentia Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, &c. &c. a Sacris Domesticis.
Londini : typis Guil. Bowyer, impensis J. Walthoe, G. Conyers, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. & B. Sprint, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, B. Lintot, J. Tonson, R. Gosling, W. & J. Innys, J. Osborn & T. Longman, R. Robinson, T. Woodward, F. Clay, B. Motte, A. Ward, T. Wotton, & executorum Richardi Sare, M DCC XXVI. [1726].
ESTC No. T153465.Grub Street ID 197813.
Selden, John.
Table-Talk: being the discourses of John Selden Esq. or his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence relating especially to religion and state. Distingue Tempora.
Glasgow: printed and sold by R. and A. Foulis, M.DCC.LV. [1755].
ESTC No. T172693.Grub Street ID 210110.
Selden, John.
The dissertation of John Selden, annexed to Fleta. Translated, with notes. By the editor of Britton: translated and illustrated.
London : sold by J. Worrall, and B. Tovey, at the Dove; in Bell-Yard, near Lincoln's-Inn, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
ESTC No. T112668.Grub Street ID 164634.
Selden, John.
Table-Talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq. or, his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence. Relating especially to religion and state.
A new edition..
London : printed for J. Wilkie, Number 71, St. Paul's Church-Yard; W. Cater, No. 274, and S. Hayes, No. 92, Holborn; and E. Easton, at Salisbury, M.DCC.LXXVII. [1777].
ESTC No. T177337.Grub Street ID 214284.
Selden, John.
Table talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq. or his sense of various matters of Weight and High Consequence. relating especially to religion and state.
A new edition. To which is added, the life of the author..
London : printed for Joseph White, Holborn, M,DCC,LXXXVI. [1786].
ESTC No. T108836.Grub Street ID 161682.
Selden, John.
Seldeniana; or, the table talk of John Selden, Esq: being his sense of various matters of weight, and high consequence, relating especially to religion and state. To which is now added, the life and portrait of the author, and a dedication to our distinguished countryman, the Right Honourable Charles James Fox. Liberty above all things.
A new edition. To which is now added, the life and portrait of the author, ...
London : printed for E. Jeffery, opposite Carlton-House, Pall-Mall, 1789.
ESTC No. T181114.Grub Street ID 217706.
Selden, John.
Table talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq. or, his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence, relating especially to religion and state. A new edition. With the life of the Author, and notes.
London : printed for and under the direction of G. Cawthorn, British Library, Strand, 1797.
ESTC No. T83879.Grub Street ID 304291.
Selden, John.
Seldeniana, or the table-talk of John Selden, Esq; Being his sense of various matters of Weight and high Consequence; relating especially to religion and state.
A new edition, with the life of the author..
London : printed for W. Otridge and Son; R. Faulder; J. Cuthell; R. Lea; Ogilvy and Son; J. Nunn; J. Walker; E. Jeffrey; Lackington, Allen, and Co.; and Vernor and Hood. [1798].
ESTC No. T108829.Grub Street ID 161677.
Selden, John.
The table-talk of John Selden, Esq. being his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence; relating especially to religion and state.
A new edition. With the life of the author..
London : printed for H. D. Symonds, Messrs. Richardsons, Hurst, Conder, Carpenter, Miller, Chapple, and Ridgway, 1800.
ESTC No. N45937.Grub Street ID 30804.