Rigge, Ambrose.
The banner of Gods love, and ensign of righteousness spread over his people in these later dayes. Wherein the true light shineth, and the mysterie that hath been hid from ages and generations, is revealed to the saints, which is, Christ in us the hope of glory, as our forefathers witnessed, read Col. I. 26, 27, 28, 29. Also, a testimony against them who formerly hath tasted of the good word of God, and of the power of the world to come, who hath cast the law of God behind their backs, and hath trodden under foot the blood of the covenant. ... most especially, those that are called Anabaptists and Independents. Also, a few words in warning to the priests, professors, and people of the town and county of Southhampton. With a few quæries to the rulers and magistrates of England, to try their fruits whether they be according to the Christian magistrates recorded in the Scripture of truth, ... . Set forth most especially for the sake of the honest-hearted, who are not wholly given up to bel.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the Black spread-Eagle, neer the west end of Pauls, 1657.
ESTC No. R22061.Grub Street ID 94938.
Rigge, Ambrose.
Oh ye heads of the nation who are set in the supream authority thereof, and are at this time assembled in Parliament, hear ye the Word of the Lord, as it came unto me the sixth day of the fifth moneth of this present year, concerning you. By Ambr. Rigg.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R9222.Grub Street ID 129324.
Rigge, Ambrose.
To all who imprison & persecute the saints and servants of God, for meeting together in his name and fear, to worship him as he requireth.
[[London]: Printed for Robert Wilson in Martins Le Grand, [1659]].
ESTC No. R17447.Grub Street ID 67649.
Rigge, Ambrose.
To all the hireling priests in England.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R224247.Grub Street ID 97950.
Rigge, Ambrose.
To the. [sic] whole flock of God every where, the church of the first-born written in heaven, and, to every member thereof, whose God is the Lord, and whose redeemer is the holy one of Israel; grace mercy, peace, truth and love from the God of peace and love be multiplied amongst you, and to you all, amen.
London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and mouth near Aldersgate, 1660.
ESTC No. R40630.Grub Street ID 122400.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A true prospect for the bishops, priests and deacons. And all other within the jurisdiction of the Church of England, who are professors of the common prayer, through which they may see how far they are short in faith, principle and practice of divers sound truths therein specified. Also the proper right of the Quakers, to divers good things therein vindicated and pleaded for, which no other people on earth can justly challenge. And instead of being persecuted, the Quakers ought to be protected by the laws of King Edward the sixt [sic] Queen Eliz. Charles the 1st. and Charles the Second, which established the Book of Common-Prayer, in equity and right reason, which is the life of all just lawes. VVhereunto is annexed divers of the priests practises, for which they have no proof in the scripture. Published by a lover of truth and righteousness, wherever it appears, known by the name of Ambrose Rigg.
London] : Printed for M.W., [1663.
ESTC No. R25100.Grub Street ID 108816.
Rigge, Ambrose.
To all the faithful flock of God in suffering, whether in prison or at liberty, in scorn called Quakers.
London : printed by John Brinhurst, at the sign of the Book in Grace-Church-street, 1683.
ESTC No. R182726.Grub Street ID 72707.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A lamentation in tender bowels of love over thee, Oh England: that thou mayst return to the Lord in humility, and seek him, yet while he may be found.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, near the Meeting-House in White Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1696.
ESTC No. R42344.Grub Street ID 123715.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A faithful testimony against extravagant and unnecessary wiggs. VVhereas, the great and wise God, the creator of all things, having made man according to his own good pleasure, hath bestowed on many a plentiful quantity of hair to keep them warm, some of one colour and some of another, but to each one of them, hath his providence afforded such a colour as will satisfie an humble mind. .
London : printed by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Grace-Church-street, 1698.
ESTC No. R42311.Grub Street ID 123689.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A faithful testimony against extravagant and unnecessary wiggs. VVhereas, the great and wise God, the creator of all things, having made man according to his own good pleasure, hath bestowed on many plentiful quantity of hair to keep them warm, some of one colour and some of another, but to each one of them, hath his providence afforded such a colour as will satisfie an humble mind. .
London : printed by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Grace-Church-street, 1699.
ESTC No. R42312.Grub Street ID 123690.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A scripture catechism for children. Collected out of the whole body of the scriptures, for the instructing of youth with the word of the Lord in the beginning, and with his Judgments and Mercies since the Beginning; and with his Dealing with his People throughout many Generations. Being Written for our Learning, in whom the true Light hath Shined, that they might be Taught our Children, and Children's Children, throughout our Generations. Presented to Fathers of Families, and Masters o[f] Schools, to train up their Children and Scholars, in the Knowledge of God, and the Scriptures. By Ambrose Rigge.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1702.
ESTC No. T64133.Grub Street ID 289222.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A testimony to true Christianity, restored, in its ancient glory and beauty, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit: witnessed unto by all true Christian believers, who are given up to follow Christ, in the ancient path of holiness, Which alone leads to Eternal Life. With a Testimony against their Unbelief, who hold, That Victory over all Sin and Corruption is not attainable while they remain on Earth. Also, the True Gospel vindicated, and the false witnessed against. By Ambrose Rigge.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1703.
ESTC No. T63456.Grub Street ID 288717.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A treatise concerning the internal word and spirit of God; Being the way to Attain to the True and Divine knowledge In the mysteries of His Eternal Kingdom.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Court, in Gracious-Street, 1704.
ESTC No. T62503.Grub Street ID 287998.
Rigge, Ambrose.
Constancy in the truth commended: being a True Account of the Life, Sufferings, and Collected Testimonies, of that Faithful Elder, and Ancient Minister of Jesus Christ, Ambrose Rigge, Who departed this Life the 31st of the 11th Month, 1704.
London : printed and sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1710.
ESTC No. T64135.Grub Street ID 289224.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A brief and serious warning to such as are concerned in commerce and trading, who go under the profession of truth, to keep within the bounds thereof, in righteousness, justice and honesty towards all men.
Dublin: re-printed by Elizabeth Sadleir, and are to be sold by S. Fuller, [1721].
ESTC No. T80945.Grub Street ID 301845.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A scripture catechism for children. Collected out of the whole body of the scriptures, for the instructing of youth with the word of the Lord in the beginning, and with his Dealing with his People throughout many Generations. Being written for our Learning, in whom the true Light hath shined, that they might be taught our Children, and Children's Children, throughout our Generations. Presented to Fathers of Families, and Masters of Schools, to train up their Children and Scholars in the Knowledge of God, and the Scriptures. By Ambrose Rigge.
London: reprinted and sold by Mary Hinde, at No 2, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1752.
ESTC No. N46051.Grub Street ID 30920.
Rigge, Ambrose.
A brief and serious warning to such as are concerned in commerce and trading, who go under the profession of truth, to keep within the bounds thereof, in righteousness, justice and honesty towards all men. Written by Ambrose Rigge, in the year 1678. And now reprinted, together with the advices of several yearly-meetings. of like Tendency: By Order of the last Yearly-Meeting in London.
London : printed by Mary Hinde, at No 2, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1771.
ESTC No. T60364.Grub Street ID 286248.