Skelton, John.
Here begynneth a lytell treatyse named the bowge of courte.
Enprynted at London: By Wynkyn de Worde in Flete strete in the sygne of the sonne, [ca. 1510].
ESTC No. S2334.Grub Street ID 146728.
Skelton, John.
[The tunning of Elinor Rumming].
[S.l.: W. de Worde, 1521?].
ESTC No. S4901.Grub Street ID 148814.
Skelton, John.
Skelton Laureate agaynste a comely coystrowne that curyowsly chawntyd and curryshly cowntred, and madly in hys musykkys mokkyshly made, agaynste the. ix. Musys of polytyke poems [and] poettys matryculat.
[London: Printed by J. Rastell, 1527?].
ESTC No. S111022.Grub Street ID 130958.
Skelton, John.
Here folowythe dyuers balettys and dyties solacyous deuysyd by Master Skelton Laureat.
[London: Printed by J. Rastell, 1528?].
ESTC No. S111025.Grub Street ID 130961.
Skelton, John.
Honorificatissimo, amplissimo, longeq[ue] reuerendissimo in Christo patri: ac domino, domino Thome &c. ... A latereq[ue] legato superillustri &c. Skeltonis laureatus ora, reg. humillimum, dicit obsequium ... A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers, abiured of late [et]c. Argumentum. Crassa[n]tes nimiu[m], nimiu[m] sterilesq[ue] labruscas (vinea quas d[omi]ni, sabaot non sustinet ultra laxius expandi) nostra est resecare uoluntas. Cum priuilegio a rege indulto.
[[London]: Impri[n]ted by Richard Pynson, [1528]].
ESTC No. S111027.Grub Street ID 130963.
Skelton, John.
Magnificence, a goodly interlude and a mery deuysed and made by Mayster Skelton, poete laureate late deceasyd.
[Southwark: printed by P. Treveris for J. Rastell, 1530?].
ESTC No. S125968.Grub Street ID 145150.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth certayne bokes, co[m]pyled by mayster Skelton, Poet Laureat, whose names here after shall appere. Speke parrot The deth of the noble prince Kyng Edwarde the fourth. A treatyse of the Scottes. Ware the hawke The tunnyng of Elynour Rummynge.
Printed at London: by Richard Lant, for Henry Tab, dwelling in Pauls church yard, at the sygne of Iudith, [1545?].
ESTC No. S110976.Grub Street ID 130920.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute compyled by mayster Skelton poete Laureate.
[Imprinted at London: By [R. Copland for] me Rycharde Kele dwellyng in the powltry at the long shop vnder saynt Myldredes. chyrche, [1545?]].
ESTC No. S110977.Grub Street ID 130921.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth the boke of Phyllyp Sparowe compyled by mayster Skelton Poete Laureate.
[Prynted at Loudon [sic]: At the poultry by [R. Copland for] Rychard Kele, [1545?]].
ESTC No. S110978.Grub Street ID 130922.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a lytell boke, whiche hath to name, Why come ye nat to courte, compyled by maystr Skelton poete Laureate.
[Imprinted at london: by [R. Copland for] me Richard kele dwellig [sic] in the powltry at the longe shop vnder saynt myldredes chyrch, [1545?]].
ESTC No. S110981.Grub Street ID 130924.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle booke, of Phillyp Sparow, compiled by Mayster Skelto[n] poete laureate.
[Imprynted at London: in paules churche yerde by [William Copland for] Robert Toy, [1553?]].
ESTC No. S125745.Grub Street ID 144974.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth certaine bokes co[m]pyled by mayster Skelto[n], Poet Laureat, whose names here after shall appere. Speake parot The death of the noble prynce Kynge Edwarde the fourth. A treatyse of the Scottes. Ware the hawke. The tunnynge of Elynoure Rummyng.
[Imprynted at London: In Crede Laue [sic] by Iohn kynge and Thomas Marche, [1554?]].
ESTC No. S111005.Grub Street ID 130943.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle booke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate.
[Imprinted at London: In Paules Churche yarde at the sygne of the Rose by [William Copland for] Iohn Wyght, [1554?]].
ESTC No. S111006.Grub Street ID 130944.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle booke, whiche hath to name whi come ye not to courte, compiled by mayster Skelto[n] Poete Laureate.
[Imprynted at London: In Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Rose by [W. Copland for] Iohn Wyght, [1554?]].
ESTC No. S111015.Grub Street ID 130952.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle booke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate.
[Imprinted at London: in flete-strete at the hither Temple gate at the sygne of the Princes armes by Thomas Marshe, [1554?]].
ESTC No. S95214.Grub Street ID 153260.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle booke, whiche hath to name whi come ye nat to courte, compiled by mayster Skelto[n] poete Laureate.
[Imprynted at London: In Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Bell by [W. Copland for] Robert Toy, [1554?]].
ESTC No. S122458.Grub Street ID 142001.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle boke whyche hathe to name, whye come ye not to courte. Compyled by mayster Skelton poete laureate.
[Imprynted at London: [by John Day and sold] in Poules church yard at the syne of the Lamb by Abraham Veale, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S112635.Grub Street ID 132389.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle boke whyche hathe to name, whye come ye not to courte. Compyled by mayster Skelton poete laureate.
[Imprynted at London: In Poules church yard at the syne of the sunne by [J. Day for] Anthony Kyston, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S113462.Grub Street ID 133197.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle boke of Phillip Sparow. Compyled by Mayster Skelton poete laureate.
[Imprinted at London: [by John Day and sold] in Fosterlane, by Jhon Walley, [1558]].
ESTC No. S125746.Grub Street ID 144975.
Skelton, John.
[Here after foloweth a litle boke whyche hathe to name, whye come ye not to courte. Compyled by mayster Skelton poete laureate].
[Imprynted at London: [by John Day and sold] in Foster lane by Jhon Wallye, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S125748.Grub Street ID 144977.
Skelton, John.
[Here after foloweth a litle boke called Colyn Clout...].
[Imprynted at London: by Jhon Wallye dwelling in Fosterlane, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S1127.Grub Street ID 132451.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle boke of Phillip Sparow. Compyled by mayster Skelton Poete Laureate.
[Imprinted at London: In poules churchyard, at the sygne of the Lamb, by [John Day for] Abraham Veale, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S110986.Grub Street ID 130928.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle boke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate.
[Imprynted at London: In Paules Churche yarde at the sygne of the Sunne by [John Day for] Anthony kytson, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S111007.Grub Street ID 130945.
Skelton, John.
Here after foloweth a litle boke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate.
[Imprynted at London: In Paules Churche yarde at the sygne of the Lambe by [John Day for] Abraham Veale, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S111008.Grub Street ID 130946.
Skelton, John.
Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton, Poete Laureate. Nowe collected and newly published. Anno 1568.
Imprinted at London: in Fletestreate, neare vnto saint Dunstones churche by Thomas Marshe, [1568].
ESTC No. S111019.Grub Street ID 130955.
Skelton, John.
Elynour Rummin, the famous ale-wife of England. Written by Mr. Skelton, Poet Laureat to King Henry the egiht [sic].
London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop] for Samuel Rand, 1624.
ESTC No. S111024.Grub Street ID 130960.
Skelton, John.
The tunning of Elinor Rumming a poem. By Skelton Laureat.
London : printed for Isaac Dalton, and sold by W. Boreham at the Angel in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718].
ESTC No. N46064.Grub Street ID 30933.
Skelton, John.
Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate to King Henry the VIIIth.
London : printed for C. Davis in Pater-noster Row, MDCCXXXVI [1736].
ESTC No. T147425.Grub Street ID 193981.
Skelton, John.
Elinour Rummin, The famous Ale-Wife of England. Written by Mr. Skelton, Poet Laureat to King Henry the egiht.
London] : London printed for Samuel Rand 1624. From the original in the library of the cathedral church at Lincoln. Published, May 12, 1794, according to Act of Parliament, by W. Richardson, Castle Street, Leicester Square, [1794.
ESTC No. T226488.Grub Street ID 248035.