Publications of Edmund Elys


  • Elys, Edmund. The quiet soul: or, the peace and tranquillity of a christian's estate. Set forth in two sermons. By Edmund Elys, Master of Arts, and Fellow of Baliol-College in Oxford. [Exon]: Printed at Oxford in the year 1659. And reprinted at Exon, by Sam. Farley and Jos. Bliss, 1707. ESTC No. T9037. Grub Street ID 310226.
  • Elys, Edmund. The Bishops downefall or, The prelats snare. Briefly discovering them to have been the sole authours of all our miseries both in church and state, the fomenters of all the jelousies betwixt the King and his sujects [sic]. And the supposed evill counsellours, who have brought this heavy accusation upon those worthy members of the House of Commons. A poeme: humbly dedicated to this honourable city, which by sad experience have found the same to be true. Whereunto is added a hearty exhortation to all good Christians, to joyne in prayer, that God would be pleased to heale all the breaches, these enemies of our church have made, and to restore a happy union betwixt the King and his people. By E. E. Gentleman. [London]: Printed for G. Thompson, 1642. ESTC No. R2866. Grub Street ID 111710.
  • Elys, Edmund. Dia poemata: poetick feet standing upon holy ground: or, Verses on certain texts of Scripture. With epigrams, &c. By E.E. London: printed by J.G. for Philip Briggs, at the sign of the Dolphin in S. Paul's Church-yard, between the two north-doores, 1655. ESTC No. R209018. Grub Street ID 85235.
  • Elys, Edmund. An alphabet of elegiack groans, upon the truly lamented death of that rare exemplar of youthful piety, John Fortescue, of the Inner-Temple, esquire By E.E. London: printed for Tho. Heath, in Russel-street near the Piazza's of Covent-Garden, 1654 [i.e. 1656]. ESTC No. R207316. Grub Street ID 83714.
  • Elys, Edmund. Divine poems. With a short description of Christian magnanimity. By E.E. Oxon: printed by H. Hall, for R. Blagrave, 1658. ESTC No. R210129. Grub Street ID 86334.
  • Elys, Edmund. Miscellanea: sive meditationes, orationes, &c. Authore Edmundo Elis, A.M. Coll: Bal: apud Oxonienses, socio. [Oxford: by H. Hall], Anno Domini, 1658. ESTC No. R209903. Grub Street ID 86122.
  • Elys, Edmund. Divine poems. By Edmund Elis, Master of Arts, and Fellow of Baliol Colledge in Oxford. London: printed by T. Lock for the use of the author, MDCLIX. [1659]. ESTC No. R7821. Grub Street ID 128046.
  • Elys, Edmund. The quiet soule, or, The peace, and tranquillity of a Christians estate set forth in two sermons / by Edmund Elys ... Oxford: Printed by H.H. for Tho. Robinson, 1659. ESTC No. R41122. Grub Street ID 122841.
  • Elys, Edmund. A just censure of a seditious pamphlet, entituled, The common-prayer book unmasked. By Edmund Elis Rector of East-Allington in Devon. London : printed by T[homas]. Newcomb, 1660. ESTC No. R179125. Grub Street ID 70675.
  • Elys, Edmund. The opinion of Mr. Perkins, and Mr. Bolton, and others, concerning the sport of cock-fighting. Publisht formerly in their vvorks, and now set forth to shew, that it is not a recreation meet for Christians, though so commonly used by those who own that name. By Edmund Elis, master of arts, and sometimes Fellow of Balioll Colledge in Oxford. Oxford: printed by A[nne]. L[ichfield]., in the year, 1660. ESTC No. R174967. Grub Street ID 67988.
  • Elys, Edmund. Letters to Mr. Hughes of Plymouth; and Mr. Ford of Exeter in Devon. Concerning the common prayer. From Edm. Elis, a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. London : printed for R. Royston at the Angell in Ivy-lane, 1660. ESTC No. R25045. Grub Street ID 108768.
  • Elys, Edmund. Anglia rediviva. Or, The miraculous return of the breath of our nostrils. A poem. By Edmund Elis, Master of Arts. [Oxford: printed by Henry Hall], Printed in the year, 1660. ESTC No. R29984. Grub Street ID 112890.
  • Elys, Edmund. Admonition to Doctor Burges, and to those who either compos'd or caused to be re-printed, that seditious pamphlet, entituled, The common-prayer-book unmasked and to all others, who endeavour to maintain that factious opinion, that the use of the liturgie of the Church of England, is sinfull / Edmund Elis . London : Printed by Matthew Inman, for James Magnes .., 1661. ESTC No. R41113. Grub Street ID 122836.
  • Elys, Edmund. Anglia rediviva poema authore Edmundo Elisio ... Oxon.: Excudebat H. Hall, An. Dom. 1662. ESTC No. R41251. Grub Street ID 122924.
  • Elys, Edmund. Miscellanea authore Edmundo Elisio, A.M. Coll: Bal: apud Oxonienses quondam socio. Oxoniæ: excudebat Hen. Hall, Academiæ Typographus, impensis Tho: Robinson, 1662. ESTC No. R16528. Grub Street ID 64359.
  • Elys, Edmund. Anglia rediviva. Poema. Authore Edmundo Elisio, A.M. Coll. Bal. apud Oxonienses quondam Socio. Oxon: excudebat H[enry] Hall, An. Dom. 1662. ESTC No. R224300. Grub Street ID 97980.
  • Elys, Edmund. Epigrammata. London : printed for James Collins, at the Kings[-]Head in Westminster-Hall, MDCLXVIII. [1668]. ESTC No. R34879. Grub Street ID 117370.
  • Elys, Edmund. Epistola ad authorem dissertationis cujusdam sophisticae, cui titulis, Faith vindicated, &c. Egregium istius errorem redarguens, nempe fidei Christianae certitudinem non provenire ab ipsa voluntatis sanct^a dispositione. Authore Edmundo Elisio, ecclesiae Anglicanae filio obsequentissimo. Londini : excus. sumptibus J. C., anno Dom. 1668. ESTC No. R174964. Grub Street ID 67986.
  • Elys, Edmund. Amor Dei lux animae. Tentamen theologicum de fidei Christianae certitudine. Authore Edmundo Elysio Ecclesiae Anglicanae filio obsequentissimo. Londini : excusum sumptibus R.C., Anno Dom. 1670. ESTC No. R37319. Grub Street ID 119557.
  • Elys, Edmund. An exclamation to all those that love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, against an apology written by an ingenious person. For Mr. Cowley's lascivious and prophane verses. By a dutiful son of the Church of England. London : printed for Robert Clavel, 1670. ESTC No. R36225. Grub Street ID 118543.
  • Elys, Edmund. Omnes qui audiunt evangelium, idque verum agnoscunt, sunt gratiae, & salutis capaces. Thesis in celeberrima academia Oxoniensi explicata Junii 13. anno Dom. 1662. Cui accesserunt animadversiones, in aliqua Jansenii, atque etiam Calvini dogmata veritati praedictae adversa. Per Edmundum Elysium, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Filium Obsequentissimum. Londini : ex officina S. Streater, & prostant venales apud R[obert]. Clavel ad insigne Pavonis in Coemeterio Paulino, anno Domini, 1677. ESTC No. R43142. Grub Street ID 124207.
  • Elys, Edmund. Justifying faith: or, That faith by which the just do live, briefly describ'd in a discourse on 1 Joh. 5.12. By the author of a late book, entitled Summum bonum, or, An explication of the divine goodness, &c. To this discourse is added, an abstract of some letters to an eminent learned person, concerning the excellency of the Book of common prayer, &c. London : printed for William Crook, at the sign of the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1679. ESTC No. R204257. Grub Street ID 81249.
  • Elys, Edmund. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyteri cogitata ulteriora de natur^a fidei ver`e christgianae quibus formandis occasionem dedit libellus quidam Joannis Sergeantii, cui titulus, Methodus compendiosa, qu^a rect`e pervestigatur, & cert`o invenitur fides christiana / Edmund Elisu. Londini : Typis Th. Newcomb, MDCLXXIX [1679]. ESTC No. R41115. Grub Street ID 122837.
  • Elys, Edmund. Edmundi Elisii, ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyteri, Ad Samuelem Parkerum, S. T. P. Epistola tertia. Cui accesserunt epistola ad authorem libelli cujusdam cui titulus, Dr. Stillingfleet against Dr. Stillingfleet: ac breviuscula paraenesis ad authorem celeusmatis, seu clamoris ad theologos, &c. Londini : typis A.G. [i.e. Anne Godbid] & J.P. [i.e. John Playford] pro Roberto Clavel, ad insigne pavonis in coemeterio Paulino, 1680. ESTC No. R174962. Grub Street ID 67984.
  • Elys, Edmund. Summum bonum: seu Vera, atq[ue]; unica beatitudo hominibus per Christum communicanda, sex dissertationibus aliquatenus explicata: / par Edmundum Elisium ... Londini,: Prostant apud Henricum Faithorne, & Johannem Kersey ... 1681. ESTC No. R174969. Grub Street ID 67989.
  • Elys, Edmund. The second epistle to the truly religious and loyal gentry of the Church of England, written by Edmund Elys, rector of East-Allington in the county of Devon. Published by permission. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1687. ESTC No. R19490. Grub Street ID 77086.
  • Elys, Edmund. An epistle to the truly religious and loyal gentry of the Church of England, writtten [sic] by Edmund Ellis, rector of East Arlington, in the county of Devon . London : printed for the author, in the year M.DC.IXXXVII [i.e. 1687]. ESTC No. R176047. Grub Street ID 68718.
  • Elys, Edmund. A clergy-man of the Church of England his vindication of himself for reading His Majesties late declaration. With allowance. London : printed, and publish'd by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1688. ESTC No. R214796. Grub Street ID 89957.
  • Elys, Edmund. Ecclesiae Anglicanae filii collatio cum Doctissimo Viro J.S. de fidei Christianæ certitudine. Cui accesserunt, epistola ad scholasticos Oxonienses &c. ac breviuscula dissertatio De oratione dominica. Oxonii: typis Lichfieldianis, A.D. 1690. ESTC No. R176046. Grub Street ID 68717.
  • Elys, Edmund. Animadversions upon some passages in a book, entituled, The true nature of a gospel-church, and its government. Written (as it is said by the publisher) by John Owen, D.D. Licensed, June the 10th. 1688. London : printed, and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin by the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1690. ESTC No. R27928. Grub Street ID 111062.
  • Elys, Edmund. The letter torn in pieces: or, a full confutation of Ludlow's suggestions, that King Charles I. was an enemy to the state: by the author of two papers formerly published, viz. the Vindication of the honour of King Charles the First. And the Earnest call to the people of England, &c. In which there is a clear vindication of His Majesties carriage towards the church. Licensed, Sept. 29. 1692. Edmund Bohun. London : printed by T.J. and are to be sold by Nich. Hooper, in Amen Corner near Stationer's-Hall, 1692. ESTC No. R41119. Grub Street ID 122839.
  • Elys, Edmund. Vindiciae quorundam Roberti Barclaii noematum, contra aliquas argumentationes in eo libro, cui titulus est Antibarclaius: ubi reperitur elucidatio veritatis, de immediata & interna Revelatione, de Scripturis, de universali redemptione. Edm. Elisio, Eccl. Ang Praesb. = A vindication of some sentiments of Robert Barclay, against the arguments of a book, entituled Antibarclaius: wherein the truth of immediate and inward Revelation, of the Scriptures, of universal redemption, is further explained. By Edm. Elys, a minister of the Church of England. London] : Printed for T.N. in George-Yard in Lombard-street, 1693. ESTC No. R27166. Grub Street ID 110361.
  • Elys, Edmund. Dei incarnati vindiciae. Contra varias execrabilis haeretici, Fausti Socini blasphemias, ac perniciosissimas hallucinationes. Exurgat Deus & dissipentur inimici ejus. Imprimatur. Octob 19. 1692. Carolus Alston, R.P.D. Hen. Episc. Lond `a Sacris. Londini : impensis Samuelis Smith, ad insignia principis in coemeterio D. Pauli, 1693. ESTC No. R31416. Grub Street ID 114214.
  • Elys, Edmund. Three letters to the author of a book, entituled the Lord's day vindicated, or The first day of the week the Christian Sabbath. Together with animadversions on a railing pamphlet, entituled The sauciness of a seducer rebuked, or, The pride and folly of an ignorant scribler made manifest. By Edmund Elys, a servant of Jesus Christ. London : printed for T. Northcott, in George-Yard, near Lombard-Street, 1694. ESTC No. R41126. Grub Street ID 122844.
  • Elys, Edmund. A letter to the author of a book, entituled, An answer to VV.P's key, about the Quakers light vvithin, &c. By Edmund Elys, a servant of Jesus Christ. London : printed for Thomas Northcott, in George-Yard in Lombard-street, MDCXCV [1695. ESTC No. R41117. Grub Street ID 122838.
  • Elys, Edmund. A letter to the honourable Sir Robert Howard: together with some animadversions upon a book entituled, Christianity not mysterious. By Edmund Elys, sometime Fellow of Baliol College in Oxford. London : printed for Richard Wilkin at the Kings Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696. ESTC No. R18806. Grub Street ID 76093.
  • Elys, Edmund. George Keith his saying, that the light within is not sufficient to salvation without something else: prov'd to be contrary to the foundation of the Christian religion. By Edmund Elys. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, next door to the Meeting-House in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, and at the Bible in Leaden-Hall-Street near the Market, 1697. ESTC No. R232101. Grub Street ID 103975.
  • Elys, Edmund. Edmund Elys his vindication of himself, from the calumnies thrown on him by G. Keith in a pamphlet, entituled, G.K's Second narrative, p. 27 and 36. London : printed and sold by T[ace]. Sowle, next door to the Meeting-House in White-Hart-Court in Gracious street; and at the Bible in Leaden-hall-street, 1697. ESTC No. R171937. Grub Street ID 65985.
  • Elys, Edmund. A refutation of some of the false conceits in Mr. Locke's essay concerning humane understanding. Together with a brief answer (in Latine) to the argument of Gerardus de Vries against the innate idea of God. By Edmund Elys, sometime fellow of Baliol-Colledge in Oxford. London : printed for, and sold by Will. Marshal at the Bible in Newgatestreet, and John Marshal at the Bible in Grace Church-street, 1697. ESTC No. R231994. Grub Street ID 103889.
  • Elys, Edmund. A second letter to the author of a book, entituled, An answer to W.P. his key about the light within. From Edmund Elys, sometime fellow in Bal. Coll. in Oxford. London : printed for Tho. Northcott in George-yard in Lombard-street, 1697. ESTC No. R41125. Grub Street ID 122843.
  • Elys, Edmund. Reflections upon some passages in George Keith's Third narrative. He recites some words of G. Whitehead, as if they were Haeretical, which are not only inoffensive, but such as import the profession of that faith, wihout which no man can be sanctified. . London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, and at the Bible in Leaden-Hall-Street, 1698. ESTC No. R41966. Grub Street ID 123444.
  • Elys, Edmund. An answer to six arguments produc'd by Du-Pin, to prove that passage in Josephus, in which thee is such honourable mention of Jesus Christ, to be spurious together with some reflexions on a passage in Cornelius Tacitus, and another in one of Plinie's epistles concerning the Christian religion. In a letter to Mr. C.G. London : printed for W[illiam]. Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-street; and J[ohn]. Marshall, at the Bible in Gracechurch-street, M DC XCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R174963. Grub Street ID 67985.
  • Elys, Edmund. A vindication of the doctrine concerning the light within, against the objections of George Keith. In his book, entituled, The deism of W. Penn, and his brethren expos'd. By Edmund Elys. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, and at the Bible in Leaden-Hall-Street, 1699. ESTC No. R19149. Grub Street ID 76938.
  • Elys, Edmund. Animadversiones in sententiam crellianam de satisfactione Christi. Authore Edmundo Elisio, Coll. Ball. apud Oxonienses quondam Socio. Londini : typis J.[ohn] M.[atthews] impensis R.[ichard] Wilkin, as insigne capitis regis in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1699. ESTC No. R224276. Grub Street ID 97961.
  • Elys, Edmund. Joannis Miltoni Sententiae potestati regiae adversantis refutatio. Cui annexae sunt, Animadversiones in execrabilem libellum, cui titulus est, "Joannis Miltoni Angli defensio secunda contra infamem libellum anonymum, cui titulus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad coelum adversus parricidas anglicanos. Authore Edmundo Elisio, Coll. Ball. apud Oxonienses quondam socio. Londini : typis J[ohn]. M[atthews]. impensis R. Wilkin, ad insigne capitis regis in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1699. ESTC No. R10457. Grub Street ID 58829.
  • Elys, Edmund. Observations on several books. I. A letter to Mr. Lock, never answer'd, by Edmund Elys, sometime Fellow of Balliol Colledge in Oxford. II. A refutation of some of the false conceits in Mr. Lock's essays concerning humane understanding. III. A brief answer to the argumentation of Gerardus de Vries against the innate idea of God. IV. An answer to six arguments produced by Du-Pin, to prove that passage in Josephus's (in which there is such honourable mention of Jesus Christ) to be spurious; together with some reflections on a passage in Cornelius Tacitus; an another in one of Pliny's Epistles concerning the Christian religion. In a letter to Mr. C.G. London : printed for, and sold by Will. Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1700. ESTC No. R174966. Grub Street ID 67987.
  • Elys, Edmund. Reflections upon some passages in a book entituled, A defence of a book entituled, The snake in the grass by Edmund Elys. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, and at the Bible in Leaden-Hall-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R41124. Grub Street ID 122842.
  • Elys, Edmund. Edmundi Elisii ad Arthurum Bury, S. T. D. Epistola. Londini : typis J. M. & prostant venales apud R. Wilkin, 1701. ESTC No. N48367. Grub Street ID 32928.
  • Elys, Edmund. Socinianismus purus putus Antichristianismus: seu omnimod? Socinianismi iniquitatis demonstratio. Authore Edmundo Elisio Coll. Bal. in Academi? Oxoniensi quondam Socio. Exurgat Deus, ET Dissipentur Inimici Ejus. Londini : typis J. M. & prostant venales apud R. Wilkin, Sub signo Capitis Regis in Coemeterio Divi Pauli, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T116800. Grub Street ID 168442.
  • Elys, Edmund. Animadversiones in aliqua Philippi Limburgii dogmata. Authore Edmundo Elisio Coll. Bal. Apud Oxonienses quondam Socio. Londini : typis J.M. impensis R. Wilkin sub Signo Capitis Regis in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1702. ESTC No. T116798. Grub Street ID 168440.
  • Elys, Edmund. Dissertatio paraenetica, de communione sub una specie: cui accessit refutatio praecipuae argumentationis, quae occurrit in isto tractatu, cui titulus est, A treatise of communion under both species. Authore Edmundo Elisio, . London?] : Anno Dom., 1703. ESTC No. N55373. Grub Street ID 38883.
  • Elys, Edmund. Animadversiones in aliqua Zanchii, Polani, & Scharpii, dogmata de praedestinatione. Londini : impensis R. Wilkin, 1706. ESTC No. T219522. Grub Street ID 243632.
  • Elys, Edmund. Animadversiones in aliqua C. Jansenii, Guillielmi Twissi Richardi Baxteri, et Gerardi de Vries, dogmata, quo doctrin? Evangelic? de benevolenti^a divina hominibus per Christum exhibita advertantur. Londini : typis E.P. & prostant venales apud R. Wilkin, ad Insigne Capitis Regis in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1706. ESTC No. T116795. Grub Street ID 168439.
  • Elys, Edmund. Animadversiones in aliqua Johannis Cameronis, dogmata, quoe occurrunt in eo libro, cui titulus est, "Amica collatio de gratiae, & voluntatis humanae concursu in vocatione, . Londini : typis E. P. & prostant venales apud R. Wilkin, 1706. ESTC No. T230481. Grub Street ID 250106.