Goodwin, Thomas.
The returne of prayers. A treatise wherein this case how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers is briefly resolved, with other observations vpon Psal. 85.8. concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho: Goodvvin. B.D.
London: Printed [by M. Flesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1636.
ESTC No. S117577.Grub Street ID 137246.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The returne of prayers. A treatise vvherein this case how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers is briefly resolved. With other obseruations upon Psal. 85.8 concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho: Goodvvin. B.D.
London: Printed [by M. Flesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1636.
ESTC No. S116852.Grub Street ID 136539.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The retvrne of prayers. A treatise wherein this case how to discerne Gods answers to our praiers is briefly resolved, with other observations upon Psal. 85.8. concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho: Goodvvin. B.D.
London: printed [by M. Flesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1636.
ESTC No. S92723.Grub Street ID 151406.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A childe of light vvalking in darknes: or, A treatise shewing the causes, by which the cases, wherein the ends, for which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. Together vvith directions how to walke, so as to come forth of such a condition. VVith other observations upon Esay 50. 10, and 11. verses. By Tho: Goodwin B.D.
Printed at London: by M. F[lesher]. for R. Dawlman and L. Fawne at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1636.
ESTC No. S2693.Grub Street ID 147060.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The vanity of thoughts discouered: with their danger and cure. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the signe of the brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1637.
ESTC No. S117578.Grub Street ID 137247.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Aggravation of sinne: and sinning against knowledge. Mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. By Tho: Goodvvin B.D.
London: printed by M. Flesher, for R. Dawlman and I. Rothwell, and are to be sold at the signe of the Brazen Serpent, and Sun in Pauls Churchyard, M DC XXXVII. [1637].
ESTC No. S122605.Grub Street ID 142137.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The returne of prayers. A treatise wherein this case how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers is briefly resolved, with other observations upon Psal. 85.8. concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho: Goodvvin. B.D.
London: Printed [by M. Flesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church yard, 1638.
ESTC No. S120161.Grub Street ID 139798.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Aggravation of sinne: and sinning against knowledge. Mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. By Tho: Goodvvin B.D.
London: printed by M. F[lesher]. for I. Rothwell, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sun in Pauls Churchyard, 1638.
ESTC No. S120163.Grub Street ID 139800.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The happinesse of the saints in glory, or, A treatise of heaven, on Rom. 8. 18. For I reckon, that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. By Tho. Goodwin. B. D.
London: printed by E. Griffin for Robert Dunscomb, in Lillipot-lane, 1638.
ESTC No. S118384.Grub Street ID 138037.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The vanity of thoughts discouered: with their danger and cure: by Tho: Gooduuin, B.D.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1638.
ESTC No. S122604.Grub Street ID 142136.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Aggravation of sinne: and sinning against knowledge. Mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. By Tho: Goodvvin. B.D.
London: printed by M.F. for R. Dawlman, and are to be sold at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Churchyard; 1638.
ESTC No. S92722.Grub Street ID 151405.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Aggrauation of sinne: and sinning against knowledge and mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. By Tho: Goodwin B.D.
Amsterdam: Printed [by Richt Right Press] for the benefit of the English churches in the Netherlands, 1639.
ESTC No. S115997.Grub Street ID 135689.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A glimpse of Syons glory: or, The churches beautie specified. Briefly layd open in a sermon, at a generall fast day in Holland. By T.G. And now published for the good and benefit of all those whose hearts are raised up in the expectation of the glorious liberties of the saints.
London: printed for William Larnar, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the signe of the golden Anchor neere Pauls-Chaine, 1641.
ESTC No. R233536.Grub Street ID 105048.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A glimpse of Sions glory: or, the churches beautie specified. Published for the good and benefit of all those whose hearts are raised up in the expectation of the glorious liberties of the saints.
London: printed for William Larnar, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the golden Anchor neere Pauls-chaine, MDCXLI. [1641].
ESTC No. R8454.Grub Street ID 128626.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The returne of prayers a treatise vvherein this case [how to discern Gods answers to our prayers] is briefly resolved : with other observations upon Psal. 85. 8. concerning Gods speaking peace &c. byTho. Goodvvin, B.D.
London: Printed for I. Raworth for R. Dawlman and are to be sold by Luke Fawne, 1641.
ESTC No. R42056.Grub Street ID 123514.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, vivification, or purging out corruption. Bringing forth more fruit. A treatise affording some helps rightly to judge of growth in grace, by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about spirituall growth. Together with other observations upon the parable of the vine, Iohn 15. 1,2. verses. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed by M. Flesher, and are to be sold by Henry Overton, 1641.
ESTC No. R223693.Grub Street ID 97477.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, vivification, or purging out corruption. Bringing forth more fruit. A treatise affording some helps rightly to judge of growth in grace, by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about growth. Together with other observations upon the parable of the vine, Iohn 15. 1, 2. verses. By Tho. Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed by M. Flesher, for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, 1641.
ESTC No. R32446.Grub Street ID 115157.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Zerubbabels encouragement to finish the temple. A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Apr. 27. 1642. By Tho. Goodwin, B.D. Published by order from that House.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, 1642.
ESTC No. R1423.Grub Street ID 62275.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith. Upon Rom. 8. ver. 34. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by W. E[llis]. and J. G[rismond]. for Robert Dawlman, MDCXLII. [1642].
ESTC No. R8966.Grub Street ID 129091.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession. As the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith. Upon Rom. 8. ver. 34. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in Heaven, unto sinners on earth. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for Robert Dawlman, 1642.
ESTC No. R225768.Grub Street ID 98892.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith. Upon Rom. 8. vers. 34. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in Heaven, unto sinners on earth. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for Charles Greene, 1642.
ESTC No. R225770.Grub Street ID 98895.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Encouragements to faith. Drawne from severall engagements both of Gods Christs heart to receive pardon sinners. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, MDCXLII. [1642].
ESTC No. R233535.Grub Street ID 105047.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Zerubbabels encouragement to finish the temple. A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Apr. 27. 1642. By Tho. Goodwin, B.D. Published by order from that House.
London: printed for R.D. and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Churchyard, 1642.
ESTC No. R1118.Grub Street ID 59490.
Goodwin, Thomas.
An apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament. By Tho: Goodwin, Philip Nye, William Bridge, Jer: Burroughes, Sidrach Simpson.
London: printed for Robert Dawlman, M.DC.XLIII. [1643].
ESTC No. R227467.Grub Street ID 100370.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The vanity of thoughts discovered: with their danger and cure: by Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, 1643.
ESTC No. R23509.Grub Street ID 106289.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A childe of light vvalking in darkness: or A treatise shewing the causes, by which the cases, wherein the ends, for which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. Together with directions how to walke, so as to come forth of such a condition. With other observations upon Esay 50. 10. and 11. verses. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed by M. F. for R. Dawlman, 1643.
ESTC No. R23544.Grub Street ID 106547.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The returne of prayers. A treatise, vvherein this case [how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers] is briefly resolved: with other observations upon Psalm 85.8. concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed by M.F. for R. Dawlman, 1643.
ESTC No. R12327.Grub Street ID 60525.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, purging out corruption. Or vivification, bringing forth more fruit. A treatise handling this case, how to discerne our growth in grace: affording some helps rightly to judge thereof, by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about spirituall growth. Together with other observations upon the parable of the vine, John 15. 1,2. verses. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, 1643.
ESTC No. R10374.Grub Street ID 58750.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Aggravation of sinne: and sinning against knowledge. mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by T. P[aine] and M. S[immons] for John Rothwell, and are to be sold at the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard, MDCXLIII. [1643].
ESTC No. R16273.Grub Street ID 64143.
Goodwin, Thomas.
An apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament. By Tho: Goodwin, Philip Nye, Sidrach Simpson, Jer: Burroughes, William Bridge.
London: printed for Robert Dawlman, M.DC.XLIII. [1643].
ESTC No. R17790.Grub Street ID 69845.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Certaine select cases resolved: specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chiefe and usuall temptations: 1. The case of desertion,, [sic] or walking in darknesse. The Cause. Remedies. 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers. 3. The case resolved, whether after sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sin. 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ. 5. How to discerne our growth in grace. Herertofore all published in three treatises, 1 A child of light walking in darknesse. 2 Return of prayers. 3 Tryall of growth. But now re-printed, and to be put together. With other divine tractates. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R[obert]. Dawlman, 1644.
ESTC No. R40488.Grub Street ID 122272.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Certaine select cases resolved: specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chiefe and usuall temptations: I. The case of desertion, or walking in darknesse. The cause. Remedies. 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers. 3. The case resolved, Whether after sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sin. 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ. 5. How to discerne our growth in grace. Heretofore all published in three treatises, I A child of light walking in darknesse. 2 Return of prayers. Tryall of growth. But now reprinted, and to be put together. With other divine tractates. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, 1645.
ESTC No. R8373.Grub Street ID 128548.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Encouragements to faith. Drawn from severall engagements both of Gods Christs heart to receive pardon sinners. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, 1645.
ESTC No. R200346.Grub Street ID 77890.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. Whereunto is newly added, encouragements to faith. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for Robert Dawlman, 1645.
ESTC No. R221257.Grub Street ID 95442.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The great interest of states & kingdomes. A sermon preached before the Honorable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Feb. 25. 1645. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D. one of the Assembly of Divines.
London: Printed for R. Dawlman, M DC XLVI. [1646].
ESTC No. R200620.Grub Street ID 78114.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The great interest of states & kingdomes. A sermon preached before the honorable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Feb. 25. 1645. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D. one of the Assembly of Divines.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, and are to be sold by Nath: Webb, and Will: Grantham, at the Grey-hound in Pauls Church-yard, 1646.
ESTC No. R177486.Grub Street ID 69577.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Encouragements to faith. Drawne from severall engagements both of Gods Christs heart to receive pardon sinners. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, MDCXLVII. [1647].
ESTC No. R8039.Grub Street ID 128246.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Aggravation of sinne: and sinning against knowledge. Mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by J.G. for R. Dawlman, M.DC.L. [1650].
ESTC No. R10539.Grub Street ID 58902.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, vivification, or purging out corruption. Bringing forth more fruit. A treatise handling this case, how to discerne our growth in grace: affording some helps rightly to judge thereof, by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about spirituall growth. Together with some observations upon the Parable of the vine, John 15. 1, 2. verses. By Tho. Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by J. G[rismond]. for R. Dawlman, 1650.
ESTC No. R10593.Grub Street ID 58946.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The vanitie of thoughts discovered: with their danger and cure. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by J.G. for R. Dawlman, 1650.
ESTC No. R12278.Grub Street ID 60482.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Encouragements to faith. Drawn from severall engagements both of Gods Christs heart to receive pardon sinners. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by J.G. for R. Dawlman, 1650.
ESTC No. R10380.Grub Street ID 58755.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The returne of prayers a treatise, wherein this case (how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers) is briefly resolved : with other observations upon Psalm 85.8 concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. / by Tho. Goodwin.
London: Printed by J.G. for R. Dawlman, 1651.
ESTC No. R10379.Grub Street ID 58753.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith. Upon Rom. 8. ver. 34. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed by J. G[rismond]. for R. Dawlman, 1651.
ESTC No. R10435.Grub Street ID 58808.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ the universall peace-maker: or, The reconciliation of all the people of God, notwithstanding all their differences, enmities. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed by J.G. for R. Dawlman, 1651.
ESTC No. R202317.Grub Street ID 79563.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Certaine select cases resolved: specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chief and usuall temptations: 1. The case of desertion, or, walking in darknesse. The cause. remedies. 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers. 3. The case resolved, whether after sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sin. 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ. 5. How to discerne our growth in grace. Heretofore all published in three treatises, 1. A child of light walking in darknesse. 2. Return of prayers 3. Tryall of growth. But now reprinted, and to be put together. With other divine tractates. By Tho: Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed by M.F. for R. Dawlman, 1647 [i.e. 1651].
ESTC No. R39998.Grub Street ID 121844.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Certaine select cases resolved: specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chief and usuall temptations: 1. The case of desertion, or, walking in darknesse. The cause, remedies. 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers. 3. The case resolved, whether after sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sinne. 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ. 5. How to discerne our growth in grace. Heretofore all published in three treatises, 1. A child of light walking in darknesse. 2. Return of prayers. 3. Tryall of growth. And now re-printed, and newly put together. With other divine tractates. By Tho. Goodwin, B.D.
London: printed for R.D. and are to be sold by Thomas Eglesfield at the Brazen serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1651.
ESTC No. R40000.Grub Street ID 121850.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession. As the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith. Upon Rom. 8. ver. 34. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.
London: printed for Robert Dawlman, 1653.
ESTC No. R217421.Grub Street ID 92207.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A sermon of the fifth monarchy. Proving by invincible arguments, that the saints shall have a kingdom here on earth, which is yet to come, after the fourth monarchy is destroy'd by the sword of the saints, the followers of the lamb. Preached by Mr. Tho. Goodwin, on Rev. 5. 9, 10. By which it will appear, that it is for the same truth (that formerly was so much contended for) that some of the people of God suffer at this day. Published for the truths sake.
Printed at London: for Livewel Chapman, at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1654.
ESTC No. R207633.Grub Street ID 83993.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The principles of faith, presented by Mr. Tho. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, Mr. Sydrach Simson, and other ministers, to the committee of Parliament for religion, by way of explanation to the proposals for propagating of the gospel.
[London: printed for Robert Ibbitson, 1654].
ESTC No. R4921.Grub Street ID 125412.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The vvorld to come. Or, The kingdome of Christ asserted. In two expository lectures of Ephes. 1. 21, 22. verses. Prooving that between the state of this world as now it is, and the state of things after the day of judgement, when God shall be all in all: there is a world to come which is of purpose, and is a more especiall manner appointed for Jesus Christ to be king, and wherein he shall more eminently reign. Preached by Mr. Tho: Goodwin many years since, at Antholins, London. Published for the truths sake.
London: printed, and are to be sold in Popes-head-Alley, and in Westminster Hall, 1655.
ESTC No. R207443.Grub Street ID 83828.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A state of glory for spirits of just men upon dissolution, demonstrated. A sermon preached in Pauls Church Aug. 30. 1657. before the Rt. Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the City of London. By Tho: Goodvvin, D.D. president of Magd. Coll. Oxon.
London: printed by J.G. for Robert Dawlman, 1657.
ESTC No. R202319.Grub Street ID 79565.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The return of prayers. A treatise, wherein this case how to discern Gods answers to our prayers is briefly resolved: with other observations upon Psalm 85.8. Concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho. Goodwin B.D.
London: printed by R.H. for R. Dawlman, and are to be sold by W. Gilbertson at the Bible in Giltspurstreet, 1659.
ESTC No. R223691.Grub Street ID 97476.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A child of light walking in darknesse: or, A treatise shewing the causes, by which the cases, wherein the ends, for which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. Together with directions how to walk, so as to come forth of such a condition. With other observations upon Esay 50. 10, & 11. verses. By Tho: Goodwin D.D.
London: printed by J. G[rismond]. for R: Dawlman, and are to be sold by Hen: Cripps, at the entrance into Popes-head Alley out of Lumbard-street. 1659.
ESTC No. R177483.Grub Street ID 69576.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Patience and its perfect work, under sudden & sore tryals.
London : printed by S. Simmons, for Rob. Duncomb, to be sold at his shop in Duck-lane, 1666.
ESTC No. R40909.Grub Street ID 122660.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A discourse of the punishment of sin in hell; demonstrating the wrath of God to be the immediate cause thereof. To which is added, a sermon, proving a state of glory for the spirits of just men upon dissolution. By Tho. Goodwin, D.D.
London : printed for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680.
ESTC No. R227488.Grub Street ID 100391.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A discourse of the punishment of sin in hell; demonstrating the wrath of God to be the immediate cause thereof. To which is added, a sermon, proving a state of glory for the spirits of just men upon dissolution. by Tho. Goodwin, D.D. sometime president of Magd. Coll. Oxon.
London : printed for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680.
ESTC No. R10434.Grub Street ID 58807.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The works of Thomas Goodwin, D.D. sometime president of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford. .
London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. [John Richardson, Thomas Snowden, John Astwood, R. Tookey] and S[amuel]. R[oycroft]. for T[homas]. G[oodwin]. and are to be sold by Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in St. Pauls Church-yard [and by Thomas Ballard at the Rising Sun i Little Britain], [1681-1704].
ESTC No. R3084.Grub Street ID 113679.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The works of Thomas Goodwin, D.D. Sometime president of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford. ... . Containing, an Exposition on the First, and part of the Second Chapter, of the Epistle to the Ephesians. And Sermons Preached on Several Occasions.
London : printed by J. D. and S. R. for T. G., and are to be sold by Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in St. Pauls Church-Yard, MDCLXXXI. [1681]-1704.
ESTC No. T97628.Grub Street ID 317021.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Two discourses. I. Of the punishment of sin in hell; demonstrating the wrath of God to be the immediate cause thereof. II. Proving a state of glory for just men upon their dissolution. By Tho. Goodwin, D.D.
London : printed by J.D. for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DC.XCIII. [1693].
ESTC No. R22738.Grub Street ID 100288.
Goodwin, Thomas.
A discourse of the true nature of the Gospel; demonstrating that it is no new law, but a pure doctrine of grace. In answer to the Reverend Mr. Lorimer's Apology. By Tho. Goodwin, pastor of a Church of Christ at Pinnor in Middlesex.
London : printed by J. Darby, 1695.
ESTC No. R14253.Grub Street ID 62299.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The government and discipline of the Churches of Christ, Set down by way of Questions and Answers, with an Explanation and Application of the same. By Thomas Goodwin, D. D. Sometime President of Magdalene-College in Oxford.
London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1722.
ESTC No. T64686.Grub Street ID 289668.
Goodwin, Thomas.
Dr. Goodwin on the return of prayer. A treatise wherein this case, how to discern God's answers to our prayers, is briefly resolved: ... To which is prefixt a large account of the doctor's life, from his own papers and memoirs.
Glasgow: printed by John Hall, 1748.
ESTC No. N49635.Grub Street ID 33816.
Goodwin, Thomas.
The french Revolution foreseen, in 1639. Extracts from an Exposition of the Revelation, by an eminent divine of both universities, in the beginning of the last century. Who explains a prophecy in that book of a revolution in France, its Separation from Rome, and the Abolition of Titles. To which are subjoined, some observations and remarks, to Illustrate Facts, and Confirm the Application of the Prophecy.
London : printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1796?].
ESTC No. T96020.Grub Street ID 315506.