Publications of John London merchant


  • London, John, merchant. Some considerations on the importance of the woollen manufactures, by which will appear, the necessity of immediately putting an effectual stop to the carrying off our wool unmanufactured to France. By John London, of Tiverton, Merchant. London : printed for Edward Littleton, at the Mitre against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, [1740]. ESTC No. T49269. Grub Street ID 277116.
  • London, John, merchant. An answer to the pretended remarks on Mr. Webber's scheme, and the draper's pamphlet; shewing, that the remarker hath not made the least objection to the scheme, which the draper recommended, nor disprov'd the least fact which he advanc'd: as also, that all that hath been alledged by the Gentleman's Magazine against it is groundless, and that the truth of the calculation is undoubted. To which is added, a copy of the letter which Mr. Webber received, concerning its being stipulated that France should have our wool; which letter also contains a short, but pathetick address, to the electors of Great-Britain. Written at the time of the last election, and altogether as necessary at this time, with some other reasons; setting forth the probability of such a stipulation also, a petition, intended to have been presented to Parliament, praying, an act to confirm the charter which His Majesty granted Mr. Webber: which petition was not refused, on account of such a charter not having been granted,. London : printed and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lyon in Ludgate-Street ; A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar ; and J. Millan, over-against the Admiralty Office, Charing-Cross, 1741. ESTC No. T22077. Grub Street ID 244304.
  • London, John, merchant. The art of book-keeping, made easy to the young, and the unexperienced, by forms. Adapted to the immediate concerns of persons in the following stations of life, viz. School-boys, apprentices, and servants who would keep an account of their disbursements of any kind. Stewards, or any other persons, who would keep a regular account of their affairs, though they be not immediately concerned in trade. Shopkeepers and such like, as are concerned in trade, and would conduct their accounts after the most regular method. These forms are so contrived, as that by givin at first, examples the most familiar and easy to be understood, a thorough knowledge of the whole art may be attained to afterwards; the whole being founded upon the plan, and designed as an introduction to the study and practice of a larger work, intituled, a Complete System of book-keeping after the Italian method, &c. Calculated for the use of such persons of both sexes, as would be instructed in so necessary an art. By John Lond. London : printed for John Clark, under the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill, M,DCC,LI. [1751]. ESTC No. N70667. Grub Street ID 51156.
  • London, John, merchant. A complete system of book-keeping, after the Italian method, wherein the priciples of that art are set forth, and explained; ... particularly, those contained in a essay on book-keeping, ... published by William webster, and correctec by Ellis Webster, london 1749. The tenth edition. In two parts. Part I. relating to theory, ... Part II. relating to practice. The second edition.. London : printed for the author, at Mrs. Butler's; and are to be had of him; as also of Mr. Kent; of Mr. Bourn; and of other booksellers and stationers in town, 1754. ESTC No. N52466. Grub Street ID 36451.
  • London, John, merchant. An abridgment of Mr. London's Complete system of book-keeping: Containing, Ist, Those excellent Rules for acquiring the Art of Book-Keeping, never printed before in any Language, by means of which Persons of but a common Genius, and not knowing any thing of the Matter before, have been actually taught how to state, post, examine, and ballance Books of Account, in which the whole Theory of that Art consists, and have also reduced it into Practice, the whole, in three Hours time, or less. 2dly, An Explanation of the Nature and Manner of keeping Accounts on a Merchant's Leidger, in two Sorts of Coin or Specie, at one and the same time; absolutely necessary to be used in case of Consignments abroad. 3dly, A full Demonstration of a most egregious Error committed by Mr. Webster, in his Essay on Book-Keeping, for want of knowing the Method just spoken of. And, 4thly, A Detection of some other very egregious Errors contained in the said Essay. To which is added, 5thly, The Manner of keeping Accou. London : printed for the author; and sold by Mr. Comyn, Mr. James, and Mr. Henderson, at the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill; Mr. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; Mr. Baldwin, in Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Robinson, in Ludgate-Street; Mr. Russel, without Temple-Bar; and most other Booksellers, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T100699. Grub Street ID 154616.
  • London, John, merchant. A complete system of book-keeping, after the Italian method: in two parts. Part I. relating to theory, contains Rules for that Purpose never printed before in any Language; so few and short as to be learnt almost in an Instant, and retained without burthening the Memory; and so plain and perfect as that three Hours, or less, are sufficient to teach this whole Branch of it by them. - As also an Explanation of the Manner of keeping Accounts in two Sorts of Specie, namely, Domestic and Foreign for one and the same Article: without which neither Merchants who send Consignments abroad, or receive any Goods from thence for their own Accounts; nor Proprietors of Estates in Ireland, or else-where abroad, who reside here, can keep regular Accounts, and vice versa. - To which is added the Manner of keeping Bank, India, and other Stock after the Italian Method. - As likewise some Candid Animadversions on the erroneous and Imperfect Method of Book-Keeping taught and practised among us, contained in a. The third edition. ... London : printed for the author; and sold by Mr. Comyn, Mr. James, and Mr. Ward, at the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill; Mr. Keith in Gracechurch-Street; Mr. Baldwin in Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Russel at Temple-Bar; and most other booksellers, 1758. ESTC No. T119926. Grub Street ID 171271.