Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The doctrine of satisfaction by the merits of Christ, impartially examined by scripture and reason. By Ebenezer Hewlett. In a letter to a friend wherein there are remarks on three books, on that arguement.
Bristol: printed, 1733.
ESTC No. N55417.Grub Street ID 38924.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The doctrine of satisfaction by the merits of Christ, supposed to be blasphemy against God and his son Jesus Christ, An Enemy to the holy Scriptures, and to His Majesty King George, the Royal Family, and all true Protestants, with a Hindrance to Mens Salvation. By Eben. Hewlett. In a Letter to his Friend. Wherein are some remarks on Dr. Owen's Trinity vindicated, and on a book called The mediator, with some observations upon Mr. Truman's Great propitiation.
Bristol: printed for, and sold by the author in Queen-Street, and Wm Evans on St. James's Back, 1733.
ESTC No. T165566.Grub Street ID 203825.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The Rev. Mr. Gill's book, call'd Truth defended, examined by scripture and reason: and his queries on Rom. ix. carefully considered. To which is added, A dialogue between Christ and a Calvinist sinner at the day of judgment. By a sufferer for truth.
London?] : Printed in the year, 1738.
ESTC No. T89627.Grub Street ID 309504.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
A harmony in Christianity: being an answer to Mr. Tho. Chubb's book, entitled, The true gospel of Jesus Christ; Wherein is proved, I. That Mr. Chubb hath weakened the Influence of Christ's Gospel in the World, and thereby over-turned his own Arguments. II. That the late Author who remarked on his Book hath not considered his grand Objections against the Gospel-Writers, nor his fundamental Principle of the Nature of Things; which are herein examined. III. Observe some Reasons for the Certainty of the Gospel Revelation. IV. Some Observations from the whole. V. The Appendix, wherein is shewn that Mr. Hallett's Notion of Christ's Merits, contained in his Answer to Mr. Chubb, is the Cause of the Infidelity he therein condemns. By a sufferer for truth.
London : printed in the year [and sold by the author, Eben. Hewlett; and at Wright's Coffee-House in Aldersgate-Street], Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T108748.Grub Street ID 161606.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Mr. Whitefield's chatechise. Being an explanation of the doctrine of the Methodists. By Ebenezer Hewlett. In a letter to Mr. Seagrave.
London : printed in the year M.DCC.XXXIX. And sold by the author at the New Pales in Sun Street, without Bishopsgate, [1739].
ESTC No. T108517.Grub Street ID 161400.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The deist turned Christian, the Papist turned Protestant, and the Calvinist turned Arminian, by being undeceived concerning the doctrine of free justification by Christ's blood. By way of dialogue between Ebenezer Hewlett and a deist.
London : printed in the year M.DCC.XL. And sold by the author at the New Pales in Sun-Street, without Bishopsgate, [1740].
ESTC No. T108745.Grub Street ID 161603.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
A catechism for Mr. Whitefield, and his followers: To learn them not to blaspheme God. Being some remarks on Mr. Seagrave's answer to Dr. Trapp, and Mr. Whitefield's answer to the Bishop of London. To which is added, an answer to a great question: where it is consistent with the perfections of God to forsake his innocent son in the agonies of death, if he did not impute mens sins to him. Also some observations on Mr. Chubb's reasoning against prayer being prevalent, in his vindication of his Gospel. The second edition. By Eben. Hewlett.
London : Sold by the author, at the New Pales in Sun Street without bishopgate, Printed in the year MDCCXL. [1740].
ESTC No. T192033.Grub Street ID 226633.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
A vindication of Arch-bishop Tillotson, and the author of the Whole duty of man, from the censures of Mr. Whitefield and Mr. Wesley, with some remarks on their erroneous doctrine, Eben. Hewlett.
Bristol: printed, and sold by the author, 1740.
ESTC No. T179416.Grub Street ID 216173.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
A vindication of the bible, from the censures of the deists, and the inconsistencies of Popery and Calvinism: being some remarks on many wilful errors of the moral philosopher, and on the scheme of literal prophecy. Herein is Shewn, I. That Mosic Samuel, David, and the Prophets, were what the Bible represents them to be, holy Men of God, in Opposition to these Authors. II. That many Miracles wrote for, and by them in Egypt, at the Red-Sea, in the Wilderness, and in Canaan, were agreeable to God's Perfections. III. That the Sacrifices under the Law, are Types of Christ, tho' not to be understood in the Papists and Calvinists Sense, and the Prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled in him. IV. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Samuel Chandler, by way of Appendix. By Eben. Hewlett.
London : printed in the year M DCC Xli. and sold by the author in Sun-Street without Bishopsgate, [1741].
ESTC No. T108744.Grub Street ID 161602.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Christianity refined from the errors of popery, calvinism, deism, ariansim, arminianism, socinianism, and many early and modern false doctrines. By proving, that tho' Christ died for the sins of the whole world then alive, yet he did not die for our sins. The calvinists and papists priestcraft tumbling down. Being a dispute between Eben. Hewlet, and several ministers.
London : Printed for the author, M.DCC.XLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T165638.Grub Street ID 203901.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Miracles real evidences of a divine revelation. And the influence of evil angels carefully examin'd: in answer to Mr. Chubb's Discourse on miracles, and Mr. Fleming's Animadversions thereon. Wherein is shewn, I. That Mr. Fleming's Notion of evil Beings, of the Magicians of Egypt, the Witch of Endor, the Casting out evil Spirits, Acts xix. are all false Representations. II. That Mr. Chubb has contradicted his own Principles; and his Objections answer'd. III. An Answer to Mr. Chubb's Question in his Appendix, viz. Whether the Doctrine of the future Existence of Men, and a future Retribution, were plainly taught by Moses and the Prophets? The Deists all in Confusion. Chubb against Chubb, and Morgan against Morgan. By Eben. Hewlett.
London : printed for the author, and sold by him at his House in Sun-Street, without Bishopsgate, [1741].
ESTC No. T107938.Grub Street ID 160929.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Deism in distress: being supported only by deceit. Wherein is shewn that Jesus Christ is the son of God, but not the real son of Joseph. ... Being an answer to Mr. Elwall's pamphlet, entituled, The supernatural incarnation of Jesus Christ proved to be false. By Eben Hewlett.
London : printed and sold by the author, 1742.
ESTC No. T201329.Grub Street ID 232655.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Some remarks on Mr. Robert Barclay's apology. His sixth edition in English. Wherein is shewn, that the ground of his mistake is the same with all other Christians. That the most reformed body of Christians in our day have need to be refined. Quakerism refined, and the resurrection of the truth. To which is added, some observatins on a late baptist author, concerning water-baptism. By Eben, Hewlett.
London : Printed for, and sold by the author, in Sun-street, without Bishopsgate, MDCCXLIII. [1743].
ESTC No. T160268.Grub Street ID 199748.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
An answer to two baptist ministers letters concerning baptism and the Lord's Supper; In defence of scripture and reason. In a letter to Mr. Hildrup. By Eben. Hewlett.
London : Printed, and sold by the author, in Sun-street, without Bishop's-gate, 1743.
ESTC No. T191188.Grub Street ID 226171.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The royal spy-glass: To discover the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, Dan. 2. 34. The Kingdom of the saints is already begun tho' they themselves oppose it. To which is added, the Baptists inquisition, held at the George, in George-Yard Lombard-Street, London. By many ministers and others, whose names are mentioned in the following lines. Wherein is shewn that this saints kingdom, will destory all powers that oppose it, tho' they are never so strong and terrible. By Eben Hewlett,.
London : Printed in the year 1743. And sold by the author, in San-street, whithout Bishopsgate, Printed in the year 1743.
ESTC No. T193368.Grub Street ID 227536.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Ancient apostlick Christianity revived; modern Christanity both amongst Papists and Protestants reproved: Being some remarks on the Rev. Mr. James Foster's sermon, intitled scripture justification explain'd. Volume III. Sermon II. And on the pamphlet call'd Christianity not founded on argument. An also that the binding obligation to keep sabbath does not belong to Christianity. In answer to Mr. Cornthwait. And some observations on miracles, to confirm the reasonableness of Christianity. By Eben, Hewlett.
London : Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row, 1744.
ESTC No. T193497.Grub Street ID 227624.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The doctrine of satisfaction by the merits of Christ, Supposed to be blasphemy against God and His son Jesus Christ, an enemy to the Holy Scriptures, and to His Majesty King George, the Royal Family, and all true protestants; as also a hindrance to mens salvation. By Eben. Hewlett, in a letter to his friend. Wherein are some remarks on Dr. Owen's Trinity vindicated, and on a book call'd the mediator, with some observations on Mr. Truman's great propitiation.
The second edition..
London : Printed for the author; and sold by J. Robinson; at the Golden Lion in Ludgate-Street, MDCCXLIV. [1744].
ESTC No. T165571.Grub Street ID 203831.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
The support of popery discover'd, The methodist, calvinist, and deist unmask'd; the arian, arminian, and socinian, reprov'd; in answer to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Whitefield, and Mr. Wesley; and in answer to a society of baptist ministers, and gentlemen, meeting at the George in George-Yard, Lombard-Street: London. Wherein is shewn, that Mr. Crutenden's experience cited by Mr. Whitefield, is only calvinistical delusions. By Eeen. Hewlett.
London : Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster Row, 1744.
ESTC No. T192856.Grub Street ID 227193.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
Deism founded only on forgery and deceit. Being some remarks on a late pamphlet entitled, The resurrection of Jesus consider'd; ... To which is added, an answer to two Baptist ministers concerning baptism and the Lord's supper. By Eben. Hewlett.
London : printed for the author, and sold by M. Cooper, 1744.
ESTC No. T201328.Grub Street ID 232654.
Hewlett, Ebenezer.
A refined Quaker's remarks on baptism: in answer to Mr. Caleb Fleming's Pamphlet, Intituled, A Defence of Infant Baptism. By Eben. Hewlett. The Author calls himself a Refined Quaker, because he thinks, tho' that People are nearest to Truth, yet they maintain some Errors.
London : printed, and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-Noster Row; and the author in Sun-Street without Bishopsgate, MDCCXLV. [1745].
ESTC No. T170881.Grub Street ID 208548.