Publications of William Coward


  • Coward, William. Uraniae metamorphosis in Sydus: or, The transfiguration of our late gracious sovereign Queen Mary. Discover'd in a miraculous vision since the celebration of her funeral. A poem. To the honourable Charles Montague, Esq; Chancellor of the Exchequer, and one of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council, &c. Most humbly presented. Written by a doctor of physick. London : printed for D. Browne, at the Bible without Temple-Bar, and R. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, 1694/5. [i.e. 1695]. ESTC No. R38386. Grub Street ID 120494.
  • Coward, William. De fermento volatili nutritio conjectura rationalis. Quâ ostenditur spiritum volatilem oleosum, è sanguine suffusum, esse verum ac genuinum concoctionis ac nutritionis instrumentum. Cum medicamentorum plurimorum stomachicorum, à viris celeberrimis præscriptorum, examinatione & usu. Authore Guil. Coward, M.D. & Collegii Merton. Oxon. Socio. Londini : excudit J.H. pro T. Benne ad insigne Lunæ falcatæ in C.meterio Divi Pauli, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R35611. Grub Street ID 117992.
  • Coward, William. Alcali vindicatum: or, The acid opiniator [sic] not guilty of truth. Being an impartial enquiry into the fallacious reasons and erroneous philosophy of a late physico-medical essay touching alcali & acid. Especially as they relate to the cause or cure of the small pox, scurvy, gout, rheumatism and consumption. To which is added a discourse of the nature and usefulness of an hypothesis in relation to the practice of physick. With a description of a most excellent medicine call'd tinctura sanitatis, of great use in all diseases of the head and stomack especially. By William Coward M.D. of the Colledge of Physicians, London. London : printed for Tim. Childe at the White Hart at the west end of S. Paul's church-yard, 1698. ESTC No. R37669. Grub Street ID 119884.
  • Coward, William. Second thoughts concerning human soul, demonstrating the notion of human soul, As believ'd to be a Spiritual Immortal Substance, united to Human Body, to be a plain heathenish invention, and not consonant to the principles of philosophy, reason, or religion; But the Ground only of many Absurd, and Superstitious Opinions, Abominable to the Reformed Churches, And Derogatory in General to True Christianity. London : printed for R. Basset at the Mitre over against Chancery-Lane in Fleetstreet, 1702. ESTC No. T137990. Grub Street ID 185868.
  • Coward, William. Farther thoughts concerning human soul, in defence of Second thoughts; wherein the weak efforts of the Reverend Mr. Turner, and other less significant writers are occasionally answer'd. By the author of Second thoughts. London : printed for Richard Bassett at the Mitre over against Chancery-Lane-End in Fleet-Street; Where Second Thoughts are to be had, 1703. ESTC No. T57416. Grub Street ID 283689.
  • Coward, William. Second thoughts concerning human soul. Demonstrating the notion of human soul, ... to be an invention of the heathens, and not consonant to the principles of philosophy, reason, or religion. The 2d. edition corrected and enlarg'd.. London : printed for A. Baldwin, 1704. ESTC No. T137991. Grub Street ID 185869.
  • Coward, William. The grand essay: or, a vindication of reason, and religion, against impostures of philosophy Proving according to those Ideas and Conceptions of Things Human Understanding is capable of forming to it self. 1. That the Existence of any Immaterial Substance is a Philosophic Imposture, and impossible to be conceived. 2. That all Matter has Originally created in it, a principle of Internal, or Self-Motion. 3. That Matter and Motion must be the Foundation of Thought in Men and Brutes. To which is added, A brief answer to Mr. Broughton's Physcholo. &c. By W.C. M.D. C.M. L.C. London : printed for P.G. and sold by John Chantry, at the Pestle and Mortar without Temple-Barr, 1704. ESTC No. T72150. Grub Street ID 295707.
  • Coward, William. Remediorum medicinalium tabula generalis. Tam compositorum quæ in variis passim occurrunt, quam simplicium quæ in animali, vegetabili, aut minerali regno ut plurimum reperiuntur; Qua Medicinam Facientes breviter ediscant, quaenam in affectupene quolibet curando Generaliter indicantur Remedia, quae etiam Particularibus Morbis abigendis solent usitatius applicari; ut facili Negotio Materia Medica velut Uno intuitu innotescat. Medicis Chirurgis & Pharmacopeis omnibus apprime Utilis & Necessaria. Autore Gul. Coward, M. D. C. M. L. C. London] : Impensis Joh. Chantry, extra Temple-Bar, & Prostvant enales [sic] apud Benj. Bragge in vico vulgo vocato Avemary-Lane, 1704. ESTC No. T61926. Grub Street ID 287533.
  • Coward, William. Abramideis: or, the faithful patriarch. Exemplify'd in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. An heroic poem. London : printed for Abel Roper at the Black Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; and J. Chantry at the Sign of Lincolns-Inn Square, near Lincolns-Inn Back Gate, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T86856. Grub Street ID 306957.
  • Coward, William. The just scrutiny: or, a serious enquiry into the modern notions of the soul. I. Consider'd as Breath of Life, or a Power (not Immaterial Substance) united to Body, according to the H. Scriptures. II. As a Principle Naturally Mortal, but Immortaliz'd by its Union with the Baptismal Spirit, according to Platonisme lately Christianiz'd. With a comparative disquisition between the scriptural and philosophic state of the dead; and some Remarks on the Consequences of such Opinions. By W. C. M.D. London : printed for John Chantry, at the Sign of Lincolns-Inn-Square near Lincolns-Inn-Fields, [1705?]. ESTC No. T72436. Grub Street ID 295962.
  • Coward, William. Ophthalmiatria: qua accurata & integra oculorum male affectorum instituitur medela: nova methodo aphoristice concinnata. Authore Gul. Coward, . London : impressit J. G. Impensis Joannis Chantry; et Tho. Atkinson, London, 1706. ESTC No. T61927. Grub Street ID 287534.
  • Coward, William. A discourse concerning the certainty of a future and immortal state. In some moral, physiological, and religious considerations. By a doctor of physick. London : printed for W. Freeman, at the Bible against the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-Street, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T80708. Grub Street ID 301692.
  • Coward, William. De fermento volatili nutritio conjectura rationalis: ... cum theoriæ præcedenti praxi adjuncta. Authore Gul. Coward, M.D. Editio secunda.. London] : Impressit J. G. Impensis Joannis Chantry; et Tho. Atkinson, London, 1706. ESTC No. N8318. Grub Street ID 53224.
  • Coward, William. Licentia poetica discuss'd: or, the true test of poetry. Without which it is impossible to judge of, or compose, a correct English poem. To which are added, critical observations on the principal, antient and modern poets. viz. Homer, Horace, Virgil, Milton, Waller, Cowley, Dryden, &c. as frequently liable to Just Censure. A poem. By W. Coward, Coll. Med. Lond. M.D. London : printed for William Carter, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's-Churchyard, 1709. ESTC No. N10123. Grub Street ID 134.
  • Coward, William. Licentia poetica discuss'd: or, the true test of poetry. Without which it is difficult to judge of, or compose, a correct English poem. To which are added, critical observations on the principal, antient and modern poets. Viz. Homer, Horace, Virgil, Milton, Waller, Cowley, Dryden, &c. as frequently liable to Just Censure. A poem. By W. Coward, Coll. Med. Lond. M.D. London : printed for William Carter, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's-Churchyard, 1709. ESTC No. T116974. Grub Street ID 168599.
  • Coward, William. Licentia poetica discuss'd: Or, The true test of poetry. Without which it is impossible to judge of, or compose, a correct English poem. To which are added, critical observations on the principal, antient and modern poets. viz. Homer, Horace, Virgil, Milton, Waller, Cowley, Dryden, &c. as frequently liable to just censure. A poem. By W. Coward, Coll. Med. Lond. M.D. London : Printed for William Carter, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's-Churchyard, 1709. ESTC No. T230884. Grub Street ID 250345.
  • Coward, William. A discourse concerning the certainty of a future and immortal state. In some moral, physiological and religious considerations. London : Printed for Thomas Harris, at the Looking-Glass and Bible, on London Bridge, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. N67379. Grub Street ID 48963.