Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The history of the Swedish countess of G*. In two parts. By C.F. Gellert, M.A. professor at the University of Lipsick. Translated from the original German.
London : Printed for J. Smith, next to Black, Lion Inn, in Water-lane, Fleet-street, M.DCC.LII. [1752].
ESTC No. T192545.Grub Street ID 227013.
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The history of the Swedish Countess of G*. In two parts. By C. F. Gellert, ... Translated from the original German.
London : printed for R. Dodsley; and W. Owen, 1752.
ESTC No. N69351.Grub Street ID 50412.
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The history of the Swedish Countess of G*. In two parts. Part I. Consisting of a narrative as well of the Fortunate as Disastrous Revolutions of her life, in Livonia, Sweden, and Holland. Part II. Containing an account of the sufferings of the count, her husband, as well in Muscovy, as during Five Years Banishment to Siberia. With the Particulars which occured to Both of them, in Holland and in England, after their meeting each other again. By C. F. Gellert, M.A. Professor at the University of Leipsick. Translated from the Original German. Translated from the original German.
Dublin: printed by A. Reilly, at the Stationers-Hall on Cork-Hill, MDCCLV. [1755].
ESTC No. T189352.Grub Street ID 224856.
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The history of the Swedish Countess of Guildenstern, in two parts. Part I. Shewing the exemplary behaviour of the Countess to her husband, during the first Period of her Marriage; also, Her circumspect Conduct while a (supposed) Widow: Her generous Motives in the Choice of her second Husband; and, Her steady Love, in rejoining the Count, at his Return: Part II. Setting forth the Count's sufferings in Mascovy and in Siberia; together with what occurred to Him and his Lady in Holland and in England, after his Releasement: Interspersed with Several singular Events to divers other Personages interested in either Part of this History: Calculated to recommend An early Attachment to Virtue in young Ladies of no affluent Fortune; also, a becoming Fortitude in Adversity, and a spontaneous Resignation to our Destiny.
London : printed for J. Scott, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCLVII. [1757].
ESTC No. T100447.Grub Street ID 154393.
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The life of the Swedish Countess de G***. Written in German, by the late ingenious C.F. Gellert, Professor of Leipsic. Translated from the German, by the Rev. Mr. N*****.
London : printed for John Donaldson, the Corner of Arundel Street, No. 195, in the Strand, MDCCLXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. T99893.Grub Street ID 318988.
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The life of the Countess of G y Gellert translated from the German by a lady. .
London : printed for B Law, [1776].
ESTC No. N61531.Grub Street ID 44305.
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott.
The life of the Countess of G. By Gellert. Translated from the German, by a lady. .
London : printed for B. Law, Ave Maria Lane, [1795?].
ESTC No. T99889.Grub Street ID 318983.