Publications of Benjamin Whichcote


  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Theophoroum=ena dogmata: or, Some select notions of that learned and reverend divine of the Church of England, Benj. Whitchcot, D.D. lately deceased. Faithfully collected from him by a pupil and particular friend of his, and published pro bono publico per & pro philanthropo. In the first year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord, King James the Second, &c. London : Printed, and are to be sold by Israel Harrison at Lincoln's-Inn Gate, and by others, M DC LXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R233892. Grub Street ID 105313.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Theophoroumena dogmata: or, Some select notions of that learned and reverend divine of the Church of England, Benj. Whitchcot, D.D. lately deceased. Faithfully collected from him by a pupil and particular friend of his, and published pro bono publico per & pro philanthropo. The second edition.. London : printed for Joseph Raven, at his shop at Lincolns-Inn Back-gate, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R186459. Grub Street ID 75120.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. A compendium of devotion, containing a treatise of prayer and thanksgiving: with morning and evening prayers for every day in the week, &c. Also a sermon of drawing nigh to God, by the late Reverend B. Whitchcot, D.D. London : printed by T[homas]. W[arren] for R[ichard]. Cumberland, at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R186458. Grub Street ID 75119.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Select sermons of Dr. Whichcot. In two parts. London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R12788. Grub Street ID 60936.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Several discourses: Concerning The Shortness of Humane Charity. The Perfection of the Mercy of God. The Difference of Times with respect to Religion. The Joy which the Righteous have in God. The Secret Blasting of Men. The Instructive Discipline of God. The Danger of Unfaithfulness to God. The Malignity of Popery. The Deceitfulness of Sin. The Conversion of Sinner. Also, The Prayer used before Sermon. By the Reverend and Learned, Benjamin Whichcot, D. D. Sometime Minister of S. Lawrence Jewry, London. Examined and corrected by his own notes; and published by John Jeffery, D. D. Archdeacon of Norwich. London : printed for James Knapton at the Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T116450. Grub Street ID 168116.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Several discourses: concerning The shortness of humane charity. The Perfection of the Mercy of God. The Difference of Times with respect to Religion. The Joy which the Righteous have in God. The Secret Blasting of Men. The Instructive Discipline of God. The Danger of Unfaithfulness to God. The Malignity of Popery. The Deceitfulness of Sin. The Conversion of a Sinner. also The Prayer used before Sermon. By the Reverend and Learned Benjamin Whichcote, D. D. sometime Minister of S. Lawrence Jewry, London. Examined and corrected by his own notes; and published by John Jeffery, D. D. Archdeacon of Norwich. The second edition.. London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1702. ESTC No. T144975. Grub Street ID 191775.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Several discourses: concerning the true valuation of man. The necessary repentance of a sinner. The exercise and progress of a christian. The practise of those who are improved. The frailty of humane nature. The instruction from the judgments of God. The justice of one man towards another. The nature of salvation by Christ. The worth of religion, and sufferings for it. The christian a citizen of heaven. By the reverend and learned, Benjamin Whichcote, D.D. sometime minister of S. Lawrence Jewry, London. Volume II. Examined and corrected by his own notes; and published by John Jeffery, D.D. Archdeacon of Norwich. London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1702. ESTC No. N70266. Grub Street ID 50941.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Moral and religious aphorisms. Wherein are contained, many doctrines of truth; and rules of practice; which are of Universal Concernment, and of the greatest Importance in the Life of Man. Norwich: printed by Fr. Burges, for A. and J. Churchill, Book-Sellers in London, and for Tho. Goddard, Book-Seller in Norwich, 1703. ESTC No. T70870. Grub Street ID 294513.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. The true notion of peace in the kingdom or church of Christ, stated by the late emininent and learned Dr. Whitchcot, in a sermon preach'd by him upon the malignity of popery. Examined and corrected from his own notes by John Jeffery, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich; and now republished, as being very usefully applicable to the Controversies of the Present Times. London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1717. ESTC No. T6623. Grub Street ID 290978.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Several discourses: concerning the true valuation of man. The necessary repentance of a sinner. ... The Christian a citizen of heaven. By the Reverend ... Benjamin Whichcote, D.D. ... Volume II. Examined and corrected by his own notes; and published by John Jeffery, D.D. . The second edition.. London : printed for James Knapton, 1719. ESTC No. N62722. Grub Street ID 45008.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Twelve sermons, the first six containing the foundation of natural and reveal'd religion, and the proofs of Christianity. The six last consists of sermons of religious and moral subjects. By the Reverend and learned Benjamin Whichcot, D.D. some time minsiter of St. Lawrence Jewry, London. The second edition.. London : Printed for J. Wilcox, at the Green Dragon in Little-Britain, 1721. ESTC No. T179877. Grub Street ID 216582.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Select sermons of Dr. Whichcot. In two parts. Edinbugh [sic]: printed by T.W. and T. Ruddimans for G. Hamilton and J. Balfour, and sold at their shop, 1742. ESTC No. T104632. Grub Street ID 158141.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. The works of the learned Benjamin Whichcote, D. D. Rector of St. Lawrence Jewry, London. Volume I. Aberdeen: printed by J. Chalmers, for Alexander Thomson Bookseller, and sold at his Shop in the Broadgate, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T145997. Grub Street ID 192681.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Moral and religious aphorisms. Collected from the manuscript papers of the reverend and learned Doctor Whichcote; and published in MDCCIII, by Dr. Jeffery. Now re-published, with very large additions, from the Transcripts of the latter, by Samuel Salter, D. D. Prebendary of Norwich, and Curate of Great Yarmouth in Norfolk. To which are added, Eight letters: which passed between Dr. Whichcote, Provost of King's College; and Dr. Tuckney, Master of Emmanuel College, in Cambridge: on several very interesting Subjects. Now first published. London : printed for J. Payne, at Pope's-Head, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T145670. Grub Street ID 192397.
  • Whichcote, Benjamin. Select sermons of Dr. Whichcote. In two parts. With an excellent Recommendatory Epistle by the late Rev. and Learned Dr. Wishart. Bath: printed by S. Hazard; for T. Mills, Bookseller, in King's-Mead-Square; also sold by G. Keith, Grace-Church-Street; S. Crowder, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Matthews, Strand; S. Chirm, Aldersgate-Bars, London: T. Cadell, W. Pine, and S. Edwards, Bristol, M.DCC.LXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T194230. Grub Street ID 228199.