Stubs, Philip.
Of publick baptism. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall-Chapel, Sunday, Nov. 20. 1692. By Philip Stubs, A.M. Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon. and Chaplain to the right reverend father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester.
London : printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIII. [1693].
ESTC No. R28859.Grub Street ID 111891.
Stubs, Philip.
Of confirmation. A sermon preach'd at St. Benedict Grace-Church, March 14th. 1693. The day on which the right reverend father in God, Henry Lord Bishop of London, confirmed there. By Philip Stubs, A.M. Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon. and chaplain to the right reverend father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester. Published at the request of the parishioners.
London : printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIII. [1693].
ESTC No. R14889.Grub Street ID 62868.
Stubs, Philip.
The religious seaman, fitted with proper devotions on all occasions: to which is prefix'd in a letter to those of that profession, a serious exhortation to the practice of virtue and piety in their several conversations. By Phil. Stubs, M.A. rector of Wolwich in Kent;.
London : printed for Henry Bonwick, at the Red Lyon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Sam. Crouch, at the Princes-Arms in Popes-Head-Alley, near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1696.
ESTC No. R224039.Grub Street ID 97767.
Stubs, Philip.
Of publick baptism. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall-Chapel, Sunday, November 20th, 1692. By Philip Stubs, A.M. Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon. And chaplain to the right reverend father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester.
The second edition, with a postscript..
London : printed for James Bonwicke, at the Hat and Star, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699.
ESTC No. R24633.Grub Street ID 108400.
Stubs, Philip.
Of publick baptism. A sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall-Chapel, Sunday, November 20th, 1692. By Philip Stubs, A.M. late fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon. And chaplain to the right reverend Father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester, now rector of St. Alphage, London.
The third edition, with a postscript..
London : printed for James Bonwicke, at the Hat and Star, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700.
ESTC No. R218112.Grub Street ID 92822.
Stubs, Philip.
God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd, in a sermon preached at Long-Reach August the 10th. 1701, on board ... The Royal Soveraign, by Philip Stubs,.
London : printed for Richard Mount, 1701.
ESTC No. N64908.Grub Street ID 46855.
Stubs, Philip.
God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd, in a sermon preached at Long-Reach August the 10th. 1701, on board His Majesty's Capital Ship The Royal Soveraign, by Philip Stubs, M. A. One of the Chaplains to His Majesty's Navy in Ordinary.
London : printed for Henry Mortlock, at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Richard Mount on Tower-Hill, Stationer to the Navy, MDCCI. [1701].
ESTC No. T12871.Grub Street ID 178254.
Stubs, Philip.
The hopes of a resurrection asserted and applied. In a sermon Preached Decemb. 4. 1700. At the interment of Mr. Thomas Wright: Wherein are some Occasional Reflections on the Abuse of Funeral Sermons. By Philip Stubs, M. A. Late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxon: Now Rector of St. Alphage, London.
London : printed by J. H. for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church Yard, MDCCI. [1701].
ESTC No. T10686.Grub Street ID 159951.
Stubs, Philip.
God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd. In a sermon preached at Long-Reach on board... The Royal Soveraign. By Philip Stubs,.
The third edition..
London : printed for Richard Mount, 1702.
ESTC No. N64907.Grub Street ID 46854.
Stubs, Philip.
God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd. In a sermon preached at Long-Reach on board Her Majesty's Capital Ship The Royal Sovereign. By Philip Stubs, M. A. One of the Chaplains to Her Majesty's Navy in Ordinary.
The second edition..
London : printed for Richard Mount, Stationer to the Navy, MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T11944.Grub Street ID 170849.
Stubs, Philip.
For God or for Baal; or, no neutrality in religion. A sermon against occasional communion, preach'd on Sunday Oct. 4th. 1702. In the parish churches of St. Alphage, and St. George Botolph-Lane. By Philip Stubs, M.A. late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxon: now Rector of St. Alphage, lecturer of St. George Botolph-Lane with St. Botolph Bellinsgate, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of Huntingdon. Published at the earnest request of many in both auditories.
London : printed by J. Leake, for Henry Mortlock at the Ph[oe]nix in St. Paul's Church-Yard: and are to be sold by John Nutt, near Stationers Hall, MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T33988.Grub Street ID 264415.
Stubs, Philip.
The restauration of the royal family, a blessing to three kingdoms: a thanksgiving sermon preached at St. Alphage Church on The Anniversary thereof May 29th, 1702; by Philip Stubs M.A. Rector of the Parish, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of Huntingdon. Published at the Request of its Auditors.
London : printed for John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1702.
ESTC No. T45684.Grub Street ID 273902.
Stubs, Philip.
God's dominion over the seas, and The Seaman's Duty, Consider'd. In a sermon preached at Long-Reach, on board Her Majesty's capital ship The Royal Soveraign. And Dedicated to His Royal Highness. By Mr. Stubs.
The fourth edition..
London : printed for Richard Mount, Stationer to the Navy, 1703.
ESTC No. T188046.Grub Street ID 223895.
Stubs, Philip.
La souverainete'[sic] de Dieu sur les mers, et le devoir des gens de mer, démontrez par les merveilles signalées de la Providence; ou sermon sur ces paroles du Pseaume CXXXV. vers. 6. prononcé à bord du vaisseau de Sa Majesté le Royal Souverain. ... Par Monsieur Stubs, ... Traduit de sa quatriéme edition en anglois,.
Londres : chez Daniel Duchemin, 1703.
ESTC No. N33521.Grub Street ID 21994.
Stubs, Philip.
For God, or for Baal; or, no neutrality in religion. A sermon against occasional communion, preach'd on Sunday, Octob. 4th. 1702. ... By Philip Stubs,.
The second edition..
London : printed by J. Leake, for Henry Mortlock, 1704.
ESTC No. N6890.Grub Street ID 50180.
Stubs, Philip.
Of religious charity, and religious loyalty. A sermon preach'd June 4th 1704. On board Her Majesty's capital ship the Royal Anne. By Philip Stubs, M. A. One of the Chaplains to Her Majesty's Navy in Ordinary.
London : printed by Tho. Warren for Henry Mortlock, at the Phaenix in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704.
ESTC No. T145714.Grub Street ID 192442.
Stubs, Philip.
The church of England, under God, an impregnable bulwark against popery. A sermon preach'd at St. Paul's cathedral, before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, November the 5th. 1703. Being the Anniversary Thanksgiving for our Deliverance from the Gun-Powder Treason, &c. By Philip Stubs, M. A. late Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon; now Rector of St. Alfage, London. Publish'd in its own Uindication.
London : printed by J. Leake, for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIV. [1704].
ESTC No. T10687.Grub Street ID 159957.
Stubs, Philip.
God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd. In a sermon preach'd at Long-Reach, on board Her Majesty's ... ship ... The royal soveraign. By Philip Stubs, ... The fifth edition. To which are added, some devotions proper for seamen, .
London : printed for Rebecca and James Bonwick, and Richard Mount, 1706.
ESTC No. T74506.Grub Street ID 297515.
Stubs, Philip.
Peace upon earth, the gift of God; and good-will to one another, the duty of men. A sermon preparatory to the general thanksgiving, preach'd On Sunday, May the 26th, 1706. In the Oratory of the Royal Hospital at greenwich, &c. on occasion Of the Glorious Successes then commememorated by Authority with which God was please to crown the Forces of Her Majesty, and Her Allies, by Land and Sea, in Brabant and Catalonia. Isaiah Chap LVII. part of 19 Verse. I create the Fruit of the Lips, Peace; Peace to him that is far off and to him that is near By Ph. Stubs, one of the Chaplains to Her Majesty's, Navy in Ordinary, and of Her Royal Hospital at Greenwich. Publish'd at the Request of its auditors.
London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side. For the Benefit of the Poor, [1706].
ESTC No. T146597.Grub Street ID 193223.
Stubs, Philip.
Peace upon earth, the gift of God; and good-will to one another, the duty of men. A sermon preparatory to the general thanksgiving, preach'd on Sunday May the 26th, 1706. In the Oratory of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich, &c. On Occasion of the Glorious Successes (then commemorated by Authority) with which God was pleased to crown the Forces of Her Majesty, and Her Allies, by Land and Sea, in Brabant and Catalonia. By Ph. Stubs, one of the Chaplains to Her Majesty's Navy in Ordinary, and of Her Royal Hospital at Greenwich. Published at the Request of its Auditors.
London : printed for R. and J. Bonwick, at the Red Lyon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1706.
ESTC No. N11994.Grub Street ID 2001.
Stubs, Philip.
Of confirmation. A sermon preach'd at Saint Benedict Grace-Church, May 14th. 1693. When the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry Lord Bishop of London, Confirmed there. Heb. VI. part of the second verse. And of laying on of hands. By Philip Stubs, A. M. Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon. And Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester. Publish'd at the request of the parishioners.
London : printed by Henry Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side. For the benefit of the poor, 1708.
ESTC No. T146584.Grub Street ID 193211.
Stubs, Philip.
Of publick baptism. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall-Chapel, Sunday, Novemb. 20. 1692. The fourth edition; with a postscript. By Philip Stubs, M. A. Rector of St. James Garlick-Hythe; and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Theophilus, Earl of Huntingdon.
London : printed by Henry Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water side. For the Benefit of the Poor, 1708.
ESTC No. T146586.Grub Street ID 193212.
Stubs, Philip.
The sea-assize; or, sea-faring persons to be judged according to their works. A sermon preach'd on Advent-Sunday, Nov. 28. 1708. ... on occasion of the most lamented decease of His Royal Highness Prince George Hereditary of Denmark, ... By Philip Stubs,.
London : printed by J. L. for R. Smith, 1709.
ESTC No. T68696.Grub Street ID 292838.
Stubs, Philip.
The sea-Assize; or, sea-faring persons to be judged according to their works. A sermon preach'd on Advent-Sunday, Nov. 28. 1708. In the Oratory of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich; And in the Parish-Church of St. Mary at Wolwich, Kent. On occasion of the most lamented decease of His Royal Highness Prince George, Hereditary of Denmark, Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, and of all Her Majesty's Plantations, &c. Published at the Request of Many in both Auditories. By Philip Stubs, M. A. Chaplain of Her Majesty's Navy in Ordinary at Wolwich; and of Her Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich.
London : printed by J. L. for R. Smith, at Exeter-Change in the Strand, MDCCIX. [1709].
ESTC No. N21367.Grub Street ID 10744.
Stubs, Philip.
The divine mission of gospel-ministers; With The Obligations upon all Pious and Rich Christians to promote it, set forth; in a sermon Preach'd before the Right Honble The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, At the Cathedral of St. Paul, on Trinity-Sunday, May 27, 1711. The Day appointed by Her Majesty for a Collection to be made in the City, &c. Towards the more Effectual Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Humbly offer'd to the Venerable Society Incorporated for that purpose. By Philip Stubs, Rector of St. James-Garlick-Hyth London, first Chaplain of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, and a Member of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts.
London : printed for R. and J. Bonwicke at the Red Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1711.
ESTC No. T34749.Grub Street ID 265007.
Stubs, Philip.
Thankfulness for peace, the subjects duty to God's vicegerent. A sermon preach'd at St. James Garlick-Hythe, London, and in the oratory of the Royal Hospital, Greenwich, July 1713. On Occasion of the General Thanksgiving Appointed by her Majesty for Peace. By Philip Stubbs, M. A. Rector of St. James Garlick-Hythe, London; and first Chaplain of Her Majesty's Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Greenwich.
The second edition..
London : printed for R. and J. Bonwick, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713.
ESTC No. T3109.Grub Street ID 261919.
Stubs, Philip.
Thankfulness for peace, the subjects duty to God's vicegerent. A sermon preach'd at St James Garlick-Hythe, London, and in the oratory of the Royal hosiptal, Greenwich, July 1713. On occasion of the general Thanksgiving appointed by Her Majesty for peace. By Philip Stubbs, M.A. rector of St. James Garlick-Hythe, London; and first chaplain of Her Majesty's Royal Hospital for seamen, at Greenwich.
The second edition..
London : Printed for R. and J. Bonwick, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713.
ESTC No. T3110.Grub Street ID 261930.
Stubs, Philip.
Thankfulness for peace, the subjects duty to God's vicegerent. A sermon preach'd at St. James Garlick-Hythe, London, and in the oratory of the Royal Hospital Greenwich, July 1713. On occasion of the general Thanksgiving appointed by Her Majesty for peace. By Philip Stubbs, M.A. rector of St. James Garlick-Hythe, London; and first chaplian of Her Majesty's Royal Hospital for seamen, at Greenwich.
London : Printed for R. and J. Bonwick, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713.
ESTC No. T3111.Grub Street ID 261940.
Stubs, Philip.
Thankfulness for peace, the subjects duty to God's vicegerent. A sermon preach'd at St. James Garlick-Hythe, London, and in the oratory of the Royal Hospital, Greenwich, July 1713. On Occasion of the General Thanksgiving Appointed by Her Majesty for Peace. By Philip Stubbs, M. A. Rector of St. James Garlick-Hythe, London; and first Chaplain of Her Majesty's Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Greenwich.
London : printed for R. and J. Bonwick, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713.
ESTC No. N14279.Grub Street ID 4157.
Stubs, Philip.
Of laying on of hands. A sermon preach'd on a confirmation had some years since by the late Ld. Bishop of London. Revis'd upon the paternal care of the Right Revd. Father in God, John, now Lord Bishop thereof, in going about to confirm thro' the respective churches of his extensive diocese. By Philip Stubbs, .
The third edition, with amendments..
London : printed for, and sold by John Morphew, 1714.
ESTC No. T12442.Grub Street ID 174633.
Stubs, Philip.
The church of England, under God, an impregnable bulwark against popery. A sermon preached at St. Paul's Cathedral, With several other Churches in London, And at the Royal Hospital, Greenwich; On Occasion of the Many Deliverances vouchsafed this Church and Nation from Popish Conspiracies; commemorated usually November 5. By Philip Stubbs, M. A. Rector of St. James Garlick-Hythe, First Chaplain of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich; and Arch-Deacon of St. Albans.
The second edition, with proper additions..
London : printed for Henry Mortlock, at the Phoenix in St. Paul's-Church-Yard; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1716.
ESTC No. T30741.Grub Street ID 261588.
Stubs, Philip.
Of laying on of hands. A sermon upon the Holy office of confirmation, according to the order of the Church of England, ... The fourth edition, with additions. By Philip Stubbs; .
London : printed by J. Downing; and sold by John Penn, 1717.
ESTC No. T73775.Grub Street ID 296980.
Stubs, Philip.
Advice to the Reverend the clergy, of the peculiar jurisdiction of Saint Alban, Within the diocese of London, given in the court-consistoriai held there on Thursday, May 2, 1723. At the eighth general visitation of that Archdeaconry by Philip Stubbs, B.D. and Archdeacon.
London : Printed for John Penn, at the Bible and Dove in Fleet-Street; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1723.
ESTC No. T167831.Grub Street ID 205841.
Stubs, Philip.
Farther advice to the reverend the clergy of the peculiar jurisdiction of St. Alban, within the diocese of London; given in the court-consistorial held at the ninth general visitation, Of that Arch-Deaconry. on April 19th. and on May 20th. at St. Alban, Hertfordshire mutatis mutandis at Winslow, Buckinghamshire 1725. By Philip Stubbs, B.D. and Arch-Deacon. Sometime Fellow of Wadham College, Oxon. Published at the Request of several of the St. Alban Clergy, and for the Interest of their small augmentable Livings.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre, for Richard Clements bookseller in Oxford, William and John Innys Booksellers at the Princes Arms the West End of St. Paul's, and John Penn at the Bible and Dove in Fleetstreet, London, [1725?].
ESTC No. N16952.Grub Street ID 6453.
Stubs, Philip.
The divine right of prerogative royal. A sermon Preach'd June 11th MDCCXXVIII in the Oratory of the Royal Hospital, Greenwich; On the first Anniversary of His Majesty King George IId's Happy Succession to the Throne; By Ph. Stubbs, B. D. of Wadham College Oxon; Archdeacon of St. Alban's, and first Chaplain of the Royal Hospital, Greenwich.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre; and sold by Rich. Clements Bookseller in Oxon, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, Lond., [1728?].
ESTC No. T7302.Grub Street ID 296364.
Stubs, Philip.
More advice to the Reverend the clergy of the peculiar jurisdiction of St Alban, within the diocese of London; given at a general visitation (both of the Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire parts of it) in the Court-Consistorial at St Alban's, May 23. MDCCXXIX. Concerning, 1. The faithfull discharge of their Sacred Functions, 2. Their opinion of Woolston, The Accuser of the Brethren, 3. The Proposal offer'd for Augmenting the poorer Livings amongst them. By Philip Stubbs, B. D. sometime Fellow of Wadham College, Oxon; now Rector of St Mary's in Launton, Oxfordshire; and Arch-Deacon of St. Alban's.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre: for Richard Clements Bookseller in Oxon; John Penn at the Bible and Dove in Fleet-Street; and J. Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, London, [1729].
ESTC No. T145671.Grub Street ID 192398.
Stubs, Philip.
The witchcraft of the scriptures: a sermon preach'd on a special occasion. By Ph. S. LL.D.
London : printed for J. Roberts, 1736.
ESTC No. N25715.Grub Street ID 15067.