Care, Henry.
The female secretary: or, Choice new letters. Wherein each degree of women may be accommodated with variety of presidents for the expressing themselves aptly and handsomly on any occasion proper to their sex. With plain, yet more exact and pertinent rules and instruction for the inditing and directing letters in general, than any extant. By Henry Care, translator of Female pre-eminence.
London : printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, and Mary Daniel, for Henry Million at the Bible in Fleet-Street, 1671.
ESTC No. R6767.Grub Street ID 127078.
Care, Henry.
Galliae speculum, or, A new survey of the French court and campDT Illustrated with the particular characters of His Most Christian Majesty now raigning [sic], his consort Royal, the Dauphin, princes of the blood, grand ministers of state, chief martial, officers and forces, by sea and land. With several choice remarques on the policies and present affairs of that puissant monarchy. By H.C. Gent.
London : printed by W. Downing, for F. Eglesfield at the Marygold in St. Pauls-Church-Yard, 1673.
ESTC No. R24252.Grub Street ID 108057.
Care, Henry.
[The Jewish calendar explained].
London : for T. Passinger, 1673.
ESTC No. R173391.Grub Street ID 66968.
Care, Henry.
The Jewish calendar explained; or, Observations on the ancient Hebrew account, of the year, months, and festivals used by the patriarchs, and mentioned in Holy Scripture. Wherein is shown the order, names, and significations of their moneths. The reasons for first instituting their several feasts, as Passover, Tabernacles, &c. with the exact days whereon they were celebrated; and what they were to shadow forth under the Gospel. Published for assisting weak capacities better to understand what they read in Holy Writ, more th[an] two hundred difficult places of which, are here explained. By Hen. Care.
London : printed for T. Passinger, at the t[hree] Bibles on London-Bridge, 1674.
ESTC No. R33304.Grub Street ID 115945.
Care, Henry.
The character of a turbulent, pragmatical Jesuit and factious Romish priest. Licensed, October 15. 1678.
London : printed for Langley Curtis, in Goat-Court on Ludgate-hill, 1678.
ESTC No. R5332.Grub Street ID 125784.
Care, Henry.
An elegie sacred to the memory of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey Knight; whose body was lately found barbarously murthered, and since honourably interr'd, the 31th of October, 1678.
London : printed for L[angley]. C[urtis]., 1678.
ESTC No. R8152.Grub Street ID 128352.
Care, Henry.
An elegie sacred to the memory of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey Knight; whose body was lately found barbarously murthered, and since honourably interr'd, the 31th of October, 1678.
London : printed for Langley Curtis in Goat-Court on Ludgate hill, 1678.
ESTC No. R220993.Grub Street ID 95217.
Care, Henry.
A word in season: being a parallel between the intended bloody massacre of the people of the Jews, in the reign of King Ahasuerus; and the hellish powder-plot against the Protestants, in the reign of King James. Together with an account of some of the wicked principles and practises of the Church of Rome, demonstrated in their barbarous and cruel murders and massacres of the Protestants in the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Piedmont, the Albigenses, &c. Also shewing that the present Church of Rome is an apostate church, and so discovered to be that mystery Babylon, mother of harlots, and abominations of the Earth, mentioned in the Revelations. By H.C. a lover of true Protestants.
London : printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhill near the Royal-Exchange, 1679.
ESTC No. R13082.Grub Street ID 61208.
Care, Henry.
The history of the damnable Popish Plot, in its various branches & progress. Published, for the satisfaction of the present and future ages, by the authors of the Weekly pacquet of advice from Rome.
London : printed for B.R. L.W. H.C. and are to be sold by Langley Curtiss, on Ludgate-hill, 1680.
ESTC No. R10752.Grub Street ID 59095.
Care, Henry.
Towser the Second a bull-dog. Or a short reply to Absalon and Achitophel.
London : printed for T.J., 1681.
ESTC No. R11698.Grub Street ID 59954.
Care, Henry.
The history of the damnable Popish Plot, in its various branches and progress. Published, for the satisfaction of the present and future ages, by the author of the weekly pacquet of advice from Rome.
The second edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for B.R. L.W. H.C. and are to be sold by Langley Curtiss, on Ludgate-hill, 1681.
ESTC No. R4952.Grub Street ID 125437.
Care, Henry.
The triall of Henry Carr, gent, at the Guild-Hall of the City of London, the 2d. day of July, 1680. Upon an information brought against him in the Crown-Office, charging him to be author (as in the said information it is called) of a certain false, scandalous, and malitious book intituled, The weekly pacquet of advice from Rome, or the history of popery. Particularly for that of the 1st. of August, 1680, which was the next Fryday after the tryal of Sir George Wakeman at the Old-Baily, before the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs. Also the tryal of Elizabeth Cellier, at the Kings-Bench Bar, July the 11th. 1680. where she was cleared, and Mr. Thomas Dangerfield, the chief witness against her, for some defect in his pardon, committed to the Kings-Bench Prison.
London : printed by I.G. for R. Taylor near Stationers-Hall, 1681.
ESTC No. R2771.Grub Street ID 110847.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, The free-born subject's inheritance, containing I. Magna Charta, the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act; and divers other most useful statutes: with large comments upon each of them. II. The proceedings in appeals of murther; the work and power of parliaments; the qualifications necessary for such as should be chosen to that great trust. Plain directions for all persons concerned in ecclesiastical courts; and how to prevent or take off the writ De Excommunicato Capiendo. As also the oath and duty of grand and petty juries. III. All the laws against conventicles and Protestant dissenters with notes, and directions both to constables and others concern'd, thereupon; and an abstract of all the laws against papists.
London : printed by G. Larkin, for John How, at the Seven-Stars at the south-west corner of the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil, [1682?].
ESTC No. R32534.Grub Street ID 115241.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, The free-born subject's inheritance, containing I. Magna Charta, the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act; and divers other most useful statutes: with large comments upon each of them. II. The proceedings in appeals of murther; the work and power of parliaments; the qualifications necessary for such as should be chosen to that great trust. Plain directions for all persons concerned in ecclesiastical courts; and how to prevent or take off the writ De Excommunicato Capiendo. As also the oath and duty of grand and petty juries. III. All the laws against conventicles and Protestant dissenters with notes, and directions both to constables and others concern'd, thereupon; and an abstract of all the laws against papists.
London : printed by George Larkin and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1682.
ESTC No. R30882.Grub Street ID 113719.
Care, Henry.
A perfect guide for Protestant dissenters, in case of prosecution upon any of the penal statutes made against them. Together with the statutes of 35 Eliz. and 22 Car. 2. at large. To which is added, a post-script about ecclesiastical courts, and prosecution in them.
London : printed for R. Baldwin, 1682.
ESTC No. R5384.Grub Street ID 125833.
Care, Henry.
Utrum horum: or, The nine and thirty articles of the Church of England, at large recited; and compared with the doctrines of those commonly called Presbyterians on the one side; and the tenets of the Church of Rome on the other. Both faithfully quoted from their own most approved authors. By Hen. Care.
London : printed for R. Janeway, in Queens-Head-Alley, in Paternoster-Row, 1682.
ESTC No. R2383.Grub Street ID 107682.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, The free-born subject's inheritance, containing, I. Magna Charta, the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act; and divers other most useful statutes: with large comments upon each of them. II. The proceedings in appeals of murther; the work and power of parliaments; the qualifications necessary for such as should be chosen to that great trust. Plain directions for all persons concerned in ecclesiastical courts; and how to prevent or take off the writ De Excommunicato Capiendo. As also the oath and duty of grand and petty juries. III. All the laws against conventicles and Protestant dissenters with notes, and directions both to constables and others concern'd, thereupon; and an abstract of all the laws against papists.
London : printed by G. Larkin, for Benjamin Harris, at the Stationers Arms and Anchor in the Piazza under the Royal-Exchange, [1682?].
ESTC No. R31286.Grub Street ID 114087.
Care, Henry.
The darkness of atheisme expelled by the light of nature; or, the existence of a deity: and his creation and government of the world. Demonstrated from reason, and the light of nature only. With an appendix touching the most proper method of preaching the Gospel among th heathens. Englished by H.C.
London : printed for D. Brown at the Black-Swan without Temple-barr, and T. Benskin in St. Brides-Church-yard, 1683.
ESTC No. R7365.Grub Street ID 127636.
Care, Henry.
Observations on a paper intituled, The declaration of the Lord Petre upon his death, touching the plot: in a letter to His Most Sacred Majesty. Being a full answer thereunto.
London : printed by George Larkin, at the lower-end of Broadstreet, next to London-Wall, 1684.
ESTC No. R12088.Grub Street ID 60305.
Care, Henry.
The tutor to true English: or, brief and plain directions, whereby all that can read and write, may attain to orthography, (or the exact writing of English) as readily as if bred scholars. Very much conducing likewise to the due sounding and perfect reading all sorts of words used in the English tongue. With an introduction to arithmetic: more easie than any yet extant. And several other observations of general use; especially for the youth of either sex, and forreigners by Henry Care.
London : Printed by George Larkin without Bishopsgate, and are to be sold by most booksellers, MDCLXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R6670.Grub Street ID 126997.
Care, Henry.
Draconica: or, An abstract of all the penal-lavvs touching matters of religion; and the several oaths and tests thereby enjoyned, now so much controverted. With brief observations thereupon. Published for more general information and satisfaction, by H.C.
London : printed by George Larkin, at the Two Swans without Bishopsgate, MDCLXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R8094.Grub Street ID 128298.
Care, Henry.
A modest enquiry, whether St. Peter were ever at Rome, and bishop of that Church? Wherein I. The arguments of Cardinal Bellarmine and others, for the affirmative, are considered. II. Some considerations taken notice of, that render the negative highly probable.
London : printed for Randall Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1687.
ESTC No. R7012.Grub Street ID 127308.
Care, Henry.
Animadversions on a late paper, entituled, A letter to a dissenter upon occasion of his Majesties late gracious Declaration of indulgence. By H.C.
London : printed for John Harris, at the Harrow against the Church in the Poultrey, MDCLXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R7312.Grub Street ID 127584.
Care, Henry.
Liberty of conscience asserted, or A looking-glass for persecutors; being a plain deduction from scripture-history of the original grounds [and] pretences for persecution. The methods taken to put the same in execution. Together with the sad consequences thereof: or, the reward that attends persecuting-spirits.
London : printed and sold by R. Janaway in Queens-Head-Alley, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1687.
ESTC No. R31288.Grub Street ID 114089.
Care, Henry.
Animadversions on a late paper entituled, A letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of his Majesties late gracious Declaration of indulgence. By H.C.
London : printed for J. Harris, at the Harrow against the Church in the Poultrey, MDCLXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R224285.Grub Street ID 97967.
Care, Henry.
The last legacy of Henry Care, Gent. lately deceased. Containing a brief sum of Christian doctrine, by way of question and answer. Particularly relating to several of the most important points controverted between us, and the Romanists. Decided by express testimonies of the Holy Scripture, and evident reason. Published for the use of such as are unable to purchase, or comprehend larger and more elaborate tracts.
London : printed for Tho. Cockerill at the Three Legs in the Poultrey, 1688.
ESTC No. R5003.Grub Street ID 125484.
Care, Henry.
The tutor to true English: or, Brief and plain directions, whereby all that can read and write, may attain to orthography, (or the exact writing of English) as readily as if bred scholars. Very much conducing likewise to the due sounding and perfect reading all sorts of words used in the English tongue. With an introduction to arithmetic: more easie than any yet extant. And several other observations of general use; especially for the youth of either sex, and forreigners. By Henry Care.
London : printed by George Larkin without Bishopsgate, and are to be sold by most booksellers, MDCLXXXVIII [1688].
ESTC No. R170789.Grub Street ID 65338.
Care, Henry.
An answer to a paper importing a petition of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and six other bishops, to His Majesty, touching their not distributing and publishing the late declaration for liberty of conscience. With allowance.
London : printed by Henry Hills, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, for His houshold and chappel; and are to be sold at his printing-house on the Ditch-side in Black-Friers, 1688.
ESTC No. R5331.Grub Street ID 125783.
Care, Henry.
A vindication of the proceedings of His Majesties ecclesiastical commissioners, against the Bishop of London and the Fellows of Magdalen-College.
London : printed by Tho. Milbourn, and published by Richard Janeway in Queens-Head-Alley in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R202803.Grub Street ID 79999.
Care, Henry.
Draconica: or, An abstract of all the penal laws touching matters of religion; and the several oaths and tests thereby enjoyned. With brief observations thereupon. By Henry Care.
The second edition, with considerable additions..
London : printed by George Larkin, at the Two Swans without Bishopsgate; and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1688.
ESTC No. R5383.Grub Street ID 125832.
Care, Henry.
An answer to a paper importing a petition of the Archbishop of Canterbury; and six other bishops, to His Majesty, touching their not distributing and publishing the late declaration for liberty of conscience. With allowance.
London : printed by Henry Hills, printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, for His houshold and chappel; and are to be sold at his printing-house on the Ditch-side in Black-Friers, 1688.
ESTC No. R35842.Grub Street ID 118202.
Care, Henry.
Draconica: or, An abstract of all the penal laws touching matters of religion; and the several oaths and tests thereby enjoyned. With brief observations thereupon. By Henry Care.
The third edition with considerable additions..
London : printed by George Larkin, at the Two Swans without Bishopsgate; and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1688.
ESTC No. R13546.Grub Street ID 61638.
Care, Henry.
The legality of the court held by His Majesties ecclesiastical commissioners, defended. Their proceedings no argument against the taking off penal laws & tests.
London : printed, and are to be sold by Richard Janeway, in Queens-Head-Alley in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R23058.Grub Street ID 102866.
Care, Henry.
A vindication of the proceedings of His Majesties ecclesiastical commissioners, against the Bishop of London, and the Fellows of Magdalen-College.
London : printed by Tho. Milbourn, and published by Richard Janeway in Queens-Head-Alley in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R22743.Grub Street ID 100337.
Care, Henry.
The tutor to true English: or, Brief and plain directions, whereby all that can read and write, may attain to orthography, (or the exact writing of English) as readily as if bred scholars. Very much conducing likewise to the due sounding and perfect reading all sorts of words used in the English tongue. With an introduction to arithmetic: more easie than any yet extant. And several other observations of general use; especially for the youth of either sex, and forreigners. By Henry Care.
London : printed by George Larkin, and are to be sold by Thomas Howkins in George Yard in Lumbard street, 1690.
ESTC No. R170790.Grub Street ID 65340.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, The free-born subject's inheritance, containing, I. Magna Charta, the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act; and divers other most useful statutes: with large comments upon each of them. II. The proceedings in appeals of murther; the work and powe of parliaments; the qualifications necessary for such as should be chosen to that great trust. As also the oath and dutyof [sic] grand and petty juries. III. The terms of liberty of conscience, confirmed to Protestant dissenters, by act of Parliament, in the second year of the reign of our graciou Sovreign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary. IV. An abstract of penal laws against popish recusants, priests and Jesuites, &c. V. The office and duty of a constable, church-warden, surveyer of the high-ways, or scavenger in all their respective qualifications, in which the meanest capacity may be enabled and instructed in the performance of his office.
London : printed for Sarah Harris, in Maiden-Lane, over against Haberdasher's Hall, 1691.
ESTC No. R31287.Grub Street ID 114088.
Care, Henry.
The tutor to true English: or, brief and plain directions, whereby all that can read and write may attain to orthography, (or the exact writing of English) as readily as if bred scholars. Very much conducing likewise to the due sounding and perfect reading all sorts of words used in the English tongue. With an introduction to arithmetic; more easie than any yet extant. And several other observations of general use; especially for the youth of either sex, and forreigners. By Henry Care.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed for E. Mory, at the Three Bibles in St. Pauls-Church-Yard, 1699.
ESTC No. R230504.Grub Street ID 102816.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, The free-born subject's inheritance. Containing, I. Magna Charta, the petition of right, the habeas corpus act, &c. With comments upon each of them. The proceedings in appeals of murder; the work and power of parliaments, the qualifications necesssary for such as should be chosen to that great trust. ... II. Of justices of the peace; their oath, office, and power, in many respects; with several law-cases alphebetically digested for ease and brevity, ... III. The coroner and constable's duty, relating to dead bodies, murder, man-slaughter, and felo-de-fe; arrests, escapes, and conservation of the peace. And lastly, the church-warden, overseer, and scavenger's duty at large, in the most necessary particulars. First compiled by Henry Care, and now inlarged with new and useful additions, by a Wellwisher to his Country. Dedicated to the honourable House of Commons.
London : printed and sold by Benj. Harris, at the Golden Boar's Head, in Grace-Church street, 1700.
ESTC No. R29173.Grub Street ID 112187.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, the free-born subject's inheritance. Being a help to justices as well as a guide to constables. Containing, I. Magna Charta, the petition of right, The Habeas Corpus Act, &c. With Comments upon each of them. The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder; The Work and Power of Parliaments, the Qualifications necessary for such as should be Chosen to that great Trust. The Advantage Englishmen enjoy by Trials by Juries That they are Judges of Law as well as Fact; and are not Fineable, nor to be Punish'd, for going contrary to the Judges Directions. II. Of justices of the peace; their Oath, Office, and Power, in many Respects; With several Law-Cases Alphabetically Digested for Ease and brevity, and Warrants proper thereto. concluding with Directions for Drovers, Badgers, Butchers, Toll-Keepers, and Clerks of the Market, &c III. The coroner and constable's duty, Relating to Dead Bodies, Murder, Man-Slaughter, and Felo-de-se; Arreste, Escapes, and Conservation of the Peace, The Chur.
London : printed by B. Harris in Grace-Church-Street, [1703?].
ESTC No. N9181.Grub Street ID 54056.
Care, Henry.
English liberties: or, the free-born subject's inheritance. Being a help to justices as well as a guide to constables, containing, I. Magna Charta, the petition of right, The Habeas Corpus Act, &c. With Comments upon each of them. The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder; The Work and Power of Parliaments, the Qualifications necessary for such as should be Chosen to that great Trust. The Advantage Englishmen enjoy by Trials by Juries; That they are Judges of Law as well as Fact; and are not Fineable, nor to be Punish'd, for going contrary to the Judges Directions. II. Of justices of the peace; their Oath, Office, and Power, in many Respects; With several Law-Cases Alphabetically Degested for Ease and Brevity, and Warrants proper thereto, concluding with Directions for Drovers, Badgers, Butchers, Toll-Keepers, and Clerks of the Market, &c. III. The coroner and constable's duty, Relating to Dead Bodies, Murder, Man-Slaughter, and Felo-de-se; Arrests, Escapes, and Conservation of the Peace. And La.
London : printed and sold by Benj. Harris, at the Golden Bear's Head, in Grace Church-Street, 1703.
ESTC No. N6537.Grub Street ID 47253.
Care, Henry.
English liberties, or the free-born subject's inheritance; containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the statute De Tallagio non concedendo, the Habea Corpus act, and several other statutes; with comments on each of them. Likewise. The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder: Of Ship-Money; Of Tonnage and Poundage. Of Parliaments, and the Qualification and Choice of Members: Of the Three Estates, and of the Settlement of the Crown by Parliament. Together with a Short History of the Succession, not by any Hereditary Right: Also a Declaration of the Liberties of the Subject: And of the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy. The Petition of Right; with a short but impartial Relation of the Difference between Charles I. and the Long Parliament, concerning the Prerogative of the King, the Liberties of the Subject, and the Rise of the Civil Wars. Of Trials by Juries, and of the Qualifications of Jurors; their Punishment for Misbehaviour, and of Challenges to them. Lastly, Of Justices of the Peace, Coroners.
The fourth edition..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for Arthur Bettesworth at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row, and John Hooke at the Flower-de-Luce against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, MDCCXIX. [1719.
ESTC No. T112711.Grub Street ID 164679.
Care, Henry.
English liberties, or The free-born subject's inheritance; containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the statute De Tallagio non Concedendo, the Habeas Corpus Act, and several other statutes; with comments on each of them ... with many law-cases throughout the whole. Compiled first by Henry Care, and contiued [sic], with large additions, by W.N. of the Middle-Temple, Esq;.
Boston: Printed by J. Franklin, for N. Buttolph, B. Eliot, and D. Henchman, and sold at their shops, 1721.
ESTC No. W31880.Grub Street ID 342324.
Care, Henry.
The history of Popery: with such alterations of phrase, as may be more suitable to the taste of this age; and such additions, as may improve the history, strengthen the argument, and better accommodate it to the present state of Popery in Great-Britain. By several gentlemen. .
London : printed for J. Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near Stocks-Market, MDCCXXXV. [1735]-36.
ESTC No. T68824.Grub Street ID 292967.
Care, Henry.
English liberties, or The free-born subject's inheritance. Containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the statute De Tallagio non Concedendo, the Habeas Corpus Act, and several other statutes; with comments on each of them ... with many law-cases throughout the whole. Compiled first by Henry Care, and continued, with large additions, by William Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq;.
Providence, Rhode-Island: Printed and sold by John Carter, at Shakespear's Head, in Meeting-Street, near the court house, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. W31881.Grub Street ID 342325.