Arleville, Bridel.
The genders of the French substantives, alphabetically arranged according to their terminations. By B. Arleville.
London : printed and sold by J. Phillips, George Yard, Lombard-Street; and by the author, No. 19, Colchester Street, Savage Gardens, M.DCC.LXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T118061.Grub Street ID 169625.
Arleville, Bridel.
Le petit rhétoricien françois, ou abrégé de la rhétorique françoise ... avec des exemples tirés des meilleurs orateurs et poëtes modernes. Par B. Arleville, .
Londres : chez J. Bew, 1791.
ESTC No. T117352.Grub Street ID 168945.
Arleville, Bridel.
Elements of the French pronunciation, upon a plan never before attempted, and adapted to the understanding of children. ... By B. Arleville, .
London : printed by H. L. Galabin ; for S. Crowder, 1794.
ESTC No. T117622.Grub Street ID 169208.
Arleville, Bridel.
Elements of the French pronunciation, upon a plan never before attempted, and adapted to the understanding of children; ... By B. Arleville, .
London : printed for B. Crosby, 1796.
ESTC No. N65448.Grub Street ID 47325.
Arleville, Bridel.
Practical accidence of the French tongue; or introduction to the French syntax. ... shewing the connection and difference there is between the English and French grammars : ... By Bridel Arleville, .
London : printed for the author, and sold by G. Sael; and T. Boosey, 1798.
ESTC No. T118068.Grub Street ID 169632.